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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 30

by Harmony Raines

  His laugh was hollow. “Then you heard what he said. He is going to take something more precious than my life. He wants to ruin you, to ruin me.”

  She got out and came around to his side of the car. Pulling the door open, she offered him her hand. “I am not going to let him ruin anything.”

  He placed his hand in hers, needing to feel her skin against his, if only briefly. Her touch gave him warmth and courage, but the courage had to be squashed because could not fight his way out of this one. Still, he let her pull him from the car.

  “Is it open?” she asked. He nodded and let her lead him inside the hangout. All eyes turned and watched as she took him upstairs to the apartment where he lived.

  “Freyja, you need to go.”

  “No Will. I need to do what I’ve known in my heart I should have done that night we first found out we were fated. The one thing I’ve learned is that fate doesn’t get these things wrong. I am yours. And you are mine, whether you like it or not.”

  With that, she undid her dress and let it slip to the floor. Followed by her bra, and then her panties. Like a fool, she stood there in front of him while he just stared. Shaking with nerves, afraid he would still reject her; she took a step towards him.

  “Freyja. You know what he wants.”

  “The ancient lands are just pieces of dirt. Our clan consecrated them once, and I will find a way to get them back or start new traditions. Because the one thing I know is that if that bastard thinks he can just take what he wants, then he is going to be sorely disappointed. If he wins this time, he will go on ruining lives. Look what he has done to us. I want him to know that he cannot control people.”

  “Listen to what you're saying. You came to me in the first place because of the way your father has taken this.”

  “And it would be better for my father to lose his daughter to that man instead?”


  “Whose decision is this, Will?”

  “Yours,” he said in a strangled voice of defeat.

  “Then take off your clothes. I feel stupid being the only one naked.”

  “Believe me, there is nothing stupid about you, Freyja McCormac.”

  His voice was velvety smooth, making the hairs on her neck stand up on end. Finally, he had given in to what they had both denied for too long. She watched, a lump in her throat, while he stripped his clothes off slowly. Her fingers couldn’t keep from touching his chest once it was bare. She stroked him while he undid his belt and let his suit pants drop to the floor.

  He kicked them aside, and she whispered, “Next time, I really want you to be wearing those tight leather pants that hug your butt so adorably.”

  He groaned as her hand found his cock, muttering, “There is nothing adorable about me, Freyja.”

  “We’ll see,” she said, and then his lips claimed hers and no words would form in her brain.

  Could anything be this much better than she had dreamed? His lips against hers drew sensations from her body she never knew existed. It started as a warm feeling between her thighs and spread through her stomach, making it feel as if snakes writhed there instead of her passion. Her breasts ached to be touched and she found herself pressing her body against his, needing to feel his warmth, his presence.

  “Freyja,” he gasped against her mouth, and then he pulled away. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she said, looking him squarely in the face.

  In one swift movement, he had picked her up and carried her to his bedroom. There, he placed her on the bed and covered her with his body. No foreplay, except him drawing a finger along her sex to satisfy himself she was ready for him, but she knew the scent of her arousal would have already done that.

  He guided himself into her, the head of his cock pressing against her and then entering her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her again while he pushed forward into her. Slowly he filled her, her sex yielding to him, gripping him tightly as he moved. He groaned against her, and she could feel the tension in his body; he was holding himself together for her and the effort was tremendous.

  Pulling back out of her, leaving her with a sense of loss, he then thrust deep into her, making her gasp as a stinging pain filled her. Her nails dug into his back and he eased back out of her, before sliding in again slowly, his cock massaging the walls of her sex. Slowly the pain ebbed away, turning to pleasure as he took her to new heights. His mouth latched onto her breast, his tongue circling her nipple, as he pushed her close to her climax.

  Realising she had screwed her eyes shut; she opened them and saw the strain on his face. He was holding back, something she never wanted him to do. Sucking on his earlobe, he groaned as she ran her tongue along the edge of it, her mouth sucking it, mimicking the movement of his cock inside her.

  He exploded, unable to stop himself coming. With his thick seed spurting deep inside her, his cock throbbed, giving her the final push to send her flying high on the wings of her emotions. Lights flashed and her mind swam as wave after wave of pleasure took control of her body.

  Will thrust hard and deep into her as he rode his orgasm to its end, then he slumped forward, his face hidden in the pillow of his bed. It took him several minutes to gain control and when he did, he looked at her sincerely and apologised.

  Chapter Seven – Will

  “For what?” she asked.

  “Everything. I seem to mess everything up around you.”

  “That was not messed up,” she told him gently.

  “It was your first time; it was supposed to be special.”

  “It was pretty spectacular to me,” she said softly, stroking his back.

  “I made you wait so long; I feel it should have been more.”

  “OK, Will. This has to stop.”

  He raised his face to hers. “I can’t believe I accepted his lies. That I made us stay apart because of what he said.”

  “You did what you thought was right.”

  “But in my heart, I’m sure I knew.”

  “Listen. Carson pressed your buttons in just the right order. But now you have to let it go. The past is the past. If you want to get back at Carson, I don't usually do revenge, but he is asking for it. We’ll come up with a plan to take everything back he’s stolen.”

  She rolled him off her so that he was lying on his back. Straddling him, she pinned his hands above his head and looked down at him, her breasts tantalisingly close to his mouth. Then she lifted her body up, his cock hardening instantly when he realised what she had in mind. Wordlessly he pulled his hand from her grip and guided himself into her, watching her face as she sank down on him, very slowly.

  Once he was deep inside her, he cupped her breasts in his two large hands and massaged them, his thumbs rubbing her nipples. It was as though the taut little buds were connected to her sex, as she tensed around him. Smiling he took one nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over it. Her hips bucked and her sex tensed; he sucked hard and she gasped. She held onto his arms as she tried to concentrate on maintaining some kind of rhythm.

  He cruelly grazed his teeth over the tortured bud, making her whimper. While her hips rocked as she frantically chased her release. His cock seemed to expand inside her, as his arousal grew once more to the point where he thought he would burst. However, this time he held it together until she had gained control of her body.

  She rocked backwards and forwards, rising up on her knees to drop back down, impaling herself on him. Sensing how close she was he pressed his thumb against her clit and felt her reaction instantly. She climaxed, his hands going to her hips and holding her in place so that when his cock erupted his seed shot deep inside her.

  He wanted her to bear his cubs. The feeling was strong: it was what mates did, they had wasted long enough, and he wanted to procreate with her now. To breed a new generation of cubs. In some way it would make up for the betrayal he had directed at his father. He had thought his father had kept the truth from him because he was afraid it would tip Will
over the edge into insanity.

  Instead, it was simply that there was nothing for him to admit to. His father had never meant it to be known about Carson, not unless Carson chose to tell the world. If he had wanted to, Carson could have lived his whole life as Will's brother. Will would have supported him in whatever he wanted to do. But that was never going to be enough for Carson.

  Once more, he felt like a fool and as Freyja stopped moving on him and instead wrapped her arms around his neck, he whispered, “I don’t deserve you.”

  “And I don’t deserve you, William Frasier. What you did took courage. I never saw it. But now I understand you were trying to save my family, my clan from destruction. Does it help that I think you did the right thing?”

  “Yes. But it doesn't help I did the right thing for the wrong reasons.”

  “Will, you are the best person I have ever met. I know how highly people in Bear Creek think of you. So does my father. He wouldn’t have ever objected to you being my mate.”

  “Even if it meant bringing insanity to your clan? If you were just another member, it wouldn't matter so much. But I worried that our children, the heirs to your clan, might be mad and that they would destroy it from within.”

  “That doesn't matter now.”

  “It might now, when he finds out my brother...”

  “Adopted brother,” she interrupted. “My father always says that it’s blood that matters.”

  “He might think differently when he knows that the person trying to pull your clan apart is his brother’s illegitimate son.”

  “Hmm. Do you think that's true?”

  “Your uncle must have thought so. To sign over the deeds. He must have been convinced.”

  She flopped down on the bed next to him; he turned and stroked her soft skin. “I guess I had better cancel all my appointments today.”

  “And tonight. We have ten years to make up for.”

  He laughed. “All the positions I wanted to fuck you in. I wonder how many we can fit into one day.”

  He kissed her mouth, brushing her long auburn hair back from her face. “Marry me, Freyja.”

  “You propose to me while we’re in bed? I’ve waited too long for you to get away with it that easily, Will.”

  He laughed. She was right; she deserved something special. Because she was special and she was his. They made love again and again. At some point, he found his phone and rang down to the bar to tell Joel to take over much of the business he had scheduled for the day.

  “Sure, Will. Everything alright?” Joel asked.

  “Yes, Joel. I’ll speak to you tomorrow.” Freyja had chosen that moment to show how talented her mouth was around his cock. He grunted.

  “She’s not got you tied up and torturing you, has she?” Joel joked.

  “No, Joel. Well, she has her own brand...” he gasped, “of torture.”

  Down the phone, he could hear Joel laughing. At that point, he hung up.


  Will sighed, stretching out to touch her, the thing he had dreamed of for years—waking up with Freyja next to him in his bed. Only she wasn’t there. The bed was cold where her warm body should have been. Instantly his brain was active, his body alert, listening in the hopes that she was still in his apartment. She wasn’t, her presence was gone.

  Holding his head in his hands, he cursed himself. She must have thought over everything that had happened and realised he was just a worthless, leather-clad bum after all.

  He swung his legs out of the bed, dragging on his leather pants and a T-shirt. He needed to get out on his bike and clear his head. He also needed a drink. It was the only thing that could dim the pain in his heart and the sound of her name as it drummed through his head. If the need for her had been bad before, now he had claimed her, it was almost intolerable. If he had to go cold turkey, he didn’t know if he could survive.

  In the short distance to the kitchen, his brain had raced through every place she could be, everything she had decided to do. His greatest fear was that she had decided to go to Carson and plead for the land. But her words yesterday had promised to seek revenge, not to appease his brother.

  The bottle felt familiar in his hand, the burning in his throat as he took the first slug the embrace of a familiar friend. But it would take more than this bottle to numb his soul.

  Chapter Eight – Freyja

  “Damn it Will, this is no time to get drunk.” She couldn’t believe he was drinking at this time in the morning. It was only about eight thirty, although the sun was already high in the summer sky.

  He placed the bottle on the counter and stared at her. “I thought you’d gone.”

  “I did, but now I’m back.” She took the bottle and screwed the lid back on. “I went home to change.”

  “I can see.” His eyes travelled up and down her body, resting on her curves, making her feel wonderfully feminine and desirable.

  “Will, I have something to tell you.”

  “It can wait.” He came to her, his hands closing around her body and drawing her close. His lips, tasting of whiskey, claimed hers and his tongue plundered her mouth.

  The old Will was back, and he was right, what she had to say could wait. His fingers fumbled at the buttons of her jeans, but once he had succeeded in opening them, he pushed them down over her generous hips and down her thighs. He bent down, his breath warm on her thighs as he took one foot each in turn and lifted them free of her jeans.

  When he came back up, his mouth trailed kisses along her legs, over her knees and the inner flesh of her thighs. Then his face was level with her clit and she held her breath, waiting to see what he was going to do.

  “Oh, hell,” she said as his mouth kissed her there through the fabric of her panties. She gripped the doorjamb as his tongue pushed forward to roll over its prize. Then he inserted a finger inside her and fingered her until she cried out, her juices soaking her panties. When her first orgasm had passed he stood, slipping her panties down and saying, “Step out of them.”

  She obeyed, her eyes fixed on his. Only her ears told her he was unzipping his leather pants, she was too lost in the desire in his eyes to tear herself away. Then he stepped closer to her and he bent slightly, his hands going around her so that he lifted her off her feet. Pinioning her to the wall with his body, he nestled between her thighs.

  In one slow, deliberate movement, he impaled her on his cock. Sighing with satisfaction when he was buried inside her to the hilt. There he rested, his eyes watching the rise and fall of her ample breasts.

  “You're intoxicating,” he said. “I don’t need the liquor when you're near. I need it to blot you out when you're not. It’s the only way I cope.” His gaze, level and steady, caught hers. “It’s a crutch.”

  “Chocolate,” she said, gasping as he slowly started to move his cock in and out of her. “Mine ... is ... chocolate.”

  His finger trailed along the curve of her breast and down the side of her body, lifting her shirt so he could look at her breasts. “I’m not complaining.” His fingers dragged her bra cup down, rolling her taut nipple in between his fingers. Her body jerked forward and down onto his cock. With her body pinned against the wall, he withdrew his cock before plunging back inside her, so deep she thought he would do her an injury. Yet she couldn’t deny how perfect it felt to be filled by him like this.

  He kissed the tip of her nipple, whilst he maintained a steady rhythm with his hips, pulling out and thrusting back into her. Then he sucked it, pulling his head back and then blowing on the taut bud. She clung to him, her fingers threading through his hair, pulling his head down.

  “Ask me.”

  “Please, Will.”

  “Please Will what?”

  “Use your mouth.”

  “Like this?” He licked her nipple with the flat of his tongue and then, using the tip, he circled it until she was panting in his arms. “I want to feel you come around me, Freyja.”

  “Will. Damn it. Make me.”

is mouth sucked hard on her nipple and she had to bury her face in his collarbone to drown out her cries. Her fingernails dug into his back as her climax covered her, taking her to another place, where they rolled in the grass in the summer sun high on a mountaintop.

  Hard and fast, his thrusts filled her until he slammed his fist into the wall as he came. Still he pounded out his orgasm, his seed filling her, hot and deep inside her until he was completely spent.

  Slowly he released her, and she slid down the wall until she was standing on her feet again. Although she had to lean against the solid bricks for support. Her breathing was quick and fast, while he panted, a laugh bubbling out of him.

  “Now, that is a good way to start the day.”

  She quickly bent down and retrieved their clothes. “I agree. Although you need to get dressed. My father and cousin are waiting for us in the bar.”

  “What?” His humour vanished. “You mean they have been there all this time?”

  “Yes. I said I’d come up and wake you.”

  “They’ll know,” he whispered.

  “Go and wet your hair, we’ll say you were showering.” She looked at him, seeing how shaken he was. “Go on.”

  “Freyja. Do they know?”

  She looked at him steadily. “I thought it was best to be honest. I know I should have asked you, but I did what I thought was right. Yesterday you seemed to be lost.” She smiled at him and leaned forward to kiss him. “Today you seem to have found yourself.”

  “Damn it, woman. You are something else.”

  “That’s why I am your mate. You need someone to keep you straight.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “I am going to have to be more assertive. I am the boss around here.” His hand went to her breast while his mouth claimed hers in a fierce kiss.

  Her knees went weak. “I will always be your equal, Will.”

  “We’ll see. I intend to bring you to your knees in the most pleasurable way, Freyja McCormac.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  He groaned and went to the bathroom. Freyja headed to the kitchen and picked up the bottle of whiskey, ready to pour it down the sink. Then she replaced it. This was his crutch. He was the one who needed to rise up and leave it behind.


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