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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 85

by Harmony Raines

  “That’s understandable.”

  She looked at him and knew she should have kept her mouth shut but she said, “I don’t think I am a very good judge of men.”

  “In what way?” he asked, and she wondered if it was just her, or had the level of heat in the car gone up about twenty degrees?

  “You know; I have trouble telling if they are really into me.” She sighed. Confession time. “I had a thing for Nate, you know?”

  “He mentioned it,” Joshua said honestly, and she was thankful he hadn’t tried to cover it up, but mortified that he knew.

  “It’s gone now, I see how happy he is with Chloe and know it was a fantasy. A one-sided fantasy.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself,” Joshua said.

  “What about you? Do you have a girlfriend back home?” she asked, trying to brighten the mood.

  “Nope,” he replied.

  “Anyone you like?” she asked, and his expression changed, but it was unreadable to her.

  “There might be,” he said cryptically.

  She stared at the road in front, wondering what type of woman Joshua was into. He was so good-looking and kind, he must have women falling over themselves to sleep with him. But what about settling down? Was that something he was interested in? She didn’t have the nerve to ask.

  “At least we both have families,” he said, changing the subject, much to her relief. “Must have been hard for Chloe losing her mom.”

  “It was, she hasn’t had it easy, which is why I was so happy when Nate fell for her. He seems as if he will stick around. And I know Chloe can’t wait to move out. Although she has patched up her relationship with her dad.”

  “Let’s hope we can do the same with the aunt. Families are the strangest of beasts,” he said. “Anytime you want to switch off and have me drive, let me know.”

  “I’m OK for another fifty miles, and then perhaps we can look for a gas station.” She looked at the clock. They were making good time and she would rather continue for as long as possible.

  “What’s the plan when we get there?” he asked.

  “We find a hotel, and then tomorrow we pay Yvonne a visit. I’ve brought a recent photo of Chloe with me. I sincerely hope she sees that none of this is Chloe’s fault.” Olivia shuffled around in her seat and eased the ache in her shoulders. “I hope we aren’t wasting our time.”

  “None of it is a waste. We can only do our best, though. I learned a long time ago you can’t change some people.”

  And you can’t make them love you either, she thought.


  “You can go a little faster,” she said. He had taken over driving after a bathroom break.

  “Don’t rush me, do you know how long it’s been since I’ve driven a car?” he asked, easing down on the gas a little.

  “Want me to take back over?” she offered.

  “Nope,” he said, adjusting the mirror again. “Just have a little patience.”

  “We’re on a deadline, that’s all,” she said.

  “There, it’s coming back to me now,” he said, and she could tell he was joking. The more time she spent with him, the more attuned she seemed to become to his mood.

  “What kind of hillbilly town do you come from?” she asked.

  “One that is under snow for a lot of the time. Slow is the safest speed.”

  She laughed. “Do you do everything slow?”

  And then she blushed furiously as he answered, in that damn sexy voice, “Only some things, Olivia, other things I like to do fast.”

  The meaning hung in the air between them, the small space in the car suddenly lacking oxygen as she struggled to breathe. He confused her on so many levels; one minute he flirted with her, the next he backed off, leaving her unsure of whether she had misread a word or a look he gave.

  “How big is this slow town of yours?” she asked, hoping he didn’t notice the flush in her cheeks.

  “Big enough. Similar to Bear Bluff. I like small towns,” he said. He had begun to speed up, adjusting his driving to the flow of the traffic. Her fears they would never get to their destination before midnight seemed unfounded.

  “Would you ever move from Alaska?” she asked lightly, trying not to sound too interested in his answer.

  “I might. For the right reason I might,” he said and his blue eyes ignited her soul, their message clear. I would for the right woman.


  Two hours later they were pulling up outside a hotel, Yvonne lived about a mile away and they decided to have something to eat and settle into their rooms, and then walk there to check it out.

  “Here, let me take your bag,” he offered, holding out his hand.

  “I can manage,” she said firmly.

  “I know you can. I can see you are a very capable woman, Olivia, but a man likes to be a gentleman.” He cocked his head on one side and then said, “Please, it would make me feel better. My mom raised me to be chivalrous.”

  She giggled. “OK, but only because you used the word chivalrous.”

  “Let’s go and see if they have any rooms free.” He led the way, holding both bags in one hand and also managing to hold the door open for her too.

  “Thank you,” she said, feeling the closeness of him as she passed by. How she wanted to stop, and run her hands over his chest and kiss his lips. And yes, part of her was hoping the hotel would only have on room available so they would have to share.

  “Hello, can I help you?” the man at reception said.

  “Yes, please, we’d like two rooms,” Joshua said.

  The man looked from one to the other; he must have thought they were a couple, but he didn’t say a word, only tapped on his keyboard. Joshua caught her eye and made her heart flutter: Would he have preferred one room? Had he only asked for two to appear chivalrous? She never thought she would wish a man hadn’t got impeccable manners and respect for her.

  “OK, room 204 and 205.” The guy handed them keys. “Do you have a credit card?”

  Joshua looked embarrassed. “No, I only have cash.”

  “I have,” Olivia stepped in.

  “I can’t ask you to pay for both rooms,” he said, producing a roll of bank notes.

  “Look, we use my card for the rooms and you can pay for dinner,” she said. He opened his mouth to protest. “I accept your chivalry, but in return you have to accept my equality.” She handed the credit card over and took the keys, much to amusement of the receptionist.

  “Olivia, I can pay my own way,” he protested and she knew she had hit a nerve of some kind.

  “I know. Come on, I’m starving, let’s dump our bags and then go to dinner.” She looked at him, hoping he wasn’t going to make a scene. “I’ll even let you carry my bag to my room.”

  “Deal,” he said and followed her to the elevator. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a hotel.”

  “Me too.” She smiled at him mischievously. “Do you feel like a country hick? Because I do.”

  “You surprise me,” he said as the elevator climbed to their room. “I thought you were a sophisticated lady.”

  She burst out laughing. “No, not at all.”

  The doors opened and they walked together along the corridor, stopping outside the first room. “I’ll take this one. Here is your key and I’ll see you in a couple of minutes. I just need to freshen up.”

  “Sure,” he said, taking the key from her and going down the hallway. She stood and watched him. “I do know how a door works.” He winked at her. “Or is there something else you need my help with?”

  He broke through her little daydream “Sorry, I was just … thinking.”

  “Thinking or dreaming?” he said, his voice a caress, almost as if it was inviting her into his room.

  “I’ll be ten minutes, Joshua,” she said and then went into her room, shutting the door and leaning against it for a moment while she convinced herself that going back out there and throwing herself at him was not a good idea.
br />   The wedding and Aunt Yvonne. That was why they were here, not for illicit sex in a hotel room. But it was so appealing.

  Chapter Eight – Joshua

  She was in the room next door, and his bear wanted to knock a hole in the wall so they could throw her on the bed and claim her.

  Not happening, he told his bear firmly.

  He put his backpack down on the bed and went to the bathroom, running the cold tap and then splashing it on his face to cool himself down. This might not have been such a good idea; the more time he spent with her, the harder it was to resist her. Every look, every smile, and the scent of her … that drove his bear crazy. He was sure she felt the same way, and was sure he aroused her.

  Maybe she just wanted sex. His bear balked at that idea. There was no way he could just have a one-night stand with her and then walk away. He had to start making it clear he wanted them to have a deep and meaningful relationship.

  By the time she knocked on his door, he had made up his mind that tonight was going to be filled with romance. Laying the ground for after the wedding, so she would not be shocked when he offered her his heart and undying love as soon as Chloe and Nate were married.

  Opening the door, he inhaled her scent deeply, and then joined her in the hallway. “Ready?”

  “Yes,” she answered. “I’ve got a map of the town on my phone. So let’s go and do some reconnaissance.”

  “Don’t you want to eat first?” he asked, concerned at how hungry she must be by now. As if to confirm this, her stomach growled in agreement.

  “I thought we could look for a restaurant on the way.”

  “Good thinking,” he said, pressing the button for the elevator. They stood waiting and he felt awkward, almost as if they had slipped back to how they were before they got in the car to travel here.

  They got into the elevator, and Olivia went to stand on the opposite side to him, hugging herself with her arms. He longed to wrap his own arms around her and hold her close, but she was putting up barriers for a reason and he didn’t want to push her, didn’t want to ruin this night.

  They quickly descended to the lobby, neither of them saying a word, but he was acutely aware of her standing so close to him he could feel the heat of her body. When the elevator opened, they crossed the lobby, under the watchful eyes of the receptionist, and then they walked out into the twilight. She shivered, and his arm left his side to wrap around her, but then he gained control and let it fall back down. He didn’t want to seem too forward. “Which way?”

  “Left, and then the next right. It takes us through the town centre.” They walked together, making small talk about different shops and stores they passed. But it was light, nothing deep, and he let it go. Maybe over dinner he could figure out this sudden change in her.

  “That looks promising,” she said as they passed a restaurant. The smells coming out made his mouth water.

  “Do you want to go and eat first?” he asked, looking in the window. There was room for them to sit and a live band was playing.

  “On the way back. If you don’t mind,” she added. “Only I think once I’ve eaten I’ll be ready for bed, the journey exhausted me. All that sitting around.”

  “I thought maybe my company bored you,” he said, joking.

  “No. Never,” she said, a look of longing lingering across her face. So what was wrong, their attraction was mutual, so why was she shying away from it? “I mean, it’s better than my own company.”

  “I don’t know, I like being with you, Olivia,” he said honestly.

  “And then when the wedding is over you’ll go home?” she asked.

  So that was it, she wasn’t after a one-night stand, she was afraid of one. Afraid of him using her, perhaps.

  “That depends. I’m free to do what I want. I have no real ties, no job. I fish, do this and that. I’m not exactly a nine-to-five guy.” He fell into step beside her, seeing her body soften and relax once more. “I have been thinking about hanging around and setting up a business with Nate.”

  “You have?” she asked, her voice breathy and excited.

  “Why not?” The thought had come to him suddenly.

  She walked on in silence.

  They crossed the street and turned left, following the road past a park; from there the road curved around. “It’s down here.”

  He followed her, letting her think, although he wanted to know if she hated the idea of him hanging around. “Is this the road?” he asked.

  “Yes. Number twelve, down here on the left.” She pointed to a neatly kept house, the garden pristinely trimmed and mowed. “I wanted to see the house, see if it gave us some kind of clue as to what Aunt Yvonne is like.”

  “Neat. A little OCD, maybe,” Joshua said, looking at the house and knowing he would hate to live somewhere like this; it was if the house wasn’t allowed to breathe, to be itself.

  “This doesn’t look good, does it?” she asked. “I mean a woman who likes things to be that controlled is hardly going to let us walk away with the choker for Chloe, is she?”

  “Hey, don’t give up. Maybe this is her outward projection, and inside she is this seething mass of hidden emotion,” he said, and this time he did put his arm round her, to comfort her.

  She stiffened and then relaxed, and although he might be deceiving himself he felt her lean into him as if accepting his comfort. “I hope so,” she said quietly.

  “Let’s go eat, unless you want to knock the door at this time of night.”

  She shook her head. “No, I think we should come back about ten o’clock in the morning, not too early, not too late.”

  “I think that sounds like a good idea. I also think you would feel a lot better if you ate,” he said, regretting them coming here. They should have left it until the morning when they were both feeling fresh.

  “You’re right,” she said, turning around to walk back the way they had come. He was pleased when she didn’t remove his arm from her shoulders; it gave him hope.

  “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself,” he said as they walked. “You know Chloe didn’t think there was much hope.”

  “I know, but I had this ideal image in my head, you know, that I would get the choker for her and it would make her happy. I can’t imagine not having my mom around,” she said and then shrugged. “I think when this is all over I might take a trip back home and see my family. I moan about them, but I can’t imagine not having them there for me.”

  He wanted to tell her that he hoped by the time she went back to visit her family, she would have some good news about her own personal life. That she would be able to tell them she had found the perfect man.

  That she had found him.

  Chapter Nine – Olivia

  The restaurant had a live band playing, which instantly put her in a good mood. If the food matched up to the atmosphere, this would be a night to remember, especially since her company, in the form of Joshua, was both easy on the eyes, and had the ability to put her at her ease. She liked him. A lot.

  Grabbing a table, they sat down and looked at the menus, while waiting for the server coming over to take their order. Olivia was starving, and the food sounded wonderful, and smelt wonderful as the scents wafted out from the kitchen.

  “I need a nice, juicy steak,” Joshua said, and closed his menu, placing it down on the table.

  “Is that what red-blooded males eat?” she asked, thinking she might have the chicken.

  “This red-blooded male does,” he said. The server appeared at his shoulder, and her appraising look told him she thought he was all male and definitely hot-blooded as well as red-blooded. Olivia felt a pang of jealousy, but Joshua was oblivious to the whole thing; he only had eyes for her when he asked, “Have you decided?”

  “Yes, thanks. I’ll have the chicken, with fries and a side order of onion rings.” It annoyed Olivia that the server still had half of her attention on Joshua, but that was the price of having dinner with such an attractive man.

>   She was smiling about this when he looked back at her after thanking the waitress. “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “Does that happen to you a lot?” she asked, genuinely curious.

  “What? The server? I don’t understand.”

  “The way she drooled over you,” Olivia said, sipping her water.

  “She did?” he asked.

  “Oh yeah.” Olivia looked around the room. “In fact, most of the single women in here, plus a few married ones are giving you more eye time than anyone else in the room.”

  “Eye time,” he repeated, and then grinned. “I really never noticed. Maybe because where I live in White Bear Springs I have a lot of competition from my brothers,” he said.

  “White Bear Springs, now that is an interesting name,” she said. “Are there polar bears around there?”

  He hesitated, “Some.”

  “Do they ever pose a threat? You know, I heard they attack people if they are really hungry.”

  He shook his head. “Not where I live, the bears are very well behaved. I would love to take you there some time.”

  “I’d like that,” she said shyly, her eyes flicking up to his to try to read if this was a platonic friendship kind of visit, or something more. Damn, she hoped it was more. Her throat constricted with her need for him, and she had to take another sip of water or she wouldn’t be able to speak.

  “Then maybe when the wedding is over we can go.”

  “After I’ve visited my parents,” she reminded him.

  “Maybe I could come there too,” he said.

  She laughed, “They would most definitely get the wrong idea if you did.”

  “What if it wasn’t the wrong idea?” he asked, catching her off guard.

  “I don’t understand,” she said,

  “The chicken.” The female server placed a plate of food down in front of Olivia, and then fetched the rest of their order. As Olivia sat and waited, she didn’t know if she would be able to eat a thing. Not only could she barely swallow, but now her stomach was doing crazy back flips too.


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