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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 88

by Harmony Raines

  “Hang on a minute, lady, let’s get your shoes off. And don’t you think pyjamas would be better than your clothes?”

  “I don’t think I have the energy.” Chloe flopped down on to the bed.

  “Here, let me help you,” Olivia said, and began to help Chloe undress. Once she was in bed, pyjamas on and covers over her, she took out her phone, realising it might be a good idea to text Nate to let him know, just in case he got home and thought Joshua had snuck a woman into his bed as a joke.

  She waited ten minutes, but got no reply. Looking at her watch, she knew she should be getting home, it was late and she was tired. Checking on Chloe, she saw the steady rise and fall of her shoulders and felt happy to leave her sleeping peacefully.

  Heading outside, she shut the front door firmly, a little worried that it was unlocked. Checking her phone once more, she thought about staying, at least until Nate got back.

  “What to do?”

  And then she heard something that made her body shiver, and yet come alive all in the same instant. Out across the mountain somewhere, a bear was calling. Yet it wasn’t the sound that the bears that roamed the forests and mountainous slopes usually made. This was different.

  She couldn’t put her finger on what exactly was unique about the roar, but deep down, she knew. Just as she knew the flowers bloomed in the summer, and that Chloe would have a killer hangover tomorrow.

  The call was for her, and Chloe’s words came back, replaying in her head on a loop. Nice white bear hide would look great on the floor of our sitting room. And where did you find white bear hides? Alaska.

  It was impossible. Illogical, and yet as the call got closer, she didn’t run; she had to know for sure.

  Despite Chloe’s words, she was still totally unprepared when the polar bear emerged onto the track in front of her, ghostlike in the cold night. Warm breath from his mouth formed clouds in the air. He puffed and then lifted his head, scenting the air, scenting her.

  And then, on one giant paw after another, he approached her.

  Chapter Fourteen – Joshua

  She wasn’t supposed to be here. Nate said Chloe was spending the evening with Olivia at her father’s house. The bachelor party had ended early, well the human side of it anyway, now it was their bears’ turn to run. They had all headed up over the mountain, climbing over steep paths and through wooded valleys, and then one by one they had headed home.

  And that was what Joshua was doing, and any minute Nate would come crashing through the trees, racing him for home.

  Joshua’s bear sniffed the air, his mouth open so that they could taste her, her scent setting his body trembling in desire. Damn, his bear was becoming uncontrollable, the need to be closer to her, to protect her from Nate when he arrived, was too much. The two of them had history: what if Nate claimed her, while Joshua just stood and watched?

  Bears, so unreasonable. Nate had his mate, he would never betray her, and never betray Joshua; they were as close as brothers.

  He stepped nearer. She held her ground, another step, and he saw her nerve waver, but she stayed put. Why wasn’t she scared, he thought she had no idea about the bears in Bear Bluff, that shifters were unknown to her.

  Olivia. Her name swept through his head, and he wanted to turn human, sweep her off her feet and take her into the mountains and make love to her. But it was too cold. She would freeze. Excuses.

  He was scared, plain and simple. Scared of rejection, of Olivia walking, no, running, out of his life forever. He stopped. His breath coming out of his mouth like steam, to drift off into the dark night, taking his hopes with it. But if he never tried, he would never know if she was willing to take this bear into her heart and keep him there forever.

  And it was too late now to run and hide. If he wasn’t a damn polar bear, he might have got away with pretending to be a normal bear. But she wasn’t stupid; polar bears didn’t belong here in Bear Bluff.

  Behind him, the crash of a drunken bear arriving alerted him to Nate’s arrival. He slid down the last fifty feet of slope and landed in a puddle of bear hide on the floor. Things were about to get interesting.

  Joshua turned to face Nate, and watched as he staggered to his feet like a new-born foal. Feet spread out to support his thickset body. He swayed, looked as if he was about to fall flat on his face, and then regained control, wobbling towards Olivia.

  Joshua headed towards him, and stopped him with his bulky body, nudging him. Nate stopped, and looked at Olivia again and then sat down on his bear butt. This was it, Joshua was going to have to tell Olivia what he was, no, show her what he was.

  Summoning his courage, he went towards the house, where she stood with her back to the door, watching his every move. He looked at her, really looked at her, and tried to will her to understand. And then she surprised him, by walking towards him, one slow step at a time, with her arm outstretched.

  “I know who you are,” she said, only her voice telling him how nervous she was.

  He puffed hot air at her, drawing in her scent, she smelt delicious to his bear, so unique, so theirs. Staring up at her, he tried to make her see he wouldn’t hurt her, couldn’t hurt her. And then her fingers brushed through his thick fur, and a tremble of desire ran through him, and it was the human side of him’s turn to try to break free from the bear body. But his bear wouldn’t have it; he was too busy shivering in ecstasy at the touch of her fingers.

  “What are you?” she asked.

  And that was the moment he knew he had to change back to his human form and try to explain the unexplainable.

  He stepped back, making room between them and then he let himself shimmer out of this world for a moment, to return on two legs, with a heart filled with love and desire and a hell of a lot of fast talking to do.

  “Please, will you give me a chance to explain?” he asked, seeing her startled face.

  She wanted to run, to hide from what she had seen. Was he so terrifying?

  “What just happened? How did you…?” she asked, her words so soft he almost missed them.

  “I can change from a bear to a human. I don’t know how, I wasn’t bitten; I was born like it. It’s just the way some of us are.”

  Her eyes slid past him to where Nate was still sat on the floor, his bear head cocked to one side. “And Nate?”


  “Chloe?” Her face creased into a frown of disbelief.


  “But she knows.” Olivia sounded betrayed.

  “Only because she is Nate’s mate,” Joshua said honestly. “He had to tell her.”

  “And I’m your mate. That’s what Chloe said.”

  “Yes.” He wanted her to know how much that meant; to him, it was everything. But she looked on the verge of tears, and he didn’t want to overwhelm her.

  She’s just seen you change from a polar bear to a man. How much more overwhelmed can she be?

  “It can’t be real.”

  “It is.”

  She looked at him, meeting his eyes, staring at them as if trying to make out what thing, what freak, was standing in front of her. And all the time he wanted to swear his undying love to her.

  “I need to go home,” she said, walking past him, making sure no part of her body came into contact with his.

  “Please wait, Olivia,” he said, touching her arm, she jumped back from him as if he had burned her. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I think I know that,” she said. “But I can’t be here, I need to think this through.”

  She walked away from him, back to her car, and drove out of his life, while he clung onto the door frame, to stop his bear taking over and running after her wherever she might go.

  Chapter Fifteen – Olivia

  “You know all about this bear business then, Declan?” Olivia stood in his office, her arms folded in front of her chest.

  “Come in and close the door,” he said, looking at her with concern, and maybe a bit of fear. Well, he should be afraid. She h
ad worked here long enough that she thought she had earned his trust, and all this time there was a secret world going on behind her back.

  “Well?” she asked, her lips pressed thin as she tried to control her anger.

  “Want some coffee?” he asked.

  “No, it’s an explanation I want. I thought we were friends,” she said, her words catching in her throat.

  “We are, Olivia. Listen, come and sit down, and I’ll try to answer your questions,” he said.

  Going to the chair opposite his, she sat down heavily, her body and brain exhausted from lack of sleep and the multitude of questions that kept circling her brain. Crossing her legs, she leaned back and arched her eyebrow.

  “I found out last night.”

  “I see, bit of a shock, I guess?” he said, his voice soothing, the same voice he used for victims of crime.

  “Just a little,” she said nodding. “I mean one minute you’re living in the real world, the rational world, and the next you are in this alternate pace where men change into bears.”

  “And women,” he said. “And not just bears.”

  She blew the air out of her out, trying to get a handle on the whole thing. “How?”

  He shrugged. “Freak of nature, I don’t know, we’re just born that way.”

  “There are a lot of you?” she asked.

  “Yes. At least I guess there are, we’re a secretive bunch,” he said, and this was where his fear came from. The hidden question in his eyes was, would she tell?

  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Goodness, you should know by now I can keep secrets.” She pouted petulantly. That was the thing that bothered her. Not that there were bears in this world, but that the people she cared about and trusted hadn’t trusted her in return.

  “I’m sorry,” Declan said. “It’s not an easy thing to tell someone, you know. It’s easier to say nothing.”

  “Well, it’s done, I know the truth and I hope you will let me in on your little private calls now. I always wondered if you were a dirty cop, all those phone calls in your office with the doors closed. Except I know you’re too straight for that,” Olivia said.

  He grinned. She liked Declan a heck of a lot, and respected him; she just wished he had trusted her, but she could see he was only protecting his own. “You know, it’s going to be much easier now. You want to tell me how you found out?” He looked at her closely. “You’ve got a mate.”

  “Have I? Is that what happens?” Olivia tried to figure out how he knew, but couldn’t; maybe they had a sixth sense for this kind of thing.

  “Yes, for the shifter, that’s what we call ourselves, once we know who our mate it we will move heaven and Earth to make them happy, to make them ours,” he said.

  “And do I have a say in that?” she asked.

  “Of course, but…”

  “But what?”

  “You know that whoever your mate is will love you, honour you, and cherish you. Even without those marriage vows.”

  “And that’s supposed to be enough?” she asked. “I’m supposed to fall head over heels and go gooey eyed at a man who can change into a bear?”

  “Who is it?”

  “No one you know,” she said, and thought over the time she had spent with Joshua. She liked him, really liked him: the bear thing, well, that had kind of got in the way of things. But should she let it?

  “He the polar bear from Alaska? Come for Chloe’s wedding?” Declan asked.

  “How did you know?” she asked. “I mean, how did you know he was a polar bear?”

  “I was at the bachelor party last night, Nate’s last night of freedom.” He smiled. “Strange thing is, we all want to give up our freedom, to be with the woman of our dreams, and know it’s right, no second guessing, no worrying if settling down is the right thing to do.”

  “I swore myself off men, felt as if I made a fool of myself over Nate.”

  “Why don’t you go see him, Olivia, it’s not like you to back down from anything. You did nothing wrong with Nate; he can’t help the way he feels for Chloe. No one meant to hurt you, no one laughed at you.”

  Looking up at Declan, it all became clear. What happened was outside of her control, and she could either keep running from it, or take it by the … what? Scruff of the neck, and hold on for the ride?

  “Thanks, Declan,” she said getting up and heading for the door. “I’ll head over there this afternoon.”

  “Go now, Olivia, the guy must be as miserable as sin. And the wedding is tomorrow. Go and get it sorted out; I’d hate for anything to spoil the big day,” Declan said, getting up and coming over to her. “And don’t worry about coming back. Not until after the wedding.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Absolutely, call it time off for good behaviour.” He kissed her on the cheek, and said, “Welcome to the world of bears.”

  She giggled. “I just can’t imagine you … oh, never mind. I keep thinking I’ll wake up and find I got hit by a truck the first time I met Joshua and this is all a way to pass the time while I’m in a coma.”

  He pinched her arm. “Ouch.” She put her hand up to where he had squeezed her flesh. “What was that for?”

  “So that you know you’re alive.”

  “I’ll see you at the wedding, Declan.” Walking out of his office, she shook her head and muttered, “Bears.”

  “Heard that,” he said.

  “You were meant to. Now I know why you behave like a bear with a sore head,” she called as she headed out the front door and into the street. The cool air hit her, waking her up to reality. What exactly was she planning on doing?

  Heading for her car, she got in, and then simply sat there staring out of the window. Did she head over to the house, would all three of them be there? And the wedding, she had so much to do.

  “OK, one thing at a time, let’s go and sort out the mess with Joshua.” Decision made, she drove to the house, where she was expecting to find a hungover Chloe and Nate. She wasn’t wrong.

  Pulling onto the track leading to the house, she saw Joshua standing outside, as if he knew she was coming. Could he? Was this a part of the special bond between them?

  Parking her car, she got out slowly, stalling for time as she thought of what she was going to say and what she wanted to hear from Joshua.

  “Hi,” he said. “Want to go for a walk? Nate and Chloe are eating breakfast; it’s not a pretty sight.” He smiled, but looked so nervous, her heart contracted in pain.


  He led them back along the drive, towards the road. Halfway along, he turned towards the trees and squeezed through a gap. When she followed, he held out his hand to her and she took it, letting him help her through, feeling the frisson of electricity pass between them. It made her shiver, in a delicious way. She could get used to the way he made her feel.

  Chapter Sixteen – Joshua

  He was nervous, the most nervous he had ever been, but then this was the most important moment in his life, the moment he told his mate what he was, maybe even showed her what he was. Or the moment he lost her forever.

  They climbed together up over the rise of the hill, neither of them speaking. When they reached a flat plateau overlooking Bear Bluff, they sat down, Joshua wishing he had brought a blanket or something to lie on the floor for her to sit on.

  “Not so romantic,” he said.

  “I like it here. I want us to be alone, to talk. I want to understand…” She couldn’t bring herself to say understand your bear, your other side. Was it because it freaked her out, or because she couldn’t believe it was real?

  “Maybe it would be best if I showed you?” he asked.

  “Damn, it’s scary.” She twisted her fingers nervously. “Yes. Please.”

  He got up, hating to walk away from her, but wanting to change in the cover of the trees. A polar bear out here on the mountain would turn a few heads. And the only head he wanted to turn was hers.

  Joshua stood
still, his eyes fixed on hers, and for once he was scared he might not be able to change, that his bear would abandon him and he would be left looking foolish in front of her, and she would run away and think he had made it all up, that he was a liar.

  I’m here, his bear said, and Joshua relaxed, letting the bear take over.

  The air around him shimmered and for a split second he slipped out of this world and when he came back he was standing on all four paws, shaking his big bear head and looking at her anxiously.

  Olivia got up, and stood looking at him for a moment, before coming forward, her hand outstretched. He was ready for her touch this time, and he stood his ground, letting her hand slip through his fur, and stroke his back. A shudder passed through him, and he closed his eyes to let the sensation of his mate stroking him sink in. It was wonderful.

  Going around him, she seemed as fascinated in him as he was in her touch, and when she made her way back around to his head, she crouched down, and looked him in the eyes. “I can see you in there, Joshua.”

  He looked at her, staring into her beautiful face, looking at her luscious lips, and the human in him wanted to burst back out and kiss her until she was his. But he stood still, and let her look.

  Leaning forward, she kissed his soft, thick fur and whispered in his ear, “Can I see the other Joshua now?”

  His bear looked up, drinking her in, and then he stepped back and allowed the human part of him to come back into the world where their mate stood waiting.

  “Now what?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Do you want to ask me anything?”

  “I had a chat with the sheriff, Declan, he’s filled me in on everything for now. I think my brain still has to process the information.” She smiled crookedly. “Although it is going to take me awhile to get used to it.”

  “We have all the time in the world,” he said.

  She laughed. “Yeah, about that. Declan wasn’t kidding about there being a bond between us.”


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