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A Marine's Second Chance: A Marine for You/SEALed for You Crossover Novella

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by Dobson,Marissa

  A kick from her unborn children made her hand slide to her stomach. “Daddy’s almost here.” As she rubbed her stomach she knew that it was their little boy kicking. He was a fighter, just like his father. Their daughter preferred to aim her kicks at Mommy’s ribs, as if needing to be different than her brother.

  “Waiting for someone?” A rough voice came from behind her, instantly sending chills through her.

  Even though the voice sounded deeper and there was a lightness to his words, she recognized it. How had he gotten past her? “Jeffrey?” She spun around to face him and found him standing there in his camouflage uniform. The distance and darkness she saw in his gaze before he’d left was gone, and now his smile sparkled in his eyes. His hair was a little longer and there was stubble along his jawline from traveling for most of the last two days, but he’d finally arrived.

  He dropped his bag at his feet and wrapped his arms around her. “How’s my beautiful wife? Taking good care of my babies, I hope.”

  “Oh, Jeffrey!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him. The simple embrace was different this time because it wasn’t just one-sided. He hugged her tight, his face pressed against her neck.

  “Baby, I missed you.” He placed a tender kissed along the curve of her neck before pulling back.

  “How did you get past me? I’ve been here for the last fifteen minutes. I didn’t see you come down the hall.”

  He pulled back enough to look at her but didn’t end the embrace. “Last minute, I was bumped to an earlier fight and arrived forty minutes ago. I ran into an old boot camp buddy and we were talking, otherwise I’d have been down here when you arrived. Where’s D?”

  “She’s circling the airport. I suggested we park so she could come in, but I think she was giving us a little time to ourselves.” She brushed her hand along the side of his face and the stubble teased along the pads of her fingers.

  “How is she working out with your business? Is she ready for when the kids are here?”

  “She’s perfect. She’s handling most of the stuff herself already, but there are a couple projects I haven’t been able to give up yet. Mom and Dad’s mostly. My hands are still all over United Homefront Ranch, but she’s at least assisting on the website design.” She let out a light chuckle. “I think she’s ready for me to take a break so she can prove herself, instead of having me checking things over her shoulders.”

  “Good. Because I want some time with just you. I want to prove to you that I’m a different man.”

  “You already have. Otherwise I wouldn’t be moving away from Virginia Beach and starting over. But this will be good for us. It will be good for you and Dad, and our kids need their grandparents around. This is going to be good for all of us. We’re going to make this work. I love you, Jeffrey.”

  “I love you, too.” He tipped his head to the side and kissed the palm of her hand. “Let’s get out of here and get you off your feet.”

  “Your parents put off arriving until the morning.”

  “I know.” He grabbed his bag and slid it over his shoulder before slipping his arm around her so that his hand rested on the small of her back. “Dad emailed me to let me know. They wanted to give us time alone together before they came. He figured we had a lot of time to make up before the babies arrive. Twins…I still can’t believe it.”

  “Me either, but Lucky and Ace have been a huge help with the furniture for the nursery. They both brought some of their guys with them so they had it all taken care of quickly. Mac and Nicole have twins, so we spent most of the time talking about the double duty we’re about to have. Wynn and Gwen are amazing also.”

  “The SEAL guys stick together, so I’m not surprised they all showed up to help. I figured Lucky would just recruit some of the guys from the unit, not his brother and the entire SEAL team.”

  “Me too, but Lucky said who better than the guys who have kids already? They could put the stuff together and the women could do what they do best and chat.”

  “That’s Lucky, all right.” He laughed as he led her outside. “Gwen and Wynn are practically attached at the hips. They work together and they’re best friends.”

  “They’re family, and family sticks together. They work well together, just like D and I do. I’ve been to Heart of Diamond and saw it firsthand. They have pride in their work and I hope we can bring that to life with their website.”

  “Does that mean you’ve got another client?” He paused next to the curb and looked down at her.

  “Yes.” Grinning, she waved to D as she came into view so that she knew they were waiting. The SUV she traded her small car for when she found out she was having twins came to a stop right in front of them and a moment later D jumped out from behind the wheel.

  “I’m so proud of you.” He kissed the top of her head before D could come around the SUV to stand next to them.

  “Welcome home! You ready to be a dad?” D wrapped her arms around him.

  “More than ready. I hear you’re stepping into your role as auntie already. Painting the nursery, shopping with Wyoming, and dealing with my parents. You deserve a medal.”

  “Because of you two, I have a job, a house, and I will soon have two little babies to love on, so no medal is needed.”

  “It’s not just a job, it’s a career, a business,” Wyoming reminded her as Jeffrey tossed his bag into the back of the SUV.

  “I know, but it doesn’t feel like that. I never thought work was supposed to be fun. I get up every morning and look forward to getting started.” D opened the passenger door.

  “I hope it stays that way.” With a hand on her stomach she moved to the passenger door and climbed into the seat. “Let’s get home. I’m starving.”

  “Speaking of food, I made your reservations at Lynn’s for six. There’s no better way of celebrating Jeffrey’s homecoming than an evening out for just the two of you.” She tossed the keys to him. “You drive.”

  “I thought we’d have a quiet dinner at home,” Wyoming said as D went to shut her door.

  “Tomorrow. Judy and Peter will be here. Tonight needs to be about the two of you.” She shut the door before Wyoming could argue further.

  A night out with just her and Jeffrey. How long had it been since they did that? Too long. It had to be at least two years since they had a date night. Tonight, that would change. She’d wear the single black maternity dress she’d bought for the off chance she had to meet with a client and dress up more than she normally did. It would be a chance to start their new life together.

  Chapter Ten

  Dinner at Lynn’s was amazing as always and what better way of reconnecting with each other than the place where they first met. Jeffrey slipped his arm along the curve of Wyoming’s back as they strolled out of the restaurant and toward the beach. It was turning into a flawless evening and a perfect way for Jeffrey to celebrate being home. The idea of being a father in a few short weeks was still a little unnerving, but with Wyoming by his side he knew it was a battle he’d enjoy. The pregnancy had gone by in the blink of an eye and he was disappointed that he’d missed most of it. Next time, he’d be there every step of the way because the Marines would soon be a distant memory. They would start the next chapter of their lives soon enough.

  “We’re going to have to find another restaurant to celebrate at.” Wyoming leaned down to pick up her heels that she’d kicked off and stepped onto the sandy beach.

  “There’s that little Italian place that we love by Mom’s,” He reminded her. “And we’ll be back. We have friends and family here.”

  “Friends at least.” She stared out at the ocean as they made their way down to the moonlit shore. “Our family is going to be with us.”

  “Your parents”

  “Want nothing to do with us, our kids, or D. Mom hasn’t spoken to either of us since she stormed out, and Dad…” She leaned into his embrace and rested her head on his chest. “When D and I ran into him a couple months ago, he asked
us to stop calling. He said that whenever there’s a message from either of us, it only upsets Mom more and he’s tired of her taking it out on him.”

  He stopped before they could reach the shore and pulled her around so she was in front of him. “It doesn’t ease the loss, but I’m sorry. Your mom has always been…judgmental about your life, finding drama where there was none. You always said you hated growing up with all the fighting and attitude from her. Maybe this is for the best so that our children don’t suffer through that as well.”

  “I know you’re right. D and I talked about it and I even told her I’d rather them not be in our lives than constantly fight with them. I’m just an emotional mess. Let’s blame it on pregnancy hormones. Just hold me.”

  He pulled her as close as he could with her stomach between them and wrapped his arms around her. “I love you, Wyoming, and I hate to see you upset because of them.”

  They stood there, embracing as the world passed them by, and the waves slammed against the shore. Nothing else mattered to them but that moment. He had her in his arms, right where she was meant to be.

  “You should have seen her the day she came to the house screaming at me because someone else found out I was pregnant before I told her. She was livid and all because Mrs. Tibbs saw me looking at this crochet baby blanket at the craft show the day before my parents were coming for dinner. It was beautiful but I didn’t know the sex, so I pocketed the card.” She tipped her head up to look at him. “I could have been looking for a baby shower gift for a friend or anything, but you know Mrs. Tibbs.”

  “She’s a busybody and loves to gossip.”

  “Maybe it was for the best. My mother wouldn’t have been happy about the pregnancy, anyway. Learning the news from someone else allowed me to have a nice celebration with your parents and D. They were so happy about the news.”

  He rubbed his hand up her arm before reaching up to cup the side of her face. “Your mom never held back the fact she thought you deserved someone better than me as your husband. Her distaste for me seemed to grow over the last year or two. Which I can’t blame her for. I haven’t been the best man for you, but things will be different. I love you, Wyoming, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” She rose up on her toes and pressed her lips to his. “I love you and you’re stuck with me.”

  “Good, because I have everything I want right here. You and our son and daughter are all I need.” Without stepping back, he placed his hand on the side of her stomach and felt something he couldn’t explain. “Is…”

  “Your son is trying to say hello.” She chuckled. “You should see your face. The shock has your eyes wide and your mouth slightly open. It’s normal. Our daughter prefers to kick a little higher, near my ribs.” She wrapped her hand around his wrist and gently pulled it up toward the curve of her stomach.


  “Just feel.” She stopped moving his hand but didn’t let go of his wrist. “Our babies are active.”

  “Wow.” The gentle thump from his daughter was amazing. He was amazed by how she didn’t seem bothered by any of it. There were two new lives growing within her. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

  “Not normally. Your son is a fighter, just like his daddy. He’s got a harder kick than his sister. So it’s good he’s not up there by my ribs. They are active most of the time, and at first it was hard to get used to the sensation. I’d wake up in the middle of the night wondering what happened and then they’d kick again.”

  “Dorset, is that you?” A man strolled toward them and it took him a moment to realize it was Lucky Diamond. There were two men and three women a little farther back, but they were in the shadows and he couldn’t make them out.

  “Gunnery Sergeant Diamond, what are you doing here?” He stepped back from her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders before offering a hand to Lucky.

  “Family dinner.” He tipped his head to his wife, Madison, his brother Ace with his wife Gwen, and his sister Wynn with her husband Jared “Boom” Taylor. Unlike Lucky, Ace and Boom were Navy SEALs. Even with the different career paths, the Diamond family was as tight-knit as any could be. “Why don’t you join us? I know the ladies would love to catch up with Wyoming again.”

  “Not tonight. We already have plans. How about another time before we leave?”

  “Leave?” Lucky raised an eyebrow. “I know you’re leaving the Marines, but I hadn’t heard you were moving out of the area.”

  “We’re moving close to my parents. The kids will have their grandparents nearby and there’ll be a huge lot to play in as they grow.”

  “The studio for my business is perfect,” Wyoming added. “With D working for me now, we need a bigger space.”

  “I spoke to your sister this morning about my website.” Wynn came to stand next to Lucky. “We were discussing the upcoming line and the ideas Gwen and I had about how to showcase some of it on the site. I was nervous about working so closely with someone else after all the time we’ve put into my two business websites, but talking with her today helped eliminate my concerns. She’s talented and had some great ideas.”

  “I wouldn’t have brought on someone I didn’t have complete confidence in, but it’s good to hear that. I’ve been a little clingy, not wanting to give up any of the work, but soon I won’t have a choice.” She ran her hand over her bulging stomach and smiled.

  “I was the same way but it all works out. Somehow I’ve found the balance between my shops, designing, and my family. You will, too,” Wynn reassured her.

  “We better be going, it’s almost seven.” Boom slipped his hand into Wynn’s. “You know that Lynn’s doesn’t like to hold late reservations.”

  “I’m having a cookout next weekend. Why don’t you join us?” Ace suggested from a few steps behind Lucky and the others, his arm around his wife’s waist. “Don’t worry, it won’t just be guys from my team, Lucky’s invited some of your unit. It would be a great evening together before you head out.”

  “He’s right, your last day is right around the corner,” Lucky added. “Bring your sister, too. Wynn and Gwen can meet her in person to ease any hesitations they might have about someone else taking over.”

  “We have no hesitations now, but we’d still love to meet her,” Gwen clarified from where she stood with Ace. “What do you say?”

  “We’ll be there.” Jeffrey nodded. “Now, you’d better run along. Lynn will roast you alive if you’re late. She hollered at us for being early.”

  “Then she saw my stomach and ushered us directly to a table. I’m going to miss her and the food.”

  After a few quick goodbyes and a hushed word between the women, they were alone again. She leaned back against him, staring out at the water again. He could tell she was lost in thought. Instead of asking her what was on her mind, he stood there enjoying the feeling of having her back in his arms. This was what he’d looked forward to and what got him through the days while he was overseas.

  Her words before he left forced him to face his demons. He found a way to work through the darkness that plagued him since his last deployment. Every time he thought about giving up, he pictured her face and remembered that he was going to be a father. To say that he didn’t still struggle with what happened and Weber’s death was an understatement, but he refused to allow it to control him and steal his wife from him. Wyoming and his children were everything to him. They were what was important.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to miss more, them or the ocean.”

  “We’ll be back,” he assured her. “We’re doing this for all of us. If you don’t want to”

  She spun around to face him and her long brown hair billowed out around her. “No, I want to go. I love the house, my studio, and D loves the guest house. I know it’s going to be perfect. You know me and change.” She gave him an uneasy smile.

  “I know, baby.” He understood all too well what she meant. He had been in the Marines since he was eighteen and
his life revolved around it. Now, six years after he joined and five years since he married Wyoming, his world was changing again. This time it was for the better. He was going to be a family man. Strange words for him, but that’s what he wanted now. He wanted to be home with his family and help raise their children.

  His thoughts popped like a bubble around him as Wyoming’s face contorted with pain and she leaned forward. “Jeffrey…”

  “What’s wrong?” He tightened his arm around her, keeping her on her feet.

  “It’s time…” A moan stretched out in the stillness.

  “What? Now?”

  She didn’t answer as she breathed through the contractions but as they passed, she nodded. “It started before we left Lynn’s, but I didn’t want to spoil the evening. We’re about to be parents…”


  In the three months since they’d moved, things had been going smoothly. Wyoming and Jeffrey were closer than ever before, even closer than when they were first married. She came to realize that the man she fell in love with had more sides to him than he ever let on. He had an attention to detail when it came to restoring houses that she would have never believed if she didn’t see it for herself.

  Larson and Rayleigh were the sweetest babies she could have asked for, and besides a midnight feeding, they slept through the night. Unlike all of the horror stories she heard about when she was pregnant, motherhood was turning out to be easy. Judy warned her that things could change in a moment’s notice and the twins’ sleep schedule could turn suddenly. Even if they were fussy babies, she wasn’t alone. Jeffrey was there any time she needed him, and he even got up with them in the middle of the night.

  As she stood here in the nursery, she realized how lucky she was. A year ago, she thought her life was falling apart and that she was losing her husband. She never could have pictured that they’d be where they were and as happy as they were. She only wished that her parents could see her happiness and be supportive. While she doubted it was possible, she would hold out hope that one day her mother would go back on her medication and be part of their lives again.


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