Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1)

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Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1) Page 6

by C. M. Allen

  But with the lessons I've had to learn the hard way by being vulnerable, it's those hard lessons that's made me the woman I am today to those who don't really know me. Even my own father has no idea just how broken his daughter really is on the inside, he only sees his perfect little girl on the outside. But I think if we ever both decided to let down our guards we would find that there's broken pieces in both of us from what she did. Getting closer to the black beauty, his head snaps up to look at me while he chews on the fresh grass he's just torn from the earth. "Hi pretty boy.” I say edging closer. Letting out a huff through his nostrils he begins to walk towards me. Hoping he's a friendly horse and not a wild one, I stand my ground and hold out my hand waiting for him to approach me so I don't spook him away. When he reaches me he buries his face in my chest and begins to rub up and down, almost knocking me off my feet. "Oh you're a lover aren't you big boy?" I giggle rubbing my hands up and down his face and behind his ears.

  Hearing a branch snap behind me his head pops up out of my hands and focuses behind me, "Easy Spartacus." Hudson calls walking up as the horse relaxes again. "He's beautiful isn't he?"

  "Yes he is, is he your horse?"

  Walking over to Spartacus, he begins to run his hands over him the way I crave for him to run his hands over my body. "Well he's both mine and my sisters. My grandfather bought him about eight years back when he was just a colt and we've both helped to raise him when we visited."

  "He's a beautiful stallion. Did your grandfather ever breed him?"

  Watching how he glides his hands over the horse’s body makes me want his hands on me more than I can remember ever wanting any man’s touch. "No, not that I know of, poor guy has no idea just was he's missing out on." After his comment he turns to look at me and I can feel the scorching heat that radiates from him as his eyes move over my body then back up to my own. "You must know what I'm talking about right?" He asks with a half-smile.

  Getting that nervous I have no idea what to do with myself right now feeling, I decide to look down so he doesn't see just how embarrassed I am. "No comment." Turning to go back into the house and douse myself in an ice cold shower I call over my shoulder. "Well I'm going to head back into the house."

  Taking only one step Hudson’s voice stops me once again,

  "Can I ask you something Presley?"

  Not sure if I want to really hear his question I tentatively ask. "What's that?"

  "What happened back there, outside the barn?"

  Not really wanting to have this conversation with him about my feelings, I try to claim PMS. "I just think it's almost that time of the month, you know how us women get all emotional before."

  "Will. You. Please. Stop doing that?"

  "What are you talking about? Stop what?"

  "You know damn well what I’m talking about, you're deflecting again and being sarcastic, anything to get out of showing me the real you. You know when someone works as hard as you do shoving the 'I'm a bitch' act down people's throats, it makes those of us who can see past all that bullshit wonder why. Why do you do it Presley? Who caused you to act the way you do? Because I know you care, I've seen it, but you keep that side of you so close to the vest and under wraps, it makes me wonder who hurt you so bad that you thought you needed to become this woman who needs to be so cold all the time."

  Not liking where this conversation is going because it involves me exposing myself, I muster up my best bitchy attitude. "Look I know I'm going to be stuck out here in the sticks with you till this whole thing is over, but I'm not about to open up and share all my deepest darkest secrets with you so we can pretend to be girlfriends or something. So, you just worry about keeping me safe, and I'll worry about whom I really am and everything that has to do with my life okay?" Letting out a breath, I turn to walk back into the house when I feel a hand wrap around my waist pulling me back. Turning me around to face him I find my lips inches from his causing time to momentarily stop as we just sit there not moving forward but not stepping back when suddenly Hudson closes the distance between us crashing his mouth over mine. The feel of his soft lips melting with mine makes every hormone in my body shove its way to the front line ready to do battle as he deepens the kiss. Brushing his tongue across my lips seeking permission I open up letting him in as our tongues begin the dance of flirting with one another as we take what we want, then concede to the other. Breaking the kiss we just sit there staring at each other like we're in a game of chicken and we're both waiting to see whose resolve will crumble first.


  After Presley walks off I'm left wanting to punch something again from the frustration I feel. What the fuck happened just now? What was she going to say? Is she feeling the same way I do? I've thought she was, but she bounces so far back and forth between the lust I can see in her eyes to the hate I feel from her like I'm watching a tennis match. I just wish she would let this bullshit that's built a wall between us disappear. Knowing I can't let things lay the way they are, I head back to the house to find her and try to figure out a way to set things right between us. Getting half way there I spot her out in the field with Spartacus. As I walk up behind her I can see that damn horse has already gotten to a place on her body I would kill to be, he’s rubbing his face all over her breasts. Figures, first time that damn thing meets her he's already getting some. Meanwhile I just catch the harsh words and smart ass comments. Fucking horse, I'm jealous of a horse; well that's a new one. As we talk about Spartacus things remain good, but the second I change the subject to her, I get the freeze out with the attitude act again. Having had enough of her running from me, I decide to be the one who throws up the white flag in this battle of wills. Pulling her back into me I spin her around till we're nose to nose. Not able to contain my need to feel her lips on mine any longer, I close the gap taking her in the kiss my body has been craving since the first day I laid eyes on her. Breaking apart we both just stare at one another as if we're trying to figure out if that just really happened. Needing to end this silence I begin to say, "Presley__." Interrupted by my phone ringing, the bubble that's been built around us pops. Looking at the caller ID I can see its Brice and I know I need to get it. "I'm sorry I need to take this call."

  "Its fine, I'm going to go inside." She says walking away.

  Hitting the button on my phone I answer the call, "Drake here."

  "Hey, it's Brice, I just wanted to call and touch base with you, make sure you guys got in okay since we never heard from you."

  "Yeah sorry, it was after midnight before we got in and I was going to call you this morning but I got a little side tracked."

  "Anything to do with her?"

  "Not entirely, I just needed to work a few things out in my head this morning is all."

  "How did that go for you?"

  "Pretty good up until about two minutes ago before you called."

  "Please tell me you didn't fuck her?"

  "No. We just kissed, but if I'm being truthful, I don't know how much more strength I've got left in me to keep my distance from her, she’s driving me crazy, Literally!"

  Chuckling Brice says "Well you know the problems that can arise from getting involved with a charge, hell look what happened with me. I got so wrapped up in that woman I couldn't see straight, and then she just stabbed that spiked heel of hers through my heart after the job was done. Rich bitches have no hearts I'm telling you."

  "I think you're wrong where Presley is concerned. She does have a heart, she just keeps it locked up so tight that it's close to impossible to find. Besides, that bitch that screwed you over, you even knew she was just using you, but your dick couldn't give up that pussy."

  "True that, which is why I'll never allow my dick to do my thinking for me like that again. She fucked with my head way too much. Don't let this chick do the same to you, don’t break that rule of yours."

  "I'll try." I say laughing at his little counselling session that we all try to pull on one another now and then but rarely
listen to, and usually end up regretting it later. Hanging up with Brice I know I've got my work cut out for me with what just happened between Presley and I. Deciding there's no time like the present to see where this ride we've both jumped on is going to take us, I begin to make my way back to the house. Opening the back door I can hear Presley talking to someone.


  After the knee buckling kiss Hudson lays on me we're interrupted by his phone ringing. Knowing I need the break from him to get my head back on straight, I leave him to his conversation and go back into the house. Walking into the living room I can hear someone knocking on the front door. Looking back at Hudson, I wonder if I should tell him that someone's here, but not wanting to interrupt his call and figuring it can't be the bad guys all the way out here that fast, I decide to open it. Swinging the door open I'm greeted by a real life cowboy, and damn if they don't grow them bigger and better than Texas out here. He's about six foot two, sandy brown hair and piercing grey colored eyes and a body...well let's just say that him and Hudson are about dead even in that category. As his eyes sweep over my body, it feels as if he's devouring every inch of me. Tipping up his cowboy hat he has on he says. "Well howdy little lady, andjust who might you be?"

  Not caring much for someone who shows up on my door step asking who I am, I place my hands on my hips and answer. "Shouldn't I be asking you that cowboy? You are knocking on my door."

  Taking his hat off and flashing a million dollar watt, panty soaking smile, he says with a chuckle. "You're right. I do apologize for my rude behavior." Sticking out his hand to me he introduces himself. "My name is Porter Jensen. I live just down the road a few miles. I was driving by and saw a car in the driveway that didn't look like it belonged so I wanted to check it out, I keep an eye on the place for Hudson and his sister Evelyn ever since their grandfather pasted away, and with the Jeffries further along in age and all."

  Shaking his hand he holds onto mine a little longer than necessary. "It's nice to meet you Porter. I'm Presley, I'm here with Hudson. He’s just out back on the phone. Would you like to come in?"

  Entering the house he gives me another once over making me feel like I've just encountered Wyoming's Casanova. "So are you and Hudson ...together?"

  "No he's just...well I think I had just better let him explain it."

  "I ain't explaining shit to this rat bastard!" Hudson yells coming in the back door.

  "Who the hell you calling a rat bastard, you yellow belly sack of shit!"

  Both men just sit there staring at each other like they’re in some sort of face off and all I can do is look back and forth wondering if they’re really going to come to blows over who the hell knows what.

  Suddenly Hudson steps forward pulling Porter into one of those man hugs where they slap the shit out of each other's back. "How the hell are you man?"

  "Good, good, how, ah," Looking at me with a smirk Porter asks. "How are you? I see you've got yourself one beautiful little filly here."

  Exchanging a heated glance with Hudson, remembering the feeling of his lips on mine he places his hand on Porter’sshoulder. "Sure do, come on let's grab a beer and catch up."

  Looking back at me Hudson asks. "Would you like to come have a beer with us? Or do you drink beer?"

  Getting pissed by the sarcastic tone he's using; thinking I act like I'm too good for beer, I take him up on his offer. "I'd love one." Knowing the last time I drank beer was about five years ago before I discovered wine, I make a mental note to pace myself.

  Grabbing our beers, Hudson puts a shirt on and we all head out back to sit around a pit where they have bon fires. Watching the two of them reminisce and tease each other, I stay relatively quiet just listening when Porter turns to ask me "So what is it you do for a living little lady?"

  Exchanging a look with Hudson, I wait for one of his smart ass jokes about how I do nothing, but he stays silent. "Well I mostly do charity work."

  Giving Hudson a questioning look Porter asks. "That's a job in Dallas, charity work?"

  "Her father is Gordon Crawford." Hudson fills in.

  Eyes going wide, I always hate this reaction. "Oh well now I see why you don't need to work, you just live off of your daddy's money, don’t ya?"

  Having had enough of people making me feel like I need to apologize for being rich I stand to leave. "Look, it's not my fault that my family has money, and not you or anyone else is going to make me feel bad for it." I tell him mumbling “such an asshole” as I start to walk away. Hearing him behind me as he grabs a hold of my hand stopping me, causing me to turn and glare at him. "What?"

  "Please, excuse my manners Miss Presley, I'm not around your type a whole lot, so I tend to speak before my mind has a chance to process whether it's the wrong thing to say or not. I do apologize."

  Smiling at his genuine sweetness I can't help but give in.

  "It's okay, I'm sorry for snapping at you, it's just been a stressful last few days for me." Looking over at Hudson I can see the jealousy in his eyes burning bright only encouraging me to make him want me even more when

  Porter offers a hug to make up. Both of us sit back down and we all begin chatting and joking as I unknowingly down five beers leaving me very buzzed. After Porter hugs me goodbye, Hudson and him walk out to his car leaving me alone to wonder if Hudson and I will pick up where we left off. Getting an idea of what to wear for some encouragement, I head upstairs to change.


  After watching her flirt with Porter this whole time and apologize to him when she's never apologized to me ever, I'm a little pissed and ready to let her have it. After I fill Porter in on the fact her presence here needs to remain quiet, I send him off and head back into the house taking a deep breath before I do. Opening the door I don't see Presley anywhere. Knowing she's probably went upstairs to pass out or shower I do something I know damn well I shouldn't, I head up there to find her. I can't take any more of this build up between us. The pressure needs to be taken out of this situation. I'm about to throw my one rule I never break right out the window, and it only took her just over twenty four hours to make me do it. At the top of the stairs I call out, "Presley, you up here?"

  Hearing a pair of heels click across the floor, she appears in the hallway. "Yes I am Hudson."

  Holy shit! What the hell did she put on? And God please don't let this be another cruel test. She's got on a black baby doll teddy with thin straps and a lace bottom, a pink ribbon runs through the very top of it pulling my eyes straight to her beautiful tits. Dragging my eyes down her body I find she's gone all out with the thigh highs garter belts and four inch fuuuck me heels. Looking back up at her face I can see the smirk of satisfaction that she knows she's got my full attention. Everything in me from head to head is screaming

  at me "What the hell are you waiting for!?” But then there's that one part, the part that pisses me off the most whispering. "Is she doing this because she drank too much?" Shit! Just standing there not moving an inch, she begins to make her way towards me as the clicking sounds her shoes make fill my ears.

  Getting up close she places both her pointer fingers on my hands that hang at my sides, and begins to run her nails up my bare arms spiking goose bumps up on my skin until she reaches my chest with them circling my nipples over my shirt. Not able to get a word out to stop her I grab a hold of both of her hands just as they are about to decent down my stomach. "What are you doing?"

  "What does it look like I'm doing?" She asks leaning in and kissing my neck, shit I'm in big trouble here. Bringing her hands that I'm holding up between us I push her back so she can see my face. "How much did you have to drink Presley?"

  Her eyes snap to mine, and I watch as the flames of lust that burned brightly in her eyes freeze over into icebergs in a matter of seconds as she jerks her hands away. "Is that what you think is going on here? That I'm drunk and throwing myself at you?"

  "I just don't want you to wake up tomorrow regretting anything.

  "Well it's too damn late for that, because I already do!" She says spinning around and walking into her room slamming the door shut behind her. Wiping my hand over my face I stand there at a complete loss on what to do. The only thing I know is I need to apologize …again. Walking up to her door I knock. "Can I come in?"

  The door rips open and she's standing there in a pair of sweats and a big t-shirt. Damn she changed fast. "What do you want?" She asks with anger and unshed tears reflecting in her eyes.

  "I..I just wanted...I'm sorry."

  "Great. Thanks. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to turn in early."

  Stopping the door with my foot as she tries to close it on me I ask. "You don't want any dinner? I was going to BBQ some steaks for us."

  "Oh and sit across the table and stare at the man who just rejected and embarrassed the hell out of me? No thank you, now good night!" She says pushing the door shut and flipping the lock.

  Letting out a sigh I lean back against the wall and just stare at the ceiling, fuuuuuck!


  As I put on the outfit that’s guaranteed to get Hudson’s attention I know it's the alcohol that's fueling my confidence, and I don't care. I know he wants me just as much as I want him and I'm going to make sure my message is loud and clear. When I come out into the hall and he sees me for the first time, his reaction is priceless; I can practically see him getting hard right in front of me. Feeling another push of confidence I move forward with seducing him. Just when I think I have him ready to throw me over his shoulder and take me to the place in Heaven that I know he can, he stops me. As soon as the question of how drunk I am is out of his mouth, I know I've made a huge fool out of myself. Not able to look at him in the face I run to my room shutting the door and kick off my shoes then strip everything else off of me changing into sweats and a t-shirt. After he tries apologizing, I send him away and flop down on my bed and let the tears fall. How could I be so stupid to think he would want me when he could probably have any woman he wants and does, and how will I ever face him again after this? I know I can't stay locked in this room forever though. Looking at the clock on the table it reads only three pm. No phone, no computer and no TV, just great. What the hell am I going to do all night? Looking out the back window I can see Hudson heading out to the barn again and I know he'll be beating on that bag for a while. Changing into some jeans and flats I rush down stairs and leave him a note that I've gone for a walk and will be back soon, then head out the door. As I walk down to the end of the driveway I can see a raised 4x4 headed down the road my way. Stopping to wait for it to go by so I can go on my walk, I'm surprised when it stops in front of me. Then the window rolls down and I can see its Porter. "Well hello again there little lady, what ya doing out here?"


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