Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1)

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Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1) Page 8

by C. M. Allen


  Watching her walk away from me, I want nothing more than to go running after her and take her upstairs to my bedroom and make love to her over and over till we both pass out from exhaustion. But she's right; all this will do if we start it up is leave both of us hurting in the end. She'll no doubt be back to her charity work and charity balls while I travel to far off places for another job that lasts for who knows how long, and she's supposed to wait for me till I get back? No, it's too much to ask of any woman to wait around while I do this job that could literally be the death of me one day. Sitting here as I think about all of this, I realize that this is the first time I actually hate what I do, knowing that because of it I can never be with a woman like Presley. Not liking where my mind is drifting off to, I decide to just head off to bed and attempt to get some sleep.

  The next three days go by with little interaction between Presley and I; it's like we both just shelved our feelings for one another knowing there's no happy ending for us. She spends most of her time ridding Spartacus and exploring the property, while I beat the shit out of that bag in the barn, tend to the animals and make calls to Vance for any updates. It's day four and there's been no leads on the shooting. Presley has talked to her father every day since she's left and even the FBI hasn't got anything new on Pablo. Walking out the back door, I see her riding towards me on Spartacus when my phone goes off. "Drake here."

  "Hudson it's Carter, I have some bad news." "What's happened?"

  Letting out a heavy breath he tells me. "Gordon Crawford was attacked last night and beaten up pretty badly, he's in ICU right now in a medically induced coma to keep the swelling on his brain down."

  Knowing this is going to kill Presley, I let out a curse. "Fuck! Are you serious? Do we have any leads on whoever attacked him? Not that we don't already know."

  "No. It was dark when it happened and the bodyguard he had with him was shot as well. He's also in ICU recovering, but he’s awake and talking."

  "Where did it happen? How the hell did they get to him?"

  "It happened when he was leaving a restaurant after a dinner meeting with some clients. He came out to his limo but the bodyguard wasn't waiting outside the door like usual, so when he looked in the front for him that's when he was jumped and then drug into an alley and beaten within an inch of his life. The bodyguard had been shot in the car. He said someone tapped on his window pretending to ask for directions then shot him in the neck; it logged in his spine and they got it out but aren't sure he'll ever walk again."

  Running my hands through my hair, I let out a curse. "Shit! We need to take over Gordon’s security detail, have Vance talk to the wife and see if she will give us the go ahead."

  "Already done, we have three of our best guys with them at all times now and Vance made sure that they understand they are not to leave their sides. No more waiting in the car for them they will be going wherever the two of them go, including the bathroom and waiting right outside the door. We're not taking any more chances for an opening they can use to get to him or his wife."

  Knowing I need to deliver the bad news to Presley, I can hear the horse’s footsteps coming closer causing me to look up. "Okay well Presley’s headed my way right now so I'm going to tell her about her dad."

  "Good luck man."

  Letting out a breath "Yeah, I'm going to definitely need it. Keep me up to date on any changes in his condition."

  "Will do."

  Hanging up with Carter I look up to see her smiling face looking down at me and knowing I'm going to have to tell her some devastating news, and the look on my face apparently says it all. "What's wrong Hudson? Has something happened?"

  Holding my hand out to her to help her down off the horse, I lead her over the table that sits outside. "I'm afraid it's your father."

  Covering her face with her hands she lets out a gasp.

  "Please, oh God please tell me he's not dead.” She pleads with tears building up in her eyes.

  "He's not dead, but he was beaten up pretty badly and he's in ICU."

  Breaking down she says on a sob "Oh God."

  Wrapping her up in my arms trying to comfort her, I tell her. "They have him in a medically induced coma due to some swelling on his brain. Carter is going to keep us up to date on his condition."

  Snapping her head up with a look of hurt in her eyes, "I need to go and see him Hudson, what if he dies and I never got a chance to hold his hand and tell him how much I love him one more time?"

  Trying to find the right words, I say "As much as I want to take you there to see him I'm sorry but I can't."

  Crying even harder she asks through hiccups of sobs "W..why not? Why would you not allow me to see my own father? H how could you be so cruel?"

  Knowing this has to be hard with her father being her last living parent I take her hand and try to explain. "I'm not trying to be cruel to you Presley, believe me if I could take you to see him I would right this second, but I need you to see this how they've really set this up for you. They hurt your father to teach him a lesson putting him in the hospital, and then wait for you to show up to visit him only to be there to take you. Then when your father wakes up he'll have no choice but to do what they ask knowing they have you."

  "But what about Dominique, isn't she in danger?"

  "She is, which is why Vance put three of our best guys on her and your father this morning, but you are blood, his daughter. It would destroy him if something happened to you whereas if they took your step mother it would only hurt him, they need a solid amount of leverage on him and that I'm sorry to say is you."


  After Hudson tells me about my father, it takes everything I have not to just bolt out the front door and find my own way back home even if there is a chance I could be kidnapped by the Mafia, he's my father for God’s sake! How can I not go to him and tell him how much I love him? What if he dies and I never see him again? I don't think I would ever recover. After what happened to my mother my life hangs by a string as it is just waiting to snap. But knowing if my father was to wake up and find out I had been taken, it would devastate him. And knowing that, I know the decision I have to make,

  so I nod my head agreeing with Hudson and just sit in his arms. "I'm so sorry Presley, if there was anything I could do for you, I would, believe me, but I just can't endanger your life like that. I can't let your father down. I gave him my word, and I intend to keep it."

  Lifting my head I look into his eyes "I know, but I need something from you Hudson."

  Kissing my forehead he says. "Whatever you need it's yours."

  "You, I need you to take away this pain I’m feeling, if only for a little while."

  "Presley, I don't think__."

  Placing my finger over his lips to stop him from finishing that sentence and say. "I'm telling you, I don't want the gentleman tonight Hudson. I want you to make love tomeno regrets."

  Looking down he lets out a deep breath before looking back up at me. "No regrets.” He says pulling me closer as his mouth covers mine and we begin to claw at one another in desperation to be closer. Picking me up in his arms we make our way into the house and upstairs without breaking away from one another. When we enter his bedroom he releases my legs and I slowly slide down his body until my feet touch the ground once again. Brushing my hair back from my face the reflection in his eyes shines with concern. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  Nodding my head, I put my fingers through the loops on his jeans as I bring him closer to the bed with me. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life, even if we only have this one night together and my heart is broken in the end, it will have been worth it to own this memory we're going to make together."

  Pushing me back on the bed he crawls up my body and hovers above me as his mouth makes love to mine. Needing his skin on mine I pull his shirt up over his head as he pulls mine off next. Crushing me under his body weight it still doesn't feel close
enough for me so I pull him closer. Breaking the kiss he cradles my head in his hands as he stares into my eyes. "You. Are so beautiful Presley, inside and out, you are beautiful."

  Needing him, I pull him back down bruising my lips against his. Kissing his way down my neck he brings my hands above my head pinning them there before sliding his hands down my arms with the lightest touch of a breeze, causing chills to rise on my skin as if their chasing them. Flipping the snap on my bra that opens in front, he pushes it away as his mouth devours one of my breasts and he flicks my nipple with his tongue causing a moan to slip from between my lips, as my body to arches up into his mouth giving him more of me. Moving to the other breast he showers it with the same attention with his velvety tongue. Moving his way down he looks up and locks his eyes with mine as he begins to unbutton my pants sliding them down as I raise my hips to help him. After throwing them aside he spreads my legs wide as he begins to paint kisses all over the inside of my thighs while he mumbles, "so beautiful" in between each one. Looping his fingers around my panties on my hips he pushes my legs together then up towards my head as he slowly stands up sliding them off and tossing them onto the pile of laundry we're creating together on the floor. Running his hands down the backs of my legs, he takes his position on his knees as he spreads my legs apart once again. Not able to help myself I rise up on my elbows and look down to see his heated stare looking back at me as if he knows he owns me heart and soul in this moment just before his lips touch my clit for the first time; drawing out a gasping moan as he licks, bites and sucks an orgasm from me. Wrung out from the magic of Hudson’s tongue I watch unable to move as he slides his pants and boxers down his exquisitely muscled legs, that wakes my body and lust for him up once again. As he leans down to hover over me, I reach up with my arms and legs flipping him onto his back. "Whoa! You're not picking now to show off your kickboxing skills are you?"

  Giggling at his ridiculous question I shake my head as I make my way down his well-defined abs. "No, just wanted to return the outstanding favor you gave me."

  With a sexy smirk on his face he raises his arms over his head placing them under it, "Just doing my job ma'am."

  Smiling I hold his gaze as I kiss my way down his stomach until I reach his big beautiful cock that I seek. Sliding my tongue up, down and all over it as I cup his balls; driving him insane, I finally give into his pleas and take him

  fully into my mouth pulling every moan and hiss I can from him before he finds his own release. Grabbing me by my arms he flips me over onto my back, kissing his way down my neck and cupping my breasts as he presses

  against my opening. Hovering above me he grips both of my hands interlacing them together with his as he pushes inside of me with one hard stroke causing me to whimper as my back bows off the bed brushing my breasts against his chest. As he buries his head in my neck I hear him whisper. "Are you okay?" Nodding my head as my only response he begins to slowly rock in and out of me. Leaning down again he softly kisses my cheek as he says, "I’m sorry."

  Looking up into his eyes when he pushes himself back up over me as he begins his punishing strokes into my core and I finally find the capability to form the words, "for what?"

  Cradling his head in my neck again he bites me, "for being so selfish and marking you as mine, because that's what you are Presley, you're mine."

  Closing my eyes I fall into the moment a little more imaging that I am his, and always will be no matter what, I am his. He's wrecked me for all others. "I am yours Hudson.” I whisper as his pace quickens bringing us both to a beautiful release. As we lie there in silence in each other's embrace, Hudson finally rolls off of me making me feel lost without his touch as he goes into the bathroom to wash up. When he comes back out, I can tell the moment we’ve shared has past and he's let the cold hard truth of reality back in.


  Making love to Presley is like nothing I've ever experienced in my life. Us together is hot as hell. It's like my body knows hers just as well as hers knows mine, like old souls that have somehow found their way back to one another and need to make up for lost time. When we finish, I lay there still inside of her as the feeling of reality begins to seep its way back into my mind after I tossed it out and made the decision to give in and comfort her the way she needed me to. Knowing I need to get my head back on straight, I get up to head to the bathroom as my mind begins to search once again for a way, any way for us to be together, but slowly gives up when I realize there is none. Trying to hold my shit together for Presley right now, I slip on my mask of reassurance that everything's going to be okay, knowing I don't believe a second of it. When I open the door to the bathroom, I'm slammed in the gut by a pair of vulnerable, hoping eyes that stare back at me, and my mask instantly crumbles. Hating myself for taking advantage of her in her time of grief, I simply just lower my head as the guilt takes over. "I'm sorry that I took advantage of you Presley. If you want me to replace myself with Carter or Brice, I will make the call and do it immediately. Just say the word."

  "Hey!" She says snapping my attention to her. "Please come here and sit.” she says patting the bed. Sitting down I turn to face her. "We said no regrets Hudson, and I don't have any. Do you regret what we just did?" Putting her hand up before I can answer she says. "Take everything out of the equation, my father, my situation and just leave me and you, do you regret it?"

  Shaking my head I answer. "No. Not even a little.” Cupping her cheek I tell her. "Making love to you Presley, it was__."

  "Like we were already familiar with each other." She says interrupting me.

  "Yes it was. Like our bodies recognized their lost halves."

  Putting her hand under my chin, "No regrets okay, that was the most beautiful experience of my life and I will not have you dimming its beauty with your guilt."

  Knowing she's right I look into her eyes "I've never felt like that with anyone ....only you." I tell her before kissing her lips.

  Pulling back she asks. “Do you think I'm going to make it through this alive?"

  Frowning at her turn of questioning I say "Of course you will why would you ask that?"

  "It just seems like the Mexican Mafia isn't going to stop until they've either taken me or killed me or maybe both, I mean look at what they did to my father. What if..." Trailing off she gets silent.

  Lifting her chin up I ask, "What if what?"

  Letting out a sigh she says. "What if they hurt you, or kill you to get to me? I...I know I shouldn't have, but I've let you in Hudson, really let you in, I've told you things about my mother and things about myself I've never told to anyone, not even my father, and I can't seem to find a way that I get out of this with my heart intact."

  Letting out a heavy breath knowing I'm feeling the same, I try to be the soothing balm she needs me to be. "Listen, we are doing everything we can to find Pablo; the head of the Mexican Mafia so we can end this whole thing with your father, and I won't stop until you're safe.

  "What if my safety costs you your life?"

  "If it costs my life to keep you alive, I will do it because it's my job...and because I care about you enough to do it." I answer taking her hand in mine as she looks down with sadness in her eyes. "Presley, look at me.” Lifting her head I continue. "I am very good at my job, been in a lot of situations I saw no way out of alive, and I'm still here. So don't go planning my funeral just yet in that head of yours before this whole thing is even over." Needing to lighten the mood I tap her on the leg, "come on, get up and get dressed, I want to take you somewhere."


  Getting off the bed and heading to the door I tell her. "It's a surprise. Now hurry up, and be downstairs in twenty minutes." Calling Carter to see if there are any updates on Presley’s father’s condition, he tells me that he's still in a coma but stable, hanging up with him when I hear her coming down, I turn to see the most beautiful pair of legs walking down the stairs causing me to remember the feeling of them being wrapped tightly around m
y body only minutes ago. Hoping we can make it out of the house without me pinning her against the nearest wall and taking her again, I take a deep breath and calm myself down, until I look further up her body and see the tank top she's wearing that hugs tightly to her breasts that I know taste like

  strawberries in my mouth. Shit! Shaking these images from my mind I ask "Ready to go?"

  Smiling back, she answers. "Yep, so are you going to tell me where we are going?"

  Closing in on her I can hear her breath hitch as I kiss her on the lips lightly before slapping her ass. "Nope, now let's get a move on, day lights burning." Grabbing her hand I lead her out of the house locking it before taking her to the car and opening the car door for her to slide in. Closing it and walking around to the driver’s side a reflection far off up in the mountains across the way catches my eye stopping me dead in my tracks. Standing there for a moment I wait to see if it appears again so I can see exactly where it's coming from. A few seconds later I see it again. Knowing this could be someone that's just out on the property looking around, or someone with binoculars spying on us, or worse someone with a rifle pointed at us, I hurry to the SUV and hop in hoping it's just somebody who has nothing to do with Presley. "What's going on? Why were you standing out there staring off into the mountains?"

  Looking over as I start the car backing it up to take the back roads over to Porter’s house I try to say calmly, "I saw some sort of reflection over there and needed to see exactly where it was coming from."

  Putting her hand over her mouth when a gasp escapes she asks. "You don't think it's them do you? How? How could they have found me already?" Turning in her seat to face me she shrieks. "Oh God! It's my fault Hudson!"


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