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Guarding Presley (Black Spade #1)

Page 13

by C. M. Allen

  Releasing him I lean back in. "I know you did something to her you piece of shit, and if it's the last thing I do while on this earth, I will end you and your organization."

  Chuckling he replies. "Such big words for a man like yourself. You have no idea who you are dealing with Mr. Drake."

  Looking to agent Larson he says. "Well now that you have rudely ripped my jet apart because of these ridiculous accusations; finding nothing I might add, am I free to go?"

  Agent Larson giving me a look of apology says. "Yes you are free to go, Mr. Sanchez."

  Smirking at me the first thing he does is turn around and shake the Mexican police chiefs hand like their old friends, "Gracias," He says as they walk away talking.

  Running my fingers through my hair I feel the panic begin to rise up in me again. "He fucking has her! You need to follow him, keep surveillance on him, something! I can't lose her!" I shout.

  "Mr. Drake, I'm sorry but that is out of my jurisdiction, we are lucky that they even allowed this."

  "Well it's not out of mine! If that asshole wants a war, he just got himself one." I say turning to head over to the plane we just landed in and grab my things before calling a taxi. "I'm not leaving this shit hole till I find her."

  "Hudson, wait!" Brice yells catching up with me. When I turn to meet his voice I see all three of them there. "If you go in, we all go in. Now let's go get a car so we can follow this fucker. Carter, you know what you need to do."

  Nodding his head he reaches into the duffle bag he's carrying to grab something out before he drops it rushing off towards Pablo. Knowing exactly what he has to do we all watch with our breaths held that he's able to pull it off without being caught. As he walks up to Pablo I can see him shake his hand as he pats him on the shoulder before walking away leaving a curious look on Pablo’s face like he can't quite figure out what just happened before our eyes lock on one another. "I will end you.” I mouth to him as he laughs turning away like he hasn't a care in the world. Gesturing to his men, they all pile in the awaiting SUV and head out.

  Walking back up, Carter has his own smirk. "It's done, now let's get going."


  As we fall towards the earth, all I can do is pray this goon knows what the hell he's doing and that I live long enough to find my way back to Hudson. After we finally land with a crash to the ground that lands me on top of the giant, he makes quick work of removing the parachute from us and grabs my bound hands hard dragging me behind him. As he drags me through a wooded area my skin stings from the scratches I get from all the limbs that we squeeze through. After about the hundredth time I've finally had it, and pull back. "Would you stop dragging me!"

  Yanking me so hard against his chest that my teeth smack together, he looks down at me. "Do you want to fucking die bitch?" Shaking my head he says, "then keep your fucking mouth shut." Before dragging me off roughly again. Growing tired after a while with all the climbing and walking I fall to the ground. "Get up!" He barks at me.

  Taking in gulps of air I wheeze out. "I I can't."

  Picking me up he throws me over his shoulder and I don't even fight him out of pure exhaustion. I have must passed out because the next time I open my eyes to look around it looks like I'm at some high society club like the ones we have back home, but then the figure that appears before me confirms it’s not. "Ah, I see your awake.” Looking up I see Pablo standing over me.

  "Where am I?" I ask rubbing my face, noticing my hands are free once again.

  "Why we are at my home of course, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to use you to push your father in the right direction."

  Not knowing exactly what he means by that, fear begins to crawl over me as I see two large men come out of the house and stand behind him. "W...what do you mean?" Ignoring my question he motions to the men behind him before they both stride towards me yanking me up as they drag me into the house. "What are you doing? No!" I scream as I try and pull out of the painful grip they both have on me. Taking me upstairs, they lead me down a long hall way before pushing a door open to what looks like an office and ripping my shirt off over my head leaving me in my bra then tying me to a chair. Tears begin to prick at the back of my eyes as the fear of rape enters my mind.

  Walking into the room, Pablo looks me over taking in my whole body before he leans down getting into my face and gripping my chin so painfully I know it's going to leave a bruise. "You will make me a very nice income I think."

  "No! You said my father had a chance to cooperate with you!" I snap out in a panic.

  As he strides towards the desk and sits behind it he looks over at me as he lights a cigar. "Well we're about to find out. Turn on the camera while I make the call, and put your masks on." He tells the two men still in the room. A camera is set down in front of me just before the two men pull down masks over their faces, I turn my eyes back to Pablo when I hear him ask for my father. "Gordon, it's good to talk to you my friend, I'm glad you are okay, I heard you had a nasty run in with some thugs on the street, such a shame. But down to business and as to why I called, have you come to your senses yet?" Chuckling he says. "Oh but I can assure you I do have her, she's right here in front of me, in fact why don't you check your phone in about five

  minutes and then I'll call you back to see if you've changed your mind."

  Pablo says before he hangs up and walks around the desk to sit on the edge of it in front of me, "now when that red light comes on." He says pointing at the camera. "I want you to tell your dad to do the right thing and cooperate with me." Motioning to one of the men he turns on the camera and I see the red light appear but say nothing. I'm not giving this asshole anything he wants.

  After a few minutes he lets out a sigh and motions to the man standing next to him, seconds later I feel the back of his hand across my face causing me to let out a whimper as the coppery taste of blood fills my mouth. "Fuck you!" I scream at all of them.

  Motioning to the guy behind the camera he switches it off. "That went even better than I could have planned." He chuckles before telling the guy to send it to my father. "Now we wait for a few minutes then call dear ole’ daddy and see if he's had a change of heart after what he sees." After about ten minutes goes by in silence while Pablo types away on his phone and the two large men stand guard at the door, he makes the call. "Now do you believe me Gordon? Tisk, tisk, now is that anyway to speak to an old friend that you have forced to do these awful things? Now you listen to me and you listen good! You have exactly twenty four hours to get the FBI off my ass or your little Presley here is as good as dead! After of course I make back the money you're costing me." He says looking at me with a sneer on his face.

  Hanging up the phone he smiles at me as he leans back in his chair puffing on his cigar. "Well young lady this time tomorrow you'll either be on your way back home or drugged up and underneath your first John. If I were you, I'd work on that praying right about now." Getting up he tells the two men something in Spanish before leaving the room. Walking over to me they untie me before taking me down the hall and shoving me into another room. Releasing me the first guy points to the bathroom.

  "Clean yourself up, there are clothes for you to wear in the closet, you have one hour." Then they both walk out of the room shutting the door and locking it behind them. Breaking down I fall to the floor just like the tears that fall from my face. "Please find me Hudson, please find me." I mumble in between sobs.


  "It’s working!" I shout as we run to the taxi we called and load up. After he drops us off at a car rental place we move all of our equipment into the new vehicle and make our way towards Presley. Hearing my phone chirp, I look down to see a message from Vance. "Hey I've got the address where we need to stop." I yell out. Punching it into the GPS Porter heads in the direction it tells us to. Pulling up in front of a large gated Spanish styled home about fifteen minutes later, the gates open up even before we make the call from the call box. Stopping in f
ront of the entrance to the home a very well dressed older man walks out. "Sonofabitch! Brody, how the hell have you been brother?" Carter yells as we get out of the car.

  "Better than I know you are right now." He says looking to me. After a few handshakes and back pats he says. "Let's get inside and get you what you need and get this shit over with so we can have some margaritas." Twenty minutes later we are ready to leave his house armed to the teeth, thank God for the man that flew south permanently to be with the woman he loved after we all got out of the military. "If you need anything else, call me, you have my number."

  Thanking him we are saddled up and back on the road again. "Alright the tracker you put on Pablo hasn't moved in about an hour, so either he's changed clothes or he's still there. Now the big question is, is Presley with him?" I ask.

  "She is." Brice says holding his phone up to me where a video of her appears. Reaching out I grip the phone as my only lifeline to her. Seeing that her shirt has been removed and the scratches she has all over her body and only wears a bra has the bile churning in my gut at the thought of someone touching her.

  After I watch her get slapped by some masked asshole and hear her screams, I try like hell not to throw the phone and begin punching out every window in the car right now. "I'm going to fucking kill him." I growl.

  Taking the phone out of my hand, Brice says. "Her father's been given twenty four hours."

  Snapping my head up, I ask. "Then what, what did he say he was going to do to her?"

  Giving me a solemn look, "then he said that he's going to use her to make back the money her father owes him for his troubles."

  "Fuuuuuck!" I yell out before scrubbing my hands over my face. "No other option, I'm getting her back tonight or I will die trying, I can't let that happen to her I would never forgive myself I love her."

  "We will get her back brother. Now I need you right now to get your head in this game, I can't have you going in there with your emotions ruling you.” Brice tells me.

  "My head is in the game. Trust me when I say, all I see is Pablo’s blood on my hands at the end of this," I say in a calm voice that I don't even recognize. Brice’s phone rings.

  Answering it, he listens for only a few minutes before he hangs up and looks over to Porter who's driving. "We have a quick stop we need to make."

  "Who was that?" I ask.

  "Vance. He has some friends that are going to help us waiting up ahead."

  Never more thankful for these Brothers in my life then I am right now I tell them. "I just want to tell all of you how much I appreciate you helping me to get Presley back, and if she was here right now, I know she would be saying the same thing."

  "We've got you brother.” Carter says squeezing my shoulder. When we stop at the location Vance has given us, we are greeted by ten men, which includes; one special agent Larson. Upon further inspection as we exit our vehicle I see a lot of the FBI agents that were at the airport earlier and all wearing the type of hoods you can pull down over your face. Reaching out to shake his hand I say. "Agent Larson, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

  Shaking my hand he answers. "It's Rick, and I'm not an FBI agent right now, as far as my superiors are concerned my ass is back in my hotel room in Dallas fast asleep in bed."

  "Thank you." I tell him.

  "Look, I'm never going to get this piece of shit Sanchez by playing by the rules, so that's why myself and my men are "not" here to help you, I want that fucker to go down just as badly as you do. That was my niece that you helped rescue those years back, so I owe you...and him."

  Shocked by what he's telling me, I can't help but ask. "She was your niece?"

  "Yes, and the biggest reason I joined the FBI. Now, let's get Presley back before they have a chance to ruin her life like they did my nieces."


  After I've cried my eyes dry and showered I peek my head out the bathroom door to make sure that I'm still alone and no one is in the room before I exit the bathroom. Not seeing anyone I walk over to the closet the big guy pointed to earlier with my towel wrapped tightly around me and look for something to put on. As I rifle through everything, all I find is cocktail dresses, beautiful but very short and barley there. Looking at all the different designs I get so lost in the big closet I don't hear one of the men enter until he clears his throat behind me making me turn so fast in a jerking motion I almost lose my towel. "Don't you knock?"

  Chuckling at me as if I have the right to even ask that he says, "you act as though I care what you want." He says closing in on me in the closet. "I'm just in here to see how you're progressing on getting ready Mr. Sanchez does not like to be kept waiting."

  Gripping my towel and backing away from him further into the closet, I tell him. "Well I'm fine, so now if you'll see your way out I will finish getting ready."

  Shaking his head he runs his hands over the dresses hanging up around us "Which one have you chosen to wear?"

  Not liking the look he's giving me I try to keep my voice firm. "I'm not sure yet, I was in the process of choosing one when you interrupted me, so now if you'll excuse me I would like to find one and get dressed in private."

  Ignoring me he begins to look through one dress after the next. "I'll find one for you to wear." Looking down at me he says. "I know just what Mr. Sanchez would like to see you in."

  Stepping away from him and trying to edge my way around him to back out of the closet I get just a fraction of the way before his hand shoots out grabbing painfully a hold of my hand that's got my towel in a death grip jerking it. Placing my other hand over my towel before it drops, the big guy yanks me roughly against him. "You know, if I wanted to see what's under that towel you wouldn't be able to stop me." Holding my stare for a moment too long as he still painfully holds my wrist, we're interrupted by the other guy waiting outside the door. "Javier?"

  Keeping his eyes on me he answers. "In here."

  The other guy makes his way in looking back and forth between the two of us. "What's going on?"

  Letting go of my hand he breaks eye contact. "Nothing, just helping the lady here pick out a dress."

  The other guy gives him a stern look. "You know the boss won't be happy if he finds you in here, she's not to be touched until he gives the word."

  "Nothing is going on!" He snaps at him. "I'm just helping her pick out a fucking dress."

  "I don't need any help!" I yell at them both. "Now get out!" Javier glares back at me before turning to push the other guy out of the closet exiting behind him and looking over his shoulder. "Hurry it up.” He says as they both leave the room letting me breath once again.

  After I've put on a dress that I think covers the most: it's a simple black, not too low cut in the back or the front dress that stops just a few inches below my ass causing me to make a mental note NOT to bend over. Putting on a pair of heels that I found in the closet I make my way to the door and place my hand on the knob to open it only to have it pushed back at me by that asshole Javier. "Hey!" I shout at him.

  Chuckling he looks down at me. "You really think you're some kind of princess don't you?" Getting so close to my face that I can smell the mint gum he's chewing he says.

  "That may be true back at home, but down here your time is just ticking away until you're nothing but a worthless whore that I'll be more than happy to fuck the life out of."

  Flinching from his vial words I silently call out Hudson’s name in my head to comfort me, "please find me." Yanking me forward I twist my arm away and turn to look at him. "That's not going to happen! Hudson will save me, and I can't wait to watch him put a bullet right between your eyes after I tell him what you've done to me, you piece of shit!"

  Knowing what was coming still didn't prepare me for the sting that blooms across my face when he slaps me. "Shut your fucking mouth and get your ass down those stairs before I throw you down them!"

  "Javier!" Pablo yells from the bottom of the stairs where he's just appeared, and then continues to yell at him s
ome more in Spanish, and even though I can't understand what he's saying, I can tell Javier is getting his ass handed to him. Good. Asshole.

  Once down the stairs the two men leave the room as Pablo walks me into the dining room treating me as if I was an important guest in his home and not the woman he threatened to whore out and kill not even an hour ago if my father doesn't cooperate. As he studies me after an older looking woman that could be someone's grandma brings us our dinner, it begins to unnerve me.

  Finally after thinking about it, I decide I have nothing to lose and speak up. "Why do you do the things you do to women?"

  Hearing his fork clatter down onto his plate I hold my breath that I didn't just end my own life with that question. Picking it up again and taking a deep breath he begins to eat, and the silence lingers for so long between us I figure he's not going to answer me, but then surprises me when he does. "Why do you ask me such a question? What does my business matter to you?"

  Twisting my hands around one another I sit up as straight and as confident as possible. "Because I am a human being, and know what you do destroys so many women and their family’s lives. It's not right wh__."

  "Enough!" He yells slamming his fists down on the table cutting me off and making me jump in my chair. "You, you know nothing of me and you would do well to keep it that way! You are my guest right now and I can either make that a comfortable experience until it has to be otherwise or not." Looking at me for a moment he asks. "How well do you think you know your own father?"

  Snapping my head in his direction I ask. "What do you mean?"

  Wiping his mouth with his napkin he says. "I mean, do you think your father is a good man?"

  "Yes I do."

  Chuckling in that sinister tone he has he finally says. "Little girl, you have no idea who your father is and the things he has done to get to where he is today. You really think he got that far in this life without getting any dirt or blood on his hands?"


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