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Old Fashioned Murder (A Ryli Sinclair Cozy Mystery Book 3)

Page 15

by Jenna St James

  It was no different than my subliminal ho-ho cake roll I tried to make Garrett, but I wasn’t going to admit it.

  Unfortunately, Paige did. “I once remember someone attempting to make a ho-ho dessert!”

  Mom grinned and took a sip of her sparkling water. “All I can say is it’s about time I was bouncing a grandbaby on my knee. Your brother is the oldest…and he’s a male. He has a duty.”

  I laughed at her ridiculously sexist statement and took another drink to mask my delight. Thank God it was Matt getting the brunt of the baby lecture. While I was happy with my relationship with Garrett, I wasn’t yet ready to bounce babies on my knees just so my mom was happy.

  “Congratulations on your two front-page stories,” Paige gushed. “You must be proud.”

  I smiled. “I am. And Hank said if I can solve this case with the Manning murder quickly, he’d give me the next front-page cover!”

  “I’m so proud of you, Ryli,” Mom said.

  “My nephew is about to graduate from the police academy and join up with the Granville Police Department,” Aunt Shirley told Paige. “You need to start learning how to do pillow talk with your man. Get us some dirt we can use. Ryli ain’t no good at it.”

  “What’s on your agenda tonight?” I asked Mom, trying to steer the conversation away from where it was going. No use getting Paige worked up.

  “Martin is taking me out for a romantic dinner,” Mom sighed. “I haven’t been there with a man since your father passed.”

  It wasn’t hard to do the mental math. I knew how old I was, and the fact Mom didn’t date while I was growing up made it an even easier tally. “Wow. Think you’re ready for this kind of commitment?”

  Mom slapped me lightly on the arm. “Oh, stop.” I could tell by her blush she was excited.

  “What time is he picking you up?” Aunt Shirley asked.

  Mom looked at the clock on the wall. “In a couple hours. I hate to cut this short, but I should start getting ready.”

  Paige, Aunt Shirley, and I packed up our goodies and said goodbye. As I carried my chocolates out to the Falcon, I couldn’t help but think how much our lives had changed over the course of a year. Matt and Paige were married, trying to have a baby. Mom was dating Doc, and I was dating Garrett. What a difference a year made.

  Miss Molly greeted me at the door, once again meowing with rage at the injustice of having to wait for me in order to eat. I bent down to pet her as I made my way to the kitchen.

  Once I fed Miss Molly, I poured myself a glass of sparkling lime water and went in search of just the right outfit for tonight.

  Aunt Shirley was stretched out on my bed, reading a magazine, and pouting.

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t pout just because I have a date tonight and you don’t. I’m sure Old Man Jenkins would love to do something with you. You’re the one choosing to stay in tonight.”

  “There’s a murderer on the loose. Aren’t you afraid they’ll come after me tonight?”

  I laughed. “No. I’d be more afraid for them than you!”

  Aunt Shirley scowled at me.

  I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. “Listen. No one is going to try to come at you tonight.” I took a drink of my sparkling water. “I’m sure by now Shifley has been arrested for the thefts, and everything will be wrapped up nice and pretty.”

  “Fine. Bring me a glass of that wine we got the other day and I won’t whine anymore.”

  I went back into the kitchen and poured her an extra-large glass. I wanted her happy, but drunk and passed out would work, too.

  I spent the next couple hours trying to take my mind off of what was going on down at the police station. I was practically chomping at the bit. I tried to read, but after rereading the same paragraph for the fourth time, I threw the book aside.

  I went into the kitchen to refill my glass of sparkling water and decided to get ready. Since I hadn’t heard from Garrett that tonight was off due to his having to work, I figured he’d already wrapped things up.

  After picking out my outfit—a knee-length black dress with cutout shoulders and black boots—I ran a bubble bath. I poured in extra bubbles to ensure I smelled like vanilla lavender when I got to Garrett’s house. It was his favorite scent after all.

  I also took extra care with my hair, adding bouncy curls all over. As I was zipping up my boots, Aunt Shirley came out of the bedroom, empty wine glass in hand.

  “Go easy on that,” I cautioned. “I won’t be here to pour you in bed.”

  “I’ve been drinking since before you were born. I’m sure I can handle two glasses of wine.”

  I snorted. “I’ve seen you after two glasses.” I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the bottle of white wine I bought from the winery and slipped on my coat. Next, I grabbed the tray of chocolate covered strawberries, Slutty Brownies, and Whoopie pies. Now the night was set.

  “I’ll try to keep my mind off the fact there’s a killer running around and your man hasn’t had the decency to put her behind bars yet.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. “You’re back to thinking Sheri Daniels is the killer, huh? Okay. Well, just lock the doors, and don’t answer if Sheri comes calling. Simple as that!”

  Aunt Shirley stuck her tongue out at me, flopped down on the couch, and turned on the TV. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”


  * * *

  “Dinner was good,” Garrett said as we stood at the sink drying dishes. He’d made lemon-basil shrimp, baby potatoes, and baked asparagus. He had not said one word all night about whether or not he’d arrested Thomas Shifley. “But the desserts were definitely the best part.”

  I reached up and stroked his cheek. “Hopefully not the best part of the evening.”

  Garrett threw the tea towel on the counter, gave me a wolfish grin, and backed me up against the refrigerator. He leaned down and kissed my neck. “I can guarantee you,” he whispered in my ear, “the best part of the evening is yet to come.”

  I shivered. “Good.”

  He wrapped one hand in my hair and slowly rubbed his lips against mine.

  The blaring of my cell phone shattered the moment. “It’s just Aunt Shirley,” I muttered against his mouth. “Ignore it. She’ll go away eventually.”

  I felt him turn from me.

  “No, no, no.” I tried desperately to cling to him. No way was Aunt Shirley winning this battle.

  “Actually,” Garrett said as he kissed me quickly on the nose, “that’s my phone. And I better get it. I’m waiting to hear back from the DA about something.”

  I instantly went on alert. “Did you arrest Thomas Shifley this afternoon for the thefts at the Manor? Is this on another arrest? Does this have anything to do with the Manning murder?”

  Garrett chuckled and shook his head. “The police department has no comment on the questions.” He slipped from my grasp and picked up his phone off the counter. “This is Kimble.”

  I was trying to figure out the best way to listen in when my cell rang. I marched over, snatched it up, looked at the number, and was ready to give Aunt Shirley a piece of my mind.

  I didn’t even get a chance to say hello.

  “I need you to come bail me out of jail.”

  My eyes darted to Garrett. He was staring at me while still on the phone. He lifted one eyebrow then shook his head at whatever was being said to him.

  “What have you done?” I hissed into the phone.

  “Just come get me. But let me tell you, that Officer Ryan is some great eye candy. I didn’t even put up a fight when he patted me down.”

  I groaned.

  “Don’t worry, he was a sissy about it really. Kept saying he was just doing his job, muttering about what the Chief was going to do to him. But now I’m done looking at him and ready to go home.”

  I looked again at Garrett. His face was getting darker the more he listened. “Keep her locked up. We’ll be there shortly.”

  There goes my celebration night.<
br />
  “You deaf?” Aunt Shirley bellowed in my ear. “I said come get me.”

  “I’m assuming Officer Ryan is talking with Garrett right now,” I said sharply. “You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. So just sit tight, and I’ll get you when I can.”

  “Darn that Kimble! When I get my hands—”

  I hung up mid-rant.

  Garrett hung up and just stared at me…not saying a word. I hate it when he does that. I knew it was a police tactic to try and get me to spill my guts. I wasn’t going to fall for it. I was stronger than that.

  He narrowed his eyes and slowly moved toward me like a hunter stalking its prey. I folded like a lawn chair. I’d never be good in serious interrogations. “So you know she’s in jail?”

  Garrett didn’t say anything, just nodded his head and kept walking toward me.

  “How mad are you?”

  Garrett chuckled humorlessly. “You have no idea.”

  I bit my lip and took a step backward.

  His pupils dilated.

  I stopped breathing. I knew that look. All thoughts of springing Aunt Shirley from the pokey fled. Looked like it was still going to be my night.

  He flipped me over his shoulder like I was a sack of potatoes and carried me into the living room. I laughed as I bounced with his every step. “You and your aunt are sometimes more trouble than you’re worth, Sin.” He swatted me playfully before returning me to my feet.

  “Too much on your aging heart?” I teased. I knew our age difference still bothered him a little.

  “I’ll show you old, Sin.”

  “I was hoping you would.”

  Yep, it was still gonna be my night!

  * * *

  “Where have you been?” Aunt Shirley demanded when Garrett and I walked into the holding area an hour later.

  She took one look at Garrett then looked back at me. “You engaged in hanky panky while I was rotting away in jail!”

  Officer Ryan coughed and looked up at the ceiling. I was so embarrassed I wished the ground would open up and swallow me.

  “That’s enough,” Garrett said. “I’m more interested in what you did to get here.”

  I wrapped my fingers around the bars and leaned in as close as I could and squinted at her. “What’s wrong with your forehead? Is that a bruise?”

  “Police brutality.” Aunt Shirley crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Officer Ryan.

  “Sir, that did not come from me,” Officer Ryan said. “She actually did it to herself.”

  “So you say,” Aunt Shirley hollered. “For all I know you did it to me when you shoved me into the police car.”

  I rolled my eyes at her. “Wouldn’t you know if he hit your head on the car door?”

  Aunt Shirley averted my eyes. “I may not have been conscious when he put me in the car.”

  Garrett held up his hand. “Start at the beginning, Officer Ryan.” Garrett turned and pointed at Aunt Shirley. “And I don’t want to hear one word from you.”

  Aunt Shirley waited until his back was turned and stuck out her tongue. Officer Ryan’s eyes bulged out of his head.

  “Officer Ryan?” Garrett prompted.

  Officer Ryan cleared his throat and looked back at Garrett. “It seems Ms. Sinclair’s neighbor, Miss Mabel, came by to drop off Valentine’s Day cookies to Ms. Sinclair tonight.”

  “My ninety-year-old neighbor?” I looked at Aunt Shirley when I said it.

  “Yes, ma’am. Miss Mabel came bearing gifts and it seems your aunt mistook her for a burglar.”

  I clutched my heart. “Omigod. Tell me Miss Mabel is okay!”

  “She’s fine. It was just a little scare.” Officer Ryan cleared his throat and shuffled his feet. “Anyway, Miss Mabel said she saw Ryli leave and figured she was going out so she’d just put the cookies on Ryli’s table.” He turned to me. “She said you gave her permission to use the key under the doormat whenever she wanted.”

  Garrett looked at me. “You keep an extra key under your mat? Are you purposely trying to get robbed?”

  “I say the same thing,” Aunt Shirley said disgustedly.

  Seeing as how we just broke into someone’s house doing the same thing, I thought Aunt Shirley had a lot of nerve.

  Officer Ryan bit back a smile. “So anyway, when Miss Mabel was bent over retrieving the key, Ryli’s aunt opened the door. Now, your aunt claims to have mistaken Miss Mabel for Sheri Daniels. Who, by the way, your aunt keeps insisting murdered Ray Manning, and we should be ashamed of ourselves for letting her roam free.”

  “The bump?” Garrett sighed wearily.

  “Well, according to the statement I took from Miss Mabel, Ryli’s aunt had nunchucks in her hand and was swinging them around wildly when Miss Mabel stood up. One of the sticks came back and hit Ryli’s aunt in the forehead and down she fell. Again, all this is according to Miss Mabel.”

  “I knew you’d hurt yourself with those stupid things,” I said.

  Garrett turned to Aunt Shirley. “When did you get nunchucks?”

  I figured I’d better answer to save Aunt Shirley from a lecture. “Aunt Shirley, Paige, and I went to Locked & Loaded yesterday to get your Valentine’s Day gift. Which, by the way, is still in the Falcon’s trunk.”

  I added the last part hoping he’d go easy on us all if he knew he still had a gift coming.

  One side of his mouth lifted. “Nice try.”


  “That’s their version,” Aunt Shirley said. “Don’t suppose you wanna hear mine?”

  Garrett let out a small laugh. “Hardly.”

  “I still maintain your officer could have given me the goose egg.”

  “How about I take her home now?” I volunteered.

  “Did Miss Mabel want to press charges?” Garrett asked.

  I sucked in my breath. Surely sweet Miss Mabel wouldn’t do that.

  Officer Ryan turned to me. “Miss Mabel told me that as long as you called her and let her know you were okay, she would be content with forgiving everything.”

  “I’ll call her now.” I took out my cell and pulled up Miss Mabel’s number. Turning my back on the group, I walked over to the opposite side of the room. I quickly explained to her that I was okay and that my aunt was staying with me for a while. I thanked her for the cookies and promised to call on her within the next few days.

  “Miss Mabel is satisfied,” I said. “Can I take Aunt Shirley home?”

  Garrett cursed and unlocked the cell. “Fine. Take her before I decide to press charges.”

  “Ha! I should be the one pressing—”

  I grabbed her arm and hauled her out before she could finish. I knew that tone, and no way did I want to tangle with Garrett at this moment.

  I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek when I passed him. “I’ll give you your Valentine’s Day present tomorrow.”

  Aunt Shirley snorted. “Seems you already gave him a present, which is why I’ve been sitting in jail for the last hour.”

  I could hear Garrett growling as I tugged Aunt Shirley behind me.


  * * *

  I was surprised to see Aunt Shirley up and dressed early the next morning. I figured she’d be sore and moving slow—what with her playing Whack-A-Mole with her head the previous night.

  “We should go by and see what Valentine’s Day candy they have on sale at the grocery store,” she said as she opened the refrigerator and took out an Ensure supplemental drink.

  “Miss Mabel was kind enough to still leave the cookies even after you practically accosted her. Eat those.”

  Aunt Shirley grimaced. “This is why I need to go back to living alone. In my own home I can eat all the chocolate candy for breakfast I want.”

  “From your mouth to God’s ears. Hopefully Garrett will be arresting Sheri Daniels or Thomas Shifley today for the murder of Ray Manning and you can move back into the Manor.”

  “Until then, we stop and get candy on sale.” Aunt Shirley picked up her
purse. “By the way, did you find out if Shifty even was arrested yesterday for the thefts?”

  “No. Garrett neither confirmed nor denied.”

  Aunt Shirley shook her head in disgust. “You are a disgrace.”

  I bit my tongue and fed Miss Molly her breakfast.

  Our first stop was actually to the Gazette to see if Mindy had heard anything new with the investigation. She informed us that Thomas Shifley had been arrested for the thefts at the Manor. The police were still trying to figure out if he worked alone or with someone else. No one had yet been charged with Manning’s murder.

  “Funny how you’re dating the Chief and my wife has more info than you,” Hank said.

  I ignored his remark. “So still no arrest for Manning’s murder?”

  “Not at this time,” Mindy said.

  What is taking Garrett so long?

  We went to the store to get those tiny boxes of chocolate hearts on sale. Once we stocked up with a couple dozen boxes, we drove to the Manor to see if Sheri Daniels was even at work and see what gossip Virginia, Lovey, and Dotty knew.

  I freaked when we walked by Sheri’s office door and she was inside. I tried to hurry so we could pass without her seeing us.

  “Because of you two I’ve been fired!”

  I groaned. No such luck.

  Aunt Shirley snickered. “I’m not the one doing shady things!”

  Sheri leaned across her desk, her face flushed. “If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll make sure you never return here.”

  Aunt Shirley did a little jig. “Jokes on you. As soon as you’re arrested for the murder of Manning, Lucy Stevenson said I could come back.”

  Sheri’s face went from red to white. She staggered backward and fell in her chair. “I didn’t kill Manning!”

  I was about to ask her who she thought did murder Manning when Aunt Shirley grabbed me by the arm and hauled me toward the elevator.

  “Do you think it’s true?” I asked. “Do you think maybe she didn’t kill Manning?”


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