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Augustus and Lady Maude

Page 12

by AnonYMous

  Moral justice rules inflexibly here, as always. Kim's young backside is a dramatic landscape of bruises and empurpled weals. She is to be under moral discipline for two years. I have already obliged her to kneel before my chair and learn to perform the services which she owes to a gentleman of my standing. Thus your ladyship may rest assured that all is well and England remains in good hands. Maggie has been disposed of, to a certain gentleman of our acquaintance in a land where the possession of such a girl as a slave is a wholesome custom supported by law. I felt it advisable to give Maggie a hard time on the night before her departure, employing her from dusk until dawn.

  Her journey was made with two trusted escorts in a closed carriage and a private steam-yacht. To prevent unseemly incidents, Maggie's wrists were strapped behind her, her ankles were pinioned, and the usual wad was fastened in her mouth to quieten her. She is now safely in the possession of her new master who has already made her submit to certain pleasures of his own devising. Her absence obliged me to seek another young slut for my premises. I have found a provoking, well-built girl, who goes by the name of Noreen. She is quite tall, strongly made and has a resentful air which I hope will lead her into trouble before long! Such words as trollop, whore, slut, and young tart, might almost have been devised deliberately to apply to Noreen.

  She merits every one of them. I must now retire to the next room where our fifteen-year-old delinquent, Michele, will require my attention. Do be sure to remind the Signore of certain hard pruning which an Arab midwife might effect between Miss Aas's legs, thus removing all temptation to solitary vice. One cannot too strongly recommend such aids to morality and our own pleasure alike. With the compliments of your ladyship's obliged humble servant, H.

  Bowler, J.P.

  XXI. Lady Maude to Mr. Bowler

  Cairo, 31 August My dear Friend, I write at once upon my return to Shepherds Hotel to record the munificent hospitality of our mutual acquaintance Ahmed Pasha. I promise you that we shall have no more trouble with Julie or Maggie, nor for that matter with Sian and Miss Jones-or even our young Marit!

  The palace in which our friend holds his harem of more than a hundred girls is quite three days' journey from here and is visited only by his most discreet friends. It is a building which encloses the most sumptuous rooms, elegant courtyards, and gardens of the finest fragrance. Yet while it is luxurious as any palace, no fortress could be more secure. Best of all, the law of the land entitles him to be absolute master of all the girls within his walls. If Sian or Julie were to escape-though the thing is fortunately impossible-they would be regarded as common criminals and every soldier in the command of the provincial governor would be duty-bound to hunt them down. On their return, no limit would be imposed on his displeasure. He may even despatch pretty Miss Aas, swinging her from a beam with a rope round her neck while her bare feet flutter like trapped white birds.

  Have we not found a perfect master for those degraded young sluts like Julie and Maggie who dared to prey upon my poor cousin's weakness? I have not the space here to tell you of all that passed. Yet I must write to assure you that I had the opportunity to see for myself that the girls whom we have presented to him are being well looked after. The slim-thighed Scandinavian nymph Marit is being trained to give him pleasure of every kind. No privacy of any sort is permitted her, for her secret places must be constantly at the disposal of Massoumeh, the Persian beauty who has her under training.

  I still hold to my opinion that Marit with her calm young beauty and brown tresses will grow up to be a young woman of great loveliness.

  Yet her life here cannot be what it might have become as a bride of some Norwegian bourgeois. Each morning the older women take her into the tiled and luxurious-bath-house. They pull Marit's knickers down to her knees and draw the hem of her singlet up, for they choose to give all their attention to these parts of her. She lies on the leather settee and one of the women holds her wrists firmly while another masturbates Miss Aas with skilful fingers in a love lesson which lasts for an hour or more. In such places a girl of fifteen must expect to be conditioned to the pleasures of such arousal and the release of orgasm repeated several times in a morning. They have done this with such care that Marit will often slink away to her own bed and spend the whole of the following afternoon playing with herself.

  When I last saw her, they had taken her into the more perverse realms of a slave-girl's duties. She had been made to lie on her belly over the cushions. An elderly Arab crone had soaped her finger and inserted it to the knuckle between Marit's buttocks. By frequent references to the whip, they obliged Marit to exercise her backside on the intruding finger, tightening herself upon it rhythmically, milking it as she must soon use the guile of her young bottom to draw from the pasha the venom which would otherwise rob him of sleep. In a few weeks, the man's reality will replace a woman's finger! Sian and Julie are often separated, in order that the young redhead may partner our blond “pony-girl” Maggie as a servant for the Pasha Ahmed's banquets. It will not surprise you to learn that they both act as naked waitresses for the men who assemble in the fine dining hall with its Moorish keyhole arches and the incense rising from the brazier coals. Their sole adornments are tight black straps round waists and thighs, leather cuffs at wrists and ankles, as well as a leather collar. A man who wishes to fasten them in his favourite position has only to give the word. You may be sure that the broad young cheeks of Maggie's bottom collect an ample share of red smack-prints as she passes the chairs of the guests. Sian's trim young buttocks are often smudged by the ash of a fine cheroot. Last night I saw the tendrils of her red-haired mop in disarray and her blue eyes brimming. Alas, some devil had left an angry red streak on Sian's bottom with the glowing tip of his weed! A guest will often use Maggie or Sian as his mattress or pillow for the night. Sian will lie on her back, her legs splayed. A man has only to lie between them and he may pillow his head on the young redhead's belly, her sensitive little cunt always at his finger's touch. There is one elderly and worthy fellow who loves to sleep like this. At the same time, Maggie with her blond hair in a short pony-tail, must lie on her side with her back to him. She is quite naked, her seat must be at the level of his eyes and curved out to within a few inches of his race. With a rear view of her love-nest between her stocky young thighs, his lips are busy with the young blonde all night. His kisses browse on the broad sturdiness of Maggie's bottom-cheeks, between them, and upon the soft humid folds of her cunt. All this time he enjoys Sian's bare belly as his pillow!

  Both Julie and Miss Jones are occupied in teaching younger girls the customs of the harem. They lie on the table before the pupils and have all those things done to them which little girls must learn for the pleasure of their master. A man as rich as Ahmed Pasha does not confine himself to Arabian beauties alone. Among his collection are two or three dozen English girls but, I fear, some have been brought here much against their will. One night, to entertain us after dinner, he clapped his hands and summoned a harem dancer. It was only when he mentioned that her name was Sarah that I guessed the truth about her. She was indeed an English girl of eighteen or nineteen and it was exquisite to see such a little madam in so amusing a predicament. Imagine us taking our coffee and sherbet in the fine ornate hall with its pillars and arches, the chessboard marble of its floor and the torches flaming in their iron brackets. There appeared this lithe young creature with a shock of short blond hair, her blue eyes as well as the rest of her features looking painted as a doll's!

  She was dressed in pale-blue Turkish pantaloons and breast-halter with crimson dancing boots. The Turkish trousers were translucent, not only showing the brief knickers which Sarah wore underneath but also revealing the lithe energy of her movements, her trim thighs and her buttocks which were so taut and agile. Yet what struck one most about Sarah was her absurdly self-regarding resentment of her situation. Fortunately the vizier with the whip stood by and so we were not denied the pleasure of seeing her dance. He cracked the leather thong once
and through the Turkish pants we saw the firm young cheeks of Sarah's pretty bottom tighten together with fear at the sound. The music of flute and tambourine came from the shadows of the arcading. We saw Sarah's arms twine above her as her feet glided across the marble and her hips began their sinuous and suggestive rhythm. I will be honest with you, my dear friend. Such a self-important little minx with her painted face and flouncing manners can be tortured to the limit by the cruel vizier before I will intercede for her. With the worst possible grace she writhed and twined in her dance, performing immediately in front of her master's chair. The sulky little charmer arched her lithe young belly out towards him and let her head hang back, legs splayed and arms writhing. Straightening up again, she began to turn with sly little wrigglings of her trim hips. With his own hands he undid her Turkish trousers and stripped down her panties. She danced with her bum to him. Slowly, at his command, the agile beauty bent over, until he had a splendid view of the trim and pretty cheek of Sarah's nubile bottom.

  He made her squirm her young arse at him, for all the world like a girl riding a randy saddle. Then the vizier withdrew and gave a signal that the rest of us should follow. It was time for the pasha to be alone with his young dancing-girl. I confess that curiosity made me linger where one of the doors was open an inch. No suspicion attached to me for I do not suppose they thought an English lady capable of such deceit! I could not see everything, for the trim young blonde bent over in my direction and with her seat and thighs to the pasha. I could tell by the sudden grimaces of pleasure or hating that he found more than one avenue of delight open to him. As is the custom in this part of the world, when a girl exists for her master's pleasure and not for the breeding of children, it seemed that he enjoyed a ride between her legs-which had Sarah groaning and bending tighter to feel more of him- but discharged his seed on the hot infertile soil of her backside, which caused her to bite her lip desperately to check her exclamations of rebellion. I do not tell this story without purpose. Sarah was prepared to make trouble for him because he used her in a fashion which may be unorthodox in England but is common in Arabia. That night I found a message from her on my pillow. She urged me to inform the world of her unwilling captivity and to aid her escape. Knowing me as you do, dear friend, you are aware that I have an inflexible morality in social matters. I stop at nothing to uphold moral order. Yet, in the country where I was a guest, that moral order made this young wriggler the slave of Ahmed Pasha. To steal her from him, by the laws of the land, was no better than stealing his finest horse or his most costly silver plate. You will see at once that there was but one course which conscience allowed me to follow. I inquired of the vizier what punishment would be visited upon a girl guilty of such domestic treason. He smiled and spoke of bare-bottom whipping followed by the placing of a certain mark of ownership on the inward slopes of her bottom-cheeks. When Sarah stood upright, it would be concealed. When she was made to bend over, there would be no doubt to whom she belonged. Delighted to hear that they knew how to deal with her, I at once took the traitorous note to Ahmed Pasha. I confess, however, that my own delight was somewhat exceeded by that of the vizier himself. Can you not guess why? He it was who would have the enjoyable task of commanding the penalties and the thought of doing such things to the young blonde made him hardly able to keep his hands out of his trousers. As a supporter of justice and the need to punish delinquency however it may arise, I had hoped to be a spectator when Sarah was strapped down astride the bench on all fours. Alas, this was not to be. Such things are done very privately, in order to prevent scandal and tales being told. It is the custom for the vizier to be alone with the girl and to partake of certain preliminary enjoyments as his reward. I was permitted-as a student of such jurisprudence- to view the scene before the door was closed upon Sarah and her passionate disciplinarian. To see this lithe and agile girl of eighteen or nineteen strapped down on all fours astride the bench, was a story in itself. The shock of blond hair and the painted young face made such a self-pitying ensemble. She wore her breast-halter, but from the strap round her waist to the strap which pinioned her bare legs just above the knees, she was quite naked. From the back of her waist to the back of her knees, she was at the disposal of the sadistic vizier. I was not able to witness the sequel, not indeed to hold any conversation of the normal kind with Sarah. The gag was already in place and so there was wildness in her blue eyes with their mascara'd lashes. Yet there lay upon the floor a trailing whip which would have brought the most disobedient filly to correction after half a dozen strokes. And in the glow of the brazier coals two little marking discs were heating, each the size of a small coin. I returned Sarah's frenzy with a smile and advised her to learn obedience and gratitude to her master for the tribute of sperm he paid her, when he might have preferred many another harem-girl. With that I nodded to the vizier and urged him to chastise the little whore soundly. I observe respect for social morality-in whichever society I happen to be. In England we do not permit a man to keep slaves. In Arabia a man may be an outcast who drinks alcohol or eats pork. Ahmed Pasha, as our guest in England, would no more dream of dynamiting a pork butcher's shop or a distillery than I would rob him of a slave-girl in his own land. What would become of the world if each country tried to overthrow the laws of the rest? None would triumph. Chaos and anarchy must overwhelm us all, He did not deal with her as harshly as he might. He might hang Sarah for her crime, if he chose. It is his right. Enough of that. I dream now of autumn in the Villa Lola and our calm Italian lake. I shall rest a few weeks and then return to England. There is a delightful Italian tomboy of eighteen whom I wish to explore, rather short but firm-figured, dark in hair and complexion. You shall hear of her seductions and of every stroke of the cane given across the broad olive-skinned cheeks of Patrizia Luisi's bottom! Until I salute you from la Bella Italia, I am your true friend, M-J- Anonymous Augustus and Lady Maude XXII. Augustus to Lady Maude Wight, 4 September My beloved Cousin, As soon as it was rumoured to me that you had returned to Cairo from your little voyage in Arabia Deserta, I took up my pen to write and tell you of the new event which has quite transformed my life.

  You were right about Julie. Of course you were. Even in the case of Maggie, my own reactions to certain spectacles in which she was involved assured me that she could not, at all, be the future partner of my life. And yet, my dear, you are mistaken in the most important truth of all. Though neither Julie nor Maggie was worthy of the honour I proposed, there are girls of their humble origins who are more than equal to it. The story of Cinderella and her prince is no mere fable to me. Could I ever find such a treasure? I have done so at last. Her name is Noreen and she is in our friend Bowler's employ. I daresay you will not at once acquiesce in my choice, dear Maude. Yet only give the matter a little time and I am quite sure that Noreen will find a place in your heart as she has done in my own.

  With what expectancy I await your return, my dearest, in a few weeks more. Then you shall see for yourself and congratulate me upon the future bliss which lies within my grasp. Your loving cousin, Augustus Anonymous Augustus and Lady Maude XXIII. Lady Maude to Mr. Bowler Gardone, 11 September My dear Friend, However unethical it may be, I enclose a copy of the last letter which I received in Cairo from Lord Augustus. You will see at once why I have cancelled my plans for a warm Italian autumn by the lakes and am returning to England. I am determined that his moral education should be put in hand at once. He must learn the obligations and pleasures which are proper to a gentleman-and those which are not. I wish it were possible to make him see the truth. In his privileged position he may have whatever fun he likes with such young whores as Julie, Maggie, or his latest inamorata, it is the purpose for which such girls exist in our society. As a member of the governing class, he could have them consigned to reformatory or penitentiary, if their resistance proves obstinate, and there enjoy them under threat of the lash. No man of sense in church or state opposes the whipping of such creatures. Indeed, there is talk of a KGB for Mr. James Mile

  But to “spoon” with such wenches, as he does-to talk of them as his brides-to-be!-is beyond all endurance. Is he so hardened in vice and republicanism mat he cannot see the consequences of his wickedness? There is but one remedy, my dear friend. We must teach him how to enjoy pleasure as he should. Only let him enjoy the fun that may be had with such creatures when they have no option but to obey him. It will whet his appetite as this feeble cow-eyed adoration never could. From now on, his life of idle pleasure must cease. He shall attend the reformatory and penitentiary as a magistrate and gentleman should. There he shall see these sluts dealt with and enjoyed by the only method which they understand. Did our forefathers struggle to make our country great, merely in order that its fabric should be worm-eaten by the amorous freaks of a neurasthenic boy?

  Enough of this neurasthenia into the bargain! A little education in the cruder and coarser attributes of such girls as these will work wonders. Let him see them spurred by the lash to every vulgarity of which their bodies are capable, it will prove a wholesome corrective to this talk of Plato and Petrarch. I must teach him to appreciate girls of his own class and to see these other wenches for what they are. I readily admit that they offer a man strong pleasures of a certain variety. But the thought of my cousin wedded to a strumpet dressed in virgin white quite revolts me. An end, then, to milk-sop romance and neurasthenia. My uncle tells me that Dr.


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