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Augustus and Lady Maude

Page 15

by AnonYMous

  Noreen screaming and kicking madly with her bare legs… a cut with the whip aslant the surging mounds of Noreen's arse… another slanting cut… two ruby trickles down Noreen's thrashed buttocks and a score of wine-red smudges… Though Noreen is a sturdy young wench, it was not surprising that one of the stable-lads had to apply the smelling-salts to her nostrils from time to time. He did this with smiles and randy whispers to her. Though he had to pull up his cotton pants as he came forward, he directed Noreen's frantic gaze to the bulge at the front of his briefs, pressing her lips to the hardness and the wet patch on the material itself. The gaoler discarded the switch and chose the pony-lash with its short tail of woven snakeskin. Such alarm in Noreen's eyes as she saw over her shoulder what he was preparing to do to her! But his voice was firm and decided. “Bend right over, Noreen! Better than that! I want to see those strong young thighs filled out a little and those strapping young bottom-cheeks stretched hard for discipline! Show us a big-bottomed view, Noreen! Your complete rear view this time!”

  She writhed in her straps, protesting and fearful in her anticipation. Fortunately the gaoler could enforce obedience by lowering the front hurdle-bar further. This made Noreen bend over until the level fringe of her dark hair almost brushed her knees. To ease the strain on her rear thigh-muscles, she was also obliged to stand astride a little. What a sight she offered! Noreen was looking back at an upside-down view of the vault behind her through the narrow arch of her own bare thighs! The justices and their ladies had an excellent view between her legs. Noreen also displayed that lewd little flag of paper which peeped from her bum in such a provocative manner. The gaoler smiled at this and murmured a command which made Noreen gasp with shock. He smiled again. “Very well, Noreen. Then the lash must pluck it out.” Noreen's sturdy buttocks tightened with instinctive terror at this. For the moment, her insolence and contempt towards him faltered. What followed was certainly not a ladylike display. Yet such things are permitted when dealing with a girl like Noreen in the complete privacy of reformatory discipline.

  The gaoler laid his hand on the bare pallor of her hip-flank and made Noreen turn her broadened young backside more fully towards the onlookers. He pressed a rim of china high against the rear of her thighs. The stable lads' fists went like pistons and the magistrates were visibly excited at the lengths to which the gaoler would go with Noreen. The young ladies of fashion watched with exceptional eagerness, eyes sparkling in gleeful expectation. The gaoler stroked Noreen through the rear of her legs. He reminded her to show her insolent young face to the magistrates while she obeyed. There was indignation in the slant of her brown eyes but even this young strumpet almost blushed at what she was obliged to do. We watched her bare bottom intently as Noreen bent over tightly before us. She let out a long breath and her young belly tensed with effort. It seemed that Noreen swelled her bum-cheeks out more fully. The saucy little tail of paper moved. The tight tear dimple expanded, the little wad appeared. Noreen expelled it with great caution so that it emerged slowly and at last fell upon the porcelain. The gaoler placed it on the table, next to Noreen's knickers. I could scarcely believe that this trophy was also destined for the collection of senile old Justice Snook who treasures such mementoes of young women under discipline.

  The usual rubber wedge between her teeth protected them in the frenzy of the final tanning. At the first crack of the pony-lash across her nineteen-year-old bottom the very stones of the vault sang.

  The second stroke was aimed short so that the tip of the lash tickled her between her rear cheeks. How Noreen shrilled at the searing kiss of skinning leather between her sturdy young bottom-cheeks! The gaoler's eyes shone with anticipation and he caught her between them again with his next stroke. Then he aimed across the cheeks but the smart of the snakeskin was so atrocious that Noreen's bum retorted most rudely before she could contain herself. Mr. Snook smiled and caught the gaze of her wild eyes. That was deliberately done to halt the tanning, Mr. Turnkey! Teach the fat-bottomed trollop a lesson in manners, if you please!' The front of the gaoler's breeches bulged as if they had suddenly become too small for him. Noreen yelled a frantic protest as he let her feel the cool leather dangling between her rear globes while he took his aim. Six times the pony-lash kissed Noreen agonisingly between her bottom-cheeks, skinning her finely.

  How wise are the new laws which confine the tanning of such girls to private reformatories. Noreen was punished in ways best not displayed to untutored eyes. The intensity of her screams thrilled the justices with strange exhilaration. In her frenzy Noreen tried to trap the streaking lash by clenching her rear cheeks upon it to detain it!

  She released it at once with wild soprano shrillness. By clenching her bottom-cheeks on the speeding leather, Noreen skinned her arse-crack even more closely than the gaoler would have dared to do deliberately!

  The snaking lash smacked across Noreen's bottom again… and again… two more wine-red droplets running down her rear cheeks… an ear-stunning impact of the pony-whip across the lower fatness of Noreen's bottom-cheeks… Noreen gulping and writhing over the hurdle-bar… perfectly positioned for more whip… the lash aimed between her rear cheeks again… across the cheeks… between the cheeks… between the cheeks across the cheeks… the vault ringing with Noreen's frenzy a moment's pause… “Get your bottom right over the bar, Noreen!” the gaoler said quietly. “I'm not nearly satisfied with the state of your backside yet.” He changed the pony-lash for the slim tapering switch of polished leather. Even during the pause Noreen could not control her writhing. Her strapping young bottom smarted too keenly and the panic was swelling in her belly. The gaoler eagerly watched the seductive rounding of her thrashed backside. A sadistic whip-stroke across the lower fatness of Noreen's bare buttocks ended the pause… another lashed the same soft undercurve… Noreen kicked and shrieked… the whip aslant her arse to tame her… another slanting cut… the whip across the rear of her thighs… a sizzling smack across the fullest curve of Noreen's bum-cheeks… two cuts high up across the rear of her thighs… ruby beads running down to the backs of her knees… the whip low across Noreen's bottom… again… red-petalled droplets on the flagstones… the state of Noreen's bottom stiffening every magistrate… the whip across her thighs… across her bum-cheeks… her backside again… across her thighs… her bottom… her thighs… an ear splitting whip-smack across Noreen's bottom… thighs… Noreen's bottom…

  Noreen's bottom… Noreen's bottom… Even the eyes of the watching ladies sparkled with excitement when they saw that during the torment of the final thrashing Noreen's strong young teeth had bitten right through the thick rubber bit in her mouth! When it was over, the strapping young mounds of her bare backside were the colour of red fire. The two stable-boys had the enjoyable task of smearing the cheeks of Noreen's arse with heavily salted kitchen fat to prolong the scorching smart. Her nineteen-year-old buttocks blazed raw and sleek with grease and-it must be admitted-splashes and blobs of youthful lust trickled down Noreen's bottom-cheeks. In a day or two, Lady Maude confided to her close friends her great satisfaction at the effect this display of prison discipline had had upon Lord Augustus.

  He now saw Noreen for what she was and at last understood what the proper conduct of society required of him. To adore the broad-cheeked swell of Noreen's arse in tight denim as she knelt to her labours, was one thing. But one does not select the future lady of the manor by the width of her hind-quarters! Lady Maude guessed-and in this she was right-that the sight of Noreen behaving with all her natural vulgarity under the gaoler's lash would cure her cousin's infatuation.

  He had seen the young strumpet thrashed. He had heard Noreen fart under the whip. He had seen the saucy twist of paper protruding in a quite lascivious manner. After that he was safe. Noreen could never be his bride now-the lady of the manor. His lordship knew it.

  All the magistrates of the county had witnessed Noreen farting under the gaoler's whip. Ladies of the manor never fart at all-or at least are never known to. N
oreen had presented a lewd display between her strapping young bottom-cheeks. It may be allowed that ladies of the manor have bottom-cheeks but they certainly have nothing between them.

  A true English lady endeavours not to have a bottom of any kind- in short not to exist below the waist. Worst of all, Noreen had been made to show her cunt to the justices of the county. A gentleman cannot take to wife a girl whose cunt-anatomy had been inspected by every person of quality in the county! In truth, Lord Augustus woke in the nick of time from his trance. He saw that Noreen was a fat-arsed young tart a strapping young trollop, a vulgar bitch, an insolent young whore-in short all those things which Lady Maude had vainly assured him of from the first. How clearly one sees, then, that our nation's system of justice and prison discipline-for all its occasional little faults-is the friend of order and decency in our established society. Noreen spent a night screaming under the whip.

  How small a price to pay for preserving the good name and honest blood of one of our noblest families which she might otherwise have ruined!

  Lord Augustus recovered his spirits with great speed and his progress has been heart-warming. He attended a reformatory and watched a cheeky little imp of fourteen, Sally Fenton, caned three times on her bare bottom in one afternoon. He might have intervened on her behalf but he never did. Several foreign girls were brought there for crimes committed in England. Among them was the young Austrian slut, Elke Mahne, with her high-boned face, sly hazel eyes, and short bell-shape of straight brown hair. The soft ripe cheeks of Elke Mahne's sixteen-year-old bottom in tight denim moved Lord Augustus as they should. Before she was tanned, he visited her room. Though I cannot swear that he ravished Elke, she looked very sorry for herself when the gaoler bent her over the hurdles. The vaseline on the table by her bed had certainly been used and the red prints of his lordship's cane were visible on the full young cheeks of Elke Mahne's bottom, even before the gaoler dealt with her. So ardently did his lordship wish to reform the girl that he went to her room a good two hours before each of her public disciplines. The prints of his bamboo across Elke Mahne's backside were much admired. All this was a marked improvement in the young gentleman but it was only a beginning.

  Next a bride of eighteen was got for him, Lady Nerissa Gray, a charming girl of good family and education. It was not supposed that he would grow cold to the vulgar provocation of such working-girls as Julie or Maggie. Since he could not marry them, he might now enjoy them at will! The friends of this happy couple did all in their power to aid their life together and were gratified to see that marriage to an estimable young lady had brought Lord Augustus to his senses at last. He lost nothing by doing his duty as society demanded.

  Lady Nerissa was his companion of bed and board. Her passion conceived quickly. In two years the line of descent in one of England's most noble families was secured by the birth of two vigorous male infants.

  Yet his lordship was also able to enjoy the delights of proletarian beauty with greater success and public esteem than when he was a moody neurasthenic boy. He was appointed a justice, a trustee of reformatories for fallen female virtue. Girls whom he once courted in despair were now his to command. In these matters, Mr. Bowler strove to be his example and teacher. Noreen had sex regularly and exclusively from Mr. Bowler. It was fortunate that his thrice-weekly libations of sperm were squirted into Noreen's young backside upon hot infertile soil. Otherwise she might have left the reformatory with a squalling brood clutching at her apron-strings! With his strong and bawdy tastes, Mr. Bowler positively had to attend Noreen in a white-tiled toilet-suite. During his residence, she was never permitted such a visit except for the purposes of his pleasure.

  Before the door closed upon Mr. Bowler and the girl, it was possible for Lord Augustus to glimpse nineteen-year-old Noreen fastened down, bending tightly over the marble table. The firmly broadened cheeks of the young window-dresser's bottom were clad skin-smooth in the washed-out denim of her working-jeans. Beside her on the table stood the china bowl and the vaseline, the liquid soap and the squirt, the bamboo cane and the rolled paper, the pony-lash and the spanking-strap-all those things necessary to magisterial satisfaction. Lady Maude was the first whose influence and moral example served to instruct the young gentleman in his social duties.

  Not long after the amusing display which Noreen had afforded her social superiors, the reformatory at Coombe was the scene of a most edifying spectacle. Two elderly gentlewomen, the Misses Edgar and Swann, were in despair over the matter of their fifteen-year-old maid-of-all-work, Michele. By her insolence and disobedience, the girl had quite overturned the proper order of their household so that it was the servant who ruled the mistresses rather than the other way round. It was most fortunate that Lord Rupert heard something of the predicament in which the elderly spinsters found themselves. By his good offices, pert Michele was enrolled in the fifth-form of the reformatory institution at Coombe. None of this was known to young Lord Augustus at the time. Yet his cousin Maude, who now began to have hopes that his neurasthenia was in retreat, took him one afternoon to visit the master of that place. Michele was to be seen skulking with a crony or two in a corner smoking a cigarette on the sly. What a picture she made! At fifteen she is neither very tall nor large-built, yet her young body has a lithe and quite sturdy look.

  Then, Michele has the sluttishly provoking air of a street girl and it is upon this that she trades! She stood before Lord Augustus, the silken sweep of her brown hair worn in a seductive slant across her forehead and trimmed short at her collar. Michele was not unaware that this style gave her ample opportunity for coquettish tossings of her head and flicking of the sleek veil of hair clear of her face! Her brown eyes appeared narrowed with a knowing mockery and a shifting dishonesty. The long slope of her cheekbones and the provoking tilt of her nose completed the portrait. Like most fifth-form girls, Michele thus had both womanly and childish qualities about her. One remarked how Michele's mouth was a little large and had the vulgar twist of adult whoredom, while her chin had such a youthful softness.

  Though Lord Augustus was treated with every courtesy, as became his rank, you may be sure that Lady Maude and his other friends watched him anxiously m these encounters. It was noticed that his gaze wandered back repeatedly to the face and figure of Michele. Lady Maude slipped away and had a private word with the warden of that place. A moment later that officer-whose salary is, of course, paid by her ladyship's family-approached the young gentleman. He inquired if Lord Augustus would convey a great honour and assistance upon him by taking Michele under moral correction for a few hours. With what anxiety did his friends and well-wishers attend the young nobleman's response.

  It seemed that diffidence wrestled with duty in his heart and was almost the victor. Then he looked a the sly seductive figure of Michele and his tongue ran upon his lips. In short, he accepted the invitation. A study was at once set aside for him, a mullion-windowed room of buttoned leather and polished mahogany which looked out upon the summer meadow of buttercups and white may. Michele was told to report herself there, which she did with a lewd and impudent grin, a flick back of the sweep of brown hair from her forehead. In her white singlet and the washed blue of tight denim she tapped at the door. Once he had her in the room, Lord Augustus was able to examine her lithe and agile young figure even before undressing her, for that was his privilege. Standing behind her, his hands curving round her body, he was able to feel the budding swell of Michele's breasts through the warm cotton of the singlet. His words to her, overheard by those who cared for him, told their own story. He exercised his right as moral guardian to draw the singlet up at the front and smooth his hand over her young belly. Then his fingers slid down into the front of her pants, Michele bucking and squirming as his lordship's fingers fondled her pubic fleece and parted the lips of her young puss. Presently, he sat down in a leather chair, obliged her to stand close with her back to him, and observed how the tight jeans-seat moulded the lithe round cheeks of Michele's bum. The sight mu
st have provoked him greatly. “You lewd little bitch, Michele!” he gasped passionately. “You shall have your knickers off in a moment and learn a lesson or two in discipline before you leave this room!” Those who eavesdropped upon the encounter were vastly assured by this. At last Lord Augustus was talking in the accents of one of England's moral educators, it seemed certain that he was now safe from the snares which such young sluts of the lower orders are always preparing for innocent young fellows of his sort. He undid the waist of the denim pants himself and drew them down, making fifteen-year-old Michele stand there before him in her underwear for several minutes while he examined her with eyes and hands. He did not hurry himself, knowing that he might prolong the punishment session for as long as he pleased. Presently he was weary of feeling her arse and hips through the white cotton web. He pulled down Michele's fifth-form knickers and gazed eagerly upon the challenge to moral discipline which she now offered. To punish hastily or in anger is never to be recommended and Lord Augustus used the interval to become better acquainted with the culprit. He obliged Michele to kneel before him at his leather chair while he questioned her about past acts of furtive randiness with lads of her own kind. To confirm the extent to which she had tasted depravity, he commanded her to suck him, saying that he was sure she had done it often enough before for some young ruffian or other. It is a sad reflection of the prevailing cynicism in England's public life that many malcontents and radicals might accuse our noble young magistrate of making Michele suck upon his stiffened penis and work her tongue about its engorged knob merely for lewd satisfaction. How different is the truth-and how little understood by our moral and social inferiors! Repugnant though it was to him to see Michele suck and lick, the slant of silky brown hair falling like a veil upon the scene, Lord Augustus obliged himself to submit to the ordeal in order to test the extent of her criminality. The skill with which Michele sucked up and down the shaft of hardened gristle, holding only the base to prevent it going too far into her throat, offered him no consolation. The artful manner in which she worked her agile young tongue under his foreskin and round the vent of his penis moved him only to dismay. One heard this from his gasps. “You lewd little slut, Michele!… You randy little piece!… Oh, you shall be whipped for this-” Had he merely been a sensualist, he would have spilt his sperm over her tongue and down her throat. This was far from the case, for he restrained himself admirably and held back the torrent of passion.


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