The Hailey Holloway Complete Series

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The Hailey Holloway Complete Series Page 12

by K. C. Stewart

  “As well as can be expected. Now stop with the small talk and get to the good stuff.”

  Hailey told her of the spell and gave more details than she had on the phone. Darby joined them after getting her own pizza and listened to Hailey talk, adding details every now and then. Hailey pointed at the target that was hung on the fridge. It was the one she had used on her first day of shooting, and proudly told Lia of her training conquests. The muse nodded and smiled but was not in the least bit amazed at her shooting performance.

  By the end of her second slice she had filled them in on the afternoon’s adventures. Dak had quit his moaning for meaty pizza and chose to go back to brooding. Hailey wouldn’t have brought up the coffee shop if she knew he would go back into Sulksville.

  “Do we have a plan yet for getting in and out of Silas’s vineyard?” Lia asked after polishing off her last slice.

  “Yes. You get to be bait, kinda.”

  “I approve,” she stated.

  “So now that we are all caught up on this end of things…” Hailey let her sentence drag and lifted her eyebrows in wait for Lia to begin.

  “Do I have to?”

  “Yes,” Darby and Hailey said together.

  Lia stood and collected the plates, tossing them in the trash. She also put the pizza away and refilled everyone’s drink. Hailey’s eyes followed her around the room until Lia came back to the table.

  “His name was Alex,” Hailey started, making a continue motion with her hand.

  “Alex was my Mate. He was a Blue dragon, and he was killed by Silas three years ago.” Lia pursed her lips together and took a breath. “How much more do you want to know?”

  Hailey wanted to say all of it, but it wasn’t her story to tell. “As much as you’re willing to share.”

  “Peachy.” Lia steadied herself and let the words fall out of her. “We met a couple thousand years ago, back in my heyday. He went by Alexius back then, and I, Thalia.” She frowned “He always told this part of the story, I never do it justice.”

  “Stalling,” Darby blurted out. Lia gave her the stink eye.

  “I was in some random little market in Rome when he spotted me. I was on assignment and trying to help a playwright out but it wasn’t going well. Alex says he knew instantly that I was his Mate. Love at first sight.” Lia rolled her eyes and waved her hand, brushing the idea away.

  “He was always a romantic like that, hopelessly so. I left before he could talk to me. There was something “more” about me, but he didn’t know what. It’s the only thing he had to go on while he tracked me down. We didn’t actually meet for another two years.”

  “Sweet, but stalkerish,” Hailey added as Darby placed a beer in front of each of them.

  “I know, right? So he called on me for my help in all things inspiration. Alex said there was a woman who he desired. I told him that was not my forte, but I could give it a shot.”

  “How does that work exactly?” She had been wondering for a while now.

  “The inspiration thing?”

  “Yeah. Let’s say I want to be a songwriter, but I can’t string a sentence together let alone a chorus. I call upon the muses to help, and then what?”

  She shrugged. “I wouldn’t hand you a completed song if that’s what you’re asking. We’re more subtle than that. I can help guide you through the process, ask questions to get you thinking, and just give you a little nudge here and there. I help bring out the best in you, but you do all the work. It’s call inspiration, not workhorse.”

  “You are crushing my hopes and dreams.”

  “All in a day’s work.” Lia took a pull from her beer and continued. “Anyways, Alex and I met for weeks. I wasn’t sure if I was actually helping. My area is humor, comedy, etcetera. Alex would just flash that brilliant smile of his, and tell me I was doing fine. He had the best smile, especially back then when dental hygiene wasn’t priority.”

  Hailey raise her hand with another question. “You said Rome earlier, I’m assuming you mean like ancient Rome?”

  “Yes, I believe it was around the time of Marcus Aurelius. Somewhere around 165 AD. Alex would know; I always forget stuff like that.”

  “Wow. You’re really old.” She looked over the blonde beauty searching for a wrinkle or grey hair.

  She laughed. “Don’t bother, you won’t find anything that puts me older than 28.”

  “Those are some nice genetics you got there. Ouch!” Darby flicked Hailey in the head. ”What was that for?”

  “Stop interrupting story time.”

  Lia and Dak laughed as Hailey rubbed her head. “Please continue,” Darby told Lia.

  “Well, I realized during those few weeks that I was falling for this dragon who was in love with another woman. When I met up with him that night everything was set up perfectly. Alex had used all of my suggestions, creating my own perfect date.

  I can still picture him standing on that balcony waiting for this woman. I took the moment to appreciate him; his body was that of the gods. Alex kept his blonde hair short, as a warrior would. Then wrapped himself in layers of cloth belted at the waist. I grew up around the finest specimens of the male figure. Being the daughter of Zeus, I could have my pick of any god I wanted, but it was Alex, a dragon, who made me weak at the knees.”

  Hailey risked another flicking and made a little “Awwww” sound.

  “But I couldn’t do it,” Lia added. “I turned with every intention of leaving Alex to his woman and never bothering him again. But the bastard was quicker than me.” She smiled. “Grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him before I had taken two steps. With the threat of me leaving, Alex spilled everything. He had planned it all for me; I was the woman he was in love with. I slapped him for playing me like that, and then kissed him because I could.”

  “How,” Darby asked, “does Silas enter into all this?”

  The smile that had grown on Lia’s face now disappeared. “Three years ago Alex went out to get dinner and never came home. Our connection was slowly severed to the point of non-existence over the course of a month. I could only assume since there was no body that he was dead. But I’ve had firsthand accounts of a dragon meeting Alex’s description during time in Silas’s possession.”

  “That was right after Silas tried to kill me the first time,” Dak stated lost in thought.

  “It took me three years to figure out who took him. Earlier this year I got the name Silas, it’s unraveled since then with the other dragons missing.”

  Dak began to talk to himself; she couldn’t follow most of it but caught one question.

  “Dak wants to know how many have gone missing across all the septs.”

  “The most are from Red, which is understandable now that I know Dacea. I’d say a good 100 from Red, maybe 50 from Blue, and only a handful between Green and Silver.”

  “Ask her about the Council,” he demanded.

  “What about them?”

  “Are they all alive? Have they changed leadership?” Hailey relayed his question.

  “Big upheaval last year. I don’t think any of the same dragons are there anymore.”

  “I didn’t hear about that,” Darby chimed in.

  “They’ve kept it quiet. I only know because an old friend of Alex’s was a Council guard. They fired all the guards right before it happened, brought in new people.”

  Dacea tuned out the conversation. The contract on his head seemed more understandable now. He wondered if all the Council members were handpicked by Silas. It was a very good possibility. What he wanted to do was get in contact with a few of his old advisors. He just couldn’t be sure of who was in Silas’s pocket and who was trustworthy. It had been too long since he ruled.

  “Ask Darby if she still has people she trusts in Blue?”

  “I keep a handful of our old friends on the line, just in case. What are you thinking, Dacea?”

  Hailey passed on his wishes for Darby to contact a few of her contacts and try to find out who the Coun
cil members were. Maybe it was time for Dacea to make a comeback, or at the very least spread rumors that he was alive.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The minute Silas left the room, the whispers started. All the Council members had been holding their tongues while in session but now they were all a bunch of chatty school girls with the latest gossip. Silas screened and picked each one of those dragons for the Council, some were supporters and others were there under threat to their family and loved ones. He had control of every action they made, every decision they came too was in his favor. They were the ones who signed the contract for Dacea’s death, and yet giddiness over his possible return lit their eyes.

  Multiple sets of footsteps echoed down the hallway. Silas was flanked by his chosen security. They were giant burly dragons dressed in enough weaponry to make even his dead Father quiver in his grave. They were non-descript and almost identical in every way. Silas had forgotten their names immediately. Instead he referred to them as Thing 1 and Thing 2. He only liked to bring the Things out to play in high risk situations. Dacea’s rumored existence outside of a grave was, in his mind, considered high risk. The man was like freaking Elvis, sightings of him had been coming in from everywhere all day, which was not possible. Not fucking possible.

  Outside the Council head-quarters Silas slipped inside his awaiting limo, the Things taking on the job as driver for the time being, got into the front.

  “All clear, Sir. Proceed to house?”

  “Yes.” Leaning his elbow against the window, Silas rubbed his eyes. “And put up the divider. You’re faces are annoying me.” The inner window groaned on the way up, sealing him in with only his thoughts.

  “Fuck.” What did that dragon and his little whore think they were up to? It started slowly, only a tiny rumor and not with much weight behind it. Then he walks into the Council meeting looking the fool. Silas had persuaded them to put a price on Dacea’s head, or more accurately Lennox’s head. He did his job, killed the fucking Blue. It’s not his fault that Dacea just wouldn’t stay dead.

  “Fuck.” He repeated as he slammed his fist on the mini bar, glasses and bottles clinked together in agreement.

  What he couldn’t figure out was their game. So people now believed he might be alive, who cares? Silas sneered out the window. If they only knew. One look at Hailey and all that hope that has been slowly building would crumble.

  Now his smile was back. The thought of crushing people’s hopes and dreams was like a cookie, just a small indulgence that brought him joy and fulfillment. If this got any more out of hand then Silas would show them the true face of their fearless leader, that of a human woman.

  A plan began to form in his mind. Maybe he would leak the footage of her attempted break in, or possibly a counter rumor. Didn’t he have a picture of Dacea’s bloodied body? A crease formed in between his eyes as he thought back. The witch did her thing then stabbed him. Dacea’s fell to his knees then his limp body hit the ground. Good times, Silas mused. Ahh yes, it was after his men chased Lennox away. A picture was taken before the body was burned.

  His seemingly bad day was looking up. “Things,” he spoke into the intercom. “Stop by a bakery on the way back. I’d like a cookie.”

  Silas sat back in his leather seat and laughed.


  They ate Chinese while hunched over their respective workstations. Darby had chosen Shrimp Lo Mein and the kitchen table as her area. Lia was on the deck with Moo Shoo Pork. That left Hailey crunching on an egg roll at the couch. She swore her Chicken Chow Mein Fun was breeding. After stuffing her face, it looked like she only ate two bites.

  As the others plugged away starting rumors and gathering information on the Council, Hailey spent a little time checking her email and playing solitaire. At this point her job was to stay out of the way.

  “Thanks Terrance. You tell your Mamma I said hi. Ok I will, you too. Bye now.” Darby tossed the phone on the table. “Got you motherfucker!”

  “What did you get?” Hailey was already on her way over to the table.

  “Just spoke with Len’s old friend Terrance. He served under one of the old Council members. Word is his boss had been terrorized until he quit. In a weak moment of drunken stupidity, the man had a slip up and told Terrance that his family had been threatened daily, he was afraid to leave his Mate and two children alone. They said the threats would stop if he quit or would become reality if he stayed.” She reached for her fortune cookie and popped the bag.

  “Obviously the guy left but he wasn’t the only one threatened. A Silver who is currently on the Council is only there because his sister is being held hostage. As long as he stays, she lives.”

  “I bet ya there are more,” Hailey added while breaking open her own cookie.

  “Damn right there are. Terrance couldn’t say who was behind the threats because his boss never spilled those details.” Darby took a few bites of her Lo Mein. “But I’m guessing Silas for obvious reasons.”

  “Can’t argue with you there. Do you have any more contacts?”

  “Just one more then I’m tapped out.”

  “Let me know.” Hailey took her seat back on the couch and read her fortune.

  Some cookies contain no fortune.

  “What a rip off. I demand a fortune.”

  “I don’t believe it works that way,” Dak chuckled. “Besides I think that is the most honest fortune cookie I’ve ever seen. That has to count for something, right?”

  “No,” she pouted.

  “Suck it up, Babe,” he stated.

  As Hailey tried to learn how to say “Beer” in Chinese, Lia came in and dropped her laptop on the table with a thud. That was not the face of a happy muse.

  “What’s wrong?” Hailey asked.

  Lia didn’t answer but walked into the kitchen and filled a glass with water. Darby reached over the table and grabbed the laptop, turning it around towards her. There was a sharp intake of breath as she looked at the screen.

  “What is it?”

  Darby shook her head and turned the laptop away from her. Her lips were pressed into a tight line as tears gathered in her eyes. “I knew it happened,” she closed her eyes, “but seeing it is harder than hearing about it.”

  “Seeing what?” Geez just tell me, Hailey thought as she got off the couch.

  “Hailey, I’m not sure that is a good idea,” Lia said as she approached the laptop.

  “Darby saw it, why can’t I?” Hailey ignored her and turned the computer.

  “No.” The top snapped shut.

  Hailey glared at Lia. “Yes.” She tried to pry it open but the muse wouldn’t budge.

  “I know how you reacted to the body in the driveway, this is worse. Please just trust me.” The sincerity in her voice had Hailey moving back.

  Darby was staring out the window with a blank look in her eye. The woman had all but retreated into herself with only the occasional shake of the head.

  “Darby what was it?”

  “Picture,” her toneless voice answered.

  “Of what?”


  “Anyone we know?”

  Darby turned and met Hailey’s eyes; she knew immediately who the picture was of. It was of her dragon, Dacea. Hailey’s gut rolled in on itself as her mind began to piece together possibilities.

  “Let me see,” her words clipped, she opened the screen before Lia could deny her access.

  “Oh god, no.” They were right, it was worse than the body in the driveway. The man in the picture could have been anyone, she admitted. It wasn’t like she had ever seen Dak before. He was classically handsome and just a bit rugged, then again that could be because of all the dirt and pools of blood all over his body. He had a few days scuff built up over a chin with a small cleft. His brown hair stood up every which way, but Hailey wasn’t sure if that was on purpose or because of the position he was in. He would clean up nice, she thought. Give him a shower and a suit and panties would drop all over the worl

  She tried not to look at the lifeless eyes. They were the only part she recognized. Their golden amber color wasn’t something she could forget; it reminded her of a good beer. They were missing their spark though. Not just the life and soul of Dak, but that bit of fire that turned his smirk into something that scorched.

  “Christ, I didn’t know this was taken.” A tiny bit of an Irish lilt flavored his tongue like it always did when he was upset.

  “Where did you find this Lia?” Hailey choked out, her voice still not over the shock of the image.

  “A friend of mine emailed it to me.” She pushed the glass of water toward Hailey. “He said it’s been circulating to counter the rumors we started.”

  “Look here. See, he’s dead. I have proof.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking too, Darby.”

  The color was returning to the witch’s face. Unfortunately Hailey was still impersonating an albino.

  “You don’t have to keep looking,” he said.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “No Babe, you don’t.” Dak’s voice was soft and soothing. Hailey had to blink back tears. “Shut it down for now.” She nodded and closed the lid to the laptop.

  “What now?” She sipped the water.

  “Nothing we can do at this point,” Lia answered. “Give it a rest for tonight, pick it back up tomorrow.” She shrugged. “I have plenty of people putting out sightings from the past few years. Dacea is going to be the Bigfoot of dragons.”

  “Well now, I feel insulted. Bigfoot is an asshole and still owes me $500 from a poker game.”

  “Bigfoot is real?” Hailey smiled a little.

  “Oh yes, very real,” he confirmed

  “So what’s with all the sightings?”

  “He’s a drunk and when he blacks out he’ll go roaming.” She snorted.

  Even though the mood had sobered, Darby still had one contact left and Lia had a few people get back to. Hailey left them to it and went back to the couch. She decided to pick up the “Big Book of Badass Beings” Lia had given her back in the hotel. She hadn’t looked at it too much lately with everything going on. For the next hour she learned all there was on Bigfoot and leprechauns.


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