The Hailey Holloway Complete Series

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The Hailey Holloway Complete Series Page 13

by K. C. Stewart

  Chapter Eighteen

  Hailey had no idea where she was walking to. She just had to keep moving her feet forward. Each scene she strolled through bled into the next. There was no beginning or end, just through. First it was down the sidewalk outside her apartment. Music poured into the street from the bar on the corner, pretzels and hotdogs saturated the afternoon air. As she turned the corner, a twig snapped beneath her foot. The cabin stood up ahead, shining brightly but slightly blurry. It had a warm glow surrounding it, one that made her want to go inside its safe walls. But instead, she turned from the lights and found the path she had started running every morning.

  Hailey was completely comfortable in the forest. Its silence spoke to her soul, recognizing it as kin. Not that it was silent; on the contrary, even on its quietest day it could be louder than a parade in a city. But it was a different kind if noise, a silent concert of nature. As the sun drifted down the sky, she stepped through the tree line into a field of long grasses, but she didn’t stop.

  Grass swayed in the fall breeze. The tops of the blades grazed over her palms. She smiled and closed her eyes just enjoying the warm rays of sunlight and flirty grasses.

  She stopped.

  There was no other reason than it was time to. Hailey had made her way to where she needed to be. The field was vast, extending endlessly in all directions. The only distinction of where she had come from was a small line of green trees behind her. It was peaceful here, she realized, too often she took for granted the calm.

  “Dak?” He would understand her appreciation for the field.

  “Yes?” The words didn’t come from inside her head but behind her. Her head tipped ever so slightly to the right as she tried to figure that one out.

  “Hailey, turn around.” His voice seemed richer than normal, more clear. The world was a bit fuzzy all along the edges but his voice was a beacon of clarity.

  “Dak?” she asked as she turned.

  A man stood before her, she had never met him before but knew him instantly. Dark ash brown hair fluttered in the breeze, it was just long enough for him to run him fingers through, which he did now. Nervous habit, she thought with a smile. His eyes were ones she knew well. They sparkled with pleasure and were framed by a raised eyebrow. It was a look Hailey imagined she received a lot.

  “What’s going on?” she asked him.

  “Took you long enough to find me.” His scruffy chin smirked. “I was about to give up hope.”


  “You are dreaming, Babe. I’m here, like I am every night, waiting for you.” He must have noticed the look of utter confusion on her face. “We can share dreams, but you have built yourself a little castle of safety and security, and I could never breach the walls.” He took a few steps closer, shrinking the distance between them. Her breath hitched when he stopped inches away. If she reached out now she could touch him, prove he was real.

  “You have a moat.”

  She blinked. “I have a moat?”

  “With piranhas,” he confirmed with a nod.

  “Really?” Her face brightened into a smile.

  “Yeah, tore the hell out of my leg the first time I tried to cross it.” His hand came to rest in the crock of her neck. She instinctively leaned into his touch.

  “I hope you learned your lesson. No one who tries to cross the moat gets away unscathed. You’re lucky they didn’t have lasers on their heads.” His thumb brushed back and forth over her jaw. She fought the need to close her eyes and savor the caress of his fingers. “So how did you get past the walls?” she asked instead.

  He watched her, his eyes never leaving her face. They traveled over every inch of her like he was ingraining this moment in his mind. Hailey understood perfectly since she was doing the same.

  “I found a backdoor. It had my name carved in it.” Dak was smiling, a secret dancing on his lips.

  “So, we could have been hanging out all this time?” He nodded and rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I wanted you to let me in because you wanted to, not because I asked.”

  She still would have liked to have known. “So what do we do now?”

  “It’s your dream. You tell me.”

  She thought about it. At any point Hailey could wake up. What was one thing she wanted to do with him? She pushed all the wicked dirty thoughts aside and settled on something simple. Baby steps, she thought. “I think I would like to hug you.”

  His hand dropped, she missed the warmth and the rough calluses sweeping over her skin immediately. Dak stepped back. Pushed too far on that one. Way to go Genius.

  “You are dense sometimes, you know that?” She looked up from the ground, it had become very interesting in the last few moments with its grass and dirt and stuff. Dak opened his arms and motioned with his fingers for her to come forward. Hailey didn’t think just took the two steps in to his embrace. His chest was hard, arms strong and tight around her, his breath warm as he buried his head in her hair.

  She was hugging him.

  Hailey never thought it would be possible. Something as simple as a touch wasn’t going to happen between them, but yet, they were doing it right now.

  Touching. Hugging. Holding.

  “So I was thinking, maybe those people in comas have it all right.” There was an earthquake of chuckling rumbled against her head but he didn’t say anything. They stayed quiet for some time, just enjoying the physical company of each other instead of the mental. The sun began to sink lower in the horizon. Reds and oranges ignited sky as crickets began to chirp their song. His lips would brush across her forehead every so often; it was only adding weight to her coma theory.

  “You should probably wake up soon.”

  “You should shut your stupid dragon mouth,” she countered.

  “Hailey,” he said in “The Tone” as she called it. Scolding, disapproving, and amused all in one sexy package.

  “Why? I’m good here.” To prove her point she nuzzled into his arms more, fisting the back of his gray t-shirt in case he tried something stupid, like moving.

  “Because you are asleep on the couch, and your head is at an awkward angle. You will be hurting later if you don’t adjust.” The “I will have to listen to you complain,” went unspoken.

  “Damn you and your logic.” She dropped her hands and stepped back out of the safety of his hold. He looked as upset by the loss as she felt. “Your idea, remember?”

  “And I am already kicking myself for suggesting it.”

  “Can we do this again?”

  “Will you let me across the moat?” There was that eyebrow again.

  Hailey crossed her arms and gave him an eyebrow of her own. “You have a thing against moats?”

  “Only when they keep me from where I want to be.”

  “Good answer. You have my permission to cross.” She smiled and tipped her head. “I guess this is goodbye for now.”

  “No.” Dak said and leaned in toward her. “Only goodnight.” His lips ghosted against her own; a soft touch that barely even skimmed the surface. Then he was gone.

  Hailey opened her eyes and groaned as she relocated her head, her neck protesting every move. She patted the ground until her hand found the pillow that had fallen and stuffed it between the arm of the couch and her head. Almost instantly she was back to sleep, only this time there were no dreams.


  “This is Hailey’s phone. Well Ma’am, she’s sleeping right now. Ok but if she bites my head off then I’m blaming you.” Darby shook Hailey’s shoulder. “Hailey, your Mama’s on the phone.”

  “Goawaysleeping,” she mumbled.

  “Get your ass up and talk to your Mother.” The phone hit her on the head and slid between the seat cushions. Reluctantly and with no finesse what so ever, she found the phone and held it to her ear.


  “Seriously Hailey, this is unacceptable behavior, especially today.”

hat’s today?” No really, what day was it? Without her word of the day calendar she had no idea the date, let alone the day of the week.

  “You have no respect, do you? I don’t know why I even bothered to call. It’s not like he was anything to you anyway.” Her mother’s grief was palatable even over the phone.

  “Crap, that’s today?” Hailey sat up and rubbed her eyes, willing herself awake. “You know that’s bullshit mom. He was my brother and I loved him too.”

  “I don’t want to talk about that with you. I know what’s real and you don’t.”

  “Yes, because you are the adult and I am only a child who does not understand the ways of the world.” A cup of coffee was lowered into her line of sight. She praised the Goddess Lia for gifting her with such gloriousness.

  “Don’t sass me, young lady.”

  Hailey sighed in defeat. There was never any point in trying to reason or argue with the woman. She was stubborn and set in her ways. “Mom, what did you want?”

  “I’m just checking up on you,” she said defensively.

  “Just remembered about my birthday, huh?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We didn’t forget. I believe your father sent a card.” He didn’t, but she figured there was no use telling her that.

  “So just a checking in call?” Those were unheard of.

  “Well I hardly could ignore your boss calling the house asking if we know what happened to you!”

  Oh shit. “Uh…”

  “Well? What have you been doing that going to work was such an inconvenience for you?”

  “I… met someone?”

  “I see, and you decided to abandon your job because of this person?” Skepticism was high in her voice.

  “Not exactly.”

  “Then what exactly?”

  “Look Mom, I have to go. I’ll call you later, alright?”

  “Hailey! Don’t you-” She hung up the phone and tossed it on the other end of the couch like it bit her. It wasn’t bad enough that today was the day Josh had died, but then her boss had to go and call her mom and ask about her whereabouts. Hailey hadn’t even thought to call and quit her job. At the time, part of her still believed she could go back to that life. That wasn’t the case, it never was.

  She sipped her coffee and studied the rug. What would Josh think of her predicament now? Would he have even believed her? His sweet face popped in her mind. The polar opposite of everything Hailey was. Blonde curls hung down in his face, a smudge of dirt underneath his bright blue eyes. Then there was his holey smile, two teeth always seemed to be missing. Would he have liked Dak?

  Stupid question. Of course he would, the dude was a dragon.

  Some coffee splattered onto her arm as tears landed with a plop in her mug. She ran a hand under each eye to wipe away the leak. He wouldn’t want her to cry. Hell, he told her just that fifteen years ago today.

  “You’re not going to cry are you? Cause crying is for girls.”

  “Josh, I am a girl,” she pointed out as she flipped through TV channels. “What else would I be?”

  “You’re not a girl, you’re my sister.” Josh’s head rested on her shoulder as they watched 101 Dalmatians in his hospital bed.

  And that was that. She didn’t cry later that night when his heart gave out, or at the funeral a few days later. Whenever Hailey felt the pressure of tears behind her eyes, she would remind herself that only girls cried and she wasn’t a girl, she was Josh’s sister.

  “Hailey, you’re leaking.” Dak’s voice brought her back from the memory.

  “Your point being?”

  “You don’t usually leak.” She swiped a hand under her eyes brushing away the tears. “Well, this is awkward,” he blatantly pointed out.

  She laughed then. Only Dak would think her crying was awkward. “It’s only awkward because you are making it awkward.”

  “I guess I should ask what’s wrong.”

  A few seconds passed as she waited for him to continue, but he didn’t. “Was that you asking?”

  “Um… yes?” Dak said sounded a little lost. “I mean,” he cleared his throat and started again with a little more confidence. “Your mother is a piece of work.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “A koala has two penises but no tail,” Dak stated matter of factly.

  “Say what?” She sat up, setting her cold coffee on the end table. This was becoming a very confusing conversation.

  “You wanted me to tell you something you didn’t know, I took a wild guess and figured you didn’t know that.”

  He was trying to distract her, get her mind on happy thoughts. Like always, he knew just what she needed. It struck her how in tune they were. Dak really did understand her on a level that no one else did. Even through her reluctance Hailey’s subconscious had been letting him in, giving him backdoors to bypass the moat in her mind. Hailey smiled and then laughed. “Well aren’t you just full of fun facts.”

  “I believe that is your doing. I never know when I might need to spontaneously whip out something random. You keep me on my toes, Hailey Holloway.”

  And just like that Hailey was at a loss for words. He unbalanced her in the most wonderful ways. She wanted to go back to sleep where they could spend more time together. She wanted to feel his breath against her neck while his arms encircled her. She wanted to grab his face and show him what a real kiss was, not that wimpy tease he gave her.

  Hailey wanted Dak mentally, physically, and emotionally. She wanted someone to go to when missing Josh hurt too much to breathe, or when she was overwhelmed with happiness at the newest episode of whatever the fandom of the week was. She wanted someone to share her life with and that person was Dak.

  What the hell was she doing? Hailey ran a hand down her face. Now was not the time to be dreaming of a white picket fence that would never happen. She was a mess. A delusional, over wrought, now is not the time for this, kind of mess.

  She pushed it aside, they had work to do and this emotional rollercoaster bullshit she was on would not help anyone. After a few steadying breaths, her mind was relatively clear and that would have to do for now.

  Darby and Lia were at the kitchen table giving her as much privacy as the small cabin would allow. She took a seat and tried not to think about everything they just saw or heard. “Thanks for the… you know.” She waved her hand around motioning the privacy.

  “No problem. Family sucks but we’ve been over that one already.” Lia pushed a fresh cup of coffee her way, along with a bagel.

  “You good?” Darby asked as she looked Hailey over. “Yeah, you’re good.”

  “Well, since I have been given Darby’s stamp of approval, what’s on the agenda for today?” She tore pieces off the bagel and chewed until her jaw ached.

  “We were thinking another finding spell to make sure Silas hasn’t moved then head to New York.”

  “Works for me. Can I shower first?” She might pass Darby’s standards but she still felt a little off balanced and needed a moment.

  “Please, you stink.” Lia shot her a smile and shooed her off to the bathroom.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The man screamed in torment as Thing 2 sliced little lines down his arm. Thing 1 was doing the same on his legs and feet. Perfectly spaced, two inch lines carved into flesh. It was a work of art really. Then add the beads of blood that slithered down the man’s flushed skin, dripping into the puddle of red below the table, serious perfection. Where was his camera when he needed it? To Silas’s amusement the man would look like a tiger by the end of it all. Fitting since his name is Tony.

  Silas relaxed in the observation area and watched through a two way mirror. Usually he would be jumping at the chance to play with his new toy, Tony, but his heart just wouldn’t be in it today. Besides, the Things deserved a reward for all their work lately.

  More screams and crying. It was like music to his ears.

  Silas’s long fingers carved through his
hair. He was on edge. The picture was making its rounds through email servers of dragons everywhere. The rumors of Dacea’s living form were beginning to dissipate. Soon enough they would die all together. So what was he missing? There was something, it was staring him in the face. Silas looked over his shoulder. Or maybe at the back of the head?

  “Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of a witchy one.” His eyes narrowed to the empty space in the back of the room. The witch was up to something. Magic perfumed the air in the small room. He smirked at their pitiful attempt to gain the upper hand. Sorry, he thought, I’m just too good at this for you to win.

  “Whatever you’re plan is, might as well give up.” He turned back around already bored with them. “Go away now. I’ve got a man to watch die and you are horrible company.” The edgy feeling began to recede until it was gone completely.


  “Tell her to back off!”

  “No point in it now, he knows we’re there. Darby, stay right where you are until we find out more.” Hailey gripped the witch’s fingers, not giving her the opportunity to pull away.

  “Hailey! I will not have you risk this all because of your curiosity. Stop. This. Now,” Dak’s voice rumbled through her mind.

  “Fine.” Spoilsport. She and Darby dropped hands and the image of Silas vanished.

  “Ouch. Remind me never to hold your hand.” Darby flexed her fingers. “You’re like the Hulk when you want to be.”

  “Hulk smash!” Hailey dropped her fist down on the bowl of water. She hit the edge and sent a wave of H2O onto the floor.

  “Right.” Darby deadpanned. “Hulk get towel and clean that up before I stick my foot up your big green ass.”

  “It’s not that big.”

  “Big enough for my foot.”

  “Fine.” Hailey drug out the word. Everyone was ruining her fun.

  She got to her feet and grabbed the dishcloth off the counter. There wasn’t much, but Darby was a bitch about her wood floors.


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