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The Hailey Holloway Complete Series

Page 32

by K. C. Stewart

  "Hailey? I never said anything about a Hailey. Well now, things just got monumentally more intriguing." Dacea cursed. "I'm talking about Katherine. But why don't you tell me more about this Hailey of yours?"

  Of course Katherine would bring this to him. After Hailey's suggestion that she was the one to drug and kidnap her, Dacea had shown her a picture. Hailey nodded almost immediately. "The harpy," he spat, "is not my Mate."

  "Really? I have evidence that says the contrary. Are you telling me that you have two Mates?"

  "No I'm telling you that Katherine is a conniving bitch and Hailey is my true Mate."

  Lia tapped the door with her knuckles. He motioned her in and she closed the door before taking a seat, watching and listening in to his conversation.

  "I see," the man said disapprovingly. "It seems we have much to talk about. As you can imagine, your sudden reappearance has caused a bit of a dilemma within the Red sept. Why don't you come by the next meeting and we can clear up both of these matters."

  Fuck. "Fine."

  "I'll see you Sunday then. Oh, and Dacea?"

  "Yes?" he said through clenched teeth. His phone groaning over the hold he had on it.

  "Bring along this Hailey character of yours."

  The line went dead. He carefully placed the phone on the desk instead of throwing it against the wall. There went his future, down the drain in one phone call. Dacea stood and walked to his liquor cabinet. "Do you want one?" he asked Lia.

  "Since you're already up I wouldn't mind a glass."

  He tossed a handful of ice in each glass and poured whiskey slowly over top.

  "Everything ok?" she asked as he handed her the drink.

  "Just the Council doing what they do best." Dacea sat back down and took a sip of his homeland.

  "Screwing everything in their path?"

  He raised his glass and tipped his head in agreement. "So what did you want to talk about?"

  "Darby," she stated simply enough.

  "What about her?" He was defensive, always was, when it came to his best friend's Mate.

  "She's sick. I didn't notice it until now but something is wrong with her." Lia set her glass on his desk. He could see the worry written plainly across her face. He knew what was wrong with Darby and knew this day was coming.

  "She's not sick."

  "Dacea, she-"

  He held up a hand. "She's dying."

  "What?" She stumbled, taken back. "What's wrong? Can we do anything?"

  "I'm afraid not." He sipped his whiskey, not ready to think about losing her. "The Mate bond goes both ways in some cases. The dragon will die if his Mate does, and in this case, Darby is dying because Lennox did. It doesn't happen all the time but they had a stronger bond than most. It shouldn't surprise you that she is following him."

  "Shit." She slumped back against the chair. "We've been keeping her alive, haven't we?"

  "Yes, she's been holding on, but now that Hailey is back and my curse is broken she has nothing left to work towards." To live for, he finished in his head.

  "How long do you think she has left?" She picked up her glass and took a healthy swallow.

  "Six months, maybe less."

  "Who else knows about her?"

  "Just us."

  "Good." He had to agree with her. Dacea didn't want it becoming public knowledge, Darby wouldn't want that.

  Lia drained the rest of her glass. "This is probably bad timing, but Alex and I are leaving tomorrow. We need to go back home for a while to…reconnect."

  "Say no more. I understand." He smiled at her, a small hopeful tilt of the cheek. "I am happy for both of you. Take all the time you need. We will be in touch if anything critical happens."

  "You damn well better do that. Don't be afraid to ask for help."

  "I'll try not to."

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  "Holy Tardis of Gallifrey," Hailey's nerd came out in times of absolute shock. She held the ring in both hands, inspecting every edge, stone and curve. Dacea had left a few minutes earlier and she all but pushed him out the door. She didn't want him watching her as she drooled over the piece of shiny she held in her hand.

  In the race to the mating finish line, Dak was already at the end and enjoying his free complementary hotdog and t-shirt. However, Hailey had only passed the second bend. She could see where she needed to go and knew the route she was going to take; but along the way she had gotten a little lost.

  Dak had given her the key to their relationship. With it she could speed up the process or make it halt all together. He wasn't going anywhere. The race wasn't over until she crossed that line. But Hailey was in control now. This ring was her piece of mind. Without having to worry about Dak, she could continue at her comfort level until that day she was ready to slip it on her finger.

  Hailey let it fall against her chest. The chain was so long it fell right at her cleavage. It was a heavy reminder of the power she now held.

  Earlier, Hailey and Dak rearranged her new house. The books were put in order—alphabetically by genre, her furniture was moved to her desired location, all while reruns of classic 80's movies played on the TV. Boo had shown up at some point and sat on the couch to watch them work. Dak had one eye on him at all times. It's not that Dak didn't like cats; it's that he didn't like black cats with a white patch on their chest. Cat Sidhe, as she was told, was a shape shifting witch. Legend said that the witch could change eight times and on its ninth, the witch would be stuck in the feline form. Dak had been told the legends repeatedly over the years and had been to Scotland where they believed Cat Sidhe was a fairy who sucked the souls out of the dead before they had a chance to travel to the afterlife. It all made him wary of black cats.

  Hailey, of course, found this hilarious. She laughed and teased him on his superstitions. They sat and talked after that. He told her of the legends and myths his mother had told him as a child. It was one of the first days in a long time that she felt normal. Dak and Hailey hadn't even argued. Sure, they picked on each other and bickered, but it was all in fun. It reminded her of weeks before when he was her unwelcomed mental roommate.

  Sometimes she missed the simplicity of their relationship back then. Hailey had to remind herself that they would get back to that. In a way, they had to relearn each other. She was at a disadvantage because he knew more about her than she did about him. He could tell how she was feeling with a glance at her face, but she wasn't there yet with him. They hadn't spent a lot of time together since she got out of the hospital. The first week she had been on a cocktail of drugs and then they had only three dates before Katherine had jammed a needle in her neck.

  Speaking of, no one had heard from her since Hailey and Alex escaped. She could only hope that the woman who caused her so much grief had moved on to pester someone else. Katherine had done it before, up and left Dak one night, so she could do it again.

  Dak had brought one of the green armchairs Hailey had admired from the living room into her new house. She sat there now with a mug of tea and the remote. Absently she would reach up and twist the ring around the chain. Her fingers couldn't seem to leave it be.

  The front door opened. She jumped not used to people just walking in on her. She hadn't locked it after Dak left, a mistake she wouldn't make again. Alex and Silas walked in, both taking a look around. Silas spotted her first, his eyes zeroing in on the chain she twirled around her finger. She dropped the ring like it burned her. "I see you still don't know how to knock."

  "Nice place, Hailey. Dacea did well," Alex commented as he walked around.

  "Yes," Silas added, but with much less enthusiasm.

  Hailey untangled herself from her blankets and got up to greet her first guests. Silas stood rigid in the center of the room. Only his eyes moved as he inspected everything. She found it amusing how his upper lip would twitch in disgust. Only when he spotted the dragon Lego on her bookshelf did he relax a bit. She had put it next to her stuffed dragon, Sparky. Both her men were now immortalized
by toys.

  "So did Dak let you out or did you escape on your own?"

  "He let me go. I am on my way home but wanted to check in."

  She frowned. "Oh."

  "I'll be back tomorrow." He gave her a small smile. "Although, you could always come home with me, it is your home too now."

  "Uh, I don't think that's such a good idea right now." Dak would have a fit if she left.

  "No, I guess it wouldn't be. The offer stands though. You are welcome anytime." His shoulders relaxed some. "And I'll even upgrade your room to something a little more desirable."

  "Really? You'd do that for me?"

  "Sarcasm doesn't look good on you, Sweets."

  "Pu-leaze. Sarcasm runs in the family big brother, it looks good on us all."

  He tilted his head and looked at her out of the corner of his eye. A slow shake of the head followed an amused smile. It was the first acknowledgment of their newfound relationship, and it felt good.

  "I'll see you tomorrow, Hailey." There was a second of hesitation on both their parts. Hailey was the one to take the first step and wrapped her arms around his waist. Silas returned the favor and gave her a gentle squeeze.

  "Goodnight, Silas." They let go of each other and stepped back awkwardly.


  "Yeah?" He stuck his head out from the kitchen.

  "I expect to see you Thursday for our weekly round of chess."

  Alex snorted. "If the Mate lets me leave, I'll be there."

  "Good enough." As Silas left he made sure to the lock the door and gave Hailey a pointed look that said, "Keep this locked."

  "Well that was a happy little family reunion," Alex commented as he came out of the kitchen.

  She ignored him. "So what brings you to the outreaches of Dragonland? I figured you'd still be in bed with Lia."

  "We needed food. Then Lia had to talk to Dacea about something so I figured I would see how my favorite cell mate was doing."

  They took a seat on the couch. Alex extended his legs and rested them on the coffee table crossed at the ankle. "All's good here at Casa de Hailey."

  He shook his head. "Nope, try again."

  "Really? Dammit. It needs a name."

  "No, it really doesn't."


  They ended up watching the Food Network and arguing over where to get the best tacos. He stayed with her for an hour before Lia showed up. Hailey used the torture card as an excuse for not being able to get up and unlock the door. It wouldn't last long, but she planned on milking it for what it was worth.

  The muse looked at her as if she was fragile and would shatter at any moment. Hailey figured she'd have to deal with that look for a while too. Sure, she was sore but for the most part her ordeal was hidden beneath clothing, and that was exactly where it would stay. At this point, if someone didn't already know, then they wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at her.

  Hailey needed that look off Lia's face immediately or she would start thinking and remembering and that would not benefit anyone. With a tug, she pulled Lia down onto the couch and asked for her opinion on the best place to get a taco. Lia soon forgot all about Hailey being a china doll and joined in their discussion.

  "We are leaving tomorrow," Alex told Hailey as they got up to leave. "We need to go home for a while."

  "Where exactly is home for you?"

  "Olympus. I bet Zeus is going to be thrilled to see me." He draped an around over Lia's shoulders with a grin.

  "Just try not to get a lightning bolt in the ass again."

  "I can't promise anything."

  Hailey was thrilled to see Lia smile again. She had only ever smiled at rare times, now she couldn't stop. "Well, you know where I live, so don't be strangers."

  Lia hugged her first, whispering her thanks for bringing her Mate home. Alex followed her lead telling Hailey to not make Dak wait too long. He gave a little tug to the necklace. When they were gone and she couldn't find anything on TV, and a book just wasn't interesting her so she turned in early for the night.

  The bed was deliciously soft and entirely too big. She felt like a dwarf in the center of the king bed. She needed something, maybe a cat to help take up some of the space. Or, she thought from the middle of the mattress, possibly a dozen cats. Maybe she'd trap Boo and take him hostage as her furry roommate.

  And yet, as she laid cocooned in blankets, alone for the first time in over a week, she couldn't sleep. The house was perfect, the room was dark and just slightly cool and the bed was absolute heaven. The problem was her.

  She rolled over, fidgeted and rolled again. Her mind wouldn't turn off; instead it ran rampant like a bull in the streets of Pamplona. Every so often she would sit up and look down the hall where she could see Dak's window through her own. 10pm, 11pm, 12:45am, the light stayed on until 1:20am. Either he was working or he also couldn't sleep.

  Her eyes drooped but sleep still never came. She got out of bed around 2am to get some Tylenol for a headache that had decided to join the insomnia party. Instead of going back down the hallway to her bedroom, her feet took her to the front door. She left her little cottage and sprinted toward the main house. The thin t-shirt she wore was no defense against the December air.

  The door was unlocked. She either had to thank someone from security for seeing her coming or Dak for forgetting to lock up. Regardless, she was grateful to be in the warmth again. Hailey navigated through the house until she found the stairs. Wall sconces gave her a dim light to travel by. By the third floor Hailey's legs were sluggish. Why he had to claim the top floor as his own was beyond her. At the last step she had already picked the place where she would ask Dak to install an elevator.

  She stopped at his door. If she turned back now, no one would have to know. She could sneak back down the stairs and back to her own bed, stealing some sleeping pills along the way. Then Hailey thought of how warm he always was and the way his shoulder provided the best pillow.

  Taking a leap, she turned the handle and slipped into the dark room. Her eyes had to take a minute to adjust but she knew the general location of the bed. Dak's soft breathing was what she aimed for. Her arms were stretched out in front of her as she waded through the darkness. Tiny steps brought her to the corner of the bed. She followed the edge of the mattress up towards the top.

  Hailey paused, her heart thudding in her chest. He hadn't woken. By a small amount of light coming from a crack in the drapes she could just make out his face. His sleep was rough, while hers was nonexistent. A scowl wrinkled his forehead and he murmured something indistinguishable in his sleep. Hailey slipped under the covers, trying to be as careful as possible not to wake him, and slid in close to Dak.

  They weren't touching, but just being near him was enough to calm her mind. Drowsiness flooded over her. He was her drugless sleeping pill. The mattress dipped and his warm body cuddled up against hers. In his sleep he reached for her. Arms twisted like vines around Hailey and when Dak had settled back into sleep, she followed closely behind.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  He had woken up in the early hours of the morning to find Hailey draped over his chest. At some point, his Mate had come to him, whether it was because she couldn't sleep or she missed him. He didn't care either way; she was in his bed and sleeping peacefully.

  However, when he awoke a second time he was alone in the bed. Dacea figured he dreamed Hailey being with him earlier. His heart wanting it to be true, so his mind played along. But then the sounds of his shower running brought a smile to his face. She had spent the night and was now naked and wet. Letting an opportunity like this pass by would get his Man Card revoked.

  He slipped from the bed and untied the drawstring on his cotton pants. He left them in a pile just outside the bathroom door. Citrus scented steam flooded the room when he opened the door. He had almost forgotten how Hailey liked to boil herself in the shower.

  When he designed his bathroom, Dacea only had Hailey in mind. Twin sinks sat side by side un
derneath a long mirror. The walk in shower was against the far wall and included multiple shower heads, her soft sighs were a sure sign he did well with the shower. The overly large bathtub neighbored the shower. Part of him was surprised she had chosen the shower over the tub.

  He could see her through the glass tile surrounding the shower, her body distorted but still distinguishable. Dacea walked around the wall and got his first unaltered glimpse of Hailey. Water poured over her, covering her curves in a glistening light. Her arms were up over head sudsing up her hair. She was in a world of her own with her eyes closed and a small smile on her lips.

  As she tilted her head back to rinse out her hair, Dacea joined her. He stepped up behind her and slipped his hands around her waist. She stopped rinsing and for a second he smelled her fear in the steam of the shower. He kissed her neck, allowing her time to calm. She wiped clear her eyes from the water. "Hey," she turned in his arms allowing her body to brush over his. Glorious friction from her water soaked skin sent his mind in a tailspin of erotic thoughts, "I didn't wake you did I?"

  "No." Dacea kissed her, lingering on her bottom lip before nibbling across her jaw line. "You came last night," he said pushing the wet strands of hair off her shoulders.

  "I couldn't sleep." It was hard to tell with her showered reddened skin, but he was sure that was a blush.

  "I'm glad you came."

  "Me too."

  Her hands wrapped around his neck, pulling their bodies together in the most delicious mingle of wet skin.

  "Hmmmm, you look dirty to me Ms. Holloway."

  "Do I?" she asked kissing his chin.

  "Don't worry," his hands slithered down her back, gripped her butt and pulled her closer, "that's why I'm here."

  She snorted. "Smooth."

  Oranges always reminded him of Hailey because of the soap she used. He had purchased gallons of her favorite body wash so she would never run out. The way it mixed with her natural scent drove him wild.


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