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The Hailey Holloway Complete Series

Page 36

by K. C. Stewart

  Dacea had come silently but closed the door with an audible click. She stiffened, the muscles in her back tensed knowing he was there watching and savoring the lines of her body. His fingers twitched at his side with the need to touch her.

  "Céile, I believe I told you to run." He crossed the room at a casual pace. From this angle he could see where he had kissed her earlier. A bruise was beginning to surface on her neck from where he sucked and bit at her flesh. His dragon heated in approval of the mark.

  With needy fingers, he reached out to roam over her curves. Dacea pushed her mass of brown locks from her shoulder and let his fingers glide over the mark. Her pulse beat steadily under his touch. "Do you concede defeat?" Hailey didn't speak but nodded slowly. His fingers had made it down to her hips, with a quick tug she fell back against his chest. "And do you surrender to me as the victor?" His lips brushed against her shoulder, then her neck and once more over the bruise while his hands roamed over her body. She trembled in his arms.

  "Céile?" Dak whispered in her ear. He stopped moving, kissing, touching and waited for her response.

  "I concede," she breathed out.

  They ended up, after a time, in his bedroom. Her hair fanned out over the pillow in a wild mass of chestnut tangles. She slept peacefully beside him. Laying on her stomach, the sweat dampened sheet clung to her naked body.

  He needed to get up. Dane had to be appraised of the developments of their rogue status. It was official as of one o'clock that afternoon. Three weeks prior Hailey, Silas, and Dacea had met with the Council. They were to reconvene in a week's time but it never happened. Both sides knew their stance and neither was willing to compromise. Today Dacea sent his official notice of leave from the Council.

  But all that was before he came upon the note on the door. Dacea ran his fingers down her arm. The last few weeks had been hard on her, on everyone for that matter. Dacea and Silas were busy night and day. Planning and prepping, gathering supplies and men and more importantly, trying not to kill each other. They were doing something that had never been done before in their culture.

  His people were scared, but excited. This was a long time coming. The system, the Council and the septs were all dated. Back in his father's reign it was the way of the world. Kings and Queens ruled the lands, the people and the government. Republics and democracy were silly concepts. Dragons had always blended in to human society. Too many species had perished because of their resistance to change. Dragons held on. They learned early, when the humans became more than just cattle to the creatures of the world. They evolved and dragons took notice.

  Dacea's great, great grandfather was one of the first to change shape from dragon to human. He saw their potential and the opportunity that lay with it. Magic changed him, allowed him to blend in with mankind and adapt to the new world.

  It was a new beginning and would eventually threaten their species. Dragons stopped changing back to their natural form. They either forgot how to or just didn't care. They then bred with humans instead of other magical beings. The blood became weak; the magic that once thrived, only belonged to a handful anymore. Now only the elders of the race knew how to revert back to their dragon.

  As the world changed, his kind became complacent, but not anymore. Dacea would change their archaic ways to fit in the modern world. He would do it not for himself or the dragons of his sept. He'd do it for Hailey.

  She didn't understand the hows and whys beyond her own involvement. Any blood that would be shed, she believed, would be on her hands. He looked at her small porcelain hands. Her nails were all rounded save the pinky on her right hand. It was the one she chewed on when she was nervous. That nail was short and jagged, being recently bit off.

  He had been busy, too busy to sit down and explain it all to her. So she worried. She chewed her nail and paced the property while Silas and Dacea worked out the logistics. In hindsight, it was a mistake to leave her out of it. However, her way of getting his attention was entertaining.

  Dacea smiled and kissed her hair. He'd fill her in tomorrow. Clear her conscious so to speak. For now he would enjoy the fact that she was in his bed...their bed, willingly and not fighting it.

  There was work to be done, but he had neglected his Mate for too long. For the rest of the evening, even if they only slept, he would share his body, heart and bed with her. Dacea slipped out from the covers to relight the fire. He snapped his fingers but only produced a splattering of sparks. Two more snaps and fire burst out of his fingertips and gathered in his palm.

  He stood after lighting the fireplace, smothering the fire between his hands and stretching his arms up overhead. Her eyes were open when he turned. They devoured him like a midnight snack. The sheet had been pushed down to below her hips just to the crest of her butt. Hailey continued to lie on her stomach, her eyes sleepy and only half open as they watched him move.

  Dacea crawled back into bed and gathered her in his arms. She snuggled against him and murmured something unintelligible.

  "What was that, Céile?"

  She yawned and turned to face him. The sleepiness was melting away. Her eyes looked out from beneath the tangles of hair with a spark of sass. The smirk was the real giveaway that she was about to cause some mischief. Hailey blinked a few times then stated with the utmost seriousness. "I'm ready to surrender again."

  Chapter Two

  "Sir," Dane nodded as Dacea turned the corner into the kitchen.

  "Still up?"

  "Not for long. I wanted to give you this before I head out. Another one came in the mail yesterday." He took a letter from the inside pocket of his jacket and laid it on the counter. The familiar curling script printed Dacea's name largely across the cream colored envelope. "This is the third one this week."

  Dacea scowled at the paper and reluctantly picked it up. "I know. I'm handling it." Not very well, he might add, but he was handling it. Katherine had changed tactics once more and was now sending him love letters. Well, most were love related but some were vibrant descriptions of how she was going to kill Hailey and then castrate Dacea.

  Needless to say he didn't like those letters very much.

  "If there is anything more I can do to help..." Dane and Dacea held a mutual dislike of the letters. Sharing the first few with him had been a mistake. Dane now took it upon himself to receive the mail each day and be near Hailey when Dacea wasn't around. He appreciated Dane's commitment and loyalty but the man rarely slept and was lurking around every turn. Dacea was just waiting for the day when he woke to Dane in bed with them. Protecting and whatnot.

  "I'll let you know." Dacea poured a cup of coffee and left Dane mid yawn. In his office he settled in at his desk before opening the letter. Right off he knew this would be an angry one.

  Last night I dreamt that you were chained naked to my bed. We made love but you called out HER name. Why do you do this to me? Can you not see how much it hurts me when you are with her? I was so upset that I skinned your dick with my nails. Inch by inch I peeled your flesh from your most prized organ. The screams you gave were intoxicating. I came after only getting halfway through my task. When I woke, I was no longer mad at you, I only desired your body with a hunger I have not felt in years.

  I came to you. Waited for you. But you couldn't keep your hands off her could you? When you left your pretty little house I was in the bushes. You kissed her goodbye. You drove your hands into her hair and kissed her in a way you had never kissed me.


  I don't even remember leaving, only a blind hatred for the human cunt who has stolen you from me. I want to kill her. I want her blood to run through my fingers. I want to pull out each strand of her hair, piece by precious fucking piece, so you have nothing to run your filthy fingers through.

  I emailed you again yesterday. No response, so I can only assume it went to SPAM folder by accident. When I called your phone you didn't pick up either. I used a pay phone later on and left a voicemail. I was going to get you a new phone bu
t noticed that when you met with Silas your phone rang. I don't want to believe it but I think you are avoiding my calls.

  I was your Mate first, or did you forget? That bitch won't keep you satisfied for long and then you will only have me to run back to.

  One day I will gut her like a fish in front of you. I will let her intestines spill upon the ground at your feet and stain your shoes with her blood. Then you will know the depth of my love. Then you will have to recognize me as your Mate.

  He set the letter down and ran a clammy hand down his face. He gave the words a moment to affect him. Only a brief second in time to swallow his hatred, to fear for Hailey and to pity Katherine. Then he let it go. A clear head would be the only way he would resolve this.

  The letters were getting more fanatical. Each one a fresh hell of words written with only one purpose, to twist him up and push him off balance. It wouldn't work. He wouldn't let them get to him.

  The middle drawer on the left side of his desk was where he kept her letters. In the three weeks since he last saw her at the Council meeting, she had sent him over twelve letters and a few dozen emails. Pretty soon he'd need to find a new place for them as they were beginning to jam the drawer.

  He could shred them. He should shred them. Disposing of them in any fashion would be the smart, safe and sane thing to do. He knew this and yet he kept them in the middle drawer on the left side of his desk. The sad truth was that he kept them because her pain gave him satisfaction. It was petty and not how he was raised to act, but his parents were long dead and he only had himself to answer to now.

  With the letter out of sight, Dacea moved on to email. Four were from Katherine. He didn't bother reading those and just moved them to a folder with the rest. Alex had responded with a date and time of their meeting with the Blue leader. It was to be later that day. Not much time to prepare but then again there wasn't much they could do to prepare. He would basically be begging for Blue's support in the upcoming fight, but it would be over drinks and all be done with offhanded comments that could mean a thousand different things.

  Silas was better at those things. In the past Dacea never had to deal with that kind of negotiating. People respected his family, which in turn made him the one who was groveled to. This situation had turned the tide and put everyone in unfamiliar positions. Silas was the one who had a way with words but there wasn't a dragon on earth that would have an audience with him on purpose. So it was left to Dacea to try and convince them to join the rebellion.

  Hailey would be coming along. She wouldn't be much help in the ways of politics but she had an uncanny way of loosening people up. He found people were more agreeable to what he was selling when she was along. Blue and Silver also had to meet the woman he was doing this for. They had to see her smile and feel the warmth of her laugh. Maybe then they would understand.

  Dacea had one last matter to attend to before he went back to Hailey and his bed. When Red was transferred back into his hands, he never had a chance to talk to the sept. There were rumors that needed his attention and he had put it off for too long. His dragons had always had their own choices in sept matters. Unlike Silas, Dacea didn't force anyone to do anything just because he said so.

  From his desk he took a sheet of heavy stock paper and uncapped his fountain pen. In his finest script he wrote to his dragons.

  Since my return I have not had a chance to greet you all. It may seem that I have been holed up in my house ignoring everyone but that is simply not the case. You have shown me an outpouring of support for which I am humbled. I am grateful that you had not forgotten me, and chose me once more as your leader.

  There is only one reason I am here again today and her name is Hailey. She is a human born dragon offspring and sister to Silas, the Green Overlord. Please do not hold that last part against her. This woman is above all else, my Mate.

  I ask you now for a favor. You have given so much to me in all my years as king that I feel I have no right to ask this but I also have no other choice. The Council is denying my Mating to Hailey. They have insulted her and by doing so, insulted me. I will not stand by and be bullied by those who have no place in our society anymore. Our ways are dated and need an upgrade. Our laws do not support the modern times we all live in. So what I'm asking of you is to join me in going Rogue. It is not fair of me to declare it without asking those of you who it will affect the most.

  So join me in this rebellion, or don't. The choice is yours.

  At the bottom of the letter he signed his full name. Below it his family crest would be stamped. It would be copied and sent to every Red dragon in the world. He believed his people would rally behind him. They were a close sept, always taking care of one another.

  Alex and Lia would be along shortly. The meeting was set for one o'clock that afternoon. He looked at his wall clock. It was nine now. That gave him more than enough time to wake up Hailey and take a shower.

  Possibly both at the same time.


  "I just don't see why you had to pull me out of bed and walk me caveman style into the shower."

  Dak rubbed a towel vigorously over his hair. "You were already naked," he pointed out with a smile that told her he would have done it even if she was clothed.

  "That's not the point."

  "What is then?"

  Hailey was unsuccessfully untangling her hair with a comb. Some days she thought seriously of cutting it all off. Not even going to a hairdresser to do it. Nope, she wanted to grab the scissors form Dak's office and get to chopping.

  "That looks violent."

  "Shut it. This is your fault." Her brow crinkled with determination as she fisted a clump of hair and picked at a knot with the comb.

  "How so?" He moved behind her and took the comb from her hands. In a much more delicate manner, Dak continued to untangle her hair.

  "Well, I usually brush though it before I shower to get rid of the knots. The shower only makes it harder to untangle."

  He had gotten the knot free and now ran the comb smoothly through her head from root to tip. She closed her eyes for a second in pampering admiration. There was nothing better than someone combing your hair. She felt the pressure of his lips on the top of her head and peeked an eye open to watch him in the mirror.

  "I'm assuming my wakeup call was done because we have something to do that requires me not smelling like Cheetos and dirty clothes?"

  "You would be right in your assumption. Alex and Lia will be here soon then we are off to meet with Blue."

  "What!" Hailey had gone stiff. "Now? Like today?" She twisted away from him and ran into the adjoining bedroom. "I need to run home and find something to wear. Crap, what am I supposed to wear? Is this a formal thing or can I be casual and comfy? Oh man, my hair is going to take forever to dry and if I blow dry then it will be frizzy. Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? Oh God, I can't breathe." She had begun to hyperventilate with each word that came spewing from her mouth in an anxiety driven over-reaction, which in her mind, was the beginning of the apocalypse...zombies optional. Hailey turned and found Dak smirking at her from the doorway. He leaned his shoulder against the frame, naked from the waist up and a red towel hanging loosely around his hips.

  "You done?" he asked casually.

  Hailey huffed out a breath. She was most certainly not done but didn't have time to argue with him. He lifted his hand as if to block what he was about to do from anyone but her and pointed to the chair beside the dresser. On it laid jeans, a lacey cream shirt and burgundy blazer. Boots sat side by side on the floor completing the ensemble.

  She turned her eyes back on him; not letting the fact that she loved the outfit shine through. "What's this? You dress me now?"

  "Well I couldn't take the chance that you'd wear your 'talk nerdy to me' shirt, holey jeans and moccasins to meet with the head of the Blue sept."

  There was nothing wrong with that outfit except that it was stained with numerous red liquids. How she always spilled something red o
n a white shirt was one of the great mysteries of the universe.

  "Fine," she said and began to slide into the new jeans. Like a god damned glove. How the hell did he do shit like that? Jeans were up there on the list of most hated clothing to try on. They were in a three way tie with bras and swimsuits. How is it that a man can buy her jeans and they fit like they were custom made for her ass and her ass alone? "Alright, ya did good. Now stop smirking in the corner like a creeper."

  He pushed off of the door frame and kissed her cheek as he passed by. Dak's hum of approval paired well with his ass grab of appreciation. She finished changing while he found his own outfit in the walk-in closet.

  A man in a suit, was there anything better? Yes, her man in a suit. David Gandy had nothing on Dak, she thought. His charcoal suit was a favorite of hers. Today he paired it with a burgundy shirt and black tie. He was working on the tie when she came to stand beside him in the mirror. They were a sight. Well, almost. She just needed her hair to dry and a bit of makeup. Then they'd be a sight with their color coordinated...

  Awww, they matched. She realized, which followed quickly with, ewww, they matched. Hailey's expression plainly mirrored her thoughts. Dak laughed at her contorted reflection and kissed her cheek. "Get over it," he said as he turned to find his cuff links.

  "So how much time do I have before we leave?" Hailey gathered her hair into a pony tail and judged whether to just say "fuck it" and put it up.

  "Oh, about three hours." Smirking bastard.

  "I hate you." She let her hair drop and walked past Dak, who was thoroughly enjoying himself, into the bathroom and shut the door.


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