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The Hailey Holloway Complete Series

Page 55

by K. C. Stewart

  Hailey was kicked out at that point. Dane had to pick her up and carry her away. Admittedly, it was not her finest moment. She may have yelled, she may have kicked and she may have bitten him. Dane—being the good sport that he was—took it with grace and then tossed her butt on the couch. The pocket doors slid closed and locked before she could gain her balance again.

  Through the door Dane spoke to her. “I will come back to get you once he is patched up. Until then, stay put.” She was about to argue when he continued, “I can’t be worrying about you when Dacea is bleeding on the dining room table getting a bullet removed.”

  She didn’t have to like it but he had a point. “Fine. Just take care of him.”

  “You know I will.”

  Hailey slumped into the couch. Today had not gone as expected. They had been more careful since Silas told them about the threat, but no one had expected to be attacked in the open like that. The house was currently on lock down. They were checking security and tightening it where needed. No one was getting in, or out, for that matter.

  She checked her phone again hoping to see Silas had called or text, but he hadn’t. She left him a rough message from the ambulance and was disappointed that he had not gotten back to her yet. After the Council meeting, he had slipped away before she had even stood up from the table. Had this been that Charlotte woman he had been talking about? Hailey had forgotten about it until just now. She had wanted to grill him over her earlier. Something about the way he evaded the topic made her curious.

  Seeing her phone reminded her that she had never called her dad. If she was honest she was procrastinating in making that particular phone call. The boxes of her childhood still were stacked in the corner of her room. She wasn’t ready to look through that bundle of memories.

  Since she had nothing else to do to keep her busy, she called her dad.

  “Hailey, I’ve been wondering when you would call.” He sounded happy to hear from her. It made her smile when she didn’t think she had one in her.

  “Hey dad.”

  “So I met that man of yours.”

  “I heard. And?” Strangely nervous, Hailey hadn’t realized just how much his opinion mattered to her. She had never really brought home a boyfriend before, either. Dak was the first her dad had to experience, and the last.

  “I approve.”

  She smile. “I’m glad. Dak told me I was supposed to call. You had something to tell me?”

  “I do, Baby. Your mother and I are getting a divorce.”

  Hailey wasn’t surprised exactly. Her mother wasn’t an easy person to live with. She had seen her dad’s eyes opening more over the past few months and what he saw, he must not have liked.

  “She moved out a few weeks ago and I am just about all moved into your Uncle Brian’s house. It’s just temporary but if you need me that’s where I can be found.”

  “Ok, so I take it you are selling the house?” Which would explain her stuff.

  “Yes. Are you ok?” He asked.

  She was. She was totally ok with this and was relieved for her dad’s sake. He deserved to be happy and she knew he was far from it where he was now. “I am. I’m happy if you are happy.”

  “Good. You’ll call me though if you need to talk about any of this.”

  “Dad,” she huffed, “I’m a grown woman, not a kid anymore.”

  “You’ll always be my baby, so shut up and let me smoother you.”

  Hailey laughed. “Yeah, ok.”

  “I’ve got to go but I’ll see you this weekend.”

  “You will?” That was news to her.

  “Ask your man,” he said with a laugh and hung up.

  She was still staring at her phone with curiosity—Dak was up to something--when the door unlocked and opened suddenly. Hailey jumped to her feet. No. It had only been a few minutes. All smiles and laughter faded from her. Please, no. Her gut twisted assuming the worst had happened. Dak.

  A black ball of fluff was thrown in with her and the door closed and locked once more. Boo looked back at the door, offended at being manhandled and then put his fur back in order with a lick and a swipe of his paw.

  She let out a choked laugh that held no happiness. “Were you getting into trouble?” she asked, picking up the cat.

  The offended look was now directed toward her.

  It was another two hours before Dane opened the door again. Boo jumped from her lap and skittered out the door and between Dane’s legs. He sneered at the cat. Dane and Boo weren’t the best of friends.

  “How is he?” Hailey asked getting to her feet and stretching.

  “Bullet is out. We moved him upstairs.”

  She took a deep breath and relaxed. “I should probably let him rest. Maybe I’ll go grab a shower before I check in on him.” That’s not what she wanted to do but staring at him till he woke up didn’t sound productive either. The least she could do was not smell like blood and fear when he woke up.

  “Actually,” Dane smiled a little, “he’s awake and asking for you.”

  “Oh,” she brightened. “By ‘asking’ you really mean he’s yelling at everyone, right?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Almost snapped my head off when I was the first thing he saw when he woke and not you.”

  That made her smile.


  The knock at the door had him squeezing his eyes shut. Why couldn’t they all just go away? His shoulder was in agony and he wouldn’t allow them to give him any medication for the pain. Dacea hated the foggy feeling they gave him. And instead of waking up to his Céile’s beautiful face, he saw Dane and his mole.

  “If you are not short with fuzzy brown hair and smell like citrus then you are not allowed to enter!” he yelled.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say I’m short. I always considered myself of average height.” Hailey said, ignoring his outburst as she opened and closed the door. It was still daylight and Dane had left the curtains open even though his head was pounding with a headache. Dacea was glad of it now. He could see that she was unharmed and whole, but most importantly she was alive and here with him.

  “Céile,” he lifted his hand and she immediately came to him, her fingers slipping into his.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked looking him over.

  “Like I’ve been shot.”

  Hailey sat on the bed beside him and leaned over to kiss him. She was so careful, acting like he was fragile and could break at any moment. Dacea couldn’t have her thinking that. He slid his free hand to her nape and into her hair. Holding her in place, he ravaged her mouth. Not to be outdone, Hailey climbed into bed and onto his lap where they allowed the kiss to go as far as it needed. He knew where she was at. She had seen him injured and needed to know he was alive, needed to feel him. Her hands swept through his hair and pulled them closer, if that was even possible. He could feel her fear for him through the kiss. Dacea held on to her, assuring her with his body that he was fine.

  “Well,” she began, smoothing her swollen lips together, “I see you are feeling better.”

  He smirked. “I’m fine.”

  Her fingers traced lightly over the bandage on his shoulder. “I didn’t realize it was your shoulder hit, I thought for sure it was your chest.”

  Another inch and it would have been his lung hit.

  “It’s fine. I’m fine. How are you?” He remembered seeing the shock and horror on her face when he felt the sting of the bullet. Then again, when he woke up in the ambulance. Knowing she was whole and being cared for by Dane allowed him to fall back into unconsciousness.

  “I’m not the one who was shot,” she reminded him.

  And thank god for that. He didn’t know what had happened or who had shot him but he was just happy that it was him in the sling and not Hailey.

  He couldn’t stop touching her. His hand had been rubbing a circle into her thigh but had moved up to her arm and now caressed her cheek. One inch was all that separated him from never seeing her again. One tiny inch.
r />   “Céile, I had a plan. I had this whole stupid thing planned out. It was extravagant and over the top and at the same time simple and perfect. I wanted to surprise you but I’m going to ruin it right now instead.”

  He saw her swallow and it made him smile. He loved having her off balance. “This weekend there will be a wedding. Our wedding,” he grinned. “That is, if you agree.”

  She stared at him. Her eyes wide and excited. He found her hand and lifted it to his lips where he kissed the ring she wore. “You already have a ring,” he kissed her fingers again. “So I’m not going to be giving you another one of those for this occasion. This time I plan on giving you my name. So Hailey, will you marry me?”

  A smile so wide and brilliant spread across her face. “About damn time.” She kissed him, his shoulder screamed in pain at the way she wrapped herself around his body but he wouldn’t let her go.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you, Ace.”

  Chapter Seven

  The gauzy curtains fluttered in the soft breeze coming in through her window. Darby watched the dance, enjoying the simple pleasure. The morning sun was fresh and new, promising to be a beautiful day. Under her quilt she smiled secretly at the knowledge of today.

  It was a special day.

  It was her last day.

  She knew it the moment she woke up that she would die in the next twenty four hours. The happiness was bitter sweet. She had hoped to see Dacea and Hailey united but her own happiness won out in the end. She had put Dacea before herself for months, knowing that he needed her. Not anymore. Dacea had Hailey now and they would get through whatever new adventures awaited them, together.

  She smiled into her pillow.

  Darby knew she had much to get done today but then again, if it didn’t get done, then oh well. She wouldn’t be around to deal with it. That was incredibly selfish of her but she earned that right. Today was going to be about her.

  She had already decided against saying goodbye to anyone. That would just sound the alarm and make her day into a blubbering warzone of yelling, tears and bargains to whatever god they believed in. She didn’t want that. When they remembered her, they would think of her for who she was every day, not on her last.

  The blankets were too warm and cozy to get out of. Usually she would force herself to get up by now, but not today. Today she would sleep in and eat entirely too much bacon for breakfast and read a guilty pleasure book and dance in her underwear.

  Today was the day she was going to die.


  “Knock knock,” Lia said pushing open the door.

  Hailey waved her in and over to where she stood in front of three gowns. She hadn’t seen Lia in a few weeks and having her here now was a godsend. Apparently, Dak was not lying when he told her they were getting mated on Saturday. He had come clean about her not so secret Pinterest account and planning it all on what she had pinned. She had been a little taken back. Planning was a bride’s job but then after she thought about it more she was grateful he took care of it. This way she could focus more on joy of the day and less on the details.

  “Thanks for coming.”

  “Anytime, Sweetcheeks. So are these your options?” Lia was already scrutinizing the first one. Her best friend was not only gorgeous in that timeless way but also a Greek Muse. Thalia, muse of comedy, had come to help her get Dak out of her head and into his own body. Her mate, Alex, was a Blue dragon and had been thought to be dead, but she knew better. They got their happily ever after and she had never seen either of them happier than when they were around the other.

  “They are. He picked his favorites out of the ones I had marked I liked. I don’t know how he found all my secret accounts for this mating stuff but he did well with it all. Or at least everything I’ve seen so far.” He wouldn’t tell her too much because she would want to take over and change things and that wasn’t what this was all about.

  Lia grinned. “Honey, your secret accounts weren’t too hard to figure out. So is he doing ok after the gunshot?”

  Hailey took the first dress off of the hanger. “Yeah, he’s pissy with everyone but he’s alive so no one is arguing.”

  “That’s to be expected. Alex is with him now. He’ll get him out of his mood and help him see reason. Now strip sister so we can see these dresses.”

  It wasn’t how she had imagined dress shopping and she was worried that none of them would be “the one,” but as she slid each one on she realized that they were perfect, all of them. In the end she went with the second option. It was simple, classic and covered in lace.

  “Oh damn,” Alex said from the doorway as she looked in the mirror. He hummed in a sound of male appreciation. Hailey blushed.

  “The ivory was a good choice. It looks great against your skin.” He slipped inside the room and gave Hailey a hug. “You look beautiful, Hailey. Dacea is going to lose it when he sees you.”

  “That’s the plan,” she grinned and looked back at herself. She really did look good. The dress was an off white lace that had an open back and a ribbon bow right at the base of her spine. The ends of the ribbon ran the length of the dress and added a touch of smooth satin to an otherwise textured look. Lia was already making plans for her hair and makeup.

  “Are you ready?” he asked. Alex picked Lia up off the chair she was sitting on and sat down, pulling her into his lap. She squeaked out an indignant complaint but settled once he kissed her neck.

  Was she? A few months ago she would have ran at the thought. Hell, she had ran. But now, she was steady, solid. “Yeah, I am.”

  “Good deal. When’s the Darbster getting here?”

  “You know Darby hates when you call her that,” Lia chided with a laugh.

  He shrugged. “Yeah but she’s so cute when she’s angry. Like a mean Tinkerbell.” Lia flicked him in the side of the head.

  “I don’t know when she’d coming. I’m sure Dak has it all figured out though.”

  Hailey couldn’t tear her eyes away from the mirror. It had been such a strange journey to get her to this point. She smoothed her hands down her laced stomach enjoying the way the intricate details felt under her fingertips.

  This was actually happening. It hadn’t felt real until now.


  He had planned on waiting till the morning to start in on Charley. But after checking in with Hailey, he found himself to be restless. He would be ok, the shot had hit his shoulder and nothing else, which was unfortunate. Just because he talked to the man in a civil fashion didn’t mean he had to like him.

  Hailey also told him about her engagement. He had known for about a month now. It was neither here nor there to him. Silas knew that was the ultimate outcome of their relationship and had begrudgingly accepted it a while back. When they were done with the updates, he hung up and drifted. Room to room, thought to thought. Nothing held his interest for long. It was two a.m. when he finally decided to go down and check on Charley.

  She had told him that he was her actual target. Not in so many words but he had gotten her point. Hailey had been the target because she was his weakness. That pissed him off. They could come after him all they wanted, but they would leave his sister alone.

  Silas wondered down to the basement and then stopped in at security. Everything was operational and did not need any attention from him. He noticed Charley’s room on the monitor. She was awake. He wasn’t sure if he had expected her to be asleep or not but her bright eyes looked right up to camera. He smiled. She knew he was watching and the eyebrow was a question to if he was going to join her or not.

  Don’t mind if I do.

  He nodded to the guard on duty, happy to see that he was awake and alert. Silas keyed in the code to Charley’s cell and stepped inside. The room may have had clear walls but it was sound proof. He had fixed that little problem after Alex and Hailey had left.

  She laid on the bed, her arm propped up and nestled under her chin. Neither said a word as he pulled the single chair from the desk and spun it
around to sit.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” She asked him.

  “I don’t see how that is any of your business.”

  She shrugged. “Just making conversation.”

  Sure she was. Silas didn’t believe her act for a second. “So you were hired to kill me, huh? Bet you thought it was Christmas when you saw that job come in.”

  Charley smiled and pushed herself up. “Oh I did. The Dragon who had broken into my apartment and touched all my things, well, his time was up. I thought it only fitting that I be the one with the killing blow.” So confident. Silas enjoyed her cockiness.

  “I see. So you are half angel and half dragon.” He wasn’t asking, he was confirming.

  She narrowed her eyes at him and stood. Charley walked over to the desk where a pitcher of water was left and poured herself a glass. “I take it you know my father.”

  “I might.”

  “Nice bargaining chip you’ve got there.”

  Silas grinned sardonically. “I like to think so. Being a half breed must not be the easiest thing to live as.”

  She laughed without humor. “Yeah, you could say that. People don’t like half way. They want all or nothing.” He could see that. She was a bit of an anomaly. Half breeds didn’t happen often. With angels even less. Both sets of genes were equally matched, which meant that neither of them won in the end.

  Charley put down her glass and bit her lip as she looked him over. She walked over to him, around him. Her fingertips traced a line over his shoulder, neck, back and arms as she went. He could ignore her fingertips so long as they were touching clothing but every now and then they would slip onto his flesh. When she came to stand in front of him he was breathing heavily. This woman would drive him insane if she had the chance. She swung her leg over his lap and sat down with a swivel of her hips. At his nape, her fingers treaded through his hair as she pulled herself against him.

  “So Silas,” she whispered seductively in his ear. “Do you want all or nothing?”

  Silas hadn’t touched her. He held himself back. This was just a game, a ploy. That didn’t mean he wasn’t turned on. Or that he wasn’t affecting her any less. She was surprised by her own attraction to him. The flush in her checks, the quickness of her breath and her dilating pupils gave her away.


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