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The Wrong Man

Page 24

by Laura Abbot

  He ran up the steps, pausing in the narthex to remove his hat and coat. Then he moved toward Libby, his cheeks red with exertion. “I didn’t miss it, then.”

  She smiled, still surprised to see him. “No, you didn’t.”

  He glanced toward the nave, then back at her. “I don’t suppose you’d let me walk you down the aisle.”

  Thankfully, she understood it wasn’t a serious question. She laid a hand on his lapel. “You know better than that. You raised an independent woman. No one can give me away but me.”

  “Somehow I knew that,” he said. “Before I go in, though, I want to say you’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a good number.” Then he leaned over, kissed her briefly on the cheek and whispered, “I hope you’ll be very happy.”

  “Thank you. I’m pleased you made the effort to come.” Glancing into his moist eyes, an unfamiliar sensation swept through her, and she realized that further healing was possible. “On second thought, I’d be honored if you would walk me down the aisle.”

  The organ swelled, and he offered her his arm. Although she was vaguely aware of the smiles and approving nods of the guests, her eyes never strayed from the handsome man standing beside Chad. The man she’d waited for her whole life. The man who had given her a daughter and now promised her babies.

  And looking into his eyes, so full of love for her, she couldn’t wait to begin trying.

  But for now, he and Kylie were family enough.

  Trent reached out his hand as she neared the front of the church, drawing her to him. She greeted him with a radiant smile. He was absolutely the right man.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-3200-6


  Copyright © 2004 by Laura A. Shoffner.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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