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Love Heals All (Once Broken Book 2)

Page 4

by Alison Mello

  When I pull up, the bay doors are open and my guys are busy working on their assigned vehicles. There are four bays, and each bay has a vehicle in it. Two are on lifts, and two are regular maintenance. I can’t help but notice there are a few new ones in the yard that must have broken down sometime over the weekend. Guys are always on training missions, so vehicles show up all the time. I’ll have to check them out first thing to see what they need.

  I walk through the door and the guys all begin clapping. “It’s about fucking time,” Max shouts from across the shop.

  “Fuck you, guys. I ran into Major Bennett at the shoppette. I couldn’t exactly tell a major to fuck off—that my guys are waiting for coffee.” I put the coffees on the counter and they all come running over to grab them.

  Everyone but Callen takes their coffee and walks away, to continue working. “What’s up with the Major?”

  I look to the ground for a second. “He picked up on my lack of sleep. Asked if I was all right.”

  “What did you tell him?” Callen leans on the counter sipping his coffee, like we’re making casual conversation. He knows damn fucking well this isn’t easy.

  “I tried to tell him I was fine, but he didn’t buy it. Bastard took the food I was buying for lunch from me and told me I needed to meet him at noon.”

  Callen starts laughing. “I guess we know where you’ll be this afternoon.” He puts his coffee back down and walks over to the vehicle he’s working on.

  “We have a lot to do. I may not go,” I call out, taking a swig from my coffee. Callen turns back, his brows shoot up, and the face he makes screams really, but I ignore it.

  “What? Let’s get to work,” I shout back to stop him from staring at me.

  “Fine. I’ll get to work, but you know damn well what that look was for.” Fuck yeah, I do. He wants me to meet with Remy because he knows Remy won’t stop until he feels he’s gotten me to agree to help. I don’t need help. I need sleep. When I’m not overtired, the nightmares stay at bay, but if I’m stressed and not sleeping, well, fuck me, they’re fierce. I shake my thoughts and jump onto my computer. I need to check emails and see what’s going on with some parts we need for vehicles we have waiting for repair before my commander kicks my ass.

  After a long ass morning of emails, repairs, parts tracking, and a brief meeting, I’m running out the door late. I was supposed to be at the commissary to meet with Remy five minutes ago. No sooner do I pull out of the maintenance parking lot than my phone rings through my in care system. “I’m on my way. Sorry, man.”

  “I thought you were blowing me off. I was going to come drag your ass out of that bay.”

  I laugh because he would too. “Nah, I’ll be there in a minute.” I cut the call. I thought about blowing him off, but he would only use that against me to try and prove a point. I’ll have lunch with him, explain I just need a little sleep, and all will be good. I pull into the parking lot a few minutes later, and of course the place is packed. This place is always a zoo at lunch time. It’s why if I don’t pack my lunch, I grab it from the shoppette in the morning. First, I typically work through lunch, and second, I hate dealing with crowds. When I get inside, Remy is already sitting at a table with a large pizza. “I figured we could share a pizza, and since you were late, I took the liberty of ordering.” I laugh and take a seat.

  “Thanks, man. Sorry about that. The shop is really busy right now, and I have two guys that are still somewhat new, so they’re slow and can’t do all the stuff Callen and Max can do.” He hands me a bottle of diet cola and I take a slice of pizza.

  “No problem. I heard you saw my sister.” Easy conversation, this I can handle.

  “Yeah, she was at the same bar the guys and I hang out at. They ended up joining us. Your sister’s pretty cool.” I take a bite of the pepperoni pizza.

  He wipes his mouth with a napkin and then places it on his lap. “Listen, I try not to get involved in her life, but I heard her telling her friend that she thinks you’re hot, and that she’s had a great time with you.” Fuck, maybe this isn’t going to be easy conversation. He didn’t call me here to discuss my sleep issues, he’s pissed his sister likes me.

  “Listen, I think your sister is gorgeous and yes, we had fun, but say the word and I’ll stay away from her. I’d never disrespect you like that. We’ve been friends for far too long.” Remy and are the same age, and we’ve always gotten along really well. Every time we’ve been stationed near one another, we’ve gotten together.

  “I appreciate that, but my sister would cut my balls off if I tried to interfere. My point was to let you know that she likes you. All I ask is that you be good to her. Don’t lead her on if you’re not interested.” He has laughter in his voice. He’s probably right, Brooke is one sassy woman. She adores her brother, but she doesn’t take shit from him, either.

  Well, that went better than I expected. “I wouldn’t do that to any woman, especially not your sister. You’re like family, man.”

  “Good, now onto more important things.” He takes a swig of his soda. Fuck, here it comes. “What’s up with you and this shit about not sleeping? Are you having nightmares again?”

  “Only once in a while. It’s really no big deal.” I shrug my shoulders to try and persuade him it’s really not an issue because it’s not. I’m a little tired, but this is nothing I can’t handle.

  His brows shoot up in disbelief. “When is the last time you slept through the night?”

  “Night before last. Listen, man. I get it you’re concerned, and I appreciate it, trust me I do, but I’m good.” Crossing my leg, I lean back in my seat. “I’m relaxed, calm, and I’m not easily agitated.” Remy stares at me for a moment, trying to figure out his next move. I can see the cogs spinning in his head. He’s been in my shoes, only he had it worse. It was him who took a bullet—twice. That’s not something you can easily move on from. I sigh. “I spoke with your sister about getting a dog. I need some focus in my life, that’s all. Once I have a dog to take care of, everything will fall back into place. I’m telling you, I’m good.”

  “You think it’s that easy?” He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at me.

  “I don’t think it’s that easy, but I think it will be helpful.”

  “Okay, fine. Have you spoken to her since the bar?” I shake my head. “What are you waiting for?”

  I shrug. “I never got her number.” It’s a lame ass excuse, since I could have picked up the phone and easily gotten it from Remy. “Plus, I know she’s graduating soon. I don’t want to bother her while she’s studying.” Truthfully, I’d love to take her out. I’ve had my eyes on her for years, and was stoked when Remy got back and invited me to his parents for their annual cookout. She was looking mighty fine, as always.

  Remy bursts into laughter. “Dude, really? Are you a man or a kid in high school? You should have called.” He shakes his head and pulls out his phone. My phone pings a minute later. He sent me a text with Brooke’s phone number.

  “Are you going to tell her you gave out her number?” I have laughter in my voice. “Or is that something you do on a regular basis?”

  “First, you know damn well I don’t. Second, hurt my baby sister and I’ll kill you. Third, call her and get the dog squared away. I don’t like seeing you like this.” He stands from the table. “If I don’t see improvement, you better believe we’ll be having another conversation.” He puts his hand on my shoulder. “I have to get my ass back to work. Take the rest of the pizza back for your guys. They’ll love you for it.”

  “My guys already love me.” I close the lid to the pizza and we walk out together.

  He’s a few feet away when he turns back. “Do me a favor.”


  “Promise me if this shit gets out of control, you’ll get help.”

  “Sure.” I muster as much conviction into that one word as I can. There’s no way I’m going to allow this to get out of control.

  “Good. I don’t want to h
ave to kick your ass.” He chuckles and walks out the door.

  I pull up to the shop. The guys are all standing around looking at one vehicle in particular. “What’s up, guys?” I walk over carrying the pizza and they all turn to face me. “I brought some pizza back.”

  Callen comes over and tells me that the two newbies made a mistake on the truck they were working on and now it needs added repairs. The repairs aren’t major, but they’ll put us further behind in our schedule. “Callen, you help them fix their mistake, and I’m going to go check out the last of the vehicles that were dropped off this weekend so we can get out of here at a decent time. We’re working late tonight, boys.” They all grunt and groan heading back to work, but I don’t give a fuck. We’re a team, and if one guy stays late, we all stay late.

  Chapter 4


  It’s been a long ass week and I’m beat, but looking forward to the family coming over for dinner tonight. Mama has the family over at least every other weekend for dinner, and as tiring as it is, it’s nice to see everyone. Tonight after we eat, Mama and I are sitting down with Kenzie and her aunt to finalize wedding plans. They’re getting married on the Fourth of July, and it will be here before we know it. Mama is really excited. She keeps planning all these parties and telling everyone her family has a lot to celebrate this year. I’m graduating college in a few weeks, and Remy and Kenzie are getting married.

  “Brooke, will you come down here and help me out?” Mama shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Coming, Mama.” I run down the stairs, knowing she’s in a panic over dinner. Kenzie’s aunt and uncle are joining us as well. They don’t usually, but given that we’re talking about the wedding and her aunt wants to be involved, Mama invited them as well. We have seen a lot more of them since Kenzie’s nana passed away. Her aunt has children, but they don’t live close by. Mama says she includes them because they’re part of the family now, and she doesn’t want them to feel lonely. I swear Kenzie treats them more like parents than their own children do.

  “What do you need, Mama?”

  “Can you peel these potatoes, please?” Mama hands me a bag of sweet potatoes, a bag for the peels, and a peeler. I set up at the snack bar and work on my task. My mind drifts back to Vaughn. I realized the other day that I never gave him my number. I wonder if Remy would give me his number, and how would Vaughn feel about me reaching out to him. I bite my lip thinking about it as I work on getting these peeled. I’m about done when my brother Remy comes walking in.

  “Hey, Mama,” Remy greets Mama and gives her a kiss. “Brooke.” He leans in and gives me a hug.

  “Where’s Kenzie?” I ask him, shocked she’s not with him.

  “It’s nice to see you too.” I giggle and he shakes his head. “You know, I remember a time when you were thrilled to see me. Now it’s like I don’t exist.”

  “I’m sorry. I am thrilled to see you, but I grew up with three brothers, and now I’m going to have another sister-in-law. You have no idea how exciting that is.” A smile spreads across my face.

  “I’m here.” Kenzie walks in. “Trust me, I’m thrilled to have a sister as well.” She gives me a hug.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister-in-law Kayla, but we’re not close, not like Kenzie and I. Kayla’s family is quite big, and she’s used to having sisters around, where Kenzie is an only child. “Are you excited to finalize your wedding plans tonight?”

  A huge smile lights up her face. “I’m so excited.” My mom takes the sweet potatoes and starts to prepare them for dinner.

  “I saw Vaughn yesterday,” Remy interrupts our conversation, changing the topic.

  “Oh yeah?” I don’t want to give it away that I like him because I don’t want Remy to freak out. I’m not sure how he’ll feel about my dating one of his friends. Last time he caught Vaughn flirting, he wasn’t happy about it. Vaughn is older than me, not that I care. He’s really hot with his muscular build. His dark wavy hair makes me want to run my fingers through it, and when we were on the dance floor, his big hazel eyes pulled me in. I couldn’t break eye contact with him, we were connected if only for a minute. I bite my lip thinking back. When I left that night, all I could think about was running my hand down the bumps of his chest and his abs.

  “Earth to Brooke.” Remy shakes me from my thoughts.

  I giggle. “Sorry.”

  “You like him,” Remy accuses, his eyes wide.

  “I do not.” I laugh and try to leave the kitchen, but Remy steps in front of me.

  “You do too, and you know what? He likes you too.” Remy looks amused.

  “What? How do you know that?” My laughter stops.

  “I have my ways.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. He’s being childish but I’m not mad. He’s my brother, and he’s always been like this with me. Plus, who can be mad with news like this?

  “Will you excuse me?” He continues to stare at me and says nothing. My mother and Kenzie are standing behind us, amused by the banter taking place between my brother and I. “What do you want?” I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

  “Admit it.” He crosses his arms and blocks me from leaving the room. I want to escape to the bathroom, if only for a minute, but he’s not having it.

  “Why?” He continues to look at me. “Are you going to interfere?”

  “No.” He’s fighting a smile, but failing miserably.

  I match his stance. “Fine. I like him. I’ve liked him for a long time now, but didn’t say anything because I thought you would freak out.” I’m full of sass.

  He bursts into laughter. “Vaughn asked me today if I’d have a problem with him seeing you. He likes you. I told him if he hurt you, I’d kill him.”

  “Of course you did. I have one question for you, big shot.” My brows shoot up. “If he likes me so much, why hasn’t he called? He obviously could have gone to you for my number.” It’s been a little over a week since I’ve seen him. I even offered to help him find a dog, figuring it would give him excuse to call. I didn’t give my number, but he could easily get it from you. He didn’t even have to say it was because he liked me…he had the puppy as an excuse.”

  “He didn’t have your number until we spoke. I’m not sure why he hasn’t called you yet, but give him a chance. He’s trying to sort out some things right now.” Remy steps to the side, letting me by. I run up the stairs to wash my hands and wrap my head around my thoughts.

  What could he be trying to sort? I’m graduating soon, and the last thing I need is a distraction. Staring in the mirror, I contemplate what I should do. Now that Remy has told me he’s okay with me seeing him, I’m pushing him away. I know he won’t treat me poorly like my ex did, but if he’s having issues, can I handle that and deal with graduation and a new job title? What am I saying? He hasn’t even tried to contact me, but damn, I wish he would. I shake my head, I’m a mess.

  I hear voices downstairs. Aunt Kenderly and Uncle Jasper are here. I sigh and run back down the stairs to say hello. When I get to the bottom, my brother Dawson and his clan are walking through the door. Becky is getting so big, and Kayla is carrying Beau in a car seat. He’s only a few months old, but he must eat like a beast, because he’s huge. No sooner does Kayla put the carrier down than Remy scoops up his godson and starts to play with him. He looks so sweet holding the baby. I hope they have kids someday. They will make great parents.

  “Brooke, can you help me with beverages, please?” Mama calls from the kitchen.

  I ask everyone what they’d like to drink and then Kenzie and I head into the kitchen to grab beers, wine, and water. Mama’s busy finishing off dinner, which is almost done. She, as usual, has made a feast, and now that the family is growing, we no longer all fit around the dining room table. I’ll sit in the kitchen with Becky and Keaton while everyone else sits in the dining room. Mama made a joke of telling my dad that they needed a new house with a bigger dining room. Dad didn’t find the joke very funny. Kenzie and I hand
out the drinks and I go back to the kitchen to make sure Mama’s all set.

  “Brooke, will you mash these for me?” Mama hands me a pot of potatoes. It’s always my job to mash them. She says I do a good job if it. It’s just right, not too many lumps. The boys swear she does it just to get my help, but really she’s taught me how to cook, and I’m glad.

  “Are these the famous Brooke mashed potatoes?” Aunt Kenderly comes into the kitchen.

  “I don’t know about famous, but they’re my mashed potatoes.” I smile, pounding the masher into the pot.

  “Yeah, well, your sister-in-law raves about them.” She leans on the snack bar.

  “Well, that’s sweet of her. I’m glad she enjoys them.” I add some seasonings to the pot and continue mashing.

  “What can I do to help?” Aunt Kenderly asks.

  “We’re fine,” Mama tells her. “Almost time to eat.”

  “You’re too sweet, Mama Bennett.” Aunt Kenderly gives my mama a hug. She’s been calling her Mama Bennett since Kenzie and Remy got engaged, and of course my mama just eats it up.

  “Where is that brother of yours?” Mama shakes her head. “Dinner is ready and as usual he’s not here yet.”

  “Start without him.” My father comes into the kitchen. “The boy’s going to be late to his own dang funeral.”

  Mama shakes her head. “I should have known when he was the only child of mine that was born late.” I can’t help but chuckle. Keaton is always the last one here and he’s always late. It drives Mama crazy, and no matter how much she lectures him on the issue, he still arrives late with some lame excuse. You know how there’s always one troublesome kid in the family? Well, that’s Keaton. “Dinner is ready.” Mama sets out plates. Now that we’re so big, we all make plates in the kitchen and then take our seat in the dining room.


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