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Love Heals All (Once Broken Book 2)

Page 20

by Alison Mello



  Tears well in my eyes. “He’s so sweet. Even with all he’s going through he thinks of me.” I wipe away my tears and open the other box. When I see the contents, I crack up laughing.

  “What is it?”

  “Peach cobbler.” I laugh through my tears.

  My brothers are looking at me like I have ten heads. “Why is that funny?”

  “Because we shared a peach cobbler together after we came to look at this house.” I put it in the fridge to save for later. I can only imagine what he had to do to get a florist to deliver peach cobbler. I shake my head and grab my phone to thank him.

  Brooke: I got my flowers and peach cobbler, thank you so much. I love you and have not given up on you. I can’t wait for you to be better so we can share cobbler again.

  Vaughn: I promise you I’m working on it. I can’t wait to have you back in my arms.

  I send him an emoji blowing him a kiss and put my phone away to get ready for the delivery guys to get here. Mama keeps busy grabbing my duster and dusts all around the living room and bedrooms once again. We did it not too long ago, but since the house is all closed up and empty, it needs it again. When she’s done, she grabs the vacuum and starts vacuuming while I switch the load of towels to the dryer and put in another load.

  The doorbell rings again and this time it’s the furniture. I jump up and down, clapping with excitement. “Ms. Bennett?” the delivery man questions.

  “That’s me.”

  “We’re bringing in the bedroom set first. Can you show me where it’s going?”

  “Sure, right this way.” I lead him to my room and point out how I want the set put together. He agrees and they get busy unloading the bedroom set. That’s when I realize I messed up. I never washed my bedding. It’s all still sitting in the bag. I’ll have to wash it next. When I get back to the living room, Kenzie is cleaning all of the windows around the living room and opening blinds to let sunlight in.

  “You have a great yard,” She says, excited.

  “I know I can’t wait to see Brody running free back there.” I know he’ll be here soon.

  She wraps an arm around me in silent support. “The landlord good with the dog?”

  “Yup. He figured since I’m a vet, I know how to handle them.”

  “Brooke,” Mama calls from the kitchen. We both turn. “Do you know how you’re setting up the living room? They’re almost done in the bedroom.”

  “No, but I figured that’s why I have these muscle men here.” I wiggle my brows at my brothers, who both roll their eyes.

  Courtney comes running through the door. “Hey, sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s all good. There’s not much to do. We’re all sitting around waiting for furniture to come in, and since I forgot to wash my sheets, I can’t make my bed until the load in the washer finishes.”

  “Okay.” She gives Mama and my dad each a hug, and then comes to give me one. “The place looks great!”

  “Thanks. All I have left to do is open and wash the pots, pans, and utensils.”

  “Well, I guess I have something to do.”

  “The boxes are in the spare room.” She runs off to grab the boxes and begins opening them while the movers bring in my couch. It’s bigger than I thought, but I like it. They place it down against the wall where the TV is going to go and then head off to grab the two chairs I ordered, as well as a coffee table and two end tables. After this, all they’ll have left to do is the kitchen set and they’re done.

  I exhale a deep breath. It’s coming together, but there’s still so much I need. I haven’t gotten a coffee pot, I need a toaster or toaster oven, oven mitts, kitchen towels, and some sort of Tupperware containers for leftovers. I shake my head. Moving out on your own is exhausting, but I’m excited and nervous at the same time. This place is going to get really quiet later. I really wish Vaughn was here to spend the night with me. I shake off my thoughts and grab my phone to make note of the things I need to get tomorrow from the super center. I want to try and be as settled as possible before I go back to work on Monday. “Are you okay, sweetie? You look deep in thought.”

  “Yeah, Dad. I just realized I need to get some things from the store tomorrow. I was starting a list, that way I won’t forget anything.”

  “I thought you got everything? What did you forget?”

  I go over my list with him and he laughs. “It’s funny how you forget something like a coffee pot until you go to make coffee and you don’t have it.”

  “Yeah, it’d be hard to make the English muffins I bought without a toaster.”

  The movers have now finished moving my living room set in, and as soon as they leave I’m going to move it around. I don’t like how it’s set up, and apparently neither do my brothers, because they’re already discussing it. My father stands beside me. We both watch my brothers animatedly discuss how the living room should be set up, and as with most things in life, they disagree. Their conversation turns into an argument. Keaton tries to punch Remy in the arm, but misses because Remy steps out of the way. Now Remy’s laughing his ass off at Keaton, pissing him off more. I find this all quite funny, but my father doesn’t. “Cut the crap, you two. Your sister doesn’t need you guys breaking her stuff before she even gets to use it.”

  The tables and chairs for the dining room don’t take them long to unload. They had to put the table together, but the six chairs they simply carried in. “Okay, ma’am. You’re all set. I just need you to sign here.” I scribble my name on the line. “Here is your warranty information.” He hands me an envelope with papers in it. “Have a great night.” They leave, and instantly Remy and Keaton start rearranging the living room furniture.

  “Hey, sis. What are you doing about a TV?”

  They delivered the stand for a TV but I haven’t bought one for the living room yet. I have a TV in my bedroom and it was hooked up earlier this week, along with the Wi-Fi. “I don’t have one yet.”

  Remy and Keaton each look at one another and then back at me, and at the same exact time they say. “We’ll be back.” They both run out the door.

  “Where you going?” I shout to them, but they don’t answer, they just continue on their way. I turn back to everyone else. “Shall I order pizza?”

  Everyone nods, agreeing they are hungry. I grab my phone to order, Mama changes my laundry, and Kenzie grabs my sheets from the spare room to put into the washer. Once I’m done, I take a seat on my new couch, put my head back, and close my eyes. It’s been a tiring few days, and I want nothing more than to sit and relax. I exhale and jump up to keep going. I realize I still haven’t set up the bathrooms.

  “Courtney, want to help me with the bathrooms?”

  “Of course.” We go into the spare room to find the bags with the bathroom stuff. The bags are all mixed, so we sort through them. She takes the main bathroom and I take the stuff for mine. I’m glad it doesn’t take much to put down some bathmats and hang a shower curtain because I’m seriously spent. Mama peeks her head in to see if I need any help but I’m almost done. When I walk out, I admire my furniture for the first time. It fits nicely in my room and I love it.

  A short time later, the pizza has arrived. I grab plates, cups, and napkins. As we’re digging in, Keaton and Remy come walking through the door carrying a huge TV. “Are you two crazy?”

  They both shrug their shoulders and continue carrying the TV into the living room. “Consider it an early birthday/Christmas present, if that makes you feel better.”

  I laugh. “I can’t believe you guys bought me a forty-six inch TV.”

  “Listen, if we’re going to have movie nights, we need a TV. Without one, you can’t force me to watch this.” Remy pulls my favorite movie from his coat pocket and I can’t help but burst into laughter.

  “I can’t believe you bought me Twister. I thought you would be thrilled I didn’t have access to it anymore.”

  He kisses me on the head. “A girl has to hav
e her favorite movie on hand.”

  “You’re the best, Rem.” The guys lean the TV against the stand and then grab some pizza. “Now I have to work on getting a DVD player and a surround sound system.”

  “Let me know when you’re ready and I can help you pick one, but for now at least you can get cable.”

  Mama smiles at my brothers with a look of pure pride. As soon as they’ve scarfed down two slices, they get busy opening the box and carefully putting the huge TV on its stand. Remy grabs the remote, turns the TV on, and scrolls through the smart TV options. “Sis, I need your Wi-Fi password.” I run to the drawer I have it written down in and hand him the slip of paper. Once he has it plugged into the TV, he shows me how to watch Netflix and then shows me how I can play music.

  “You guys are the best. I’ll have to call the company and get another cable box, but this will be great for now.” In true Keaton and Remy fashion, they both wrap me in a hug, squeezing me between them. It’s something they used to do to me all the time. “You guys are going to break me,” I whine.

  “Never.” Keaton kisses my head and then gives me a noogie.

  “Really. You done messed up my hair.” I smack him playfully.

  “On that note, I’m out of here. See ya, sis.” Keaton kisses my mother goodbye and shakes hands with my father on his way out the door.

  Next thing I know, it’s just Courtney and I. She helps me set my bed up and then hangs with me for a bit. We chill on my new living room furniture, making plans for a movie night and dinner later this week. “Do you need help with anything else before I go?”

  “No, I think I’m good. I’m going to take a shower and read for a bit. Thank you so much for all of your help.”

  I walk her to the door, she gives me a quick hug, and then runs down the walkway to her car. I lock the house and shut the lights on my way to my room. I grab my phone to check for messages before I hit the shower. It’s so quiet in the house. I put on the TV to a music channel and lower the volume. I have no messages, but I’m hoping Vaughn will answer a text from me.

  Brooke: Thank you again for the flowers. I love them and they look gorgeous on my kitchen island. I miss you and wish you were here with me.

  Vaughn: I’m sorry, Angel. Why don’t we get together for dinner this week and we can talk?

  Brooke: That would be awesome. Why don’t you come to my place and I’ll cook. How’s Tuesday?

  Vaughn: Tuesday works. See you soon, Angel. I love you!

  Brooke: Love you too!

  I put my phone down feeling so much better that I at least know I’m going to be seeing him soon. I gather what I need for the shower so I can get some sleep, I’m exhausted from the busy day.

  Chapter 23


  I arrive at work full of energy and excitement. I’ve spent the last two nights in my new place. I’ve shopped for my home, prepared clothes for the week, and even prepared some meals for myself, hoping I wouldn’t forget to eat or eat poorly, but nothing could have prepared me for the vision in front of me. I park my car, taking in the police, ambulance, and fire department all sitting with lights flashing blocking the entrance to the clinic. I leap from my car and run to the front door to find Dr. Kramer on a stretcher with an oxygen mask over his face. “What’s going on?”

  “Who are you?” the officer asks.

  “I’m the other veterinarian that works here.” I can’t take my eyes off of my dear friend and mentor. My body begins to tremble and tears are welling in my eyes. “Please, what’s going on?”

  “He’s had a severe heart attack. We need to get him to the hospital. Who is his next of kin?”

  I shake my head and close my eyes. “He has no one.” I burst into tears and instantly Courtney is at my side. She knows how much Dr. Kramer means to me. He’s like a second father to me. He’s been a mentor and taught me all I know. I can’t lose this dear man. “I’m the closest he has to family.”

  “Ma’am, I know this is difficult, but we may need you. How can we reach you?” I reach over and hand him one of the brand new business cards that Dr. Kramer just had printed for me. I can hear sirens screaming as the ambulance rushes from the parking lot.

  “How could this be happening? He’s a fit man. He works out, eats healthy for the most part. I don’t understand.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I wish I had answers for you, but I don’t. Sometimes no matter what we do, it’s not enough.” He rubs my arm. “Will you be okay here?”

  I swallow through the lump in my throat and nod my head. “Yes, I have a clinic to run.” I hold my head high, knowing that Dr. Kramer would want me to run the clinic today, and I plan to make him proud. The nice officer nods and heads toward the door. “Officer?”

  He turns back to me. “Will you please make sure I get an update?”

  He gives me a tight smile and nods. “On my way there now.”

  “Thank you.” My voice is barely a whisper as I fight the tears prickling my eyes.

  I turn to my friend. “Will you give me a minute and then meet me in the back?” She nods and I walk away.

  I grab my cell phone and call my dad.

  “Hey, sweetie,” he answers cheerfully.

  “Daddy, Dr. Kramer is on his way to the hospital. He’s had a heart attack.”

  “Oh dear. I’m so sorry, sweetie.”

  I’m now sobbing into the phone. “Can you make some calls and find out what’s happening? I’m at the clinic and I can’t just leave. I have animals I need to tend to.”

  “Of course. I’ll be in touch shortly. Hang in there, sweetie.” He cuts the call. I grab a tissue and dab my eyes, trying to not totally destroy my makeup even though I know it’s a mess. Courtney comes walking into the back. She says nothing, but sits next to me and quietly waits. I exhale a deep breath. “We need to get through this day as quickly as possible. I’m waiting on an update from either the police or my father. Please call and cancel any appointments that aren’t urgent, and ask others to come in early. I’m going to start checking on the animals we have here and see who can be sent home and who needs to stay.” I exhale another deep breath. “I’ll need to catch Raeanne up on everything. Is she here yet?”

  Her eyes go wide. “Poor girl is probably standing at the door. She doesn’t have a key yet.” She jumps up and runs to the door. I follow behind her to see not only is Raeanne standing there, but so are the first patients of the morning.

  I let out a sigh. “Let’s open and get things rolling.” I turn to Raeanne. “Can I see you in the back?”

  She nods, looking nervous, but follows me to the back. As soon as we’re out of earshot of our clients, she finally asks with a shaken voice, “Did I do something wrong?”

  I shake my head. “No, Dr. Kramer was rushed to the emergency room this morning. He had a heart attack. I really need your help to get through today. We’re canceling clients that are not urgent, and trying to bump others up so I can get out of here and get to the hospital.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Her voice laced with concern. “Why don’t I start checking the patients we already have here for you and you can do the checkups that are walking in now?”

  “That’s a good plan. Let me know if you have any concerns or need my help.” She rubs my arm and walks off. With one more deep breath, I pick up the carrier of my first patient, a Siamese cat.



  I’m walking out of my morning appointment with the good doctor when my phone vibrates in the clip. I pull it out to see it’s Remy. “Hey, man. Yes, I went to my appointment and things are going great.” I roll my eyes because he’s been checking on me for over two weeks now. I’m finally seeing Brooke tomorrow, and he of all people should know that means I’m feeling good. The doctor and I just met about it.

  “I’m glad to hear it, but that’s not why I’m calling.” There’s panic in his voice, and now I’m freaking out. Lord, please tell me that my angel is all right. I stop in the middle of
the parking lot, silently praying while I wait for his next words. “Brooke is at the clinic, but she’s going to need you. Dr. Kramer was rushed to the hospital today.”

  “How do you know?” I start walking toward my car again. I need to get a hold of Brooke and make sure she’s okay.

  “My father called me. He wants me to go by and check on her, but not sure I can get out of here early today to do that. Keaton is going to stop by and see if she needs anything, but you should too. She’ll want to see you.”

  I exhale a deep, cleansing breathe. I’m just getting strong enough for myself, am I strong enough for her too? I have to be. I love her and I need to be there for her. “I’ll get there as soon as I can.” I jump in my car and head straight to work. The guys are all busy working on vehicles when I walk through the doors. The bays are full, and there’s more that need work in the lot.

  I go straight to my commander’s office and knock on the door. “Enter,” he barks from the other side of the door.

  “Good morning, sir.”

  “Staff Sergeant Anderson, how are you today?”

  I close the door behind me and step closer to his desk. “I’m doing well, sir. I want to thank you for your understanding while I work through my issues. I’m getting better and better every day. I’ve actually slept through the night for almost two weeks now.”

  “That’s good to hear. I don’t like seeing my men not at their best. If you need help, son, you need to come to me. That’s what I’m here for.” I look down at the floor, trying to figure out how to bring this up without sounding like an asshole. He’s already been so flexible. “What is it, son?”

  “Sir. You know Major Bennett, right?”

  “Yes, of course. He called me before heading to your house that morning.” His southern accent is getting stronger as he gets more concerned. I need to spit this out.


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