Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD III > Page 14

by Shameek Speight

  Lawana thought to herself as she bent down and picked up the box cutter.

  “You two have an hour to rip all the skin off her fucking body, and I think that is too long. I don’t have to tell you what will happen if you don’t!” He said in a demanding voice.

  “But how can we do that? I wouldn’t know how.” Tanya replied.

  He smirked.

  “I made it easy for you both. I already cut the line in to her skin, all you have to do is dig your nails into her and pull, and when you get stuck, cut a deep straight line in her and dig and pull. Now get started on her arms now!”

  Lawana and Tanya both stood on opposite sides of Angela’s body. She wasn’t moving, her head was held down low as if she was passed out. They could tell she was still alive because her chest was moving up and down, letting them know she was breathing.

  Black Ice saw their hesitation and walked across the room to the door then unhooked the hyena from the wall and held the chain while walking with it by his side.

  “If you don’t finish in a fucking hour I’ll let him feast on all three of you. He shouted!”

  Lawana looked up at Angela’s arm that was chained up on the wall, she noticed the slice in it and blood leaking out. She dug her finger nails into the open wound while crying. She closed her eyes and began to pull down. The sound of skin being ripped from Angela’s arm made her nauseous and her stomach bubble, as she continues to pull while crying with her eyes closed. Tanya looked at Black Ice and smiled. I’m going to make him proud of me. She thought to herself as she dug her nails into the open wound on Angela’s right arm and pulled with all her might while screaming.


  She ripped all the flesh off it with one hand.

  Black Ice grinned with his evil dark smile.

  “Good now toss it to the hyena, you have a lot more to do and must finish in an hour, or else.” He stated.

  Lawana was still crying and couldn’t believe that Tanya looks as if she was enjoying ripping the flesh from Angela’s body. She screams as she rips the skin completely off her left arm and tossed it to the floor.

  Then she dug her hands and fingers into the wound by Angela’s chest at the same time as Tanya did. She closed her eyes.

  “Ugghh! Ahhhh! Ugghh!” Angela screams in a weak voice.

  The cocaine flowed through her body killing some of the pain but not all of it.

  “God please, please kill me now, I can’t take any more. Please let me die.”

  She prayed over and over but her prayers went unheard as Lawana pulls her skin down to her stomach.

  Lawana opened her eyes and start screaming.

  “Oh God! Oh God! Shit!”

  She stares at Angela’s bloody body and skin, just hanging down to her stomach.

  “Come on lets finish.” Tanya said as she continues to pull.

  Lawana stood there shaking uncontrollably then looks back at Black Ice who was just standing there smiling and the hyena with blood on his mouth licking his lips with its long tongue.

  She turned her head back around and looked at her hands cover in someone else’s blood.

  “God forgive me.” She mumbled as she closed her eyes and grabs the skin that was hanging and began to pull away at it.

  Forty minutes later Angela’s body hung on the wall with all her skin completely ripped off from her body. Her long weave still on her was one of the only ways you could tell she was a woman with all her outer beauty ripped away, leaving her hanging there with no eyes, no tongue or skin, just blood dripping down to the ground.

  Tiwan walked into the room and jumped back as he seen what used to be Angela hanging there. He jumped back out of fear as he noticed that the woman was still alive.

  “Who, who is that boss?” He asks in a nervous voice.

  “Don’t ask me any fucking questions, I warned you about that, just take these two back to my room.”

  Black Ice responded in a sinister voice.

  Tiwan shook his head up and down and looked at Lawana and Tanya covered in blood.

  “I did well, I did well.” Tanya repeatedly said in a low tone while Lawana just shook back and forth, trying to hold back her tears.

  “You two come on!” Tiwan replied.

  They followed him out the room.

  “He's the devil, the real devil on earth.” Lawana said as she cried uncontrollably and walked down the hallway following Tiwan.

  You have no idea, but soon the devil will return back to hell were he fucking belongs. Tiwan thought to himself.

  Black Ice walks over to Angela’s body hanging on the wall. He moved close to her ear before speaking.

  “I see you don’t have shit to say now, do you?

  This is just the beginning. Next I’m going to chop off your breast one by one, then your legs and then your arms, then any little piece of you I can think of and feed you to this damn hyena and keep you alive for months.

  You let your mouth get your ass in something it can’t handle. Didn’t your mother teach you to think before you speak you crazy bitch. They’re right about me, I am the fucking devil.” He said as he turns her body around, twisting the chains looking at her raw meat with no flesh.

  He pulls down his jeans and strokes his ten inch dick in his hand. Then force it in her ass and began to pump. Blood covered his penis from her raw flesh as he strokes in and out of her.

  “Ugghh! Ahhhh!” Angela screams in a week voice and wanted to cry but was unable too.

  Her eyes were gone, just leaving a black dark socket with blood in it. The blood dripped out of them on her cheeks as if it was the tears she couldn’t cry.

  Chapter 21

  “Push! Push!” The woman doctor said.

  Envy looked into her green eyes wanting to curse her ass the fuck out.

  “I am pushing. What the hell do you think I’m goddamn doing?” She shouted as she squeezed Michael’s hand.

  “Ugghh!” She screams as she pushed again.

  Michael felt her nails digging into his hands.

  “You’re doing great baby, you’re doing great.”

  He said.

  “Shut up, you put this baby in me. I swear you’re not sticking your dick inside me no more, no more pussy for you, do you hear me?” She screams while pushing.

  Michael looked at her like she was an insane woman, then he looks at the doctors who had face masks on but he could tell they were smiling at Envy’s last remark. He did look down between Envy legs and his heart raced and eyes opened wide as he looked at the baby’s head peeking out through her vagina.

  “Lord he’s ripping it, the baby looks like its ripping it!” He shouted.

  Envy pushed harder and the baby came all the way out, with the doctor’s help. Michael’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed onto the floor.

  The sound of a baby crying he heard in his sleep wakes him. He opened his eyes to see that he was sitting in a chair then could see Envy in the hospital bed holding a baby. Envy looked over at him and smiled.

  “What happened baby?” Michael asked.

  “Your big black ass passed out as soon as you seen our baby’s head came out.” Envy said then laughed.

  “What do you mean I passed out? All I remember is seeing you push and it looked like my baby was ripping my good-good.”

  “Boy shut up, your good-good is fine, your big ass is quick to fight and go against all kinds of danger, but as soon as you think I’m being stretched out, you panic and pass the fuck out.” She said and shook her head.

  “Now come over here and meet your son punk.”

  Envy said in a playful manor.

  Michael stood up nervously and walked over to the bed and looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms.

  “He looks just like me but a light skinned me.”

  You’re sure you didn’t sleep with no one else.”

  “Michael if you don’t shut up, I swear I’ll punch you in the eye. Look inside his ears they’re dark, that means he's go
ing to get darker and besides I’m a honey brown skinned complexion fool, he was going come out light, but the doctor said he's perfectly healthy and has all ten of his toes and fingers.”

  “Can I hold him?” Michael asked.

  “Yea silly he's yours.” Envy replied.

  Michael gently picks up his new born son from Envy’s arms and held him. He stared at him and smiled, mesmerized with everything about him.

  “He's everything I could want and more, did you name him, when I was passed out?” Michael said and caused both him and Envy to laugh.

  “No, I wanted you to name him, and baby, please don’t name him with the letter ‘M’, because your name starts with an ‘M’ and then you’re a Jr. Your brother, Mike’s real name is also Michael and if you ask me all three of you are crazy. Maybe not as much as Black Ice, but still I refuse for my son to be crazy like that.” Envy said in a serious tone.

  “Okay, I really don’t know how I should feel about that statement, but you’re right. Ummm, I think I’ll name him Evan.”

  As soon as he said his son’s name, he opened his eyes and smiled at Michael. Michael’s heart melts.

  “Yes, that’s a good name my little Evan.”

  Envy smiled with joy looking at both of them.

  “I like the name Evan and besides it starts with the letter ‘E” like my first name.” She responded with a cheese smile on her face.

  Envy and Michael heard a noise behind them at the door. She reached for the 38 handgun under the pillow that Michael had put there when she first went into labor. She grabs the handle, ready for anything and then she and Michael relaxed when Mike entered the room with a book bag on his back and two security guards Michael hired to watch him in fear of Black Ice.

  Followed behind Mike, was Star and Tiffany, both in wheel chairs being pushed into the room, by two male nurses. Envy sat up to see babies in their arms.

  “You two tricks had to be like me and give birth today.” She said laughing.

  “No we had our children yesterday and been just waiting on your ass.” Tiffany replied while laughing.

  “Come here Mike and meet your new nephew.

  You’re an uncle now and it’s your job to protect him just like you do with us and we will do with you.” Michael stated.

  Mike walked over and looked at the newborn baby in his brothers arms and had mixed feelings, part happy and part jealousy. Will he and Envy love me less now that their baby is here? He thought to himself.

  “So Tiffany, do I have a new brother?” Michael asked.

  “No you have a new sister.” Star and I both had girls.

  “So what did you name her Tiffany?” Michael asked.

  “I named her after my best friend, her name is Starlette.” Tiffany said proudly.

  For the next two hours they awed over the newborn babies that was brought in this world. Before falling asleep Envy eased out the bed and looked at Michael holding their son sleeping and Mike sleeping on his arm. The sun shined bright through the curtains. She pulled the curtain back and let the sun shine through the room. She walked over to Michael and gently tries to take Evan out his arms. Michael’s eyes popped open filled with anger and hate. He slapped her hand and just stared at her like a mad man.

  “Baby calm down, it's just me, nothing will happen to our son. I just want to feed him.” Envy continued to watch Michael stare at her until his eyes softened and he realized who she is and where he was.

  Envy shook her head once she knew he was back to normal.

  “I should be used to you waking out your sleep like you’re ready for war or kill everything around you, but I’m not. Can you please pass me our son, so I can feed him baby?” Envy stated.

  “I’m sorry baby, I thought, well it don’t matter, you know I’m very over protected with the one's I love.”

  “It’s okay Michael. I know what you been through. I just don’t want our son to have to see the same things as you. I refuse to have him go through the pain you seen in your life.” Envy said while taking Evan and sitting on the edge of the bed and breast feeding her son.

  “Michael, the doctor said I’m able to leave but our son will have to stay here for a few more days because he was born a month early. They just want to watch him, but I’m not leaving my son alone with your insane father out there, but I want to go shopping and hook up the baby’s room today with my sister Kema.

  I’m taking Mike with me. I can’t go shopping for one without doing for the other. He’s been like our child and we can’t treat him different.” Envy stated.

  “Ummm, how many security guards did you hire to watch us Michael?”

  “I got two guarding Tiffany and Star’s room and two guarding our room and one outside. So we’re safe we won’t be staying here that long anyway, it’s too out in the open, but I’m sure nothing will happen to any of us, but the sooner we’re out of here the better and safer I feel.” Michal replied.

  “Ummm, baby I have to ask you something.”

  Envy said while looking at Mike sleeping hard on the bed next to Michael.

  “Why does Mike carry that book bag everywhere he goes now, and sleeps with it like he's guarding it? You don’t find that weird lately, and I swear I saw it move once, but thought I was losing my mind.”

  Envy said never taken her eyes off the book bag that was in Mike’s arms as he sleeps.

  “Yea, I asked the same thing but he's a boy, they do miscellaneous things, probably got a baby kitten in his book bag, because I thought I saw it move once too while talking to him in the center.”

  “Michael please, does Mike strike you as the kind of child to play with a baby kitten? You and your father seem more like the type to torture animals.” Envy said with a smirk on her face.

  “Woman shut up, I never hurt no one or nothing that wasn’t trying to hurt my black ass first and I’m telling you there has to be a kitten in his book bag, he’s probably using it to replace his friendship with that little girl Crystal, since her and her mother went missing and he’s been lonely for a friend. Watch I’ll prove it’s a kitten.” Michael replied as he leaned over on the bed next to Mike who was sleeping and reached for the book bag in his arms.

  “Move out my way, I’m a got damn police detective, move out my way or I’ll arrest you both.”

  Envy and Michael both heard a man scream in the hallway outside of their hospital room door. Michael looked at Envy, letting her know to cover her breast as he went to the room door.

  “I’m sorry sir but we don’t care who you are.

  We have orders not to let anyone in this room but the doctor, so unless you have a goddamn warrant your threats don’t mean shit to me!” One of the security guards shouted while he and his partner held out there arms blocking the way from the detective getting in.

  Michael opened the door and smirked.

  “I should’ve known, Detective Roy Jr. what can i do for you, today? Michael stated.

  “Don’t fucking play with me Evil, you know what you can do, like fucking telling me were the hell is my damn partner at!” Detective Roy Jr. shouted while the security guards blocked his way from getting in the room.

  “Stop playing fucking stupid with me Evil. I know you’re just like your father. I’m tired of the damn act. I will show the world why you got the nick name Evil. You may have my boss and other powerful people fooled, but not me punk. You know I been following you, when I was ordered not to!” Detective Roy shouted.

  “Yes I know you been following me and my family. I didn’t feel like calling it in and making you lose your job. I don’t know how many times I have to tell your ass I’m nothing like my fucking father. I don’t know what it will take for you to get through that thick skull of yours and I haven’t seen your partner. My don’t life don’t revolve around him or you like yours revolves around mines detective.” Michael replied.

  Detective Roy’s face turned bright red with anger.

  “I know you know something, the last time I seen my partner
Tommy he was following that little demon offspring of Black Ice’s and has been missing for two weeks now. He hasn’t showed up for work or home to his wife. If I find out you or that demon child has touched him I'll put a bullet in both your heads.”

  “Listen don’t fucking threaten my family you low life asshole. I told you no one has seen your partner.

  My son was born last night and this is a joyful time for me and my family and I’m not about to let your low life ass ruin it for me. Do you know you can end up missing and no one would even care, because you only think of yourself? I do more for people than you, that’s why I have the power to get you fired, but I don’t think of myself only and show it dick shit. Now get the fuck away from my door before you lose more than just your job!” Michael shouted through clenched teeth.

  “I know there’s a reason why they call you Evil, it’s just a matter of time before you snap.” Detective Roy said as he turned around and walked away.

  “You’re just like your father, I'll show them.”

  Michael shook his head.

  “Baby that man is crazy. I think you really need to do something about him, call the chief of police or get a protection order against him, something baby.” Envy stated.

  Yea you’re right sweetie, he's out of control and you two did a good job thank you.” Michael said to the two security guards and shut the door.

  Mike sat up quick on the bed. He had heard the whole argument and prayed Michael wouldn’t ask him any questions, because he could tell when he was lying.

  “Okay, I pumped milk for the baby. The doctor and nurse will be back and forth to run test on him and check his blood. I’m taking Mike home with me to go get cleaned up and then head over to my sister’s house to shop.” Envy stated.

  “You’re always shopping and got to match everything but I want you to take, the security guards that are in the lobby with you. I know you can handle yourself; I just want to be on the safe side baby.”

  Michael replied.

  “Okay daddy.” Envy said while smiling seductively, kissing him on the lips.

  “I need to get out of this hospital gown and in some name brand clothes and heels. Come on Mike we’re out of here.” She said as she sat in a wheel chair and a male nurse entered the room to push her wheel chair.


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