Home > Other > A CHILD OF A CRACKHEAD III > Page 15

by Shameek Speight

  Mike popped up off the couch and quickly followed her to avoid Michael asking him any questions about the missing Detective.

  Chapter 22

  Star held her daughter close to her breast as the baby slept. She turned her head and looked at Tiffany, a few feet away in her bed, holding her child as well.

  “So I guess now that we had our babies Envy will be kicking our asses out her house. I don’t know why she's acting like that, I thought we all were friends and close like family. I know Michael would still let us stay if it’s up to him, shit it’s a big house and I feel safe there. That’s a hard feeling to come by now.” Star said while looking back and forth from her baby and Tiffany.

  “It's not that she isn’t our friend Star, because she is. If you really think about it we wouldn’t have escaped with her from Black Ice. I think it’s just a woman thing. You know how we don’t like any other women in our house around our man, it’s a typical thing.

  She just wants her house to herself and her family. I can respect that, we been there for months now.” Tiffany replied as she closed her eyes feeling sleepy from watching her new born sleep.

  “Yea girl I really don’t blame her. From the sounds of her moans and screams all through the night I know why she doesn’t want any women around her man.” Star said and laughed and Tiffany laughed with her.

  “Hell yea.” Tiffany said then dosed off real fast to sleep.

  Star stared at her daughter, lying in her arms.

  “Can you believe something so beautiful and precious came from so much pain?” Star said as tears started to stream down her face.

  “There were so many nights I prayed for death as those men had their way with me. Treating me like a toy or a piece of meat, forcing me to suck there dicks while raping me five men at a time, and sometimes ten men. I was thinking and feeling like I will never escape, the high from the crack was the only way to numb my pain until I seen you your face Tiffany, that gave me hope. Now I look at my daughter and amazed that such a gift came from such turmoil. I love her so much already.” Star said crying hysterically.

  Tiffany had heard every word even though she was half asleep. She turned her head and looked at her best friend as flashbacks of Black Ice, punching her then beating her with a belt until she passes out unconscious then raping her unconscious body. Tears stream down her face as well.

  “But we’re here now Star, free and away from all that chaos and torture and our children will never have to know about it or go through it. I love you.”

  Tiffany said while crying uncontrollably.

  “I love you too girl.”

  The sound of the room door opening made them both use the back of their hands to wipe there tears away. Tiffany and Star’s jaw drops in astonishment as the person steps into the room. Tiffany looked behind the person and could see the two dead security guards with their necks sliced open and blood pouring out on the floor. Tiffany reached up under her pillow for the 22

  caliber handgun Envy gave her when she first went in labor. Before she could pull it out the person stepped closer and put a 9mm ruger with a silencer on it to Tiffany’s daughter’s head that was in her arms.

  “Don’t you do it bitch. You will be giving me the reason I waited months for.”

  Tiffany slowly moved her hand away from her gun.

  “Yasmin what are you doing here? How did you get away? We thought you were dead!” Star shouted.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch. I’m doing the talking here and I didn’t get away, if you must know. After you grimy hoes left me for dead Black Ice tortured me damn near to death. But I promised him I'd bring him something worth more than my life and to prove my loyalty, but it will take time for me to pay up.” Yasmin said then grinned as four henchmen enters the room dressed in all black.

  “Ahhhh! I’m never going back. I’ll die first!”

  Tiffany screamed.

  Yasmin swung hard and hit her four times on her head with the butt of her gun.

  “Ahhhh! Ouchh!” Tiffany screamed then her world went dark as she went unconscious.

  “I wasn’t talking about you bitch. Grab the baby now!” Yasmin shouted to one of the henchmen.

  He walked over and took the baby out of Tiffany’s arms.

  “Nooo! Tiffany!” Star yelled as she popped up out her bed to only be knocked back down with a punch to her left eye by a henchman, who then tried to take her baby out of her arms.

  “Nooo! You won’t take my baby! You won’t take my baby!” She screamed and cried while kicking her feet like an insane woman.

  Her foot slammed into the henchman’s balls.

  “Ugghh! You fucking slut.” He groaned in pain as he bent over holding them.

  “Fuck this take her and the baby. He never said I couldn’t hurt that bitch, just not Tiffany. He will deal with her!” Yasmin shouted to two of the henchmen.

  “They grabbed Star’s legs and wrapped a zip tie around her ankles and pulled, locking them together.

  One tried to pull the crying baby from her arms, but her hold was too strong and tight.

  “You won’t take my baby. Nooo!” She screamed as she cried and wiggled.

  “Fuck this, the henchman yelled as he picked her up by her shoulders and the next henchman grabs her legs and they carry her out the room.

  Tiffany opened her eyes weakly and could see Yasmin smiling.

  “Next time bitch. I'll be seeing you real soon when he comes for that ass.”

  “No where’s my baby?” Tiffany mumbled as she passed out losing consciousness.

  In the hallway, nurses and doctors along with patients and innocent people scream in fear as Black Ice’s henchmen kills all the hospital security guards and wave’s guns at them.

  Michael lay on the hospital bed, with his son sleeping in his arms with him. The sound of screaming and crying made him pop his eyes open, his instincts told him right away that something was wrong. He lays his son down on the bed, and reached under the pillow, to feel that nothing was there.

  “Damn, Envy must have taken the gun, and I haven't been home since Angela drugged me and I woke up in the hospital. So I don't have a single weapon.” He said to himself.

  He then goes in his pocket and pulls out his cell phone. As he was about to press send to call Envy, two loud thumping sounds come from outside the door, the sound Michael knew all too well, of a person’s dead body hitting the floor. The room door busts open, and four henchmen ran in the room, two at a time. One ran up to him, putting a gun to his forehead, Michael groaned, knowing the henchman made his first mistake by getting too close. He grabbed the guys arm, twisting and breaking it from the elbow down then punched him in the throat.

  “Ahhh!” The henchman hollered in pain, then gasps for air as he hit the ground.

  Michael spin kicks the next one in the chest then sends two blows, with his fist into his jaw. The henchman groans in pain as he back pedals, Michael ran up on him and stuck his thumbs into his eyes.

  “Ahhh! Ahhh!” The henchman screams in excruciating pain as Michael dug his eyes out with his thumbs.

  The next henchman grabs Michael from behind, wrapping his arms around him in a bear hug and squeezes. Michael releases his grip pulling his thumbs out the henchman’s eye sockets, and knees him in the stomach, sending him flying to the floor, hollering in pain holding his face.

  “My eyes, my eyes I can't see, somebody help me please!” He repeatedly screams.

  “They always said you were a big deal, but you're no way scary like your father. In fact you're just weak and a pussy and your son will be his.” The henchman said through clenched teeth, while squeezing him tighter in the bear hug.

  “No one's touching my son, and you should be scared fool!” Michael shouted, as he bent over sending the henchman flying up into the air over his back.

  “Ugghh!” He groaned as he hit the floor hard.

  He opened his eyes to see Michael’s size thirteen shoes slamming into his face cracking his neck killing hi
m instantly. The sound of Evan crying catches Michael’s attention. He turned around to see the forth henchman picking his son off the bed. Michael swiftly ran over and pulled his son off the bed. Michael swiftly runs over and put the henchman into a choke hold, and light speed snapped his neck and watched his body drop.

  His eyes were full of rage and anger as he picked up Evan with one hand and bent down to pick up one of the guns the henchman had dropped to the floor. He then felt a hand that had a rag in it, wrap around his mouth and nose and smelled something sweet.

  “I knew I shouldn’t have sent those weak fools to handle you son. This is something only a father can handle, well now a grandfather. Hahaha!” Black Ice laughs.

  “I refuse to let my grandchild grow to be weak like you, and I’m coming for Mike, he has so much potential.”

  “Nooo!” Michael mumbled through the rag and Black Ice’s big hands as his body got weak and he lost consciousness.

  “Evan!” That was the last word that left his lips as he hit the floor.

  Black Ice took Evan from Mike’s arms and into his. He grins with his devilish smile.

  “Ahhhh! My eyes, I can’t see!” The sound of his henchman screaming made him stop smiling.

  He walks over to him and pulls out his six inch knife that curves at the tip and slices open his neck, while holding Evan in his left arm then slowly walks out the room.

  Chapter 23

  “Girl you know your cheaper than a damn Jew, the only time I see you spend money is when it’s time to shop for clothes and shoes. You got all that money you took from Black Ice and still act as if you’re broke.”

  Kema said while looking at the back seat of the car and all the clothes bags on the floor, covering Mike as he sat in the back seat.

  Envy drove her white B.M.W. 5 series with her mind in deep thought. A bubbling feeling was in her stomach, giving her a weird vibe.

  “I know this is off the topic but my stomach just started killing me out of no were. Michael has said to me that any time that happens, or if I have a weird feeling that means something is wrong and I should listen to my body and instincts.” Envy stated, knowing something wasn’t right.

  “You’ve been around your damn man too much.” Kema replied then laughed.

  “And to answer your question Kema, I like to save every dime I got. You never know when a rainy day may come and it’s an emergency or something. I have to be able to always survive and take care of myself and my son without a man. God forbid what if something happened to Michael or he leaves me?” Envy replied as she pulled over and parked in front of Cookie’s Department Store in down town Brooklyn on Jay Street.

  She hops out the car followed by Mike and her sister Kema. They walk into the store.

  “Mike, go find a shirt and some outfits you like and I'll make sure it matches and don’t get lost and go far out my sight.”

  “Okay Envy.” Mike replied with a cheese smile on his face.

  Something caught the corner of Kema’s eyes.

  “You see that light skinned Spanish man over there Envy, dressed in all blue. He was following your car and was in the mall with us not too, long ago and now here.” Kema said as she digs in her purse and grabs the handle of her chrome baby 9mm.

  “Oh relax Kema, that’s one of the security guards Michael hired to watch me, to keep me safe, like I can’t do the job myself.” Envy replied while picking up a few shirts and baby clothes that she likes.

  “This nigga got security guards, what kind of shit is that?” Kema shouted with an attitude.

  “Well after I got kidnapped and Black Ice hurt a lot of women and people in the center then took Mike, Michael hired a lot of armed security guards for the center and us. Sometimes it seems like too much for me to deal with Kema. A damn well known psychopath, serial killer Black Ice is my man’s father who I always got to watch my back from, because no one ever knows when he's coming out the darkness to get me or my family. I can’t even lie to you. Sometimes I wonder if I take my son and disappear will I live a normal life and give Evan a normal life, but I love Michael too much and know I balance him out.” Envy said as she looked at Mike looking at some jeans ten feet away checking on him and making sure he couldn’t hear the conversation she was having.

  “I feel you on that but Michael is truly in love with you, and takes good care of your ass, and as far as Black Ice go I been ready to kill that nigga after his man shot at us and kidnapped us. I don’t let shit like that slide. I don’t know how the hell you and your man live your life like nothing happened and go on with an everyday life. Not me I’m the wrong bitch to shoot at or talk shit too. I’m not happy until that nigga is groaning in pain from me putting a bullet in his ass.” Kema said with an attitude.

  Envy looked at her older sister. They had the same style and loved shoes. The only difference was Envy made sure every outfit she wears matched down to the “T” and the fact Kema was a street chick and will fight a man or a woman in a heartbeat. Her name rings bells from whipping women asses on Gates Avenue in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn and drug them up and down the block, while Envy was more the laid back type until you push her. That’s when she would blackout.

  “Listen I don’t want to talk about this no more.

  We have Mike around and its giving me a headache. I say after we finish shopping in Cookies we go to Nine West and I buy you three pairs of shoes, and get me five.” Envy replied while smiling.

  “Shit I don’t need your money bitch, but since you’re treating with your cheap ass I’m down.” Kema said causing both of them to bust out in laughter.

  Two hours later, Envy, Kema and Mike sat in BBQ's restaurant eating, and drinking. Envy noticed Mike sneaking chicken off his plate and stuffing it into his North Face book bag, while whispering into the bag.

  “Tazz, I know you don't like it, but you have to eat it for now. I'll feed you good when we get home ok?”

  Tazz looked up at him with sad eyes and started to cry.

  “You better not!” Mike said with his face balled up.

  Tazz stopped whimpering and took the chicken out his hand and ate it.

  “Boy what you got in that book bag and feeding?” Envy said as she put her head up under the table and opened the book bag wide.

  “No! Please no!” Mike shouted.

  “Ahhh!” Envy screamed as she came face to face with Tazz.

  She knew what he was, her mind flashed back to seeing the same creature chasing her, then her shooting three of them and one locking its long jaws onto Yasmin’s leg, dragging her backwards towards the warehouse.

  “Where did you get that? Envy screamed and jumped up, then went for her purse that held her 38 ruger in it. Then she looked around to see other people in the restaurant staring at her.

  “Mike what are you doing with that creature, were did you get it from?” Envy yelled while trying to gain her composer.

  “I found it by the center a month ago and he’s no creature Envy, he's my best friend, my only friend, his name is Tazz.” Mike said in a childlike manner.

  “He's your friend and you named the damn thing? Oh Lord and you had it in our home? You have to get rid of that creature now Mike.” Envy replied.

  “No I won’t get rid of him. Tazz is my friend Envy; I'll run away before I ever get rid of Tazz.” Mike replied, zipping up his book bag and pulling it from up under the table and holding it close to his chest.

  “What’s the big deal Envy? What does he have in the book bag a puppy?” Kema asked as she moves closer to Mike and unzips the book bag and looks inside then jumps back.

  “Oh hell fucking no, that’s one ugly ass looking puppy!” Kema shouted.

  “That’s the problem, girl it isn’t a puppy, but a baby hyena.”

  “What? How the fuck he's in the city with a baby hyena and where did he get it from?” Kema asks.

  Envy’s mind flashed back to the hyenas in the parking lot of Black Ice’s warehouse.

  “I can only think of one insane
person, where he could’ve gotten it from.” Envy mumbled then her cellphone rang.

  She sat back down and dug in her purse.

  “This discussion is far from over young man.

  Wait until I tell your brother.” She said as she accepts the phone call.

  “Hello, Miss Envy Hackett, this is Mary a nurse at Kings County Hospital, there’s been a terrible crime.”

  “What crime happened?” Envy responded as her facial expression changed.

  “Ummm, Miss Envy Hackett I think it would be better if you come to the hospital to find out all the details.”

  “Listen Mary, that’s your name right, my son and my man along with two of my girlfriends Tiffany and Star are in that hospital. So tell me what’s going on please.”

  “Ummm, I don’t know how to stay this. So here it goes. A group of armed men wearing all black came in the hospital killing a handful of people and kidnapped your son and your friend Star along with her baby. Your child’s father is unconscious but alive. The police are here if you have any further questions.”

  “Noooo! Noooo! Evan! Not my baby! Not my baby! Noooo!” Envy screamed and cried hysterically.

  “What’s wrong?” Kema asked as everybody in the restaurant stared at them like they were crazy.

  “That monster took my child he took my baby I am going to kill him I swear!” Envy shouted and stood up then grabs her purse.

  Mike and Kema looked on in confusion and horror as they jumped up. Kema threw money on the table and follows after Envy while holding Mike’s hand.

  They hopped into the car and pulled off. Envy stepped on the accelerator.

  “I’m telling you Kema if he hurt my son I don’t know what the hell I'll do.” Envy said as she wiped the tears from her eyes to clear her version as she speeds down the street running through red lights.

  “What? We will get him no one touches my nephew and gets away with it. I’ve been waiting to bust a cap in his ass. You and Michael act as if he’s just going to go away if you live your life. No we have to kill Black Ice once and for all.” Kema said with an attitude, meaning every word.


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