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The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

Page 14

by Kohler, Susan

  “Yes, I am, As soon as I get this bracelet fastened. Can you do it?” She held out her hand and the troublesome bracelet. While he was fighting the tiny clasp, she asked, “Is the sitter downstairs?”

  “She sure is.” He paused before saying in a serious tone, “I’ll stay here with the twins for a minute while you go downstairs and talk to her.” “What’s up?” Suzanne instantly noticed his concern.

  “I think her boyfriend beat her up. Really beat her up,” James told her. “And I didn’t want to be the one to try to talk to her about it.” “Oh my God!” Suzanne hurried down the stairs.

  When she saw Janie the very first thing she noticed was that the girl had been crying. Her fair skin was puffy, damp and blotchy. Then Janie turned her head and Suzanne saw the large, ugly bruise on her jaw, and noticed several small, blotchy bruises on her arms. Her green eyes were red-rimmed and swollen. She looked bedraggled, with her long brown hair hanging unkempt and limp.

  “Did Freddie do this to you?” Suzanne asked gently, softly stroking the bruise on her jaw.

  “Yes he did, but he didn’t mean to hit me,” Janie replied, defending Freddie. “It was an accident.”

  “Janie, listen to me. There is no way to give someone a sock in the jaw accidentally. And, this is not the first time! Face it Janie, he’s an abusive creep!” Suzanne said firmly. “I deserved it!” Janie sniffed. “I’m always doing something that makes him mad.” “No, you didn’t deserve it, no matter what, even if you did something to make him mad.” She lifted the girl’s chin, gently looking her straight in the eye. “He should never hit you. No real man beats a woman.”

  “But I thought you’d understand. You and James,” she blushed, but continued, “I mean, um-”

  “I don’t know what you think you know about James and me, but I’ll tell you the truth,” Suzanne said gently and calmly. “It’s something I try to keep very private and personal, just so nobody will misunderstand. But maybe now it will help you to see clearly what’s happening to you.”

  “James and I play sex games that involve spankings. Sometimes he spanks me and sometimes I spank him. Yes, I really do.” She had to smile at the shock on Janie’s face. “But we only do it as a game, for fun. He has never ever hurt me and he has never, and I mean never, hit me in anger or frustration, not ever. He doesn’t put bruises on me, and he certainly doesn’t make me feel worthless or inadequate. In fact, he makes me feel as if I’m the most beautiful, special woman in the world.”

  “Gee, I wonder why,” Janie said dryly. “Face it, you are so beautiful, not to mention smart and funny, it’s enough to give us normal girls a complex.”

  “Thanks Janie. I just try to do my best with what I’ve got, like anyone else. Trust me; I have my faults, too.” Suzanne promised herself to help the girl gain some self-esteem. “But back to what I was saying. For us, these spankings are a part of our sexuality, acting out a role, like in a play, and they are not abuse. Neither one of us has ever even spanked the girls. Of course they are still babies, but neither one of us believes in spanking as a punishment for children anyway. The reason I can play these games is that I know, as sure as I’m sitting here, James will never do to me what Freddie did to you. Please, listen to me. You don’t have to take it, not for a minute, not even for a second. You deserve to be treated much better than that. Break up with him now, tonight. Okay?”

  “Thanks for telling me that; I know it’s very hard to tell someone about something so private. Let me think tonight while I’m here. Maybe I’ve been wrong.” Janie gave her a faint smile.

  “Sweetie, James and I will help you in any way we can. While you’re here tonight why don’t you soak in the bathtub and relax. Or go for a swim. Then take a nice nap. Believe me, the twins will let you know if they need you. Just be very careful if you go into the pool alone.” Suzanne hugged the girl, then she called out, “James, let’s go. We can’t be late!”

  Once they were in the car, James asked her, “How’s Janie doing?”

  “I talked to her but I don’t know for sure if she really heard me and understood what I had to say. It’s got to be her choice to leave the relationship. She knew something about us though. About our spankings.”

  “Did that make it harder for you to advise her to leave Freddie?” James asked.

  “I don’t think so. I tried to use it to show the difference between you and that creep, the difference between what we do and what he does. It may even have helped,” Suzanne calmly replied.

  “No wonder she was looking at me so strangely when we left,” James laughed softly.

  “She loved it when I got to the part where I told her that sometimes I spank you.” Suzanne smiled slyly. “You didn’t.” He flushed a little.

  “I sure did, I told her the whole truth.” She grinned. “She doesn’t need lies right now.” “I’ll get you for that,” he joked. “Promises, promises, always promises.” She stuck her tongue out at him playfully, then hugged him. “And no action.”

  They stopped to pick up Sherry and Clayton. James went to the door to get them.

  “Hi. I hope we’re not late,” he said as he greeted the other couple.

  “Nope, you’re right on time. Our sitter just got here.” Sherry smiled, “It still seems funny to realize that we’re all old respectable married couples now, with kids and everything.”

  “Yeah, but we’re still kinky as hell,” Clay added, laughing. “Thank God.”

  The group of friends made their way to the car and got in. Clayton and Sherry greeted Suzanne. Sherry looked fabulous in a gown that matched both her coloring and her name. It was the exact color of a fine bottle of Sherry. Clayton was dressed in his tuxedo and looked like a model for the groom on top of a wedding cake.

  Sherry told Suzanne, “We were just talking about how we all have our own families now.”

  “I still think it’s strange that your daughter was born almost nine months to the day after the Amazing Maze,” James told the other pair.

  “No, it’s not so strange,” Suzanne said. “I’m sorry but somehow I forgot to stock that particular bedroom with condoms.” “Suzanne, you never forgot anything like that in your life,” Sherry told her. “Admit it, you set us up.”

  “Well, I was feeling left out and a little mischievous because all I could do was be the voice,” Suzanne admitted. “I was pregnant with the twins. It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  “As it turns out, it was the best idea of your life,” Clayton admitted. “But I still owe you for all the extra torture you put me through. I never could figure out your uncanny sense of timing. Sherry managed to have orgasms at some of the stops but you stopped me too soon every damned time.”

  “Poor baby. This sure seems to be my night for threats,” Suzanne complained. “First James and now you.” “Why did James threaten you?” Sherry asked.

  “She told the babysitter that she likes to spank me,” James answered for her, deadpanned. “Suzanne! You didn’t!” Even Sherry was shocked. “No wonder James is threatening to beat your body.”

  James pulled into the large club hall, parked and they all got out. They saw Toni and Mario getting out of the limo. All six friends went into the hall together, talking.

  Suzanne found Jerry, the limo driver, just getting ready to go pick up the second couple. She checked the address with him and made sure the limo had all the necessary supplies. Champagne, lotion and condoms, everything a sore but also aroused couple might need after being whipped in an initiation ceremony.

  “We’ll send the second couple home in a second limo; it will be here at eleven. Before you take your couple home, would you check it for supplies? A strange limo driver might not know about the need for lotion,” she asked. “Because of the sore butts?” Jerry laughed, remembering other

  initiations. “I’ll take care of everything, Lass.” “Thanks Jerry.” Suzanne kissed him on the check. As she turned away he swatted her sharply on the butt. “No fair,” she complained. “Do
it right.”

  She turned her back to him and pulled up her long dress. He gave her a smart spanking; only about a dozen slaps. The last two or three were the only ones that stung, and then he stopped.

  “That’s all for now, you greedy girl. I don’t want to be late picking up this couple.” Jerry smiled at her. “Okay, Jerry, get going.” She smiled at him, “And thanks.” “Anytime, sweet cheeks.” Jerry grinned back.

  Chapter Twenty Another Painful Initiation

  When Suzanne got to the main room she found James, Clay, Sherry, Toni, Mario and Edna all embroiled in a deep discussion. As she joined the group some of the other members walked over. Some of them recognized Toni and Mario from the trade show, but Suzanne made the formal introductions.

  James quickly turned the discussion back to business. “The most important thing now is to plan another gala. Our new goal is to have a charity fundraiser every three months. We have the next Maze again in a month and the Trade Show in another six months, and those are good ideas. We can update them every year to keep them fresh, and still hold them annually. But we need some more ideas, any suggestions?”

  An older, gray haired man suggested, “How about having a Harem Night?”

  Suzanne replied, “I don’t really think that’s such a good idea. According to everything I’ve ever heard about a harem, only the women ever get whipped. Besides, all the men except the owner of the harem have to be castrated to prevent them from having sex with the master’s women.” She winked at the older man.

  The man said formally, with a straight face, “I hereby withdraw the suggestion.” Several club members laughed.

  Someone else made a suggestion. “We could have a slave auction, though.”

  “That would have to be handled very carefully or it could get out of hand. We don’t want anyone who might go too far,” James said. “But it’s certainly worth discussing.”

  The small group discussed the idea briefly, and two of the members agreed to draw up an initial plan for the event so that it could be discussed online, then brought up at a general meeting and voted on. James looked around the table. “Any other ideas?” he asked.

  “I didn’t want to bring this up until I had more details, but what if we chartered a cruise ship?” Clay suggested. “I think I know how to get a deal on one.” “You mean for club members only?” James asked.

  “Yes, or sharing with another group, if they would be agreeable,” Clay said. “Like I said, I’m still researching it. I’ll know more by the next party.” “Anyone else?” James asked.

  “I don’t know how to make this fit in with our other club activities,” one woman said shyly, “but how about a casino night?”

  “That could be a good idea.” James said. “We could even set it up so that the general public could be invited. It would give them a chance to enter the ‘Lion’s den’ and see what we’re really like. We’ll have to think about it. How about a carnival? I have some ideas. I think we should hold a real carnival during the day, one that our kids and the general public can go to, and then kink it up for the adults at night.” “That sounds pretty good. What kind of kink?” Jerry asked.

  “Maybe someone could be on the merry-go-round to whip the rider’s asses when they go by. The games can use swats as prizes. We’ll just have to be very creative. Like the thing where you try to ring a bell and a dunk tank. And of course a kissing or swatting booth.”

  “We’ll have to discuss it in a lot more detail later,” Suzanne interrupted. “Here comes the other new couple.”

  The couple, Sarah and Mac, were greeted by Suzanne. She brought them over to the group and introduced them. Sarah was a redhead, with short bouncy curls and big green eyes. She was slender but well curved, with a firm rounded ass. Even with her fiery hair and flashing green eyes she seemed shy, almost meek. It was definitely a false impression. She looked beautiful in an emerald green, silk formal gown. Mac turned out to be drop dead gorgeous; he had dark wavy hair with bright blue eyes and a very muscular build. He had a chiseled, handsome face with a great smile and a warm friendly voice. He looked like the only reason tuxedos were ever invented. “Wow!” Edna whispered. “Someone who looks even better in a tuxedo than Clay.” “Hard to believe isn’t it?” Suzanne whispered back.

  Suzanne finished her drink and led the couples to their chairs on the platform. As tradition had it, the initiation began with the old members lining up to be whipped by the prospective new members. Of the new members, Mario gave everyone in front of him a good hard whipping, but Mac had a real talent for knowing just how hard to make the blows. He also knew just where on each person to land the blows and when to ease up to almost gentle taps, and when to build up the force of the blows, even when to quit. Out of all the people in the room, only Sarah and Suzanne knew that his notable expertise came from a great deal of professional experience.

  Sarah also had a small amount of professional experience and she did a good job with the people who waited in line for her to whip them. Toni turned out to be the most tentative when it came to whipping people, and even she did a fairly decent job; much better than the job Suzanne did at her own initiation.

  After a short break Sarah was strapped down and whipped by the membership. She bore it very well; in fact she really even seemed to enjoy it. She was really a natural bottom. Mac gave her the final six swats with the heavy paddle, right on top of the welts caused by the birch rods. He was very harsh with her, laying on the swats as slow and as hard as he could.

  Mac was birched next. He actually didn’t enjoy it very much; his specialty was to give rather than to receive. He was goodnatured and cooperative; however only his lusty yells gave him away. Sarah returned the favor and gave him the six final swats with the paddle as hard as she could.

  Next it was Toni’s turn to be birched. She was very apprehensive remembering how hard she had been birched at the fair. She let herself be strapped down without making any protest, however. Mario gently stroked her hair and kissed her neck as he helped Suzanne fasten the straps. She was birched first by Suzanne, then by club members who were lined up behind her. When she started to protest the birching stopped immediately, and Mario gave her the final six blows with the paddle. Although he put some muscle into it, he was not especially harsh. His turn was next and he seemed to enjoy the process almost to the end of the birching. The last few slashes of the birch, however, seemed to really hurt him. Toni paddled him solidly but not very harshly.

  There was a discussion among the membership, and the four new members were admitted to the club. There was no question really; they were all nice, fun and energetic people. The old members gathered around to welcome the new members into the club and get to know them. All four of the new members were not allowed to dress, and they were all a little self-conscious with their nudity in the crowd, but the regular members seemed not to notice. Toni finally spotted Jerry and Edna, whom she remembered from the fair. She went over and hugged them, then introduced them to Mario.

  “These are the two people who arranged for me to surprise you in the middle of the fair,” Toni explained to Mario, then she turned to Jerry. “I didn’t see you earlier.” “I drove you here but I stayed behind the dark glass. I’m the club chauffeur,” he said, by way of explanation. “I had to go pick up the other couple so I couldn’t stop to talk. You’re both wearing some of my welts on your sore behinds though,” he said with a wide grin. “Mine too,” Edna added.

  “Gee, thanks a lot,” Mario said, sounding as if he was not really quite sure that he meant it.

  Jerry and Edna both laughed. They waited while the couple said their good-byes to everyone and walked with them to the limo. They stood by the limo and chatted with Toni and Mario while they got dressed. With Edna beside him, Jerry drove the young couple home. In the back seat of the limo the supply of soothing lotion, champagne and condoms were all diminished by the time Jerry pulled up in front of their house.

  Sarah and Mac had their clothes brought to them in
the room before they went out to the limo waiting in the garage because their driver was not a club member. He was hired as an extra driver for this one night. Sarah and Mac said their farewells and got into the limo.

  As soon as all the new members were gone everyone started to relax. Clayton met James’ eyes and nodded at him across the room. They both made their way casually around the room, sneaking up on Suzanne. Each one took her by one of her elbows. They led her over to the bench and strapped her down.

  “We both have a score to settle with you, remember Suzanne?” James prodded her. “Telling family secrets is my gripe, and Clay seems to think you were deliberately unfair to him when he was in the maze.”

  “I was, I admit it,” she said, sighing dramatically. “Go ahead and punish me.”

  “Oh we will, hot cheeks, we will.” James brought the paddle down on her butt with a loud crack.

  They took turns paddling Suzanne until she started to yell then they stopped, leaving her tied up. The two men walked around the room, chatting and socializing, with Suzanne still in position on the bench. The only people who came over to visit with her picked up the paddle and used it on her, sometimes just a token swat, and sometimes very harshly. Both couples stayed later than usual at the party.

  Finally, when everyone else had gone home, Clay and James came back to finish dealing with Suzanne. They gagged her and picked up the paddle, beating her again. Harshly, but not really causing any injury to her, just fast, loud, stinging blows.

  When they let her up, she stood on unsteady feet and apologized for her actions. Her apology was ruined by the sly grin on her face. “I don’t think she’s really very penitent, do you, James?” Clay asked cynically.

  “No. But I’ll forgive her anyway.” James grinned at his wife. “What about you, Clay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll forgive her this time.” Clay grinned. “She’s usually a pretty damn good woman. Besides, I don’t have time to paddle her any more because I have more important things to do. I have to take my wife home and make love to her, right now.”


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