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Walker's Run

Page 5

by Mel Favreaux

  Casey was afraid to give voice to the one term that would describe what she’d seen. What...he was.”’re a...werewolf?”


  She saw the truth in his pale eyes. “The bite?”

  Braedyn looked away from her.

  Her mouth went dry. She put her right hand on his cheek and forced him to look at her. “Am I...?” Unable to finish the question, her heart thundered in her chest.

  Anguish once again filled his expression. Reaching up, he grasped her hand in his. Casey knew in the pit of her stomach she wouldn’t like his answer, even though he managed to look reassuring at the same time. “Yes, you were lucky. Not many survive the first day after being bitten.”

  “You said not all of you can change. What does that mean?”

  He sat down in front of her, still holding her hand. “Those of us with a human parent have a more difficult time learning to transform. It’s incredibly painful. Those who never aquire the ability can only change with the lunar cycles. Not everyone can handle being able to do it at will.”

  Her mind whirled, trying to understand what he was saying. “So...your father was a werewolf and your human?”

  Braedyn nodded. “Yes, a Native American. She’s a healer; a practiced homeopathic physician and herbalist. My father adored her.” He gave a soft smile. “He truly treated her as if she were a queen.”

  Casey noticed the expression on his face. Though he spoke of his parents love it was obvious he’d worshiped his father. The pang of his death hit her again, even more now that she knew the truth.

  “What am I to expect now?” She looked down at their joined hands. His tanned skin was such a contrast compared to hers. Casey had never considered herself pale, but the richer russet tone in his skin made hers look nearly alabaster.

  Braedyn cleared his throat. “I can’t lie. This won’t be easy on you. While your wound heals you will feel like you’re on fire inside. It will continue until the first night of the full moon. During the three days the moon is full, you will change into your wolf form at sundown. Urges will build inside you. It’s not blood you’ll crave, but the hunt. Eventually, you will learn to work with the wolf, even control it.”

  “I have only killed for food and to protect myself.” She shuddered, tears welling in her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  “You are a kind and decent person, Casey. You may have to fight the wolf on occassion. The rage that comes from nowhere, needs to be held firmly in check. I normally request the death of someone who’s been changed against their will.”

  She searched his face. “You’re the alpha now?”

  He nodded. “Those changed against their will usually go rogue, with or without the proper training. You can imagine having a rogue running loose puts those of us who walk amongst the humans unnoticed in danger.”

  “Do you think I can learn?” Casey watched him smile when he reached up and stroked her cheek.

  “If I didn’t believe it, I’d have...spared you this life.” Braedyn shook his head. “I’ve watched for many years whenever you came back to the forest, protecting you from my sister. As the years drew on and visits became infrequent, I...missed you.” He dropped his hand from her cheek and fidgeted.

  Noticing his cheeks redden a little, she raised her brows. “Me?”

  He gave a gentle laugh and nodded. “Yes. You were the first human to play with me in my wolf form and not be frightened. My first human friend.”

  She watched his pale gaze travel over her face before locking with hers once more. “I can promise you, I’ve looked for you each time I’ve come back to the forest, wondering what had happened to you.”

  His hand ran through his hair. “After what happened to my father, I was wary. Too afraid to approach you as you were never far from your father or brother.”

  Casey shook her head, feeling the pain of that night all over again. The guilt she’d carried for so long. “I’m so very sorry for what’s happened.”

  “No, it was just as much my fault.”

  Tears pricked her eyes, and she hung her head. “I’m worried...” She shivered, unsure if the cold or fear was the cause.

  “I know, and you have every right to be, but I promise I will be with you every step of the way,” he vowed. “It’s my fault this happened, I should’ve kept a better eye on you.”

  “You’ve protected me all these years. Why?” Casey looked in his eyes again, searching for the answers there. She noticed he looked uncomfortable under her direct gaze.

  “Because...somewhere along the years, I began to feel more than just protective...when it came to you. I’ve watched you grow and learn to live off the land. Seen the enjoyment in your eyes when you took in the beauty of the forest. Knowing that beauty hasn’t been lost on you no matter how infrequent your visits became…it...touched something in me.” He shook his head and smiled. “I’ve never met another woman quite like you.”

  Over the last four days, Casey had found herself admiring Braedyn more while he’d tended to her with such tenderness for a man his size. Not once did he waiver on any of the responsibilities he’d taken upon himself. Now that she’d learned he was the alpha it made her wonder if he was shirking his duties for her. Was he afraid he would have to kill her or was it something more?

  “Does your family know where you are?”

  “My brother, Elan, was the other wolf that night. My pack would know if something happened to me. There is a feel between a wolf and its alpha. Because they’ve not felt anything, they’ve not come looking. Though I’m sure barely more than a handful would, if they had.” He released her hand and picked up her boots and parka, moving them over to the heater to dry.

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Not many agreed I should be the alpha after my father’s passing. They didn’t feel I was responsible enough to handle it because I had been the one to put him in danger in the first place. My uncle fought me for the position. I was young, but stood my ground. I let everyone know I wanted no one to remain who didn’t wish to stay; but if they ever changed their minds they would be welcomed back.” He took a deep breath and pulled out another bottle of water. “When my uncle left, he took a good number of members with him.”

  “All of this happened because of me,” Casey said, the guilt welling in her again. “I am so sorry. I can’t believe how one incident could cause such heartache and turmoil. All because I didn’t listen to my father and stay put.” She couldn’t believe he was there with her, taking care of her, when she was the reason all of this had been pressed on him at such a young age. She was responsible for taking his father from him. It was one hell of a way to thank him for keeping her warm and safe so long ago.

  Braedyn shook his head. “I didn’t listen to mine either when he told me to stay away from the humans in the forest. But when you got lost, it was his decision to come protect you until your family came. Our intention was to keep you warm while you slept, and then lead you back to camp. Unfortunately your father took our behavior the wrong way and father hated to be challenged. He could have walked away, but chose to stand his ground and fight. To him, it was principle.”

  Casey shifted a little to give him room when he sat down next to her and opened the bottle of water. “I’m scared, Braedyn,” she whispered, leaning against him, resting her head on his shoulder. She needed his comfort.

  He placed a reassuring arm around her. “I know.”

  Chapter Six

  Burning pain woke Casey. It was like an itch that couldn’t be scratched deep in her muscles. She groaned and rolled over onto her back. The added agony couldn’t begin to compare to the fire within.

  “Oh God.” She fisted her hands. “Please...make it stop.”

  Her eyes opened when Braedyn slid closer. His brows furrowed. He laid a hand on her stomach.

  A warm tingle spread through her from the contact, soothing away the brunt of the agony in her shoulder and the fire she’d felt insid

  “Thank you.” She let out a pent up breath. Relief washed over her when she looked at him.

  His brow drew together in concern. “I don’t know how long it will last. The first full moon is tomorrow night. Your shoulder will be completely healed through the transformation as your wolf awakens. But the burning will only get worse.”

  “When you touch me like that, the pain goes away.”

  He smiled. “You didn’t think you’d made it through the last couple of days on Tylenol alone, did you?”

  Casey laughed. “Thank you, again.” She watched his expression turn somber once more.

  “It’s the very least I can do.” The sound of regret was still plain in his voice.

  With the burning inside gone, she realized how cold it was. The propane heater had stopped. The extra bottles her father had packed had been used up. “There’s no more propane, is there?”

  “No. All we have is the fire now. Are you cold?”

  “Yes.” Her teeth chattered, and she shivered.

  Braedyn sat up and gathered the blankets, including the one he’d been using, and tucked them over her.

  “What are you going to sleep with?”

  “I’ll be all right.” He shivered and rubbed his arms.

  After all he’d done to care for and protect her, she couldn’t allow him to suffer. He’d been the only thing to keep her from the brink of death. With the temperatures dropping well into the teens and below, she didn’t want to chance loosing him to something that could be prevented.

  Casey mustered the courage and looked at him. Trust wasn’t something she wagered on strangers. But more than once in her life, Braedyn had saved her and had therefore earned her faith. He wouldn’t hurt her, he’d proven that. Something inside argued against logic, he wasn’t a stranger.

  “No. There’s enough room in this sleeping bag for two.” Unzipping the side, she laid it open for him. Casey was dressed in just a t-shirt, for ease of access to her shoulder bandages, and a pair of thermal bottoms. “Take off most of your clothes so the heat can be evenly distributed.”

  He seemed hesitant. She wondered if he was afraid of hurting her. Braedyn pulled off his thick flannel jacket, and then the long sleeved thermal shirt, baring his broad and well muscled chest and arms. She cast an appreciative glance over him, watching him undress. Of all the gorgeous bodies she’d captured on film, none of them could compare to him.

  Casey felt a flicker of desire course through her when his hands dropped to his belt, and she licked her lips in anticipation. His hands stopped. She looked up and realized he was watching her. Heat flooded her cheeks, and she glanced away.

  Braedyn cleared his throat, garnering her attention once more. “You’ll need to come out of your pants too.” The tone of his voice had changed, no longer serious, playfully cocky, but not quite self assured. It was a very interesting combination that did strange things to her.

  She noticed a grin play around the edges of his mouth. That sort of comment from any other man would have brought a sharp retort. But finding it so out of character with the man she’d come to know over the last few days, she realized he was...flirting?

  Her eyes dropped to his hands again. He unhooked his belt and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down along with the all-weather bottoms and stood before her wearing only a pair of grey boxer briefs and wool socks. The body before her was better than any she’d ever captured on film. Braedyn was perfection. She wondered just how good his warm body would feel pressed against hers.

  Casey fumbled her pants off with one arm, leaving her only in a t-shirt and a pair of panties. A layer of goosebumps rose on her skin. Braedyn moved over and slid into the sleeping bag and zipped it. He pulled the other blankets over them for added warmth. So close to his almost naked body, she noticed he shivered, too.

  “How’s your shoulder?”

  “Not that bad. Hurts to move, but at least I can move it.” Her breathing became a little labored at his proximity. The twinge of desire she’d felt watching him remove his clothing seemed to grow when his warm body brushed against hers. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to make love to a werewolf.

  He looked in her eyes. “You need to stop thinking like that Casey, or we’ll both be in trouble.” His voice was husky.

  Casey knew she should be embarrassed, but wasn’t. The fire began to build inside again, but was different this time. This was something new. It seemed to latch onto the small wave of desire she felt and fanned the flame, merging them both; turning into full-on sexual hunger.

  For days she’d watched him and wondered what it would be like to be his lover. If he was always as gentle as he seemed.

  * * * *

  Braedyn was surprised when he felt Casey’s wolf awaken, astonished it had done so before the full moon. Usually, the spirit woke just before transformation for those who had been made a werewolf.

  The spirit inside her was very strong, and her strength pleased him. He could smell and feel both of their desire; the wolf and the woman.

  “I...I’m...sorry...” Casey closed her eyes. “I-I don’t know what—ˮ

  “It’s the wolf,” he whispered, watching her visibly struggle with her new feelings. “She’s awakened early, this is a good sign. It means your transformation will be much easier tomorrow night.”

  His own wolf awakened, expressing his urge to be near her. Braedyn heard her gasp and felt her muscles tense while she fought her internal battle, understanding what it felt like to share his thoughts and feelings with his wolf. He knew all too well what she was going through, finding someone else in her head for the first time.

  It was no easy feat to overcome. Time, patience, and persistance would see her though.

  * * * *

  Casey closed her eyes, feeling the desire continue to build. Braedyn shifted closer, nuzzling her cheek, and slipped his arms around her. His warm body pressed against hers, causing goosebumps to rise.

  She now knew the indescribable feeling had been her wolf awakening. It wasn’t entirely an uncomfortable feeling, just...different. The wolf inside her sensed the same stirrings in him and was pleased.

  The pain in her left shoulder was gone, she noticed when moving her arms around his neck. She pulled him close, unable to ignore the emotions rolling through her. Turning her head, his lips brushed against hers.

  Like electricity, it seared and zinged through her with a heady intensity. Warmth spread through her and pooled between her thighs.

  The word Mine sprang to mind from the wolf inside her. Casey couldn’t understand how the wolf could come to that conclusion from a simple kiss. His tongue brushed against her lips. She opened her mouth to him and her thoughts scattered.

  A soft moan of want escaped her when he nipped her bottom lip. She’d reached the point of no return. No bit of common sense could bring her back from the brink now. Casey didn’t want it to.

  For days she’d been helpless while Braedyn had done everything he could to look after her. Now, she felt it was time to take care of him and show him just how appreciative she was for his ministrations.

  * * * *

  The wolf in Braedyn surged forward, yearning to connect with the wolf in her. Braedyn worried about hurting Casey. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman. His failure at finding a mate had made other’s in his pack think him untouchable and uncaring. He had been young when he’d become their leader, and his concern had been the safety and unity of his pack. The first five or ten years he hadn’t been pressured, but the alpha was expected to take a mate whether she be for life or not.

  Casey’s cool hands roamed across his chest and shoulders, causing him to shiver.

  Wolves loved to be touched and caressed. He had coupled in the past in search for his life mate but never found her. None of his previous lovers touched him the way she did now. It seared through him and caressed his soul, soothing him and the wolf.

  The truth was, Braedyn knew who he wanted, life mate
s be damned.

  In the twenty years that followed his father’s death, he’d prayed to meet up with Casey and have the courage to court her. But that had gone out the window when he’d both sensed and felt her desire.

  His hands moved across her waist and found the hem of her t-shirt. Her skin felt like warm silk to his cool hands. Braedyn had wanted to touch her like this for so long.

  Casey raised her arms as if she felt no pain. His gaze found hers, and saw raw desire in her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed.

  She’d been through enough and there was the worry he would cause her more discomfort.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” Braedyn whispered, his mouth grazing hers again.

  “I feel no pain,” she assured him, moving her shoulder to prove her point.

  He couldn’t resist the slow curve of a smile. “I didn’t mean your shoulder, entirely.”

  She traced his lower lip with the tip of her finger. Arching her brow, Casey grinned. “I’m not scared.”

  A gentle laugh escaped him at her boldness. She kissed him and groaned when her breasts grazed his chest. Her nipples were puckered from cold and desire. His mouth watered for a taste. He nibbled his way down her neck to suckle and caress them.

  Her breathy moan echoed through him. Arching her back, Casey’s fingers combed through his hair, urging him to further explore her body. His dream had finally come true. He was holding the woman he’d dreamt of, and she wanted him.

  Moving his hands down her flat tummy, Braedyn toyed with the edge of her simple cotton panties before sliding them down her thighs. With a twist of her ankle, Casey kicked them off.

  Unable to contain the deep rumble which rose from his chest, he removed his own shorts. He was aware the growl didn’t frighten her, but only seemed to enhance her desire. Her fingers curled into his hair, pulling him closer.

  The struggle with the beast inside was difficult. He tried to be gentle for her sake, not wanting her to look back on their experience as a bad one. She would be the first human he’d ever been with, and until her change tomorrow night, Casey was still human.


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