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Royal Protection: Little Queens Duet 1

Page 18

by Amy Briggs

  We spent that afternoon sharing a few cocktails, and he answered my questions about who he was honestly. He told me of his time in the military, of his veteran friends he’d started his security company with, and how he came to end up on my tour. He answered thoughtfully all afternoon, and after we watched the sunset on the beach together, we returned to the hotel, hand in hand.

  I was relieved, to say the very least, I’d been able to get my feelings off my chest, and somehow salvage my relationship with Miranda. We still had major problems with the fact that some psycho had managed to get on the bus, which meant he was getting ballsy, and something was making him angrier with her. The notes, and the doll, were escalating, and I suspected this guy was, in fact, going from city to city himself. My greatest fear was that he’d seen Miranda and I together at some point. The whole ‘you belong with me, not someone else’ vibe was pretty telling, and that meant that I was being followed too, and hadn’t picked up on who it was yet. We just needed to get through San Diego quickly like we did New Orleans, so I could coordinate with Caleb in San Francisco.

  That was our city, our home, and we had a lot of connections there. In fact, I’d met most of the owners of the bar, Bar 7, where the girls were performing, a couple of times before. They were mostly all former Special Forces, and were a good bunch of guys who had found themselves some great women to settle down with. My place was about two blocks away, around the corner and super convenient for this show. The guys’ band was called Gallows for the Guilty, and they were actually performing the night before the girls, so I’d let Irish, one of the guys, know we were going to be there to see them play.

  The rest of the San Diego trip had been uneventful, and while it was absolutely wonderful to be able to show Miranda affection more often, we both had a job to do, and we maintained professionalism around everyone else the majority of the time. When it was finally time to get on the road to San Francisco, Marty reminded us it was a nine-hour drive, and we’d be driving through the night. We left immediately following the San Diego show, hoping to get there by morning.

  Carmen, Miranda and I were on the bus, and it was as if we’d all been traveling together forever. “Are you tired?” I asked Miranda.

  “Not really, but I’d like to work out some things for a song I’ve got in my head, so I’m gonna plug into my guitar for a bit,” she replied, walking over to give me a small kiss before heading to the back room with her guitar. Those big headphones of hers would also plug into her guitar, so all anyone else could hear was the slight strumming sound she made, and the soft singing while she worked out songs. I found it extremely peaceful listening to her write music, even though I couldn’t hear exactly what was going on.

  Carmen, who’d been lying on the bench seat, tapping away with her drumsticks, turned her head to me. “So, everything good for you lovebirds?” she teased.

  “Yes. Thank you, by the way. I’m fairly certain whatever you said to her before I arrived at the bar helped.” I was grateful she didn’t throw me under the bus like she could have.

  “I just told her not to be an asshole,” she smirked. “Everyone thinks I’m the stubborn one, but really, it’s her. Once she sets her mind on something, it’s pretty fucking hard to change it. But since you and I had an understanding, it’s the least I could do. People assume I’m the fucking dummy; I can see that you’re looking out for her all the time, everywhere we’ve been since you met us.”

  “You know I’m in love with her, right?” I wanted Carmen to know the extent of my feelings for her sister.

  “No shit, Sherlock. That’s pretty fucking clear.” She rolled her eyes at me, making me chuckle.

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked, surprised.

  “Listen, you may be some kind of bad ass body guard or whatever, but you’re no fucking Leonardo DiCaprio. You won’t be winning an Oscar for your performance any time soon.” She snickered at her own joke.

  “Hmph,” I replied. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

  “Don’t bother. Just keep her safe. Nobody gives a shit about what else you two do on your own time,” she teased me again.

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to her.”

  “I know you won’t.” She gave me a genuine smile.

  “One of my partners is joining us in San Francisco for the rest of the tour. I think that adding security, now that it doesn’t have to be a secret, is wise, and Caleb is someone I trust,” I informed her.

  She raised an eyebrow at me, intrigued. “Is he hot?”

  “I think it would probably be best if we didn’t even go there,” I smirked at her. Caleb was a good-looking guy and didn’t have any trouble with the ladies. While it would be fun to see how these two got along, they were basically the same person, and would likely kill each other, so I certainly wouldn’t be encouraging it.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I don’t want my bangs to be traveling across the country with me anyway,” she grinned.

  “You should get some sleep,” I said.

  “You should get some sleep,” she retorted. “I don’t have anything to do tomorrow but play. You have to make your girlfriend happy, and keep her safe tomorrow.”

  “Touché,” I replied, reclining the chair I was in.

  Thinking quietly about everything that had changed in my life over the last six weeks or so, I never would have thought I’d have a girlfriend at all, let alone a smoking hot singer songwriter that I was on the road with. I grinned to myself, as I daydreamed about the things we’d do in San Francisco. Mostly how I couldn’t wait to make love to her in my bed, in my own home.

  I woke the next morning to find that someone had put a blanket on me, and neither of the girls were in the main part of the bus with me. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I peeked in the back to find both girls in the bed, passed out. The candy wrappers strewn about the bed, along with the chips and other trash indicated they’d had themselves a little sleepover. I glanced over to the TV, where it seems they’d been watching old reruns of some show all night. My heart was happy to see them sleeping there, looking like they’d had a fun night together. The bus life was a tough life, particularly when your bodyguard boyfriend wouldn’t leave you alone for five minutes because you had a stalker. Frankly, these moments with her sister were probably healthy for her psyche, and I wanted her to lead as normal a life as someone with her growing fame could under the circumstances.

  Gently tickling her toe, I tried waking her up. When she opened one eye, spotting me, she slowly formed a grin, and let out a small giggle. “Morning,” she whispered.

  “Morning, beautiful,” I whispered back. “We’re in San Francisco.”

  “Yay!” she quietly exclaimed, pushing herself up, trying not to wake Carmen.

  “You ready to come home with me for a couple days?” I had to admit, I couldn’t wait to have her to myself for a couple days before the band all got back together Friday to go to the Gallows for the Guilty show.

  She climbed out of the bed, messy hair, looking as sexy as ever as she approached me. Throwing her arms around my neck, she replied, “I can’t wait.”

  The buses pulled up to the hotel that everyone would be meeting up at over the next few days. Johnny had flown home again, because we had a solid four days before he needed to be in town for our show and one of his kids had the flu, so he wanted to help his wife out. Mike and Carmen, and the rest of our little entourage, were all checking in at some point that day, but I wasn’t. Ryan wanted to take me to his house. He said it’s because I’d be the safest there, but since he came out as my security, I’d honestly never felt safer just having him around. But I had to admit that spending some time together, in a home instead of a hotel, was something I’d been looking forward to all week.

  I had already packed a bag to take with me, and my guitar, because I wasn’t leaving it behind for three days, when Ryan popped up behind me. “You ready, babe? I’m pretty excited to get home for a bit, and I have lots of places I want to show you.�

  “I am. Let me just go say goodbye to my sister.” I rose on my toes, planting a small kiss on his lips before running off to see Carmen, who was checking in to her hotel room.

  “Hey, I’m gonna head out. Are you sure this is cool?” I asked her.

  “Of course it is,” she smiled back at me. “To be completely honest, I’m going to go back to sleep for what will likely be most of the day, and then Mike and I are going trolling for some play this evening, down at the pier.”

  “Oh my God, Carmen, be careful,” I laughed.

  “I’m always careful, and that’s why I have Mike with me. He’s my wingman, and I’m his.” She took a small bow.

  “You guys crack me up.” I gave her a hug.

  “Now, you have fun fucking in a real bed, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Which leaves you pretty wide open for whatever kind of nasty shenanigans you’re planning on with that boyfriend of yours,” she smirked.

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I said, giggling.

  “Oh, he’s holding all of your shit over there, waiting for you to come home with him. He’s most certainly your boyfriend. Give him a blowie for his troubles when you get there.” She smacked me on the ass, sending me on my way.

  “You’re incorrigible, Carmen!” I yelled back at her, slightly mortified by her comment, but far more embarrassed when I turned around to see her making the international hand sign for a blow job.

  I laughed ridiculously hard as I walked back to Ryan, and weaving my hand into his, said, “Let’s go.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he replied, tugging me behind him with my bag slung over his shoulder, and my guitar in his other hand.

  “I can carry some of my own shit,” I said.

  “Not necessary, babe, I’ve got it,” he stated, as we stepped back out front. He was looking around, presumably for a cab, when he spotted a black SUV and began pulling me in that direction. He let go of my hand to wave at the driver, who whipped around all the other cars to park in front of us.

  “Ryan! Man, it’s good to see you.” A tall, handsome and extremely well built man stepped out of the driver’s seat.

  “Ah, Caleb, thanks so much for coming to get us. Really appreciate it, bro,” They shook giant hands as I looked on. They had to know each other from the Army; Caleb had similar tattoos that peeked out of his t-shirt, running along one of his arms. He was the opposite in features to Ryan though, with groomed dark hair, and dark eyes.

  “What’s all that shit on your face, man? You growing a freedom beard now?” Caleb teased Ryan as he grabbed my stuff, and Ryan’s backpack, and put them in the back of the truck while I stood by silently.

  “My lady loves my beard, so fuck off,” he replied, making me blush at being called his lady.

  “And this must be Miranda.” Caleb approached me, extending his hand out. “I’m a huge fan, Miss Royal. I have to admit I have all of your music.”

  “Oh my. Well thank you so much. It’s lovely to meet you.” I shook his hand politely.

  “Alright man, let’s get the hell out of here. I haven’t been home in an eternity, and I’m dying to chill out for a bit. We’ll probably go out to dinner tomorrow night, down at the pier, if you want to join us. Maybe meet some of the other players on tour?” Ryan asked him.

  “Yea man, I’m free as a bird from now until the end of the tour, so whatever works for me,” he answered as we hopped in and took off. Ryan sat in the backseat with me, which was awfully sweet, but unnecessary. I expected him to sit up front with his friend, but he was next to me, fingers intertwined with me the entire time.

  It wasn’t a long ride, and the boys had caught up while I enjoyed the view. He gently ran his thumb along my hand the entire trip, igniting my desire to get my hands on him. The smallest touches from him sent me into a tizzy, and this was no exception. I needed him, in a bad way. I ran my hand along his thigh, so he’d know what I was thinking, just grazing his jeans next to his growing cock. He was definitely picking up my signals, and stopped my hand before I full on ran my hand over the top of his jeans in my favorite spot.

  As I watched him pretend I wasn’t turning him on in the backseat of his friend’s SUV, he continued to make small talk with Caleb, while I tried to quietly fight his grip on my hand so I could rub his cock. He shot me a glance quickly, widening his eyes, and chuckling, holding my hand tighter, which really just egged me on, turning it into a game of How can Miranda grab Ryan’s cock right now.

  Not long after the game began, we pulled up in front of a traditional San Francisco brownstone, much like you’d see on TV, and he finally let go of my hand. He’d held it so tightly to stop my shenanigans that it almost hurt, but it was totally worth playing.

  “Thanks so much, man. I’ll hit you up about tomorrow,” Ryan said, grabbing our things from the back of the SUV, and handing me my guitar, likely to keep my hands busy.

  “It was nice to meet you, Miranda. I look forward to seeing you again soon,” Caleb said to me politely.

  “Same here. Thanks so much for the ride,” I replied, as I followed after Ryan to the front door, where he already had a key in the lock.

  Kicking the door open since his hands were full, he quickly dropped his bag and punched in the code to the alarm that was at the front door. Waving me to come in, he tossed my bag next to his and took my guitar from me, gently placing it down next to everything, and slamming the door behind me.

  Backing me into the door, and swiftly caging me against it with his arms, he said with a low and husky voice, “You’re so fucking bad, Miranda. And I fucking love it.”

  I wasn’t planning to take my time with her at all, after her shenanigans in the car on the way to my place. My cock was throbbing to get inside her, and she was responsible.

  “What are you gonna do about it?” she said softly, biting her lower lip gently.

  Not answering her question, I bent down, grabbing her and tossing her over my shoulder like a fucking caveman, eliciting a squeal from her. She laughed, because I’d caught her off guard, but in about five minutes, when I was eating her pussy like the last supper, she wouldn’t be laughing. She’d be screaming my name and coming on my face.

  I tossed her on my bed, causing her to let out another little squeal. “Oh, you think that was funny? Trying to get me hard in public? While I’m talking about your safety?” To be honest, I absolutely fucking loved that she did that; she was so hot, and she wanted me all the time. It was a huge turn on.

  She nodded at me, giving me a coy smile. I grabbed her ankles and pulled her to me, placing her flat on her back. “Undo your pants, Miranda,” I demanded.

  She unzipped her jeans, revealing teal panties that I knew matched her bra, because I’d caught a glimpse of it earlier. She always fucking matched, and though it didn’t matter to me because I was in the business of taking them off, I did love that she paid special attention to things that only I’d get to see. I grabbed her pants at the ankles, yanking at them roughly, then pulling them completely off. I watched her breathing become heavy as I took my shirt off, tossing it to the side as she sat up to put her hands on my torso, sending chills across my skin.

  Wanting to give her exactly what she asked for, I grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head, and tossing it across the room. I dropped to my knees between her legs, licking my lips. She was soaked; I could see it, and I couldn’t wait to get my mouth on her delicious pussy again. I kneeled between her legs, reaching around her hips to pull her panties off. I decided to spare them, pulling them down more gently than I really wanted to. I closed her legs for a brief moment while I slid them all the way down and off, leaving her sitting there in only her bra, her legs open to me.

  I salivated as I stared at her pussy, and before she knew what was happening, I had yanked her closer to me and buried my face in her, tasting her sweetness all over my face. I grabbed her legs, throwing them over my shoulders, eating her pussy roughly. She immediately started writhing under me, onl
y driving me to suck harder on her clit, making her cry out. I slipped a finger inside her, continuing my assault on her clit, and she yelled out my name, making my cock even harder. I unzipped my pants, letting my dick free, stroking myself a few times, while I teased her orgasm out of her with my mouth. Her hips were off the mattress, allowing me perfect access to bring my pinky near the ring of her ass, causing her to flinch at first. Panting and moaning, her wetness coating my beard, I inserted the tip of my finger into her ass as she relaxed, allowing me in.

  “Fuck Ryan, that feels so fucking good!” she yelled out, grabbing the sheets on my bed with one hand, and playing with her hard little nipple with the other hand. Watching her touch herself just about set me over the edge, and I started rocking my fingers in and out of her, pulling her to climax, which she did, violently moments later. She screamed profanities as her body shook around me. Once she’d finished, she lay there, breathless. I quickly dropped my pants and boxers and rolled a condom on. I was ready to explode myself, that was so fucking hot, but I wasn’t done yet.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?” I asked, hovering over her as her chest rose and fell dramatically.

  Nodding at me, she crawled all the way onto the bed, motioning for me to lay down. “I want to ride you,” she panted out.

  Part of me wanted to just fuck the hell out of her, but watching her ride me was worth the sacrifice. She straddled me, before reaching behind herself to take her bra off, unleashing her huge breasts for me. I immediately reached up to them, rubbing my hands gently over her rock-hard nipples, giving them a tiny pinch. I knew she loved it when I played with her tits, especially if she was fucking me; it drove her wild every time. She carefully slid herself down my shaft, allowing me to get deep, as a groan escaped from my lips. She started grinding on my cock, and leaned back, steadying herself with her hands on my thighs, giving me the most beautiful view of her pussy grabbing onto my dick as it slid in and out of her.


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