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Welcome to the Neighborhood

Page 16

by Abshire, Mary

  As she played with his tongue, she slid her hand between their bodies and rubbed his erection. Layers of clothing couldn’t hide his length or thickness. Moisture seeped from between her legs as she imagined him filling her. She moved her hand from the tip of his greatness to the bottom. My god, could he fit inside her?

  Greg gripped her arms and spun her until he pinned her to the wall. He flicked her tongue before ending the zealous kiss she’d created. “You are driving me wild.”

  Alexi took his face in her hands. “Wild can be good.”

  He made a low rumble in his throat, then he sealed her mouth with his. She welcomed his vigor and tangled her tongue with his. He wedged her legs apart with his knees, then gripped her ass and lifted her. Acting on pure instinct and need, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. Bodies hard-pressed together, he ground his erection against her sex. His heat and hardness drove her carnal need off the chart. Her panties were soaked and with each rub against her pussy, she drew dangerously close to having an orgasm. The man was an animal, one big, hard, loveable animal.

  She sensed he was on the verge of an orgasm too. He held her tight as he chafed his cock against her. Drops of sweat trickled from his head. She loved his heat and yearned to feel his hot and naked flesh pressed to her body. Heart thumping fast, he sucked on her tongue and rubbed his length between her legs again and again. When her insides contracted violently, she broke off the kiss and gasped.

  Greg nuzzled against her neck and groaned. He rocked into her a few more times before his movements slowed. She tightened her arms around his neck while the spasm within her flooded her with relief and gratification. She relished each tremor within her womb. Her vibrator never offered such intense satisfaction.

  Greg stopped moving and lifted his head. “That was…incredibly relieving, but I have a problem.”

  She narrowed her gaze at him. “We do?”

  “We can’t leave yet.”

  “Why?” While she enjoyed the club, she couldn’t bear another moment in it with her wet underwear clinging to her.

  “Uh, I can’t. I…need to clean up.”

  Oh! Of course. If her pants were wet, his had to be soiled too.

  “Right. Good idea. I’ll pay a trip to the bathroom too,” she said.

  Slowly, she lowered her legs until her feet touched the ground.

  “I hope you don’t think this is the conclusion of our date,” Greg said.

  “I certainly hope not. The night is still young to me.” She pressed his lips to his and kissed him gently. If she took a sip of his blood for energy, she’d entertain him well up to dawn. And if they were in her basement, she’d keep him busy even longer. A thought she might consider more on the way home.

  The sound of a door opening ended their kiss. Laughter and footsteps echoed from the hall. Within seconds, two couples rounded the corner and headed for Greg and Alexi.

  Greg took her hand. “Come on. Five minutes and we’re out of here.”

  Alexi smiled as she walked next to him, her steps slow and shaky. Five minutes to clean. Forty minutes to get to her house. Hours of ecstasy to be had. The date was definitely priceless.


  Greg pressed his foot on the accelerator and checked his rearview mirror for police. Although he routinely sped, he surpassed his normal overage of ten miles per hour by double. In Indiana, one could get their license suspended for driving so fast. He didn’t fear such an ordeal, but he remained alert just in case a cop would find him. If one did, he would snatch his prosecutor’s office badge from the compartment between the seats and flash it to the policeman. He still might have to pay a fine for speeding, but at least he could escape severe damage to his driving record.

  After spot-checking the mirror on the passenger side, he glanced at Alexi sitting in the passenger seat. The woman he’d fallen in love with had her head tilted down and stared at the cell phone in her hands. Her thumbs moved fast, texting. She looked deep in thought with her brows tight and gaze narrowed. He admired and adored her. She was one smart, sophisticated young woman who enjoyed music, dancing and trips to the zoo. He’d never met a woman with such a unique personality. He wondered what other distinctive qualities and interests she had.

  Attention back to the road, Greg stiffened slightly as his cock twitched. The more he thought about Alexi, the more he wanted to touch her, feel her cool skin under his fingers and lick every inch of her. Desire was a drug he couldn’t get out of his system. The quick, body-to-body grind at the club had intensified his craving. She was everything he longed for–brains, beauty, and character. He would never let such a rare find slip away from him.

  Greg raked his fingers through his hair as he thought about their visit to the zoo. She’d opened up to him and shared a piece of her past. When she’d cried, he wanted wipe her tears and make everything better. Even now, his stomach tightened, hating to think about her distress. The young vamp had witnessed her family’s murders and endured years of abuse at the hands of her maker. What a horrible memory to have branded in the brain. Surviving such a horrific ordeal made her strong, a fighter. No wonder she resisted his help. She probably thought all men were the enemy and fought to prove she could handle everything on her own. Maybe she could, but control was a one-person game that often led to loneliness, isolation and bitterness. He’d hate to see such an intelligent and beautiful woman suffer such fate.

  All things considered, the date had exceeded his wildest imagination. He’d hesitated to take her to the club at first, but after she shared her past, she seemed relieved. He figured he’d take a chance and see if he could find out more about her. As it turned out, he made the right choice. Her bright smile, glittering eyes, and sway of her hips proved she enjoyed the music and dancing with him. Better yet, they’d practically made out on the dance floor. Scratch that, they had made out in the hall with their clothes on. Unfucking believable.

  The memory was one he’d savor forever. Although he couldn’t feel her climax, he smelled her wetness and the delicious scent made him want to bury his face into her. Entranced by the seductive perfume and the mental image of licking her precious nub, he’d shot off in his pants. Thank God he’d taken time to clean up in the bathroom because sitting in that goop for forty minutes would’ve been unbearable, not to mention awkward.

  The sound of a zipper robbed his attention from the road. Alexi held her purse in her lap. With sealed lips and wearisome expression, she leaned her head back against the headrest.

  “Everything all right?”

  “The client I have a meeting with tomorrow night had a few questions and wanted to confirm a few things.”

  Greg checked his mirrors while he pondered about the kind of work she did. Every time she said clients, it sounded like she was some kind of hooker.

  “Mind if I ask what you do?”

  “I’m a financial analyst and investor for companies and individuals with special needs.”

  His brows rose. “Special needs?”

  “Individuals who are famous, extremely wealthy, into politics or royalty require special attention. I have to keep my deals for them and their accounts private.”

  “Royalty? Like a king or something?”

  “Yes, I handle investments for a few.”

  “A few?”

  His heart sank a notch and he suddenly felt like a toad in a pond with big fish. He couldn’t compete.

  “They’re overseas, in Europe and the Middle East. I rarely meet them. We talk over the phone and via web meetings.”

  “And you handle their finances?”

  “Well, some yes. Others, I just manage their investments. The client I’m meeting with on the web tomorrow is considering buying a couple of smaller companies. But the overseas market has been unpredictable lately and he wants to know if his assets should be shifted, should he purchase the companies or wait.”

  Greg inhaled a deep breath as he veered onto the exit lane. “Sounds like you’re good with money. Got any tips for me?�

  “Mm…right now, gold is the safest investment.”

  Greg chuckled. “Really? I see at least fifty commercials every night about gold. I always thought the people trying to get you to buy it were full of crap.”

  “They are. You want to make sure you get the real thing, not some gold coin. Of coarse, gold isn’t cheap, but you will definitely get a return on your investment.”

  Stopping at a red light, Greg faced her. “Any other financial tips I could use?”

  Alexi’s expression turned solemn. She lowered her head and shifted to face the front. “What kind of investments are you interested in?”

  Her flat tone and attitude took him by surprise. It was if she’d changed into a different person. The once happy, full of life, fun-loving woman was now giving him a cold shoulder. What had he done wrong? He stared at her while his mind raced to come up with an answer. He’d asked about financial tips and he’d only asked to hear Alexi talk. The sound of her soft voice lifted his soul and made him feel complete. He loved listening to her and couldn’t give a shit about any investment advice.

  “I was kidding about the financial tips.” Upon seeing the light flash green, Greg accelerated and steered the car off the exit ramp.

  Alexi stared out the passenger window. Her silence troubled Greg.

  Passing up the closed megagrocery story, he asked, “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. I’m fine.”

  Even her words sounded cold.

  “Really? You don’t sound like it.”

  The silence lingered as he drove through town. A few businesses were open and traffic flowed smoothly. Alexi didn’t move, didn’t say another peep. Anxiety rose within him and he twitched his thumb on the steering wheel. What should he say now? What should he do? He’d thought the date had been a success, but now he sensed the mood veering to an unknown destination that wasn’t good.

  “I had a nice time tonight,” she said, keeping her attention at the window.

  Greg steered the car onto the road leading to their subdivision. “A nice time is something one would say on a first date, which yes, technically this was. But I thought we were having more than a nice time.”

  “I think…maybe…” She shook her head.


  The question sat unanswered for several long seconds, which annoyed Greg. Based on lively moves and kisses, she’d had a great time, an orgasmic one. What had come over her?

  “Maybe we’re going too fast,” she said softly.

  His anxiety rose again and made his heart flutter. Forty minutes ago, she’d wanted him passionately and desperately. Now, she wanted to slow down. He couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation. Maybe she thought he’d asked for insider information or for secret investment opportunities. Whatever the reason, he had to prove she’d misunderstood him. And superfast.

  “Did I say something wrong?” he asked as he drove through Midnight Gardens.

  “No.” She lowered her head and gripped the straps of her purse.

  Obviously, he had something wrong. But what? “Is it because I asked about financial advice? I was just kidding. I really don’t need any. I really only asked to–”

  The dark vehicle parked in her driveway derailed his train of thought. As if that weren’t enough, two large men stood on the sidewalk with Mr. Sullivan, the warlock who lived down the street from Alexi.

  As Greg turned the car onto his driveway, his headlights flashed on the dark vehicle parked near Alexi’s home. A sign on the door read Nightwatch Team of Westport.

  “Any idea who they are?” Alexi asked staring across Greg to peer out his window.

  He parked in front of the garage. “Detectives who work with our kind. And the older man is Mr. Sullivan.”

  A touch of jubilation lifted his spirits as he removed the key from the ignition. He suspected the detectives talking to their neighbor were in charge of investigating Alexi’s burglary. Maybe they were close to locating the thieves who took her safe. The night still held promise.

  * * * *

  Alexi headed for the sidewalk with Greg at her side. The cool breeze brushing over her skin chilled her and she shivered. Curiosity replaced the unease she’d felt in the car seconds ago. Greg’s question about financial tips annoyed her. The minute he asked, he reminded her of every other man that had used her. Maybe he was greedy after all. A thought she’d revisit later. First, she needed to know why detectives had parked on her driveway.

  “Alexi, hold up.” Warm fingers gripped her arm, bringing her to a halt. Greg pressed his lips to her ear. “One is a werewolf.”

  She studied the men while they mumbled to each other. The detectives dressed in similar attire, dark slacks and polo shirts. They also shared the same brown color of hair. If she guessed right, the werewolf was the robust man with the round face. He stood taller by six inches compared to the other man. Broader shoulders and wider hips were a good indication of his race too. All werewolves were larger than humans, and most other species for that matter.

  Mr. Sullivan walked away and the two detectives twisted around at the same time.

  “Let me handle this,” Greg said, and started walking a few steps ahead of her.

  Since she’d agreed to let him serve as her attorney, she decided to let him take charge, at least for the time being.

  “Gentlemen, is there a problem?” Greg asked, coming to a stop in front of the detectives.

  Alexi halted next to Greg.

  “One of the neighbors is missing a dog,” said the husky one.

  The shorter man detective looked from Alexi to Greg. “Do you live in the neighborhood?”

  “Yes, we do,” Greg answered. “I live next door.”

  “Are you Alexandria Cartwright?” asked the tall detective. Even compared to Greg, the man was a few inches taller. Yep, he was the werewolf.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “May we have a word with you in private?” the werewolf detective asked.

  Alexi pressed her lips together and shifted her gaze to Greg.

  “I’m her attorney. Can I help you with anything?”

  “You live next door and you’re her attorney?” the shorter man asked.

  “Yes, I am within my legal rights to do so.” Greg slid his hands into his front pockets. “Why do you want to talk to my client?”

  “I suggest we take this inside. We have a few questions for Ms. Cartwright,” said the werewolf detective.

  A wave of distress flowed through her and nausea took root in her stomach. She’d never had to deal with police until she’d moved to Midnight Gardens, and rankly, they made her nervous. But since they might need to ask more questions about the robbery, she decided to grant their request. What other reason would they have to interrogate her?

  “All right. Let’s go inside.”

  Biting her lip, she tried to hide her unease as she led them to her home. At the same time, she dug inside purse, searching for her key. She found it as she stepped onto her small concrete porch.

  Alexi unlocked the door and entered her home first. A soft light from a lamp in the living room lit up the room. She stopped a few steps past the door. To her surprise, the pile of boxes was gone.

  “Please, have a seat,” she gestured with her arm directed at the sofa.

  Greg moved aside as the two detectives entered. “I’ll get the door,” Greg said to Alexi.

  She followed the detectives into the living room. As they headed for her sofa, Alexi set her key and purse on the coffee table. Straightening, she noticed they were digging in their back pockets.

  “Before we begin, I’m detective James Rice and this is my partner, Larry Smead.” The werewolf handed his business card to her.

  Alexi glanced at James’s card, then Larry’s. Both had the same Nightwatch logo with a moon, and both men held the title of detective.

  “Am I to understand you work with supernatural creatures?” she asked.

  James tugged his jeans as he sat at the end of th
e sofa, leaving a cushion of space between him and his partner. “Yes. I’ve been with law enforcement for over fifteen years. After P-Day, some of the city and local agencies recognized they needed supernaturals to deal with criminals who have superior strength or other abilities humans can’t handle. For the last two years, I have investigated crimes that involve people like yourself.”

  “What do you mean by that exactly?” Greg asked, coming to stand next to Alexi. “Do you investigate crimes made by vampires or against them?”

  The same question popped in Alexi’s mind as she placed the cards on the table.

  James rested his arm over the armrest. “I investigate vampiric activity as well as any unusual murders or missing person reports.”

  Alexi stared at the relaxed wolf, wondering why he would have an interest in investigating her. There had to be some miscommunication in the police force because she hadn’t committed any crimes. She was the victim of one.

  “I think there has been a mistake,” she said.

  “May I ask where you were two nights ago around three in the morning?” James asked.

  “Someone broke into my client’s home,” Greg answered, crossing his arms.

  Larry leaned forward. “We’re well aware of the incident, Mr. Holmes. I presume that is your name since you are listed as the attorney in the report.”

  “Yes, it is. My client is a victim. She has done nothing wrong.”

  “We’re not here to discuss the robbery. The team handling the matter is capable of apprehending the thieves,” James said.

  “Are they?” Alexi arched a brow. “They’re humans.”


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