Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Page 18

by Abshire, Mary

  “What did she think about the patio door and the carpet?” Corey asked.

  “I don’t know. I never got around to showing her. After the cops left, she asked me to leave.”

  “Now that really sucks. You went through all the trouble of taking care of everything and you didn’t even get to see her response.”

  “I’m sure she was fine with it.”

  “Yeah, but you at least deserve a thank you.”

  “She has a lot on her mind right now.”

  “Are you defending her, counselor?”

  “Just stating the truth.”

  Corey laughed. “Wow, you must really like this woman.”

  Not commenting, Greg picked up Tom’s card and stared at it. Truth was, he fell for the young vampire and couldn’t get her out of his head. He didn’t just like Alexi, he longed for her in a way that reached deep into his heart. If only he knew if she felt the same way.

  “What’s that?” Corey asked.

  “One of the police officer’s cards. I’m waiting to hear an update on Alexi’s case. Since I have court this afternoon, I thought I’d call.”

  Corey slapped his hands on the small armrests of the chair and rose. “Well, since you’ve got lunch and I don’t, I’m going to go find something to eat.”

  “Let’s meet for lunch tomorrow. I only have court in the afternoon.”

  “The full moon is tonight. You are coming along with the rust of us to run, right?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Corey twisted the knob on the door and opened it. “See you later,” he said on his way out of the office.

  Greg lifted the receiver from the phone on his desk and dialed Tom’s number located on the card. As he listened to the ring, he slid the card back into his wallet.

  “Westport Police, this is Tom Williams speaking.”

  “Tom, it’s Greg Holmes. We spoke yesterday regarding my client’s case.”

  “Mr. Holmes, how can I help you?”

  Greg leaned his elbow on his desk. “I’m calling to find out if the prints from the lab came back.” He didn’t think they would have, but had to ask anyway.

  “No, they didn’t. It might be another day or so.”

  His hope dwindled from the lack of news. Finding the werewolves before they crossed the state line was important. With each passing day, he feared they might be closer to the line, if they hadn’t made it there already.

  He ran his hand over his head. “Have you found any new information?”

  “No. The moving company said they would call us when the team returned. Since they haven’t called, I’m assuming the suspects are still in our state.”

  A flicker of hope returned and he perked up. “Any word on the vehicle?”

  “We’ve had a couple of reports from local enforcement, but nothing has panned out.”

  “Where were the tips from?”

  “Mr. Holmes, I assure you–”

  “Humor me, Tom, please.” He didn’t want to toss out any legal threats, but if it would result in a speedier apprehension of the thieves, he would certainly put the pressure on.

  The cop made a slight grunting sound. “Hold on just a moment.”

  Waiting, Greg leaned back in his seat. The sandwich on his desk was looking less appetizing by the minute. He lifted the top slice of bread and noticed the vinegar dressing had soaked into it. Wrinkling his nose, he dropped the soggy bread and pushed the sandwich to the side.

  “Okay,” Tom said. “We’ve had tips from South Bend, Terre Haute, Fort Wayne, Merrillville and Evansville. So far, state troopers checked out the former three and the vehicles cleared. The plates didn’t match. We’re still waiting to hear from law enforcement in Merrillville and Evansville.”

  Evansville wasn’t far from the Illinois border. However, the town was at the opposite end of the state, nowhere near Chicago. Greg doubted the thieves would hide out there. Sure, they would find safety past the state line if they made a mad rush to it, but they didn’t know the territory or the pack in that area. They wouldn’t get help as quickly as they would from their own local pack. As for Merrillville, the town was near the state line and a half hour from Chicago on Interstate 65. If the thieves got nervous, they could run to their brothers in a short amount of time. Greg suspected the criminals would most likely stay close to their home turf.

  “Will you let me know when you hear back from them?”

  “Of coarse, and if the prints confirm that it is the same people who moved Ms. Cartwright into her home, then I’d say you have a slam dunk case.”

  Greg silently chuckled. Though he’d love to put the thieves in jail and make them pay for the turmoil Alexi was going through, getting her property took precedence.

  “If I don’t hear from you tomorrow, I’ll call back.”

  “If I don’t call you, I don’t have any new information. There really isn’t–”

  “My client urgently needs her property retrieved. I gave her my word I would do my best to make that happen. I’m not doing my job well if I don’t keep on top of this case.”

  A hint of frustration stirred within Greg. Alexi’s case wasn’t that old and already it seemed as if they were willing to push it to the side. As if they didn’t care and had other important criminals to pursue. Maybe they did, but it was someone still needed to find her property.

  “Understood, Mr. Holmes.”

  “Thank you, Tom. I’ll check in tomorrow.”

  “Have a good afternoon, Mr. Holmes.”

  Greg reached over his desk and pressed the receiver down on the phone. He kept his hand on it, pondering what more he could do to help Alexi, to get her property back. Merrillville seemed the most logical place to hide since the movers were from Chicago. If only he knew pack brothers there.

  Excitement rushed through him as he lifted the receiver. He didn’t know anyone in the northern town, but he knew someone who did.

  Greg dialed Andy’s number. Waiting for his roommate to answer, Greg tapped his fingers on his desk.

  “Hey, good buddy,” said his roommate. “What’s going on?”

  Greg heard other voices coming from the phone. “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Not at all. Vanessa and I are sitting at the Market and having lunch. She’s got to leave in a few minutes for afternoon court.”

  Greg leaned back in his chair, dragging his arm over the desk. “I have to head back soon too.”

  “I always say we have a secure job because there’s always someone breaking the law.”

  Greg chuckled, remembering the countless times he’d heard the comment from his friend. “Yeah, we do.”

  “So, what’s going on?”

  “Do you know anyone up in Merrillville?” He pulled the drawer out from underneath his desk.

  “Up north, near Chicago?”

  “Yeah.” Greg grabbed a pen and scooted the drawer back into place.

  “Not personally, why?”

  “What about Scott?”

  “Our pack leader?”

  “Yeah, would he know anyone in Merrillville?” He tapped the pen on his desk.

  “Scott knows all the leaders in the area. They meet on a regular basis. Why? Are you thinking of moving?”

  “No, I’m fine, but I have a friend, actually, she’s more than that and some werewolves robbed her.”

  “Are you kidding me?” He lightly chuckled. “Wolves robbed your girlfriend? And when did you meet her. I’ve only been gone about a week and you haven’t said a word about any girlfriend.”

  Greg set the pen down and debated how to respond. He couldn’t consider her his girlfriend without her consent. Even though he was highly protective of her and falling madly in love with her, it just didn’t feel right to use the label unless she agreed. “Well, she’s technically not my girlfriend, and she moved into the house next door several nights ago.”

  “Wait a second. You’re telling me you have an interest in our neighbor?”

“She would be more mine than yours since you don’t live there as much, but yes.”

  “Does Corey know this?”

  “Yes, he does.”

  “Okay, well this is all news to me.”

  “She moved here from Chicago and the moving company she hired we’re werewolves. They knew she had a safe and that is the only thing taken from her house.”

  “So you suspect them.”

  “Considering one of the moving vans, the one containing her safe, was late to deliver, I’m inclined to believe it was them. Not to mention the fact the antique safe had to weigh quite a bit and it would take several humans to lift it, but maybe only two of us.”

  “Ah, I see your point.”

  “The police dusted for prints and I’m waiting to hear back.”

  “So you think they are in Merrillville?”

  “I spoke with the officer investigating her robbery. He talked to someone at the moving company and learned a few of the drivers had not returned from their last job. What a coincidence it was the same ones that moved Alexi.”

  “Alexi is your girlfriend?”

  “She’s our neighbor,” Greg corrected. Why did he continue to say girlfriend? If he was trying to humor Greg, he needed to work harder at it.

  “Right. So, you have suspects.”

  “Yes. The officer managed to get their license-plate number and place an APB on the van. A few tips came in, and one of them is from Merrillville, another is in Evansville.”

  “I think I know where you are heading.”

  “Is there any chance someone in the pack could check to see if the thieves are in Merrillville if I give you the information and description on them?”

  “I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I will get the name and number of the person in charge up there, then you can contact them directly. Since we’re all within the same territory, they shouldn’t have any problem with your request.”

  Greg smiled upon hearing the good news. “That would be perfect.”

  “What about the tip in Evansville?”

  “Since the company is based in Chicago, I’m inclined to believe the thieves would stay close to their home.”

  “I’m a little surprised they didn’t return to their own territory. They would have protection from their pack brothers if they did.”

  “Who knows? Maybe they think what’s in the safe is worth millions and they don’t want to share it.”

  “Do you know what’s in it?”

  “She told me there are items that don’t have value, like documents, but in the hands of the wrong person the information could be damaging.”

  “Ah, I see. I’ll have the name and number for you tonight. Oh, and by the way, Vanessa and I will be there late. You don’t need to wait for us.”

  Although Greg hoped to receive the name and number quickly, he wouldn’t complain about getting it this evening. He wouldn’t be able to do anything with the information until later anyway since he had to stand in court for the next couple of hours.

  “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. Do I get to meet our new neighbor?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you will get to meet her.” Greg held back telling his roommate she was a vampire, not that he thought it would change Andy’s opinion about him. Andy already knew Greg liked females from other races. If Andy asked, he would state the truth. But if he didn’t, no need to bring it up.

  “Good, because I’m really curious.”

  Greg leaned forward and tapped the space bar on his keyboard. The screen illuminated and showed his email inbox. “I’ll see you tonight then.”

  “You certainly will.”

  Greg placed the receiver back on the phone. New hope lifted his mood. As soon as he had the name and number of the leader, he’d contact him and explain the situation. Maybe, just maybe, pack brothers could find the thieves. How difficult could it be to hide a moving van anyway?

  The next question jumping into his mind was how to handle the burglars if pack brothers found them. Should he ask his brothers to spy on them, catch them, or rough them up and claim the safe? Greg liked the latter, but he wanted the thieves to pay for their crimes in addition to a little beating. In honesty, the decision wasn’t his to make. He’d have to discuss the matter with Alexi.

  Of course, there was the possibility the burglars weren’t in Merrillville. What would he do then? With another phone call, he could easily obtain the name and number for the leader in Evansville and ask for a search in the town.

  He stared at the phone, wondering if he should call Andy back and get the names and numbers of the two leaders at the same time. Any delay to catch the thieves my give them opportunity to run or open the safe and hide. Could he take such a risk knowing how badly the woman he cared for needed her property returned?

  Greg lifted the receiver and dialed his roommate’s number. He’d given Alexi his word he’d ensure her retrieval of her belongings. She might not know it, but he was a man who stood by his vows. If he had to contact every leader for help, he would. Letting down the one his heart yearned for was not an option he would consider.


  “I assure you, Mr. Attar, unless the market crashes, you should see positive results from your new investment,” Alexi said for what seemed like the tenth time. For the last forty-five minutes, she’d discussed her findings about two new funds that had been on the market less than two years. She gave him profit numbers, statistics, all the information she had, as well as her prediction on where the funds were heading. Her voice felt scratchy from talking too much and her butt was numb from sitting so long. Still, she smiled with confidence at the web camera built into her computer screen.

  “I don’t doubt your knowledge and skills, Ms. Cartwright. Since I hired you three years ago, I have seen remarkable increases in my investments. Because these two funds are still in their infancy stage, I must question if the time is right to invest in them, or wait another six months.”

  The picture on the computer screen showed Mr. Attar leaning back in his chair and staring back at her. He had dark hair, a mustache and tanned skin. The smug look on his face was typical, just like all the other times she’d met with him over the Internet. He always questioned her, as if he couldn’t afford to lose any money. The prince had millions thanks to one of the oil refineries he owned. Like most men, he was greedy and always wanted more returned on his investments. All her clients fit into the same boat and were money-hungry leeches. Regardless, she did her job well and treated him with the respect. Business as usual.

  “I understand your hesitancy. Keep in mind that investing with a newer fund early could potentially bring you greater return because it will grow.” She closed the folder on her desk with all her research documents.

  “You make a valid point, Ms. Cartwright, but I will need time to think about this.”

  The answer didn’t surprise her. It was the same one she’d received the other times. Then, after he pondered for a day or two, he would take her advice and wire funds to her account.

  “Take all the time you need. You have the documents I sent to you. If you have more questions, we can arrange another meeting.”

  “I appreciate your thoroughness. My good friend Ghalib Al-Fayed was right to trust you. He tells me you have handled his investments for over ten years and he has over five times as much earnings now.”

  Alexi grinned and nodded. Ghalib Al-Fayed was another client she’d helped become wealthy. No, make that wealthier. None of the princes or kings ever lacked money. She’d never met Mr. Al-Fayed in person or online, and she’d only spoken with him on occasion. Yet, at least once a year she’d gain a new client because of him. She did owe him a bit of gratitude since he’d helped her bank accounts grow substantially. While humans had only a lifetime to worry about money, she had eternity.

  “Managing finances is in my blood. I perform my job with great pride,” she said.

  “Yes, I have no doubt about that.”

exi leaned closer to the desk. The time on the monitor showed midnight approaching. She provided Mr. Attar with everything he needed to make an informed decision. With nothing more to discuss, it was time to end the meeting.

  “Mr. Attar, may I remind you that with any new investment, I carefully monitor it. And if I see any problems, I will notify you immediately.”

  “Of course. I will consider the information and contact you with an answer.”

  She moved her pointer to the exit button on the screen. “I look forward to hearing from you.”

  “Good evening, Ms. Cartwright.” He bowed his head.

  Alexi clicked the Exit button and a second later his picture box disappeared. Glad to be done, she pushed her chair back and rose. She stretched her arms above her head and rolled her head around to loosen her neck. To work out the stiffness in her legs, she walked around the room. As the blood in her veins flowed freely, her body warmed.

  Halting in the middle of her office, she stared at the empty space that once housed her safe. She wondered if she’d ever see it again. Greg had called her several hours ago, but she’d been too busy unpacking to answer. The message he’d left said the police didn’t have the identification back on the prints yet, but he had some information he wanted to share. Although she was curious to find out what he had to say, she delayed calling him back. She didn’t want to seem over anxious, and besides, it was the night of the full moon. He needed to run, to hunt, to live true to his nature.

  Feeling gloomy, Alexi turned and headed out of the office. She had such a wonderful time with Greg at the zoo and at the club. Talking to him lifted her spirit and every time she glanced at him he sparked other desires within her. There was no denying she wanted him. But could she trust him with her heart?

  She ascended the stairs and stepped into the kitchen. The open curtains showed a peaceful night outside with a large moon glowing high in the sky. She stopped in front of the patio door and gazed out. Her empty backyard looked lonely and quiet. Trees swayed slightly in the distance. The silence surprised her. She’d expected to hear howling. Maybe she’d missed their playful cries. Being down in the basement had a tendency to drown out noises.


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