Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Welcome to the Neighborhood Page 19

by Abshire, Mary

  A small piece of paper scurried across the grass and for some reason her thoughts veered to Greg. Was he enjoying himself, running and hunting with the others in the woods? She imagined he was a sight to behold in wolf form. Since he had dark hair, the same color would cover his body. His gorgeous blue eyes would gather any female’s attention. Hell, even in his human form she couldn’t stop staring into them.

  Excitement flooded her at the mere thought of seeing him as a werewolf. She considered running out to find him. He had invited her. If she found him, she could thank him for replacing her patio door and cleaning her carpet. As for another matter, she hadn’t fed since she left the hotel, so she could use a snack. Wild animals tended to give her a little indigestion, but they did serve their purpose. Having convinced herself what to do, she put on her walking shoes, slid her key into her pocket and headed for the front door.

  A slight breeze flowed over her bare arms as she walked along the sidewalk, heading for the wooded area behind the cul-de-sac. She glanced at her attire and realized she hadn’t changed from the sweat pants and cotton shirt she’d worn all day. The casual attire seemed too informal, but she wasn’t about to turn back and change. Besides, she wasn’t going on a date. For all she knew, he was running a few miles out and she might not see him. Reaching the cul-de-sac, she decided to keep moving forward.

  With each step, she listened to the crickets chirp and dogs whining. Yard lights in front of each house illuminated the area. At the end of the street, two homes sat dark and silent. A wide gap separated them. In the middle of the open space, a sidewalk led the way to the woods. She strolled along the path, wondering if the owners were home or if they were out running too. Since the werewolf population was one of the larger ones, it came as no surprise to her there were many living in Midnight Gardens. When she reached the forest, the concrete sidewalk ended and dirt path began.

  Bugs silenced their nightly music as she passed through the woods. Tall trees blocked the moonlight, forcing her to sharpen her vision. She scanned for signs of wildlife and detected nothing more than birds and squirrels in the near vicinity. Maybe it was best to put off feeding until after she found Greg, if she could find him.

  The trail broke off into others, but she continued eastward. Upon hearing the trickle of water, she assumed the sound came from a nearby creek and headed for it. When she reached the stream, she spotted a small man-made wooden bridge. As she strode across it and stayed on the dirt path she wondered how much further she had to walk before reaching the end of the forest. Mr. Hadley had said there were miles of land to explore. After strolling along what seemed like an hour, she believed him.

  Alexi stopped when she heard the rustling of branches and a few snaps. The soft beat of a heart grew louder. The temptation to find out what it was nagged her. Craving nourishment, she crouched down and listened to the creature moving nearby. She’d hunt it and obtain her snack after all. Then, loud howls rose from the distance and took her attention away from her thirst.

  She sprinted in the direction of the call. Her feet thudded on the ground as one werewolf after another sang praise to the moon. Listening to them, she guessed they were a mile away. The distance benefited her as approaching werewolves during a full moon was not in her best interest. She’d encroached a pack’s celebration during a full moon once before when she was a young inexperienced and hungry vampire. The fresh scent of blood had lured her to their festivities. They surrounded her and after enough growls and a few bites, they forced her to leave. From then on, she learned to stay back.

  The lengthy jog finally brought her to the end of the woods. Seeing sparse trees ahead, she slowed her pace and carried on with a brisk stride. More howls continued to sing in the night. When she reached the last bit of the dirt path, she stopped and scanned the area.

  Acres of open land stood between her and a wide pond. The bright moon reflected on the water. On the other side, werewolves played while others tilted their nozzles toward the sky and cried out. Not far beyond them, there was another wooded area.

  Exhilaration rushed through Alexi as she watched the playful creatures. She looked for a dark-haired werewolf, but at such a large distance, she wouldn’t be able to pick him out. Damn, she wanted to know if he was as gorgeous in wolf form as she imagined.

  She walked along the edge of the forest while she kept her eyes on the various werewolves moving about. Some had light-colored fur, while others had mixed and a few were black. Since she was far enough away, she believed she was safe. She wouldn’t dare get too close to the pond.

  Four more werewolves emerged from the woods on the other side. They ran fast toward the others. One had dark fur while the other three were lighter in color. Halfway to the pond, one of them stopped. Its gaze pointed to Alexi.

  She froze, staring at the four-legged creature. It didn’t move. One of the lighter wolves that had come out of the woods with it turned around and yapped at the dark-haired werewolf. Only then, did it bark back. What were they were saying? The dark werewolf shook its head, then took off running away from the others.

  Adrenaline surged through Alexi as she watched the creature racing around the pond. Was it Greg? What reason would a single werewolf have to run from the pack? She considered it might be a scout for the others. Then again, they usually stayed together, especially if they knew the intruder was potentially the enemy. Since Alexi didn’t have a heartbeat, they could easily sense she was a vampire. She logically concluded the single wolf heading her way had to be Greg.

  She walked further along the edge of the forest while the werewolf raced across the open field toward her. The closer it came, the bigger it seemed. In height, the four-legged creature easily reached her kneecaps. In length, it was twice the size of any large dog.

  Dog. What a poor comparison. The supernatural creature heading for her was one to admire. He was smarter, faster, stronger and definitely one to respect. Handsome too. When its head turned at the right direction, the moon reflected in its eyes and they shined a bluish color briefly. Yes, it had to be Greg.

  Alexi stopped to wait for him. The werewolf slowed its pace, keeping a fixed gaze on her. After several more strides, he came to a halt a few feet in front of her. He sat, panting heavily. They stared at each other and for a brief moment, she was speechless. He was a magnificent beast indeed, large with beefy muscles in his legs, black hair all over his body, tall ears and a long snout. And his blue eyes mesmerized her.

  He rose and advanced toward her. Alexi watched and stood still. When he licked her hand and nudged it with his nuzzle, she knew without any doubt the werewolf was Greg.

  She ran her hand over his head and between his ears. His thick fur felt somewhat coarse, but not to the point that it made her skin itch or tickle. “So, what do we do now? I can talk to you, but you can’t talk to me.”

  He opened his mouth and took her hand between his teeth. His hot tongue slithered under her palm and for a moment, she recalled what it felt like when his tongue was inside her.

  “I guess this means you want me to come with you.”

  He let go of her hand and let out a soft yelp. She took his response as a yes and followed him along the rim of the woods. A few times, she glanced over her shoulders. None of the other werewolves seemed to notice them. The land dipped slightly and as they walked father away, the others eventually disappeared from her sight.

  “Do you know where you’re going?” she asked, trailing behind the big, furry werewolf.

  He turned his head and yelped again. A soft laugh slipped from her. She had no clue what he’d said. Assuming he knew their destination, she refrained from further questions and simply followed him.

  After a slight descent on a hill, he led her into the woods. Alexi walked along a thin path, only noticeable from the sparse, trampled grass. She pushed aside branches and twisted away from the ones with thorns. The deeper they walked into the forest, the more she wondered where he was taking her, only because it would be a very long walk ba
ck and she wanted to make it home before the sun rose.

  The sound of water lapping grew louder. She whiffed a dewy scent and suspected he’d led her to the creek. Maybe they weren’t miles from the neighborhood after all.

  A clearing in the trees prompted her to shift her attention toward the sky. Stars shined brightly and when she twisted at the right angle, she could see the moon. She continued walking with her gaze up. When the ground dipped underneath her, she jerked her head back to earth and stopped immediately.

  “Uh-oh.” She stared at the creek stretched out several feet in front of her. The wide width posed a problem. She couldn’t reach the other side without getting wet. She looked down at Greg. “I hope you know a way to get over there.”

  He headed back in the direction they’d come, but after a few steps, he laid on the grass.

  “Uh, does that mean no?”

  He rolled to his side and stretched out his back legs.

  Not understanding his silent responses, she sat on the ground next to him. Maybe he’d taken the wrong path and needed a break. He had four legs and raced to meet her. Surely, he needed a break. She could use one too, or at least her feet longed for a short rest from walking so far.

  Wrapping her arms around her legs, she surveyed the clearing while enjoying the serenity. Aside from the overgrown grass and weeds, the area appeared neatly kept. Large rocks along the edge of the creek gave the appearance someone had placed them there. Maybe someone had designed the clear spot overlooking the creek.

  From the corner of her eye she saw Greg move. He stood beside her, staring directly at her. Even in his wolf form, compassion lurked within his big blue eyes.

  He walked behind her and sniffed her neck. The touch of his nose along with his breath tickled her and she twitched her shoulders. He moved to her other side and licked her face.

  “Okay, that’s enough.” She wiped the excessive drool from her cheek.

  He yelped, then moved in front of her. He stared as if he were trying to tell her something.

  “Sorry, I don’t speak or understand werewolf.”

  He tilted his snout toward the sky and shook as if he’d recently come out of a bath. What the hell was he trying to tell her?

  He stretched his front legs and stomped them on the ground. An unusual grunting noise came next, then a wave rolled underneath his skin. Alexi gaped in shock and awe. His muzzle began to shrink at the same rate of his ears. Hair on his body retracted. His four legs grew while the rest of his body expanded. The change looked painful and the sounds of bones grinding and snapping were horrid. Skin stretching reminded her of a tense rope rubbing over something solid. She couldn’t even begin to describe the other unusual noises. A squirrely feeling in her gut encouraged her to look away, but she couldn’t. Curiosity got the better of her.

  She stared in amazement as Greg transformed. The dark hair having disappeared now revealed his bare flesh. His arms and legs took human form along with his face. Muscles tightened as he became more like a man. A strong scent of salt perfumed from him while a glaze of sweat coated his body. Within a few short minutes, the man she’d met on the day she’d moved to Midnight Gardens had returned and the werewolf had disappeared.

  He sat on his knees and raked his hands through his damp hair. The moon shined bright in the clearing and every solid muscle in his body shimmered from the sweat glazed on his body. Thin dark hair covered his torso with a line down the middle to his groin. She licked her lips and studied every curve of his arms and chest. But his thick cock jutting from the thatch of dark hair between his legs was what held her attention and made her wet between her legs.

  “Now you’ve seen me change.”

  She heard him talk, but her eyes wouldn’t budge from his severely stiff erection. “Yeah.” She’d imagined he’d have a hard-on. All werewolves did after they changed. But dear lord, he was huge.

  He chuckled. “You wouldn’t happen to have any spare clothes handy, would you?”

  She blinked and forced her gaze away. “Uh, no. No.” She suddenly felt hot as if a fire had ignited within her. How embarrassing. She stared point-blank at his cock, and what a fine one it was.

  “I thought you said you’d seen werewolves change before.”

  He crawled beside her, and she tried not to look at his protruding muscle. Her efforts weren’t good enough. Every time she peeked at him, her body warmed and nipples hardened.

  “I have, but…”

  He sat on his knees next to her and slid his hand over her cheek. “But what?”

  Erotic zings raced from her breasts to the apex between her legs. “Well, it’s been a while.” She lifted her head and looked into his blue eyes. Hypnotized by a deep craving lurking behind them, she couldn’t turn away.

  “I’m glad you came.” Leaning forward, he pressed his nose and lips to her other cheek. “You smell delicious.”

  And so did he. The intoxicating scents of desire and his warm blood were fueling her needs, both of them. She longed to touch him and feel his hard body. It had been too long since she'd taken pleasure with a man.

  Greg slid his hand down her shoulder and arm, coming dangerously close to her breasts. “In all fairness, I think you should remove your clothes. It would certainly make me feel more comfortable.”

  He tugged on the lower part of her shirt. Alexi decided not to stop him as he lifted it up and over her head. It was, after all, only fair she lose her clothes too. When he’d finished, she helped further his goal. She reached around to her back and unhooked her bra. The straps loosened from her shoulders and fell forward. She removed the garment, then tossed it aside.


  He stared at her chest and swallowed. The lump in his throat bobbled. “Much better.”

  He wrapped one hand around the nape of her neck and placed the other over one of her breasts. His warm touch electrified her. She opened her mouth to speak but he covered it with his and thrust his tongue into her mouth. Passion flooded her body as he kissed her and pinched her nipple. More moisture seeped from her while her body burned with desire. He sucked on her tongue feverishly as if he longed to devour her. His raw and starving passion was unlike any she’d ever seen or felt, and she understood it all too well. She’d buried the same yearning deep within her and now, she couldn’t contain it any longer.

  While he kneaded her one breast, he gently lowered her onto the soft grass. His erection poked her side and she couldn’t resist her urges any longer. She slid her fingers over the head and glided them down the length. He grunted softly and his cock stiffened more. How was it even possible? She took his shaft into her hand and stroked it tenderly. His heart pumped fast, no doubt excited from her touch. She loved the feel of him. Loved how he made her nipples ache as he tweaked them. He warmed her with his body, his touch and his kiss. With each passing second, her yearning for him magnified and she couldn’t wait to feel him buried deep inside her.

  Lying on the ground, her ponytail pressed against her head and annoyed her. Keeping her hand on his cock, she reached up with the other to take the tie out of her hair.

  He caught hold of her hand and stopped her. “Let me get that for you.”

  While Greg hovered above her and worked to remove the band from her hair, Alexi rubbed her thumb over the head of his cock. He closed his eyes briefly.

  “Careful with that,” he said, and she smiled.

  He untangled her hair and brought her locks forward, over her shoulder. “There, much better.” Smiling, he toyed with a strand.

  “Do you like my hair? You seem to enjoy playing with it.”

  “I love your hair. It smells good. It’s soft. And yes…” He planted a kiss on her lips. “I very much enjoy playing with it. I’d love to play with you, every inch of you.”

  He kissed her again and flicked her tongue. She swiftly decided he could kiss and play with her all night if he wanted too. A shame he couldn’t read her mind or hear her thoughts. But why bother? She arched her back up until he
r breasts grazed his chest. Body language worked as a better form of communication.

  As if he understood, he placed his hands over her breasts and fondled them. She quivered from each squeeze while her desire climbed higher and higher. He slowly pried his mouth away, then kissed her chin and dragged his tongue down her neck until he found one of her nipples. Driving her wild with lust, he circled it then latched on and suckled her hard pearl.

  Alexi bit her lip as sensual chills flowed from her nipple. When he nipped it, she moaned and tightened her grasp on his cock. He made a soft groan and gently pried her hand from his erection. She opened her mouth to protest, but he claimed her other nipple and as he ravaged it, he placed his body along her side. Enthralled by his loving caress, her complaint disappeared.

  “You’re so warm,” she said as she ran her fingers through his damp hair while he bit and licked her breasts. Heat from poured from him. She loved it so much she wanted him to wrap every part of his body around her.

  Greg rolled his tongue down the center of her torso until he reached her navel. He lifted his head while he took hold of her sweat pants. “I want you, Alexi. I want to taste all of you. And this time, I will make you come.”

  The determination in his eyes enlivened her carnal need. As he tugged her pants down, she rubbed one foot against the other and slipped off her shoes. When he reached her feet, he pried her clothes free from her along with the one shoe she hadn’t removed.

  “I can never stop looking at you.” He wedged between her legs, kissed the right one, then the left. “Everything about you is beautiful.”

  He kissed the inside of her thigh and glided his tongue toward her apex. The whiskers on his face tickled and excited her. Biting her lip, she spread her legs further apart. He took his time kissing, licking and nipping her. Her need for him amplified and she writhed under his torturous care. When he parted her wet folds and his warm breath brushed over her, she nearly climaxed.

  She tossed her head back and gasped as he licked her swollen nub. Molten-hot desire consumed her. She quivered with each stroke, yet she craved for more. He laved her with his evil tongue, bringing her closer to her sweet release. She curled her toes and moved her hips. Ecstasy approached faster than a speeding train. He slid a finger inside her, then sucked on her clit. The anticipation became too much. When he inserted another finger and rubbed her sensitive bud with his tongue, she couldn’t control herself any longer. Her orgasm came and she cried out in bliss.


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