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Chase Part 4: A New Adult and College Billionaire Romance (Chase Me Billionaire Romance Series)

Page 4

by Grey, Chloe

  Chapter 12

  When Chase got home, he went right to his bedroom. He emptied his pockets on the dresser and reminded himself he’d be with Meagan in less than two days, all went well. He crossed the hallway and went to the bathroom. He was hungry and tired and in need of a shower. He wasn’t sure he could eat or sleep, but a hot shower would do him good.

  He turned up the heat and got the water in the shower up to a steaming hot temperature. He stripped off his clothes and stepped in, wondering what Meaghan was doing right now. He wished she was with him right now. The thought of her close to him washed over his body, and before he knew it, he was hard as a rock for her.

  He imagined her gorgeous eyes, searching his as she stared up at him with her hands resting on his chest. He could pull her close and feel her breasts press up against his chest, her hands wrapped around his hardness. If she were with him, he probably wouldn’t not be able to wait. He could picture himself picking her up so her legs could wrap tightly around his waist as he rocked her and kissed her ear lobes.

  The way she would hold him tightly, gripping around his neck, arching her back when she was ready for him to impale her pussy—God she felt amazing. He couldn’t wait to be inside her again, to feel her shake through one of her powerful orgasms.

  He closed his eyes as the hot water flowed down his back, locked in the fantasy of being with Meaghan. He stroked his cock, as he pictured her groaning and bucking her hips to take more of him inside her. He felt himself losing control at the thought of lowering her to stand, and getting on his knees to lick her clit as he grasped her ass. He could barely wait to plunge his cock deep inside her, and make her scream.

  Soon he was almost over the edge. He could hear her moan and scream out at she came, rocking her hips to extend her pleasure. In that moment, a powerful climax ripped through him. He almost blacked out from the force of his release, so much so, he held on to the wall for balance. He stood in place for a while, body weakened, letting the water run down his chest to rejuvenate him as he caught his breath.

  After a few minutes, Chase turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He dried off with a towel and went right to bed. He was exhausted, but consumed with thoughts of Meaghan until he fell into a restless sleep.


  Chase woke up to a strange ringing sound. It took him a while to realize it was the burner phone Detective Beam had given him. He jumped out of bed to answer it.


  “How did it go?” Beam asked.

  “So far, I’m not sure. David told me he’ll let me know if he needs me tomorrow.”

  “And has your mother called?”

  “No. She’s flying back tonight. She may not call until tomorrow. What does she have to do with it?”

  “Nothing yet. But if she knows John Brewer, she or her husband may know more than she’s letting on. Just let us know if she contacts you.”

  “I will.”

  “Speak with you tomorrow.”

  “Wait,” Chase said before Beam hung up. “Is Meaghan doing alright?”

  “Yes. She’s fine.”

  “Does she need anything? All her clothes are here.”

  “No. She’s okay. I have to go now. Keep me posted.”

  Beam hung up, and Chase was sure he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. He went back to bed, and stared at the ceiling, thinking of Meaghan.

  Chapter 13

  Meaghan sat in the bedroom of the hotel suite. Agent Franks and another two officers had taken her there. Agent Franks was in the living room, and the other two were somewhere outside, keeping watch. She could barely eat, and all she could think of was Chase. He was somewhere in San Diego, about to take some serious risks to help them get out of trouble. She picked up a slice of pizza they bought her, and took a bite. As hungry as she was, the food made her nauseous. She placed the slice back in the plate, put it on her night table, and tried to relax.

  She was safe—the officers were all reasonably nearby—yet she couldn’t stop shaking. She decided on a long shower. They had stopped at a department store and bought her a few items of clothing on the way to the hotel. They wouldn’t let her return to the apartment. She took out the sweat suit and pack of underwear she had found in the store, and carried them with her to the bathroom.

  She almost jumped from shock when she passed the mirror to turn on the shower. She was a mess from sleeping in the cellar—with serious bedhead to prove it. She let the water heat up while she undressed. She needed steam. It would relax her neck and back from having to use just a sleeping bag on the concrete floor last night.

  She stepped into the shower as the steam filled the room. The water was hot; almost burning. It was exactly what she needed. She closed her tired eyes and stood under the water with her back turned. It soother her back and neck, and when it was too much, she turned to let some of it flow down her face and chest.

  She let out a moan when the steamy water poured over her nipples. She thought of Chase, and imagined his tongue flicking each one, and his lips wrapped around one and then the other. She missed him so much. She hadn’t gone a night without him since they left home, and now she had to go another night alone.

  She couldn’t stop herself. She reached a hand down to her nipple, and the other to her mound. As she touched herself, she felt Chase’s touch, and her stomach clenched. Her body responded in the way only Chase could make her feel.

  Her breath caught as she indulged herself, imagining Chase’s tongue was circling her hardened nipples, and teasing her clit with his other hand. Heat spread through her, and pooled between her legs as she pictured him slipping two fingers into her channel where she stood.

  She lifted a leg to the top of the bathtub. She could see him lowering himself enough to position his rock hard cock at her opening. She was so ready now; so needy and craving Chase’s touch. She slid two wet fingers between her soft folds.

  It was Chase touching her now. He was moving his cock into her, flicking her clit with a finger, and making her body rock back and forth from pure desire. Her breathing sped up and she moaned his name softly, sliding her fingers in and out, wishing it was his thick manhood driving deeper inside.

  Meaghan was so close now. She circled and stroked each nipple with the other hand, and bucked wildly as she penetrated deep inside her pussy with her fingers. She was grinding into them faster now, and before she could think, she felt a strong orgasm hit her. Her channel tightened on her fingers as her climax rocked her core with a power that seemed to blur her vision as it overtook her.

  She caught her breath under the water, letting her pounding heart and her throbbing clit calm down. She was so tired, she knew she would sleep well. Turning off the shower, she stepped out. She put one towel over her head, and dried off with another before putting on her panties and the sweat suit. She went back to the bedroom and climbed into bed. She drifted off to sleep with only one thought on her mind—Chase.

  Chapter 14

  It was the moment of truth for Chase. All he had to do today was wait for a call, get an address, and pass the information on to the police and the FBI. It seemed so simple, yet there was one important dependency. He needed to wait for David to call.

  The morning passed by slowly. He didn’t expect anyone to contact him until the afternoon. Around by lunch time, his phone rang. It was his mother.

  “Hello? Mom?”

  “Hi Chase,” she answered.

  “Are you back in town?”

  “I am, son. How is everything going?”

  “Not great, Mom. I haven’t seen or heard from Meaghan for two days. I’m really worried about her.” He didn’t feel good about lying, but he had to do it.

  “Oh no,” she remarked. “Is there any way she could be staying at a friend’s?”

  “I guess it’s possible. I have no idea where, though. I’ve tried all of her college friends, and even one of her friends from work. No one has seen her.”

  “Have you reported it to the
police yet?”

  “I was going to, but I didn’t. Some of her things are gone from the apartment. Part of me thinks she’s left me…”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” his mom said softly. “Don’t lose hope. Hopefully she’ll turn up. And I think you should get in touch with the police. A missing persons report can only help, especially if something’s happened to her.”

  Chase felt some relief that his mother kept suggesting he go to the police. It probably meant she was not involved with the chop shop. Still, he couldn’t say much more to her. He couldn’t take the chance.

  “I’d like to see you, Chase,” she said. “You shouldn’t have to go through this by yourself. I can come with you to the police station if you’d like.”

  Chase was not sure what to answer. If he said no, she would probably be suspicious that he didn’t want to file a report. And if he said yes, he’d have to stall, because the detectives had told him not to return to the police station.

  “I’m going to stay at the apartment until I hear from her, Mom,” he replied. “If I don’t hear from her by tonight, I will give you a call. We can go together tomorrow.”

  “That sounds like a good idea, son. If you change your mind about seeing me, I’ll be up at the house. Yuri is back home as well. We’d love to have you over for dinner, so you don’t have to be alone. Just let me know if you’ll come.”

  “Will do, Mom.”

  Chase hung up, and waited for David’s call. He couldn’t afford to miss it.


  It was four in the afternoon, and Chase had not yet heard from David. He was beginning to get worried. His future and his freedom depended on this call. As he waited, the burner phone rang.


  “It’s Detective Beam again. Any word on the address?”

  “Not yet. Do you think I scared them off somehow?”

  “I don’t see how that’s possible. Has Jose or Oliver phoned you at all?”

  “No. I’m sure if I phone them, one of them will tell me the address. If they know it, that is.”

  “Give it a few more hours, and then try phoning them. You don’t want to come across as pushing too hard. That could scare them off too.”

  “Okay. Make sense.”

  “Has anyone else phoned you?”

  “Just my mother,” he answered.

  “Mrs. Moscov phoned you?”


  “What did she say?”

  “That I should file a missing persons report for Meaghan. See, that’s why I don’t think that she knows very much. If she was aware, she wouldn’t want the police involved, would she?”

  “Possibly. It’s hard to tell. Did she say anything about her husband?”

  “Yes. She asked me to dinner at their house tonight. She said Yuri would be with her.”

  “Good. That’s good to know.”

  “Do you suspect her husband is the big boss they all talk about at the shop?”

  “We’re not sure. It could still be John Brewer.”

  “Do you think I should join them for dinner.”

  “No. Stay at the apartment.”


  “Hang tight. Let me know when they call.”

  Detective Beam hung up. Chase continued the waiting game.


  Chase had still not heard from David. Just before eight at night, there was a knock on the door. He got up and answered it. It was Jose.

  “Hey man,” Chase greeted him. “What’s going on?”

  “You ready?” Jose asked.

  “Ready for what?”

  “To work the shift tonight. You told David you wanted to work, right?”

  “Yes,” Chase said nervously, “but I was going to drive there myself.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take you there.”

  Shit. This was not part of the plan. Chase wasn’t sure what to do. He couldn’t call Detective Beam to let him know, and he couldn’t insist on driving there himself. They would probably get suspicious. He had to think quickly.

  “Let me get my wallet and keys,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

  “No problem,” Jose answered. “I’ll wait here in the living room. Just hurry up. We have a bit of a drive.”

  “Oh yeah? Where are we going?”

  “It’s down at Point Loma.”

  “Wow. That far out?”

  “Yeah. Hurry up man. We gotta go.”

  Chase rushed to his room and grabbed his keys and wallet. He pulled out the burner phone and sent a text message to Detective Beam with the partial address. He had no idea where in Point Loma they would be. He was even more nervous about having to go in to work. It was not part of the plan, but now it seemed like the only way to know exactly where the shipment was being packed. Chase swallowed hard. He could only hope Detective Beam could figure out the location, and that nothing else would go wrong.


  The more Chase thought about it, the more he felt David probably knew he was working with the police. Why else would they not give him the address, and have Jose show up to drive him there? When they drove up to the auto shop, he still had no idea what the exact address was. The building was a rundown old warehouse, with no numbers at the front. He saw the street was Rosecrans Street, but that was all he knew.

  He didn’t want to try and use the burner phone in front of anyone. Any kind of communication would look suspicious. He would have to find another way to get a message to Detective Beam or Agent Franks. Maybe he could sneak into a washroom and send another text message with the street number. He had to do something to let them know where he was—he just didn’t know how.

  When they walked inside, David, Oliver, and two other men he had never seen before were already working. David showed him which vehicles he needed to start on.

  “We’ve got a big shipment tonight, men,” David told Chase and Jose. “We’ll probably go all night getting this done. Chase, I need you on those four cars in the corner. All the product is already laid out on the counter beside it. You know what to do?”

  “Same as last time?” He asked.

  “Exactly. Except the VINs are already handled. Just get the product into the car. And don’t forget to wear gloves.”

  “Okay. Is there a washroom around here?”

  “Why? You just got here.”

  “You sent José by without giving me any notice. I need to take a leak.”

  “Fine. It’s in the back. All the way to the left. Don’t get lost back there.”

  Chase left, and found the bathroom pretty easily. He pulled out the burner phone from his windbreaker and turned it to silent. There was one message on his phone. It was Detective Beam, asking if he had the address yet. He replied with a text, providing the street name, and letting him know he didn’t have a number, but they had turned south on the street, and that the place looked like an abandoned warehouse.

  He didn’t wait for a reply. He turned the burner phone off and put it back in his pocket. It was the best he could do. He just hoped it was enough. Now he had to try and figure out how to get out of there without being noticed. He did not want to be in the line of fire when the cops showed up to arrest everyone.

  Just as flushed the toilet—trying to put on a good show—David knocked on the door.

  “What’s taking you so long in there, man? We don’t have a lot of time tonight.”

  “I’m just finishing up,” Chase answered and unlocked the door. “What’s the big rush? It doesn’t look like you have that many more vehicles, and last time we were done pretty quickly.”

  “I told you, it’s a big shipment. This is just the first batch of product and vehicles. I shouldn’t have to explain everything to you. Just get to work, okay?”

  “Okay. I’m going.”

  Chase had no choice but to start working. He put on his gloves and began packing the drugs into all the hidden spots behind the paneling inside the cars, and in the trunks. He kept an eye on the other
men as well. There was a fire exit near the corner where he worked. If he could get even a minute where all their backs were turned, he’d be able to make a run for it.

  Hours passed. It didn’t seem like he would be able to get away. He was getting more worried by the minute. The police had not shown up, and it was already after midnight. They had finished up the first shipment, and the two men he didn’t know drove each vehicle out at the large bay doors and into the trailers that had been set up at the side of the warehouse. Once they were done, they drove in a new set of cars.

  “Okay men,” David said. “We’re halfway there. We have to get this done for four in the morning. These trailers have to be locked and driven over to the port by four-thirty. Keep it focused, and we’ll all get out of here in time for all-night breakfast.”

  Before they could start working on this second batch, Chase could hear the subtle sound of sirens approaching from the distance. Relief washed over him. He looked at the others. None of them seem to notice yet. It was only when one of the drivers ran inside a few minutes later that the rest of them looked up from what they were doing. By then it was too late.

  Policeman in riot gear stormed the warehouse from every open door, and from the back room. They ordered everyone to put their hands over their heads. Chase did as he was told. He acted like he was going to be arrested as well. Oliver tried to run, but was tackled to the ground by two officers.

  Chase was handcuffed and led to sit in the back of a squad car. After waiting a few minutes, he noticed an officer approached him in riot gear. When the officer took off his helmet, Chase saw it was Detective Beam. He was relieved. This meant it was over.

  “Great job, Chase.”

  “Did you catch the other trailers with the first shipment?”

  “Yes. We saw them leave and stopped them as they were entering the port.”

  “Does this mean I get to see Meaghan now?”

  “Soon. We’ll book you down at the station with the rest of them, otherwise it may raise some red flags if they don’t see you. When the coast is clear, we’ll release you and take you over to where we have Meaghan. By the time they realize you’re not coming back, you’ll be long gone from San Diego, with a new identity. We’ll work David to find out who is really running this. If he cooperates, we won’t need you to testify.”


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