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  “Are you god?” I asked. My dream arose. This one was giving me a direction. “Monsters are having bad attitudes. They have kidnapped the people whom you need. You will get in the village nothing now. You will have to explore these wise people,” he said.

  I was looking him clearly. I saw another universe, a galaxy which is quite diverse and the planet that doesn’t have humans. He was telling me to go there. “Feel the stars around the planet. This is your home that we built in our early years. But we thought a green Earth is better for you. We thought you will be safe here and we gave the job of making the world great to your forefathers.”

  “My lord, we are searching them in the state, by our dreaming system!” I said. “Monsters have already kidnapped them. They can’t speak until their souls are in other hands, not even in the state. They are calling to you, save them. Find the gentlemen in the Voxheal galaxy,” he said. Now I could barely see his shape.

  “How can I get them? I haven’t seen the people before,” I said.

  “Everything will be okay when you will meet these aliens. They will show you a road to next step,” he said.

  “They are the citizens of the planet Uleca, in your limitation.”

  * “Are you a mad? What are you talking about? We have been in the dream since many years and yet we didn’t hear to the galaxy Voxheal. How can we trust you on the meeting of god with you?” Mr. W-2247 said.

  “By the way we all members are here like a shadow. Our true bodies are in these capsules. We are applying our brains to capture information. We just created these people and planet AP-Euleka artificially.”

  I was discussing on this matter with him alone, in the secret chamber of the desert force. “You have to believe this, sir. I saw the galaxy and planet in my dream. I could hear his voice. I guess he was waiting for me. Why did he choose me instead of you? He was trying to make me understand. He was directing me to find out that solution,” I said and looked him.

  “Maybe head and chairman can do something for you,” Mr. W-2247 said. He communicated to the senior members. He clicked a finger in the space. “Calling to the Chairman of Company-3071 and associated companies Mr. D Johnson, and head of members Mr. Gregor,” the machine built a computer screen in front of us.

  “Starting the upload of queries and answers,” a blue ray scanned our brains. Now we didn’t require telling what we were discussing a few minutes ago, the machine sent the message before the reappearance of the two senior members there.

  “Oh, it is the thing!” Mr. D Johnson said. “But I doubt; if the monsters murdered these wise people how can we collect information? We don’t have such a program also which will bring you to that galaxy. You are not aware of that planet’s lives. We don’t know its environment. You might fall in stuck. It might be a hitch for the Company including waste of time,” uncle Gregor said.

  “Wait, I invite Dr. Angelica. Hope she will suggest us about these extraterrestrial biology,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  She came on the call, over an electrical projector.

  “Doctor, can we see his last night dream? I think this is a futuristic solution for our Carolus generation assignment.” “Sir, we have been going to these six thousand years old ancestors but we didn’t success. Our members are yet in their jails. We couldn’t make any sense with them. Our progenitors didn’t get us as their children. We did loss several lives on our third mission.”

  “Question is that what the gorillas and developed men of Zujic and Maxmot city want? They are becoming enemies day by day. To win that Ho- ship sure we need selected members by gods, not by us only.”

  “And if he is saying truth then the time came for us. This is a chance that we can be their friends,” Dr. Angelica .MT said. She checked my dream. She repeated it to show the two senior members. “Can we build the program, I mean to send the guy to the planet Uleca can we find a system in our computer?” uncle Gregor said as he was watching my last night vision.

  “Before we do the thing we need to free these wise men of the dream city. Late may bring death to these innocents,” Dr. Angelica said.

  “Souls never speak without body. It is impossible to connect them.”

  “Machine- Lana, talk to us about the situation?” Mr. D Johnson called her.

  The female robot came into view on the respect of company chairman. “Hello sir, what can I help you? About stars, planets, satellites or aliens?” she said and looked.

  “Tell us about Voxheal and Uleca,” Mr. D Johnson said. “Galaxy no-5 is Voxheal, located in third world. It does contain a billion stars and planets like the world Diotis. It has energy, fuel, foods and yes, they produce these things from spirits. They blackmail human dreams. They make people weak. At last they become nightmares for everyone. They sell your spirits to gods on their conditions. Your deliver occurs then.”

  “What is about Uleca?” I asked her.

  The robot showed a map of the galaxy as it was new to hear for us. “It is the 4th planet of Galaxy Voxheal where most of sellers live. They are having latest technology to convert human souls. They steal even duplicate souls in your dreams that happened with your members. They do cheat in a variety of shapes when they are in this universe. They form confuse between you and they.”

  “How do they convert the souls?” Dr. Angelica M.T said. “They are fewer in that 3rdworld because they don’t blessed by gods for reproduction. They don’t get children by sex. So they utilize human souls to produce their own generation.”

  “You said they are in our universe also, but in other profiles. We just need to recognize them!” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Excuse me sir, they can know you. Thus they get away so fast. You will have to create an extra dreaming system to be there, with these aliens. You will have to pick brave members for the trip. Maximum four humans can be a part of this, enough will harm the techniques and its scientific formulas,” the robot did the awareness and helped us in becoming understandable.

  “They may fill virus in your computers on disagree if they feel someone is trapping them gradually.” “This is the chief of these aliens known as great Aqura. He does see status with gods from worlds,” the female robot put an image at us, on her movable monitors.

  “So, who will rescue these wise men from monsters?” Dr. Angelica said and looked at chairman.

  “This guy will do. He is perfect for the journey,” Mr. D Johnson said and gave a green signal towards me. Everyone agreed on his decision this wasn’t a matter. Still they thought souls don’t get us without bodies. To connect them you will put machines over their heads. You will make them parts of your way. They will tell you about the future. They will tell about risk of the work.

  “Sir, you will bring these men to your computers. That’s why you need them truly. You will destroy these monsters on a particular action plan. They may fill bloods in your hope if you don’t this,” machine Lana said.

  She talked about these innocent people of the state. They have been staying under the major and minor evils. Dr. Angelica M.T and her team got the job to proceed on the dreaming system which will create the galaxy Voxheal. She stored mathematical formulas to find out the planet Uleca including living style of these aliens.

  We members did special training to defeat these bad things. We controlled our gun shooting. We learnt about the presence of monsters around us and process of killing them. We remembered the lessons that our trainers told us. We developed some more technical tools in our uniforms which will protect us from their air zone. We did study. We did practice to gain our skills.



  “Members, are you ready now?” Mr. W-2247 said and looked us. “Yes sir,” we raised the sound. We kept the confidence up in our mind. The desert force’s main camp was telling us that you will win today. I will see you on your return. I will be proud that you are from my home.

  The time was to wreck these monsters. It was to free these wise men who could give information about Carolus
generation. We checked our bullets. We prepared our guns. We spotted the place where they have been staying with kidnapers. Our helicopters took the fly back to back in lines. We were moving forward with the discipline maintain.

  “Over fifty thousand members are dreaming the system in Company-3071 and associated companies to handle your warships in the state AP-EUleka. In a small mistake they may loss their memory. Their brain cells may damage. To save their live you all have to win the battle. Did you get me?” Mr. W-2247 said. We were listening to him by the phone, set in our uniforms.

  “Yes sir,” we said again. I safely connected my seat-belt. “I know you became strong but today we want more from you all. Monsters are just a minute away from you. You will jump. You will play your guns. To kill them don’t forget to shoot their heads. Don’t leave them as paralyzed. Just bring their dead and ugly bodies.”

  For the second time at the village Matinica we gathered some known people there. They helped us in showing typical roads.

  “This way sir, they change each and every place in two week. Minors are watching them now,” a mid-age man slowly said and looked me.

  “They have already aware of your landing here. Be careful they are hazardous; they drink blood of young girls and flesh of men. They ate my brother. I want revenge from them. Then I can be pleased.”

  My co-members were following the man and he was behind me as I was moving on, after hearing to him.

  “Do you know their names?” I asked. “No sir, I think they have the own language. Thus we people don’t have touch with them. They do attack our village and get back to somewhere. They don’t stay here permanently. My dad was saying they came from caves. When they feel thirsty or hungry they kidnap humans. They never eat animals as foods. Perhaps they do love mostly to our kidneys and hearts,” he said.

  We felt headache, guess we became closer to these monsters. Our machines gave us news of their attendance. My uniform robotically shared a mask over my face. It showed me a red light on the glass computer screen close to my eyes, I did sure this means I need to generate my guns instantly. They were faster than us. However we didn’t step back from the war. We shot them down.

  “Sir, let’s search these people separately. As a group we can’t find them. Monsters may kill them because we are here now,” he said.

  “You are right!” I said. The man came with me and other went on different position for the rescue work. It was a seven apartment of buildings at the left side of the village. We went to top one after another, by defeating these monsters. We freed some villagers who had been in their control since many days. They were in fear. I told them to not cry.

  “Where are these gentlemen?” I said. I couldn’t find them as they were calling for save. I couldn’t hear to their voice.

  We moved again to the 3rd chamber of that 6th apartment. We saw this was dark. We felt the filthy smell which was coming from a corner. My uniform showed the light towards that object.

  “Oh my god,” I said when we found out a dead body including these wise men as senseless in a hanging mode. “Sir, he is our village leader. I know well that the men tell us about aliens and he does too. He was one among them. He is no more now,” the man seemed sad on his villager’s gone.

  “What is about the remaining people?” “Monsters didn’t kidnap them for eating; they did it to sell the souls to aliens. They did choose the men on the basis of knowledge. They were deciding prices and aliens were buying to increase their civilization,” I said.

  “They leaved the men here as they thought their job is done. They settled minors and their few majors around the village just to make you feel afraid.”

  “Where are these eaters then and why didn’t they choose me?” he asked.

  “Because they could know you are a common man. They will get nothing from you. They can’t sell you in higher price,” I said.

  “By the way my name is Max and your?” he said.

  “Jasomine,” I looked him and proceed to the call for help. Company helicopters brought these men’s unconscious bodies to an experimental camp. Village Matinica freed from these monsters. The war-helicopters stayed there to keep the villagers safe; they were flying to that place twice, in a day. They made some camps also.


  GODS CALLED US HERE: TELLING YOU WHY (A report of five thousand years old) We lived the humanity. We even saw there is something beyond this. They are bright. We just guessed they are good. We imagined how they look. We were thinking their science is better than us. They could see space after their stars. They could go there without hitch. This is their pursuit that they will do journey to different worlds.

  And the bad occurred there. They worried. They called to gods. But the nature didn’t select to their next generation. How will they gain the family? Others do the thing with the pleasure and why we can’t, it made them stressed. Their leaders prayed, still they didn’t find a way. How will they feel the future?

  “I have an idea.”

  “What?” the male alien surprised. His friend looked him genially. His large blue eyes didn’t hesitate to know the fact.

  “We can steal souls for our next!” he held the shoulders of his co, tightly. He hugged him. He seemed happy. “We are unlucky. Our sex organs don’t work. I just got it that creators delivered the civilization when they made the planet. He didn’t think of our families. It is colorful. It does contain seven moons. Will we live until the end?” the reply came from the male alien, he was two days of senior just.

  “I can invent the machine to put the souls in lifeless things. We can do this!” the co-alien said and made him curious. “I know a place where most of lives are living. This is too far from the world. They can’t catch us though we did this. We will take out these souls from their mind, brain and body. We will sell them on the planet including other satellites. We will do the work in the form of humans.”

  “Brother, they are not from the world!” the male alien said. He didn’t agree immediately just.

  “Yes, they are from 1st world and this is 22.7 billion light years far from us. We will go to our leaders, we will tell about the idea to them. We will do a meeting on this matter. Sure they will accept the offer as they do experience the same problem.”

  “And if it successes we will continue the thing. In a few years we can be wealthy. We will discover planets in residual pieces.” Co-alien said. He got the wonder. Gods never thought like the space invaders. They just judged their children as a last civilization. They didn’t want that the alien born for the second time. They were distributing lives in various worlds but they didn’t it in the galaxy Voxheal. They created males and females at a time on the planet Uleca. As I was telling you before they didn’t gave the aliens sex hormones for their family making.

  “Initiators did injustice with us. They cursed us. They are acting like unable. The time is our now that we will make them nothing. We will force them to surrender at us.”

  “How can we reach in Diotis, I mean the 1stworld?” the male alien said. He had never seen journey-makers go to other planets out of the universe. The co-alien leaved his sit and stood there. He looked above. He saw it was going to be night after a month. Then he looked his body, he is yellowish in color. He is 8 ft 6 inch tall. He opened his arms. He felt that his each and every sentence is really going to be true.

  “Can you see we are not old yet? We will build the tomorrows our ways. Believe me we will work hard for the ship which will bring us there,” he just looked down to the male alien.

  “You mean to Earth?”

  “Yes,” he replied. “Human origin is from the planet. Their souls are pure. They will never know about the work that we are going to start.”

  At last they could reach at the point to do criminal activities. It was like a war against the gods. They did destruction of another group to save their own. They began the task as hiding. They entered our heads, became thieve and steal the character�
��s spirit what we dreamt. They indirectly affected us. They harmed our nerve cells. They became slow poison for us. Our rate of age became very low.

  After 5000 thousand years of their planet, when the aliens increased their generation to millions of times they spread to the moon (natural satellite of the Earth), Mars, Galaxy- Antikoss and its planet Megzidok. They built ships which go faster than the light. They became skill and they did the same thing only. They called themselves great than the gods. They blackmailed on the basis of souls.

  “Do you not think this is enough for the creatures from outer spaces?”

  They did more just.

  * THE EXPERIMENTAL CAMP OF THE DREAMING STATE AP-EUleka: A PROCESSOR OF COMPANY-3071 “They are the wise people of Matinica. We rescued them from a building. We didn’t find these chief monsters around them. A few majors and minors were watching them just,” I said.

  “They are lifeless now, without their souls. We have to bring them from Uleca. A villager was saying they are ultramodern. Only they can inform us about remaining worlds.”

  Mr. D Johnson and some most important members gave a look at the people. Dr. Angelica M.T ordered these robots to check their health.

  “The 20 genius can show us ways to be friends with our ancestors. Mr. JT-7621, how could you be sure that you got the right people?” Mr. D Johnson asked me. “I could know them from their costumes, sir. They all have worn white colors of clothes beside these common villagers. It tells that monsters kidnapped them at once from any meeting. Later these aliens came to that place and took away their souls,” I said.

  “Computer- K, can you give the name of the villagers in detail?” uncle Gregor asked.

  “Sorry sir, my satellite is unable for this,” the mechanical screen showed us an error.

  “Sir, if you want I can let you watch some of their old videos. This is a clue of them on the date 22 February, they were discussing about the war plan.”

  “How couldn’t the company machines record them? Did they avoid the dreaming system from the brains of our members?” Mr. D Johnson worried. This time seven more head robots came together. They reported us a trouble in their systems on the date 21 February, a day before the meeting of the wise people.


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