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Page 10


  We twenty selected members crossed the screen magically one after another. We reached at the land of very mutual Earth. It was six thousand years early of the present world. Now we were seeing to green and beautiful planet. We were breathing pure oxygen. We were listening to the voice of birds in the deep of jungle. We were exploring to the sons of gods.

  “The map showing bosors are a mile far from the spot,” I said as I was searching something over a tablet.

  “Are you talking about these gorillas?” a co-selected member said. “Sir, are we on the right direction?” he asked to an operator of the company3071, we were communicating the members lively. We were getting the view of them clearly through our cameras and computers.

  “Yes member, you just move on and later we will suggest you where you will have to take a turn,” the operator said.

  “They might keep watching the jungle as they think this is their home. You raise your steps slowly, hurry is not good sometime,” I said.

  I was leading the group. It was my responsibility that I will keep them safe from different kinds of risks until the job didn’t finish. “How will they recognize us? If they thought we are from Zujic city they might shoot us suddenly because Iowandians are their major enemies and problem of Carolus generation,” Janie said. She was behind me with four other selected members from Japan, Canada, India and France.

  “We are having souls of these villagers. They will do nothing with us, okay?” I said and looked her.

  “Okay,” Janie said.

  “Be careful members, we are watching a disturbance in hundred meters from you. This is very heavy,” uncle Gregor said.

  “A dinosaur is coming to you!”

  “Prepare your gun,” I said to my co-members. “Don’t shoot her members, she is a vegetarian. The dinosaur won’t attack you. Now she is with her children. Let her eat grass and you away from her,” uncle Gregor said. He didn’t come along my crew but he could see us on the special screen, set in the hall of Company-3071.

  The dinosaur’s height was just long, about 15 ft tall than us. I touched her thick brown skin a bit. Maybe she feared as she saw weapons in my hands and thus she walked away.

  “The dinosaurs are beautiful, mostly her children,” Lisa said and smiled.

  Did you remember her? She is my co-member from our first and past rescue mission.

  “You will get so many in the jungle, enjoy buddy,” an operator said.

  “Thank you man,” I said and looked him on the screen, formed in the air by my VLT. Till that time all were having a safe atmosphere. We could see no appearance of threat for a while. Yes some unknown creatures were staying around us, yet they didn’t harm anyone. They were not flesh eaters. They were some colorful and green trees rising towards the sun’s lights, just for food preparation.

  “Where are these beasts?” Dwayne said. He was talking about non-vegetarian dinosaurs.

  “It seems you are waiting for them eagerly. Do you want they eat your meats? Let me aware you that we won’t shield you if they run behind you so fast,” a comember said.

  “No friend, I was just joking. I too fear them a lot,” Dwayne said him. You will never leave it. Nature’s imagination is like a web. You might trap in it. Your praising will be too less for the bride of the old Earth. The flowers who see, may tell you to kiss them. You will laugh and yet you will sigh. You say it the real life that gods made. They have been making it in their own tricks. We can’t compare our artificial things with them.

  And they are gifts for the boundless space. “Guess these meat-eaters are not living in the jungle. Perhaps they have another home to stay and we should feel ourselves lucky,” Lisa said. She just consulted him.

  “Jungle means it’s a world of nature and animals. Men don’t live here. They won’t haunt by asking us, they will do it directly without sad feeling. They are everywhere, see someone is behind you!” a second co-member said with a little loud voice. He made him nervous and then laughed himself.

  We stopped there for the guy. “Hey, what are you doing? I told you to shut up your mouth, didn’t you listen to me? Next time I will push you to hell of your dad!” I went back to him from my spot and said. He didn’t say anything after the warning.

  “Again, I warn you that you will be safe if you follow rules and its distraction will let you realize that we didn’t well. Be members of punctuality also. I won’t tell badly about you then.”

  We further moved on, gradually towards the turn of the jungle. My map showed it is crowd and very deep. We tried to find out an extra way.

  “Sorry members, this is the only way that you will have to choose. We are exploring facts on the land. Just a minute ago we were hearing to a male’s voice. I think someone is already there. He may bring you to bosors,” uncle Gregor said.

  “It is impossible,” a member said.

  “Do you think a man is staying here before us? But this is six thousand years old and this time gorillas should exist,” I said and looked him.

  “You will shock, give a look on the video!” uncle Gregor said. He put a visible mobile picture on our VLT screens.

  It seems he was a curious for us. He was a talking tree and his body parts were movable beside his root.

  “Oh god, he is singing like a mad guy. It’s fantastic!” Janie said and smiled.

  “And he is changing his colors in each and every steps of the song. I think this is a magical tree,” I said. “Science says plants don’t speak like humans. Will we consider that it was happening thousand years ago and then they closed their mouths? Did they hide the profession? We didn’t have any proof about them and I am wondering that we got it now,” a co-member said. He was not breaking his concentration on the video. He kept watching the tree, without delay.

  “Machines, give us information about the part of the jungle,” I ordered. “Members, there are 10547 animals live with 579201 insects; some of them are poisonous and least of them are not harmful. You may face a different kind of plants who can speak like you,” a female robot appeared in front of us in the air, by producing a temporary computer screen.

  “Can we know any danger of meat-eater dinosaurs?” I asked her. “No, they live with bosors, five hundred meters away from east and two miles away from the south zone. You may take 30 minutes to cross the deep jungle if you don’t stop by speaking tress,” the robot said.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You are welcome,” the robot said and off from us. “Okay, follow me,” I looked everyone and said. We maintained the discipline during the entrance of us into the deep and crowd jungle. I didn’t want my responsibilities go down. I didn’t want to feel myself sorry for their known death. We may face stranger things I had known this. So we were giving eyes around us when we were walking.



  “Could you listen to him? He is still singing,” Janie said as we were walking towards the talking tree, with the one way.

  “His voice sounds an old man’s song.”

  “We are not going to waste our time. We won’t spend a moment with him. We will cross him silently,” I said and looked behind, to my co-members. “Our goal is only to meet bosors this time.”

  “Why can’t we ask him about Carolus generation? I think he can answer us what we need to know,” Dwayne said.

  “Yeah, he says right,” a co-member said. I thought for a while as we were moving forward constantly. I needed to obey him. His suggestion was no just bad. Plants in a jungle know the universe better than us, though they don’t tell. They remain steady. Guess they punish us another way because we vanished them in future. They pray gods for our goodness. What we did for them? I will say nothing. We only use them for our jobs. We take chance of their silence. We have polluted mind and yet they care of us. They give us what we need for our life. We live for them, they don’t depend on us. Past was like this, green and fresh. Earth was like this, beautiful and it had colors of the nature. Gods have been
blessing us through them.

  I looked a bit to Janie. Most of time girls think about success of men. They make the nothing to things.

  “Yeah, we need to meet him,” she said and then we reached at the talking tree. “Hello people, I think you are from future. Can I know your generation?” the tree said as he saw us there.

  “We are from the year of 2096, a modern world’s humans,” I said and looked him. “Oh, wow, it’s unbelievable for me that I am watching you here. They were saying the Earth will be like this someday which is so scientific and technical. At last it happened. They also said the nature’s important system will erase because of human’s cruel characters. It’s okay. I am happy to see you,” the talking tree said and he too smiled. He just used to move his mouth up.

  “I have a question for you, sir,” I said. “Let me introduce myself first. Don’t afraid, I am not the evil that you think. Guess you have weapons to kill him. By the way he is not in the jungle. You will find him on another side of the planet.”

  “There was a time when I was looking like you. I was working for gods as a messenger. Gorillas were talking to me before they meet to my lords. They were praying us first as we appear at them with our shapes. We were telling about them to our chief god. In case of just small matter we were solving problems.”

  “And when they played with us like cheaters gods supposed we are guilty. They thought we didn’t listen to them and thus it happened. They took away all kinds of responsibilities from us. They cursed us. They made us disable to walk one place to another,” the talking tree said.

  “What’s your name? Are you an angel?” Janie asked. “I don’t have any name. Yes, I am an angel.”

  “Hey, do you want to meet my family? They are around me,” the talking tree said.

  We amazed that he has children and wife who didn’t talk to us yet now. Only this one was singing loudly and alone among these trees, mountains and water flowing.

  “Meet my wife,” the talking tree moved his hand, from his wide body part. “Hello,” she smiled and raised her hand for shake with us. She was just four meters away from her husband, staying to east side of her three children, a girl and their two boys.

  “How did you deliver them?” I asked the female talking tree about her children.

  “I did it before the curse. We were enjoying a sexual life,” she said. They didn’t know when will they get free from the pain? When will gods consider them blameless? They were waiting for justice since a hundred year. They hope one day they will walk again. They will have shape of angels. Changes will come in the sky. The universe will behave like same as they were having earlier. Not evils will recreate on the land. They will design the Earth in their own colors.

  “Dr. Angelica, could you feel them? I think they are good and wish we could do something for them, now,” I said after watching her on my VLT screen.

  “It is the magic of science that we could watch them directly from the planet’s old days. Yesterdays are not gone,” Dr. Angelica said and smiled. “Yes doctor, for us knowledge is great as it discovers things that we didn’t know. But you see they are lovers. We should respect them. Without love we are nothing. Our life is the sum of love and soul. We can’t be heartless. Thus we are here today. We are on the way of emotion. We are sacrificing our lives and the reason is we have love for our family. We love our home,” I said.

  “Only non-living things are heartless. Even our enemies try to protect us sometime, because of the love.”

  “Okay, leave it guy. You made me emotional about them. You know you can give them freedom. Perhaps it is in our victory. Gods have sent you there. They want things should be better for us, for the humanity.”

  “And you members will defeat these evils including the robotic leaders of the current world,” Dr. Angelica said.

  “What is this that you have been using?” the talking tree said and raised his fingers towards my VLT screen. Guess he wasn’t concerned of the machine. Gods gave us only the basic products and later, slowly, when evolution grew and reached at the self-developing human civilization we started the making of technologies. The world around us saw we are with heavy modernizing manufactured goods. You apply them to be easy. The humans made the universe short and an artificial creature.

  I increased the screen size in front of us and his family. I moved my hand on it. I began to explain it in detail.

  “This is a machine where you can watch everything. You can call someone without hitch. You can meet people,” I said. “We had just imagined this some years ago, a bit different than your product. Can you show me something more?” the talking tree asked and looked me. I mean your home and kingdom.

  I divided the screen from the live video of Company-3071. I put an own image over the monitor. Definitely my senior members confused what I was going to do there actually.

  “What the guy is trying to do?” I could hear the question from an operator, I ignored his words. “Watch, this is my home, and a muted garden at the entrance to my front side door. Only my grandfather is staying there, without me, now. I hope he is missing me. I hope he doesn’t go for morning walk beside me,” I said and played the pictures. They were coming out one after another, with the introduction of me. “I hope so,” the talking tree said.

  “And this is my city Halifax,” I said. “Hey, what is this? Is it a machine that you use to visit your relatives?” son of the talking tree asked.

  “Yes, we say it car. Driver controls it and moves on with his passengers or family,” I said and smiled.

  “I would love to visit your city someday,” he said.

  “You are welcome!” I said.

  “Members, ask him about Carolus generation?” Mr. D Johnson came to the contact and said. The angel could hear him frequently.

  “So, the man wants information on bosors. Does he need them?” the talking tree said and looked me. I stopped the separately formed video.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “It means you are here for them. Do you know they are very cruel? They will throw you to dinosaur’s stomach. They hate humans,” the talking tree said.

  “How did you know?” I said. “We have been cursed for their cheating with us. I won’t stop you if you want to go to them but I warn you that they are not innocents. They are not kind,” the talking tree said.

  “We all are having pure souls. Sure they won’t harm us,” a co-member said.

  “Are they old? Let me feel you then,” the talking tree said and called us to touch his leaves for a while. “You are not wrong. They love this,” he said after getting the sense from us. “They live in caves. Dinosaurs keep them safe from Iowandians as they always try to capture their land. They say the place is very powerful. It has a way to travel future and this is in their top-secret,” the talking tree said.

  “You go to north, half mile far from me. You can find their chief after reaching there.”

  “We have to bring peace to the world and for the help we thank you so much,” I said and smiled.

  “You are welcome. Meet us further when you will be back,” the talking tree said.

  “We will be glad to meet you, once again,” a co-member said and bowed his head at them.

  We followed his advice. We changed our direction. Now we tried to find out an extra map of the jungle. Our machines showed this one which was good I guess.

  * “You will off the video chat with us until we don’t call you again. I don’t want they feel confuse over the company. Hope you won’t disappoint us,” Mr. D Johnson said as we were on the way.

  “Okay sir, we will do this,” I said and looked him.

  “We will only watch your work without our appearance. We will track you by just voice-calling. You can listen to us,” Mr. D Johnson said. We were 100 meters far now, from our target. We could hear their crowd which was coming out rapidly. They were the gorillas of Carolus generation. They were our progenitors.

  “Run faster members, run away from here!” the company robot said. He
did explore the aggressive mode of these dinosaurs. “Hide somewhere, we will wait for their gone. I don’t want you die on the first day! Be quick members!” I said.

  “Reload your guns and attack with me when I will tell,” I passed on the words to my co-members.

  Unexpectedly a dinosaur attacked us with the huge sound and two more surrounded the spot. We couldn’t get away from their capture. They were having fat bodies.

  “Where are you from, people?” a bosor asked, he was riding a dinosaur. He was controlling the beast.

  “Put down your weapons, I suggest you now. You can do nothing with the dinosaurs. They have thick skins and your bullets can’t affect them,” he said.

  We agreed with him. We surrendered ourselves beside our force.

  “Are you working for that stupid president?” the bosor raised his weapon towards me from his sitting, which was made in stone.

  “No, we are from future,” I said and looked above, to his face.

  “Why are you here then?” the bosor asked.

  “We need to meet carolus generation’s chief for an important task,” I said.

  “How will I trust you? You may harm us later if I did help you,” the bosor said. He hesitated to take us there.

  “We don’t want your bad. We are from future world,” I said. I gave my idea as a leader of the members.

  “Come with me,” he said. We walked behind his dinosaur slowly and other two dinosaurs followed us. We went on to his colony.

  I think he could get these souls inside us. He didn’t tell anything about this. “Why didn’t your dinosaur make us their foods? Did they wait for your order?” I asked.

  “They did identify you that you are something different. No one before you dared to meet Mr. Umota and thus they gave you a chance. Maybe you could come to help us without selfishness,” the bosor said.

  Mr. Umota, he is the chief of Carolus generation since his father’s death. They say gods chose him for the rule. He promised that he will protect the beginning of precious tools of heaven until his last breathe. He knows one day the history will recreate among his communities. He trusts his workers. They too don’t harass the ruler.


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