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Page 19


  “He is a strict maker. He doesn’t like jokes. Good that you are a visitor, either he could take action against you,” Max said. He is a villager of Ho-retisa. “Is he from your village?” I asked and looked.

  We made a meeting with the Hovlfi before, when we came here. “No, he lives in Damosilia galaxy but his origin is from Ho-Akmisika. He does really believe in imagination. Thus he has invented a lot of desirable creatures in the world. Prince honored him many times,” Max said.

  He took us to next project. The subject was based on a tree.

  The second maker is very tall. Viewers were saying that he is not from the world. Thus officers were not allowing him. He got the chance hardly. He made the presence in rent.

  “Our new maker of first world, please welcome Mr. Eric Thomson. Today he will tell us about foods. So let’s watch his experiment,” a machine said.

  “He is an alien,” Max said at my ear.

  “Why are you speaking so slowly?” a co-member said as he was standing behind me.

  “He can hear to us easily. He is not a common guy,” Max said, you should know him. You can make documentary on him after your visit.

  I just took another photo of the maker by my eye cameras. I don’t think that his blood belongs to hemoglobin. His skin color was blue.

  “Can you tell me the name of this tree?” Janie asked to Mr. Umota, because he is from Diotis world.

  “I don’t know. I never see this kind of tree on Earth.”

  “And we just visited few galaxies, not all. He might live away from us,” the gorilla chief said.

  We did continue to listen to the maker’s speech. He was trying to make us understand something about his plan. “Perhaps you didn’t see the tree before. It does photosynthesis without light, and prepares endless energetic foods. It doesn’t die. Now days you have been feeling that enemies are gaining rapidly. They have been becoming superpower than you. They want to make you fragile. You can catch their forces if you become stronger than them.”

  “I am going to tell about a planet where they cut down trees and jungles from their lands. They realize and yet they repeat the wrong. They are billions in number. They live with modernizing generations. They think that they are sad. They are destroying their own homes.”

  “And I am talking about Earthers. According to me Earth is a dangerous planet,” he said, I didn’t like this.

  He was saying like he went there in the shape of a human and people couldn’t get him. The fact was still in a box. “I too wished to visit Earth but after your statement I don’t want this. Last time we did suffer a tragic incident and this is true that they came here by the message of robots. They were from that similar society,” a Hovlefi viewer said and looked him.

  “Leaders couldn’t defeat them. We also fought there and they did smash a lot of cities. They soon became invisible from our eyes,” an alien said.

  He was from second co-planet of Ho-Akmisika.

  “I am so sorry for this. We together can send them to hell if they attack next time,” the maker said.

  “They killed my father,” a kid said.

  “Do you want revenge?” the maker asked him. “Yes, it can be possible if our emperor orders me. I have been ready for this. Now I am learning sky-war and my uncle teaching me. He is a skilled warrior,” he said. We could see anger in his face.

  “Warning- you don’t make them feel worried about enemies. You may get punishment of death.” A Hovlefi officer announced it on his mike.

  Their armies gave a deep look on the seminar. They made awareness that as a common citizen or out of the galaxy you can’t disturb the planet. They are very clever. As a result they don’t bow down head at these competitors. “I have thought many times but it is not okay. They are really cruel. They belong to cruelty. We face them yet,” Max said.

  “We too are Earthers. Does it mean you will hate us? We didn’t think badness of you. We are not against humanity,” I said as we were next to another project. We moved forward and reached at the guest room.

  “I understand. People don’t create the curse intentionally. By the way they leaved their mistakes behind the good things which made dirt. We should realize then,” Max said and looked me.

  We sat in the chairs around these tables.

  “Will you take something?” a Hovlefi came to us and asked. He was a caretaker. He is from the village, we had seen him before.

  “Don’t hesitate, they serve freely,” Max said and smiled.

  “You are in the best home of the universe. We do love to contribute happiness.” *


  OUT OF THE GALAXY: BEGINNING OF ANOTHER SOCIETY The olden times should be a proof for the happening. We have stopped them thrice and this time they are coming with the power of the whole world. Earth, where they built progress today this is in dark. They want more profit. Machines want to surround them without a single chance. They don’t want to see themselves in late. They want to annihilate the light. They want to control the safety and they might put fire here just to burn us.

  An hour later, Max took us to a wizard. They say the old woman was staying with gods. She has seen them closely. She came to us slowly by following her own steps. She saw us and disappeared from the place for a while. She had gone there for her required magical instruments.

  “Madam Sushi, the Earthers are in trouble. They want to know the future,” Max said and looked her. I told him everything about us without keeping any secret. We did trust him. We thought that he deserves a part among us as he was having doubt, since these unknown enemies attack. He can help the Hovlefi if we became his well-wishers and he did.

  “Tomorrows are darker. How can you believe that they are not among you? Maybe they are invisible. They are waiting for your weakness. They are strange!” Madam Sushi, the wizard said.

  “Are they here now?” Mr. Umota asked.

  “I was talking about the world. They have been on the planet by the help of their friends,” Madam Sushi said and looked.

  “What kind of friendship they apply?” I asked. “They bring help from Diotis world, I think you know that,” Madam Sushi said. “No, we just know this that we have to save the Hovlef. Here we can get resolution to deactivate their power. They are becoming endless,” I said.

  “Did you tell about them to your leaders?” Janie asked.

  “They have magic also,” Madam Sushi looked at her.

  “I am feeling confuse about our meeting. Whom we will choose now? We don’t have any way,” a member said. “Don’t think yourselves poor. Problem means solution and you can search it. Years ago it has been occurring. Sadness made its presence after happiness and further we try. We shouldn’t get tired. I will say that don’t think more,” Madam Sushi said.

  “Wish we could do this!” I said.

  * We couldn’t sleep well the whole night. Morning may come as something different, maybe not good for us. We should make them understand just earlier, we thought.

  “I will take you to capital. There you can meet these ministers. They work for Emperor Spyros. He is the chief of the second world. He will listen to you,” Max said.

  “Will you take this?” wife of Max asked me about a drink. It was just looking like green tea.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “But why will he help us?” a member asked.

  “I heard he has been worried. If you help sure he will do the same for you. He is very kind,” Max said. “And we all will fight for you,” Mrs. Karel said. She is his step mother. “Last time we saw they made terror in the world. They destroyed several cities, villages and countries. My magic didn’t work at them. They killed innocents and children.”

  I could estimate from her words that how terrific they are? They were like electric shock. Touching was making the Hovlefi feeble. Then they became unseen. They didn’t give any warning notice. They didn’t even tell what they want.

  “Did they harm you?” Lisa asked.

  “We tried to build a magical wall around us. Then they went away,” Mrs. Karel said, couldn’t see where they gone? Still it trembles me.

  I did finish my drink and asked for another cup.

  “They were looking ugly,” Emily said, wife of Max.

  “We utilized my father’s magic that we did learn from him six hundred years ago,” Max said and looked.

  “Are you immortal?” Nuro, the bosor asked.

  “We live for too long. I think gods have been blessing us and they want to protect our life,” Max said.

  “We should meet the wizard again,” I said.

  “Madam Sushi won’t make her appearance for the second time,” Max said, she does journey to fourth galaxy to attain her class. She is a teacher there. “What does she teach?” a member asked.

  “What she knows, about her own magic. Few years I did also!” Max said.

  “I think you Hovlefi are experienced in the magic,” I said and looked. “I was teaching them lessons of making lives,” Max replied. *

  “You have now 69% charge,” my VLT warned me about the battery; you need to charge the system in 3 hrs 34 minutes 25 seconds.

  “This is enough to make a contact with company-3071. We have to collect some data from Earth,” I said and looked at Mr. Umota.

  He wondered as he was standing near to me, in the home garden of the Hovlefi Max.

  “Why are you watching me like this?” I questioned him.

  “What do I know about your machine that you did say me?” Mr. Umota said. I forgot that he is from Carolus generation which is so old and began at the mature stage. They do explore about the machines a bit. They were busy for having societies.

  “But you should find curiosity in it. I like this very much!” I said. We say it magic of science. “The flower is working like medicine, functioning as deactivator of poison. Its cell division is too fast also. We can use this to recover these people who are affected by bombs and robotic weapons,” Janie said. She brought the flower to me from the alien tree. It was growing over yellowish rock without soil and water.

  There are some plants and animals that grew by the help of others. They got sharing of foods and energy.

  And we could see this kind of lives out of galaxies, though. “Yeah, we can use this here in the case of injury of any Hovlefi but the tree can’t manage itself in Diotis world, I mean on our planet. It will become dry in few seconds,” a member said as he was there with us, out of other remaining sixteen selected members.

  “If we could breathe normally in the second world why not the plant can do?” Lisa said.

  “Plants are not equal to us. We receive oxygen, they leave it. This is a part of nature and they can’t prefer the opposite direction,” I said.

  “It seems you contain a lot of knowledge on the science,” Mr. Umota said.

  “It has a special branch and we study about plants there. We say the subject botany,” Janie said and smiled.

  “Does it mean we can’t take the Hovlefi tree to our Earth?” Guena asked.

  “We can’t play with nature. A little bit it does angry,” a member said.



  (The work of the VLT) Their citizens, including aliens from co-planets send millions of letters to Emperor Spyros. They request to make their things happening. They all wait for his reply eagerly. They have been going to capital but yet they couldn’t find out any major office. They say ministers, even some of their chief ministers don’t know where does the monarch live? They do complain that why they can’t meet him. Answer comes Emperor will think of you. Give him some times.

  This was a trouble for us. How will he talk to non-citizens if he doesn’t have time for the Hovlefi? “Caption-A is showing the north side road is just long and far from capital. Magic doesn’t work that way. You will rise towards south. Officers are working there,” Mr. D Johnson said. He was controlling a directorial map on the VLT screen.

  “What is about caption-B?” Dwayne asked. “I mean another caption.” “This is a way to next planet. You don’t need to go there,” Mr. D Johnson said and looked him. “No one knows yet where does Emperor live? Can you tell us about this man?” I asked and sent him a photo of Mr. Kyrios Samson.

  In a large size his image took a spot on the mechanical screen of company-3071. Everyone watched him then.

  “Sir, he is a Martian!” an operator said. He put the full data.

  “Is he alive?” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “6 years ago someone kidnapped him the Newark times old news says. He was an agent,” operator said. Before us he did a journey to the second world and later he disappeared, it became a mystery. All were saying that he was on a mission. His family even didn’t try to collect information. They were silent on this matter.

  “What kind of agent?” Mr. D Johnson asked.

  “He was working as a spy. His dad was the chief manager of a mool mine on moon. Many times Mr. Kyrios was visiting there to meet him,” operator said.

  “Fact is that he was not staying on Mars with his family. He was in this Hovlef!” I said; a Hovlefi satellite gave us the report about him.

  “I think he was a clever person to hide original topics,” Janie said.

  “Don’t you think his relationship was close to his dad who works in a mool mine? Perhaps robotic leaders kidnapped him,” Lisa said. Gradually the truth was coming out from the Martian. It was telling that robots have made a real consideration over the natural oil mool. They wanted it not to win war against aliens only; they were having so many reasons behind this. Hence they were making the Earth a dirty dustbin and we humans were dusts for these machines. Our crying was not making any impact for them.

  “Sir, you should send a member to moon just to meet his dad. He can help us,” I said and looked. “You are right; I have already chosen a top member,” Mr. D Johnson said. “Mr. Gregor, head of members be prepare for a trip to the natural satellite of Earth. This is an order of your senior. You are going to make this today,” a female robot announced his name as she could read the mind of chairman of Company3071.

  “Are you nervous?” Mr. D Johnson asked.

  “I wish something from you, please don’t mind.”

  “No sir, I am feeling myself lucky. This would be my first journey to moon,” uncle Gregor said and smiled. “Congratulation sir, hope this time you will return with the Martian’s dad. He has become an important person for us now,” a senior operator raised a digitalized note-book to him which was having detail of Mr. Kyrios Samson and his family.

  “Thank you for this!” uncle Gregor said and looked.


  “I was saying you something,” Mr. D Johnson said and continued the chat with us.

  “You were telling us about the way to meet Emperor Spyros. It would be good if you provide a picture of him,” I said.

  “We are trying,” Mr. D Johnson said, after all he is the monarch of second world. He is ruling thousands of galaxies.

  “It is already 20 days to leave Earth; robotic armies are ready for the attack. But still we did nothing for people,” I said and became sorry. They say if you wish and work hard for them then no one can stop you to achieve your goal. Gods stay with you. Confidence is a great thing. It always increases our strength.

  “You did a lot and you will keep it up, I believe in you all. We will win!” Mr. D Johnson said and looked.

  “You are in contact with satellite-7625, from north-east of Ho-Akmisika,” the male voice reached at us as we were having conversation with our senior members.

  A selected member among us touched the temporary artificial screen just once that the Hovlefi satellite made. We didn’t find any error on it, tough.

  “Do you not have any shape?” he asked.

  The machine brought a satellite image to us which are just different.

  “This is my existence in the world,” satellite-7625 said.

  “We want to see Emperor Spyros
,” Janie said.

  “Without reason he doesn’t talk to citizens or visitors,” satellite-7625 said. He does speak through a special satellite.

  “We are in trouble. It is necessary to meet him,” I said.

  “Can they send direct message to him?” Max said as he came there.

  The satellite scanned our brains to know we are doing right or wrong. It does shoot our photos at a time.

  “Now you can type your message on the monitor,” satellite-7625 said and put a message box. It gave us options.

  Purpose- urgent convention about the future of Hovlefi culture

  Time-1.34 seconds (limited)

  To- Emperor Spyros Write- Sir, please forgive us if we did create disturbance. Years ago we Earthers built machines for our jobs. Today we are on the point of realizing that it was a biggest fault which we made. They are adding powers for destruction, and they are endless. They want to destroy Diotis world with your Hovlef. They did start it already. Hope we both societies can help to each other on this matter.

  Messengers- Jasomine Tasan and co, from Ho-retisa

  “I did send your message to emperor’s office. Soon you will get a reply,” satellite7625 said.

  “Thanks,” I said. We felt a bit of relax after the text.

  “You are welcome,” satellite-7625 said.

  “Excuse me, when will we get a reply from him?” Dwayne asked suddenly as the machine was going to be offline.

  “I said soon, maybe in an hour or a day,” satellite-7625 said.

  “I heard Emperor Spyros himself comes to meet, is it true?” Max asked. “I can’t give you any information about this, you have to wait,” satellite-7625 said.

  We all have dream. We want peace and for this we will have to lift the service. The universe search us like this.


  THE MONARCH “Keep the contact up with us. I don’t want that something happens wrong there,” Mr. D Johnson advised us on the VLT. “We can send more members to you that we did select among new comers. We have added a processor with you when you did out from the head-office,” a senior operator said and looked.


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