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Delusional Conduct

Page 6

by J. L. Clayton

  “So, tie breaker. What do you think of my genius plan?” Jeremy asked as he looked at her with his best puppy-dog look, his voice back to its normal tone.

  “Well, that sounds all good and fun, but it seems too simple, and that worries me,” Michelle answered honestly.

  “What is that even supposed to mean?” Jen jumped to Jeremy’s defense. Steve and Becky nodded to agree with Michelle about it all sounding too easy.

  “Are you saying we can’t pull it off because it is too simple?” Jen asked her friend.

  “No, Jen, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I have some things I need to share with you—all of you.” Michelle bowed her head and looked away from her friends, but she continued. “I stayed up all night thinking, analyzing, going over a lot of stuff.”

  Before she could even finish, Jen jumped on her again.

  “Jesus, Michelle, can’t you just for once stop overthinking things? Stop needing to be the leader? Stop with all your”—Jen waved her hand in the air indicating Michelle’s whole body—”whatever Jer calls it.”

  Everyone was noticing a change in Jen recently, and just like Michelle, they didn’t want to mention it just in case it had to do with her sister.

  Michelle knew Jen well enough to know her anxieties were about to get the better of her, and she asked her to take a walk so the two of them could talk in private, knowing the others would understand.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Michelle led the way as Jen followed behind her silently. Their spot was ironically close to the back side of the asylum, and whether consciously or unconsciously Michelle led them right down the fastest path which landed them right behind the burnt wing.

  Michelle turned to Jen giving her a look. They have always been so close that they never needed words to communicate before, so Michelle didn’t think she needed to start changing things at the moment. If something was off with Jen, Michelle was sure Jen would tell her. So, she stepped aside and let Jen take the lead. Michelle followed her friend through the large, broken-down backside of the building and into an area that somehow survived the flames.

  Needing to break the silence that had become awkward, Michelle said, “I’ve always wondered why they referred to this building as a ‘ward’ in the infamous Sawsville asylum for the severely mentally ill.”

  “Yeah, and then they went and changed it to Sawsville Estates: A Home with Extra Care,” Jen said with a smile on her face.

  Ah yes, victory. At least she is speaking normally again, Michelle thought.

  Jen continued to walk, with her head down and the smile on her face gone.

  I guess that victory celebration was a little too soon, Michelle thought.

  Jen navigated her way through the broken doors and windows that separated various sections of this building like she was on a mission to reach a particular place, and fast. Michelle also knew this building well, but a gut instinct told her Jen knew it better, and had been here a lot more than she let on. Per usual, Michelle’s gut was right, Jen knew exactly where she was leading her best friend.

  They walked through a rusted metal door left hanging only by one hinge and sat on a melted metal bed.

  Jen looked over at Michelle. She asked in a creepy whisper, “Do you know where we are, Michelle?”

  After taking a quick glance around, Michelle knew exactly where they were. Chills ran up her spine, and she wanted to grab Jen’s hand and leave.

  Forcing more confidence in her voice then what was she felt, Michelle said, “Yeah, Jen, I know where we are. We are in his cell. But what I don’t know, is why?”

  Jen seemed to be annoyed by Michelle’s response. She let out a slight groan and stated in a very matter of fact way, “This is where he comes. Every night he is here, Michelle. Here, sleeping!! He thinks I don’t know, but I do. Look around.” Jen spread her arms wide. “You can’t lie to me anymore, Michelle. You can’t try to make me think I’m going crazy. I know the truth.” Jen started to cry hysterically. “I’ve been right all along. Damn it! I’ve been right all this time. He had never died. He has been living here the whole time.”

  Michelle just looked at Jen not saying a word.

  As the silence stretched, Jen became more agitated. “Michelle, why are you not saying anything? Don’t you get it? The man that murdered my sister isn’t dead. Or gone. He is still here. I know you fucking know it, Michelle.”

  Michelle was in shock; she didn’t know what to say, or how to say it.

  Does the truth always set you free, or is that just a saying? Michelle wondered before finally speaking. She chose her words carefully.

  “Oh Jen, I know you’re not crazy. I know he was gone, I used to come here a lot. In fact, for years I would wake up here and have no idea how I got here. I’ve never told anyone, but I’ve been sleepwalking a lot, and more here recently. But Jen, you have to believe me when I say I didn’t know he was back until a few days ago. That’s all I know.” Michelle put her hands behind her back and crossed her fingers.

  Michelle didn’t have time to react before Jen rushed over and pulled Michelle’s arm out from behind her back. She pointed down at Michelle’s hand and shook her head.

  “What. Happened. Last. Night?” Jen demanded. “One thing I am good at, Michelle, is knowing when you are not telling me the entire truth.”

  Michelle then told her friend everything. She told Jen about the lists she made and why she was so sure they all felt such a strong pull toward each other. Michelle let Jen in on a few more secrets of her childhood, including the part about her having a brother but only knowing him for two years. However, Michelle omitted the fact that he was Jessica’s killer.

  “Do you think we should tell the others about… Jessica’s killer living”—Michelle pointed at the ground—“here?”

  Jen looked at her and said simply, “Yes, we are going to tell them.”

  As they walked back out of the building, Jen turned with a crazed in her look on her face as she screamed, “Jessica, I will get revenge for you—even if it’s the last thing I do!”

  Michelle swallowed, feeling a pain in her chest. She didn’t want anything bad to happen to her brother or her friends. She glanced over her shoulder. She thought she saw something moving in the building. She hoped with all her heart it wasn’t her brother.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The walk back to where they left the rest of their crew was quick. Both girls had seemed to find a new purpose, an intensity. Michelle just hoped Jen wouldn’t push the issue over Jessica’s killer too much. Jen appeared to think she was going to be able to hunt down her sister’s killer.

  Michelle just knew she couldn’t let anyone find Matt.

  “Hey, what took you two so long?” Steve asked, sounding concerned.

  He inspected their faces. It was like he half expected them to return with scratches and bloody noses from a fist fight.

  “We were just talking,” Jen answered. “Michelle has something she needs to fill y’all in on, and I really think it’s important, for a few reasons, actually. Also—”

  “Whoa there, Jen,” Jeremy interrupted. “Slow down. Why are you so… fuck, I don’t even know what to call it, but it’s like you left as one person and came back as someone entirely different. What happened?”

  “Well, if you would have let me finish, you would have heard me say that I am not crazy like all of you think, and he is back. No, before you even look at Michelle to see if I’ve gone mad, she has seen him too.” Jen crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

  “Wait—What? Is this true, Michelle?” Steve asked.

  “Oh my gosh!” Jen grumbled and turned away.

  “You saw him, and you never bothered to tell us? You went through all of that mind trickery with Jen, and you knew the whole time she wasn’t bonkers?” Becky broke into the conversation trying to defend Jen. Becky didn’t have it in her to make herself sound scary, even though Michelle knew deep down Becky could b
e one of the scariest people around, she just couldn’t do it to her friends.

  “Okay, chill out and let me explain. First off, I had no idea he was alive until like… shit, I don’t know what time it was precisely, maybe somewhere between four or five a.m. He showed up at my house while I was out on my front porch. And please don’t bother asking me how I knew it was really him, you’re just going to have to trust me on this one,” Michelle explained.

  “He came to your house?” Steve asked, sounding surprised.

  Shit, Michelle thought. What did I just do?

  “Yeah, Michelle, what do you mean he came to your house, and how the hell are you not dead?” Jeremy asked in an accusatory manner.

  She looked around for Jen. She knew Jen was going to be pissed at her for not telling her the whole truth. She didn’t see Jen anywhere and started to get this bad feeling in the pit of her stomach that something really awful was about to happen.

  Oh, please Matt, please don’t be out here, Michelle pleaded with herself. Why did I let us come out here? I knew he was out here. Why?

  “Hey, you guys, we have bigger problems right now. Where is Jen?” Michelle asked.

  They heard a horrifying scream as Jen yelled, “Help me.”

  “Look there she is.” Becky pointed toward the back of the asylum, they could make out two figures. And one was dragging the other.

  “Shit, I hate running through this area,” Steve complained before they took off.

  They all moved as fast as they could, running up the hill to the asylum; past the broken and burnt parts they raced. Michelle thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest; it was pounding so hard. Skidding to a stop, they looked around. The walls were crumbling, and it still smelt of smoke and death. But Jen was nowhere to be found. One more scream alerted them to where he was taking Jen. The exact place he murdered her sister, Jessica, all those years ago.

  Michelle gasped when she saw her brother Matt. He had one arm around Jen’s midriff while holding a knife in his other hand. He was slowly brushing her hair with the sharp end of the blade. With every stroke, a small strand of her hair would float to the ground. Tears streaked Jen’s face as she cried.

  “Matt, what are you doing?” Michelle asked.

  Everyone looked at her. Surprise and suspicion laced their features.

  Hell, Michelle thought ironically. The cats out of the bag now. I’m going to be in a shit storm after this.

  “Matt, let Jen go and put the knife down,” Michelle ordered.

  “But I can’t. They told me I have to kill her like I did her sister. She needs to be cleansed. I have to cleanse her. You should understand, Shell bear. You are my sister.”

  “He’s your brother?” Jen gasped.

  Matt moved his hand up and gripped Jen’s throat tightly cutting off her circulation. “Hush, demon, I’m talking. Shell, you are just like me. You just don’t know it yet. But one day you will. I will help you. After I kill her.” Matt moved to push the sharp end of the blade into Jen’s neck.

  “Wait…” Michelle quickly held out her hand reaching for the knife. She looked over at Jen with a sad smile. “Let me. If I am going to be just like you, then let me do it.”

  “What the fuck, Michelle?” Jeremy muttered.

  “Yeah, like hell we are going to let you kill Jen,” Steve said.

  Michelle smiled and said, “Oh, come on guys.” She turned and looked at them, hoping they could read the truth within her eyes. She needed them to go along with this. “You can’t honestly tell me you haven’t thought about killing her?” Michelle giggled and pointed at Jen, who looked more pissed than hurt now.

  Good, Michelle thought. That’s what I want you to be. Not some weak-ass baby.

  “Well, she can be annoying sometimes,” Steve said.

  “She goes off on little tantrums,” Becky chimed in.

  “Oh, and she has to have sympathy. It’s ‘why me’ all the time. So, fucking irritating. If you kill her, I say kill her for that reason alone.” Jeremy popped his knuckles and smirked.

  Michelle was happy they were playing along, but also creeped out at how naturally it came.

  She looked back at Matt who stopped what he was doing to gape openly at the four of them. He stood up, seeming to have forgotten about Jen. Matt shook his head back and forth. Michelle smiled. One thing she knew about crazy, was that they didn’t do well with even more crazy.

  “What are you talking about? Isn’t she your friend?” Matt asked.

  He was standing close to the edge of the water.

  Jen said “yes” before bashing him in the temple with the metal pipe she was able to grab from the ground without him noticing. He hit the ground hard. “That’s why I don’t care what they say about me; I know they love me. Now, Jessica can rest in peace, crazy son-of-a-bitch.”

  They stood looking down at his body in stunned silence. Blood spread out like a beautiful torrent as it swirled on the ground, creating designs vaguely resembling roses.

  “I can’t believe I just killed someone.” Jen looked dazed.

  Michelle shook her friend’s shoulders. “Look at me, Jen. We are going to hide this, and no one will know. Right, guys?”

  Becky started to cry, and Jen looked like she was going to throw up.

  “Right, guys?” Michelle asked again, with a little more force.

  They all nodded.

  “Good. Now we are going to bury him. All of us!” They nodded. “Well, this will be one hell of a day, we’ll never forget,” Michelle joked.

  “I’ll go find a shovel,” Jeremy offered.

  Steve said, “Ah, what did we get ourselves into now?”

  The sky darkened as the clouds rolled in. The sound of thunder roared in the distance and the first drops of rain began to fall.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As they made their way back to where Matt’s body lay they stopped, hearing a rustling.

  “Fuck! You guys, I think someone is out there,” Michelle whispered.

  “You mean other than your brother?” Jeremy asked.

  “It’s pouring now you guys, I’m sure it’s just the rain,” Becky suggested.

  “Yeah, we need to get a move on it, y’all know how quickly that creek floods, turning into a rushing river,” Michelle added.

  They looked at each other before they rushed to the spot where Matt’s body was only a short while earlier.

  “Shit, he’s gone!” Jen exclaimed.

  Michelle looked down, she noticed a trail of blood and drag marks that snaked up the muddy bank along the flooded water’s edge. She touched Jen’s shoulder and pointed. “Look.”

  “So, what are we going to do?” Becky asked.

  “Well, we can’t just leave him, he might go tell the cops that we tried to kill him,” Jen said.

  “We didn’t try to kill him, you did,” Becky argued.

  Michelle was pissed. “We don’t have time to debate the issue; this isn’t a damn—everyone for themselves—we are a team. We stick together. So, get your heads out of your asses and come on.”

  Michelle smiled and thought, why do they have to make things so complicated?

  Michelle noticed Becky had a regretful expression. Becky nodded before the five of them followed the blood trail.

  By now the rain was really pouring down, washing away the blood and making it hard to follow the drag marks, which appeared to lead right back into the rushing water.

  “Do you think he fell into the creek?” Steve asked.

  Michelle nodded. “Jen swung that pipe with such force I’m sure she would have hit a home run if she were a pro baseball player.” They each let out a small chuckle and what seemed to be a sigh of relief.

  “Now what?” asked Jen.

  “Let’s put it to a vote,” Steve suggested. “We’re soaked, we saw how much blood there was before the rain started, I don’t care who you are there is no way anyone could survive that,” he finished firmly.

  Michelle payed close attent
ion to her friends. She saw the concerned looks dancing across Jen and Becky’s faces. She also noticed a look of relief wash over Jeremy. She hoped she would get the tie-breaking vote.

  Becky and Jen argued about him surviving the fire; however, Steve, and Jeremy were able to explain how this was entirely different. They all looked toward Michelle.

  “Forget it guys, he is gone.” She hung her head hoping to appear grief-stricken. “It’s one thing to find out you have a brother you never knew about. But, entirely different to know he was a murderer.”

  Michelle looked to Jen. Jen knew that look, it was an apology which she accepted.

  “Buck up, buttercups,” Jeremy said with a grin. “Tomorrow is a new day and we have other fish in the sea to fry.”

  Michelle watched in awe, as sinister smiles spread across the faces of her friends. Voila! And that is how you get them, Michelle thought.

  Looking over at her soaking wet, muddy friends Michelle knew she was right about them. She could see the madness taking over, they were finally ready to release their individual demons. “Damn this prank is going to be EPIC!” she practically shouted with enthusiasm.

  They headed back, soaking wet and ready to finish their plan to get revenge on Brody and his band of losers.

  A Note from Author M. Rain Ranalli

  I really want to express just how thankful I am for having such amazing author friends who helped push me into turning what started as a joke short story about us into my debut. Especially Jen for taking a chance on me. Steven Evans & Jeremy Simons for being such good sports about the characters being named after them, and of course R.L. Weeks.

  My Hubby Josh Simmers for putting up with my CRAZY and my amazing kids.

  If you would like to connect with me even if it’s just to stay up to speed on part two here are the links you can find me at, or feel free to message me anytime.

  FB Author page link

  FB Street Team link


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