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Destruction (Masters of Destruction Book 1)

Page 4

by Rodgers, Salice

  “Why am I here?”

  “Come with me.” He motions towards the door.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

  I slide off the barstool and follow Boog out the door. He walks towards a building I hadn’t seen before. It looks almost identical to the one we just left. Boog holds the door open and I follow him in. The front of the building looks like a living room. It’s the size of my living room and kitchen put together.


  I startle at the sound of his voice and look to the left where he is standing in another doorway holding the door open. I walk in the room and again I have to stop and look around. The room is huge with a bed set up against the wall and end tables on both sides. There’s a dresser against the wall behind the door and a couch against another wall. Boog walks to the couch and sits down patting the empty seat beside him.

  I sit down at the end of the couch and wait. This is the part where he will say something that will make me regret coming here.

  “Someone saw you on the back of my bike yesterday and thought you were my ol lady.”

  “Why would someone think that and who?”

  He looks all around the room and then back to me.

  “I never let anyone ride on my bike.”

  “Wow I feel so special I got to ride on your bike.” I smirk.

  He stands from the couch and paces the room.

  “Can you look past hating me for a second and listen to what I am telling you?”

  I motion for him to carry on and sit back on the couch.

  “Do you remember the guys from the café?”

  “Yeah the ones who sat in front of me.”

  “They saw you.”

  “Okay now why am I here?”

  “What is the one thing you can do to your enemy, Britt, think about it.”

  He continues to pace the room not taking his eyes off me. I know what he is hinting at. The one thing you can do is hurt the one they love.

  “They want to hurt me.”

  He laughs then and claps.

  “Hurt you? They want to kill you.”

  My heart hits the floor. This is what Mallory was telling me to stay away from. How many times has she been threatened? Why aren’t any of the other guy’s girlfriends or wives here? I feel the tears coming and turn my head so he can’t see me.

  “What happens now?”

  “You stay here until this is over.”

  “Stay here? Are you kidding me? I have a job and a cat and a dad that would kill you if he knew I was here.”

  “I am well aware of how your father feels about me. I have heard it many times from more than just him in this town. You can call in take vacation days or say you’re sick. I don’t give a fuck. Did you not hear the part where I said they want to kill you?”

  “So what I just stay here until they get tired of looking?”


  He stops pacing and sits on the couch beside me grabbing my hand rubbing the top of it with his thumb. The feeling of my hand in his, his thumb rubbing mine is what was in my dreams. When I look to his face his arrogant smile is gone. I can’t argue when he is holding my hand. I want to agree to anything he says as long as he doesn’t take his hand from mine.

  “Fine, but I have to work. There is no way around that.”

  He takes his hand from mine and I have to fight the urge to groan and ask him to take it back.

  “Fine but one of the guys goes with you.”

  I start to shake my head and protest but I stop myself and lean my head back against the couch closing my eyes. This will be the only win I get in this argument.

  “If you say so. Where am I sleeping?”

  “In here.”

  “No. I’ll stay in one of the rooms upstairs.”

  “Do you know who stays up there? The women who come for sex. The ones who can’t make it as an ol lady so they come to get what they want and the only thing the men are willing to give them. It’s like a dorm room for whores.”

  “Good to know.”

  His smile is back knowing that I slept up there. He didn’t talk to me when I stayed here but he knew where I was.

  “I’ll have one of the prospects get your bags.” He holds out his hands waiting for my keys.

  “I can do that myself thanks.”

  I stand from the couch and walk towards the door. Boog is in front of me before I can make it to the door handle. He is so close I can feel his breath on my skin. My breathing stops as I stand in front of him his face inches away from mine. He smiles, steps forward putting his hands on each side of my face and leans in slowly stopping right before my lips. He looks into my eyes like he is waiting for permission. I lean in the rest of the way and meet his lips. His hands ball into fists in my hair and he pulls me closer.

  I moan and run my tongue along his bottom lip begging him to let me in. He opens his mouth and his tongue invades my mouth. I wrap my arms around his neck and step in closer. My body is pressed along his and still I want to be closer.

  He pulls back from the kiss and leans his forehead against mine saying nothing.

  “You are so confusing, Boog,” I say after a few minutes of silence.

  “I want you, Brittney, so badly. But I don’t want to fuck up your life.” He sighs.

  “’Little too late for that now huh?”

  “Maybe in an asshole way that is why it made kissing you easier.”

  I am not even his ol lady and people already want to kill me. He did stupid things to make me stay away and pulled me closer all at the same time. However, to say that I don’t want to be with him would be a lie. But is being with him worth the danger?

  “You should let me decide what I want to do with my life.”

  “I can’t promise you anything. Keys?” he asks and stands back holding out his hand.

  “I can get my own bags.”

  I can see the muscles in his jaw move and he shakes his head.

  “Are you going to fight me on everything while you’re here?”

  “Call it payback for making decisions for me.”

  I do my best to mock his arrogant smile and walk around him and out the door before he can stop me. Mallory and Andrew are outside at her car. When I make it to her she wipes her cheeks and wraps her arms around me.

  “I am so sorry.”

  “How is this your fault?”

  “I wanted to keep you away from all of this.”

  “Join the crowd. There seems to be a line for the “make Britt’s decisions for her” crowd, let’s just get our bags and find food,” I comment causing Mallory to look at me, the confusion clear on her face.

  My stomach picks that time to rumble and Mallory and I laugh. Boog is standing at the side of my car when I shut my trunk and I yelp. He takes my bag from me without saying a word and takes it back towards his room. When I look back to Mallory her mouth is hanging open. I laugh and push on the bottom of her chin closing her mouth. Guess he couldn’t let me win this one either.


  I look back towards the direction Boog went and then back to Mallory.

  “Is there food here?”

  “Uh yeah, come on.”

  It feels like déjà vu as we walk in to the clubhouse arm in arm and Mallory leads me to the bar.

  “I want food not beer, Mallory.”

  “Sit down and give me two seconds. I had food delivered on the way here.”


  She sticks her tongue out and grabs a bag from behind the bar.

  “Sesame chicken?”

  “Oh my gosh yes please! And this is why I love you. You know me so well.”

  The door slams behind us, and I hear his voice before he walks around the bar and grabs a beer. I can feel my cheeks turning red with him standing this close to me acting like nothing happened. He and Andrew are laughing and talking. I want him to say something to me or touch me – anything to show me that what happened between us in his room wasn’t just anoth
er dream of the perfect man.


  “Yeah? Sorry.”

  “Where’d you go? I’ve been talking to you for the last few minutes,” Mal questions me.

  “I was thinking. Sorry what were you saying?”

  “That was some deep thinking. I asked if you called off of work tomorrow.”

  “No, I’m going but apparently I have to have an escort.”

  “Figured that much.”

  “You call in?”

  “Hell no,” she says laughing.

  I slide my plate away and groan rubbing my stomach.

  “I’m going to go lay down. See you tomorrow.”

  “Night,” Mallory offers.

  Being here doesn’t seem real as I walk across the lot to his room. I said I would never come back here, said I was going to stay away from Boog and yet here I am sleeping in his room not even hours after making out with him. I lift my hand to my lips and run my fingers along them. I want to feel his lips on mine again. He is the only man I have met that makes me want to rip his clothes off and slap him all at the same time.

  I open the door, walk into his room and look around. My bags are on the bed. I dig through them and find my favorite night shirt and shorts. If I was at home I would have slept in just a shirt and my panties but here that doesn’t seem like the best idea.

  I slide under the covers and bury my head in the pillows the smell of Boog surrounds me. I fall asleep and dream the dreams of perfect men and motorcycles.

  Chapter Seven

  There’s an annoying beeping that won’t stop. It keeps trying to pull me out of my dreams of rustic male and arrogant smiles. I groan and grab my cell phone off the table beside me and turn my alarm off. When I lay back on the bed an arm wraps around my waist pulling me close. I turn my head and meet the eyes of Boog.

  He leans up and towards me pushing me on to my back.


  “Stop talking.”

  He leans in and rubs his cheek against mine his breath hot on my ear.

  “Tell me to stop and I will move. Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll never touch you again… say the words, Brittney.”

  He licks my earlobe and pulls it into his mouth brushing it with his teeth. I can’t find the words to say anything. I don’t know if I want him to stop or keep going, my head won’t form the words or thoughts. He lets my earlobe go and runs his lips from my ear to my lips and hovers right above them, his eyes locked with mine. He nudges my lips with his, and I open my mouth his tongue sliding in. Pushing his body on top of mine he grabs my wrist and holds them above my head.

  The kiss is slow and passionate. I can almost hear the fireworks going off all around us. My breathing speeds up and I know he can feel my nipples poking into his chest through my shirt. He pulls back and looks at me.

  “I have never met a woman who makes me feel the way you do. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, Brittney, and I want you to be mine so bad. But I know I should stay away.”

  “Please… don’t.”

  They’re the only words I can form. He smiles that arrogant smile and kisses me again. He slides his knee between my legs and pushes them apart. I can feel him hard and ready as he lowers himself on top of me again. I want him inside of me. I need him inside of me now! I lift my hips and smile when he moans my mouth capturing the sound.

  He sits up on his knees and grabs the bottom of my shirt pulling it over my head leaving me in only my shorts. He lowers his head to my breast and pulls my nipple in his mouth. He lifts his lower body and grabs each side of my shorts pushing them to my knees and then lifting his foot and pushing them off the rest of the way.

  He takes his boxers off and slides them to the floor along with the rest of my clothes. When we are both naked he looks at me from head to toe. I blush and turn my head so he can’t see my cheeks turn red. Grabbing my chin, he turns my head towards him.

  “Hey don’t do that. I want you to see me looking at you. I want you to look at me and see what you do to me.” He runs his hands down his abs and grabs his cock. “Do you see this? You do this.” I watch his hand as he runs it up and down himself.

  He then rubs his hand over my clit and my whole body tenses up. I roll my head back and close my eyes. Boog slowly slides inside of me. He leans in again and kisses me fiercely. His hands on each side of my face holding it in place as he moves in and out of me. I wrap my arms around his neck and meet him thrust for thrust.

  Every nerve ending in my body is alive, feeling him move in and out of me. He hits that spot deep inside me that no one has ever touched before. He fills me so fully I squeeze my legs against his side and wrap my arms tighter.

  “You feel so good.”

  I dig my nails into his back. His hands move from my face to my wrists and once again he lifts them above my head and his eyes lock with mine. His pace picks up and our orgasms come at the same time with both of us moaning the other’s name.

  He lets go of my wrists and pulls out of me laying down on top of me. I run my fingers through his hair and try to catch my breath. That was amazing.


  Mallory drives us home from work with Marco behind us and Temper and Tango in front of us. When I said I was going to continue to work I didn’t think that would mean I would have half the club following me to and from work. I roll my eyes for the millionth time and sit back in the seat. Mallory stops at a red light and turns her attention to me.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” Mallory questions me.

  “Is it always like this?”

  “Britt, I don’t know how many ways I can explain this to you. This isn’t like meeting a man off the street and falling in love. This is a whole new world you’re walking into.”

  She makes it sound like they are vampires or wolves with their own laws.

  “He is only human, Mallory. I am a cop’s daughter or have we all forgotten that?”

  She starts to go again and turns her attention back to the road in front of us. I look at her and see the anger in her face. Almost like she is mad I said something.

  “They can keep you safer than any police station can,” she offers after a few seconds.

  I don’t know what to say to that. In my world, I would have run to my dad and told him what was going on and he would keep me home and safe. In this world, I drive down the road and watch as others stare and it feels like the target grows with them around me.

  “Doesn’t all of this make it worse? It’s like a beacon over my head screaming she’s in the car! Shoot there!”

  Mallory shakes her head and turns into the parking lot of the clubhouse. After we park, she turns in her seat towards me.

  “I told you that you wanted no part of this the day you met Boog at my house. If you don’t want the clubs help then by all means go home, Britt, tell your dad and see how safe you feel. You are my best friend and I love you but if you can’t see what is right in front of your face then there is nothing I can tell you that will help you see it.”

  She gets out of the car and slams the door behind her. I wipe the tears from my face and get out of the car slamming the door and make my way towards Boog’s room. You can’t just throw someone into the lifestyle and expect them to know what the rules are or how to live in it.

  When I make it to the room, I throw my clothes in my bag and walk back out the door. The guy’s bikes are not in the parking lot so making it to my car is simple. I throw my bags in the backseat and drive towards home. However, it feels like as soon as I pull out of the parking lot my nerves go on high alert and every car is the enemy and everyone wants to hurt me.

  I turn up the radio and shake off the nerves. The drive home seems a lot longer than it would any other day. I finally pull into my parent’s driveway and I look up to their house. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Dad’s cruiser parked in front. I get out of my car, run up the stairs and into the house.

  “Mom? Dad?”

  “In here,
Cupcake,” Dad yells from the kitchen.

  Mom is setting his plate in front of him and I instantly feel bad.

  “Just in time. Hungry?” Mom asks.

  “Uh, sure, Mom, thanks.”

  She motions for me to sit down and turns to make my plate. It has been a while since I came to supper so it feels like old times.

  Dad looks up from his plate and watches me closely. Mallory and I had told him at work today that I was going to stay with her for a while. I curse myself for not thinking of it before I ran in their house like a mad lady.

  “I thought you were staying with Mallory?”

  “Uh, Andrew came home early so I decided to come home.”

  He nods his head saying nothing, he knows who Andrew is.

  “Here you go.” Mom slides a plate in front of me.

  She takes her seat by Dad and starts to eat. All of this feels so normal – no new rules to learn, no laws I don’t know. My cell phone rings and my nerves that were finally starting to calm down come back full force. My hands start shaking and my heart starts racing. Growing up my mom had the rule that my dad wasn’t allowed to take phone calls at dinner. When I got my phone, my mom made the same rule for me. As soon as my phone stops ringing it starts up again. I shoot an apologetic look to my mom’s stern face and turn my phone off.

  “Someone really wants to talk to you, Cupcake.”

  “I’ll call them back when I go home. Got everything for the parade figured out?” I ask hoping to take the questions away from me and my persistent ringing cell phone.

  It works as my dad goes into the whole story of the police stations float for the night. There will be a lot of tables set up after the parade. People from town will be selling food and different things they have made. That used to be one of my favorite things about the parade. Being able to walk around and see all the things people made and taking samples of all the food until the time for the fireworks.

  I look down to my wrist and move the bracelet around. My mom bought it for me when I was fourteen. It is a small leather bracelet that says Cupcake on it. My dad started calling me that when I was a baby and it has stuck throughout the years.


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