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Steel Beneath the Skin

Page 3

by Niall Teasdale

  ‘Yes,’ Gilroy said, ‘but you won’t find any in a spaceship crew.’

  ‘Nano-surgical techniques and body reconstruction,’ Ella said, ‘plus a few centuries of gene modification. Being unattractive is a choice. Even being slightly imperfect is a choice, like Drake’s nose. He could have had it fixed, but it’s a non-disfiguring, distinguishing feature.’

  ‘I like it,’ Patton commented, smiling and leaning up against the Captain.

  ‘So do I,’ Ella said, ‘but it could have been reconstructed perfectly. In an environment like this, where we’re stuck with each other for a long time in a confined space, being unattractive would just be… rude.’

  ‘As long as I’m not being rude then,’ Aneka said, smiling.

  ‘Oh no, you fit in nicely.’ Ella smiled back and Aneka got a distinct feeling that she had figured out the girl’s “angle.”

  ‘The Xinti did a really good job on your body,’ Patton said.

  Aneka looked down. ‘I think they perked my boobs up a bit, but this is what I looked like before, as far as I can remember anyway.’

  ‘Perked?’ Shannon asked.

  ‘Yeah.’ Aneka poked at her right nipple through the thin plastic. ‘I don’t remember this being quite so… perky. They were a little more rounded…’ She looked up in time to see Ella staring before the scientist looked away quickly, her cheeks colouring. ‘Anyway, they didn’t change much. On the surface. I guess what’s underneath is pretty different.’

  ‘Just a little,’ Gilroy replied. ‘Under that skin is a layer of some sort of mono-crystalline armour, which is making further analysis a little difficult. Your eyes and ear canals are cybernetic, and your skeleton appears to be metal of some sort. We can detect both organic and synthetic organs and devices, but not clearly enough to identify. The Xinti had technology a thousand years ago that we still haven’t matched. You probably have capabilities you have no idea about.’ Her head tilted slightly, thoughtfully. ‘For example, you have no trouble understanding us?’

  Aneka frowned. ‘No. You’re speaking English… Even if it’s English that’s got to have changed over a thousand years…’

  ‘Exactly. In the last five hundred years we know there have been changes in pronunciation, additions of words, sometimes from other species, changes in the meaning of words. The change in the name of our race happened sometime prior to that. I think that we must be speaking something akin to “English,” whatever that is, since you understood us quite well on waking up. However, I suspect your internal computer system is running some form of translation software which is bridging the gap. Anything else you may have in there is likely to emerge with practice.’

  ‘Ella keeps calling things “fridgy.” I figure that’s like “cool”?’

  ‘Like cool,’ Ella replied, affecting a slight drawl, ‘but cooler.’

  Aneka shook her head, grinning. ‘So, I’ve got this computer in my head which is translating for me without me even realising it?’ Gilroy nodded in reply and Aneka frowned. ‘I’m not sure I like that. I mean, how do I know it’s not messing with my perceptions?’ Her gaze flicked to Patton and Drake.

  ‘That’s why Shannon is a little cold toward you,’ Drake said. ‘Monkey too. His father’s in the Navy so he’s heard plenty of stories about what the Xinti were capable of. You seem like a nice woman, but there’s something of a prejudice against mechanically altered humans, intelligent robots, that kind of thing, due to the Xinti and we don’t know what kind of conditioning they may have put into that computer of yours.’

  ‘I don’t know anything about the Xinti, but I’d have to agree with you. I don’t like it either.’

  Drake nodded. ‘Didn’t think you would. And that’s why I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.’

  Aneka bowed her head to him. ‘Thanks. I’m not sure I’m willing to give me that.’


  Ella’s cabin was built for two people, like most of the cabins on the ship. Drake and Gilroy had single occupancy rooms, though Ella said that Patton usually slept in Drake’s. There were actually rooms enough that everyone could have had their own, but sharing cut down on the life support requirements.

  Two bunks took up one side of the room, what would have been a headboard at home being replaced by some sort of computer equipment, and there was a small table with two chairs, one of them located so that it could be turned around to use the console which also acted as an entertainment centre. Off to one side was a cubicle with a sink and shower, and Ella vanished into it to wash as soon as they got back to the room. Aneka sat on one of the chairs, her eyes scanning the room. Everything was gunmetal grey; somehow Aneka had expected space to look more like “Alien” with a lot of white plastic and smooth surfaces hiding jagged, crusty metal.

  Ella clearly used the bottom bunk. The bed was made, but not as neatly as the upper bunk, and there was a small, tablet-like computer lying on the pillow, maybe some sort of digital book. The wardrobe beside the shower cubicle was open and Aneka could see another of the ship-suits hanging there, a helmet on the floor, and a few other bits and pieces of clothing which looked unsuitable for use on a ship.


  She looked up at the sound of Ella’s voice. The cubicle door was not fully closed to let them talk. ‘Yeah?’

  ‘I was wondering…’

  When the sentence did not look like it would continue, Aneka decided it needed a prompt. ‘Wondering what?’

  ‘I was wondering whether you’d like to have sex.’

  Aneka blinked. She had figured out that Ella was interested, but she had not expected quite such a direct approach on the matter. What the hell should she say? She realised as the water stopped that she was not saying anything and Ella probably expected some sort of answer, but there was no answer forming. She figured that the surprise was still showing when Ella stepped, naked and still wet, from the cubicle, rubbing at her hair with a towel.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Ella said, ‘I shocked you.’

  ‘Uh, yeah, a little.’ Trying to make herself sound more cosmopolitan, she added, ‘I didn’t figure you as gay.’

  Ella frowned. ‘Gay? I’m usually pretty cheerful.’

  Okay, that was obviously a word that had changed meaning. Back to the original meaning at that. ‘Uh, a lesbian?’

  ‘Oh, I’m not.’


  ‘Sexual bias is pretty much non-existent these days. Some people have preferences, but we pretty much have sex with whoever we’re attracted to. I’m attracted to you, in case you hadn’t noticed.’ Her face fell. ‘Oh… damn! I hadn’t thought. Sorry. You’ve probably never done it with a woman.’

  ‘Uh… Well, technically, I’ve never “done it” with anyone, in this body. I don’t even know if I’m… equipped. I mean, I seem to have the parts, but I’ve no idea if I’d enjoy it or…’

  Ella moved forward, it was only a step and her fingers were working the closure at Aneka’s throat. The seam down the front of the suit was held together by a magic Aneka had not figured out yet, and soon Ella had it open to her navel where it stopped. ‘Let’s just call this a scientific experiment then,’ Ella said, her hands sliding back up over the smooth plastic to Aneka’s shoulders, pushing the fabric out and back and down her arms. Aneka could have stopped her, and did not, unsure of exactly why.

  Ella’s eyes watched Aneka’s as the leotard was pushed down far enough to expose her breasts and trap her arms against her sides. Aneka’s lips parted, her breathing coming faster. It was crazy really; anticipation was settling in quickly, easily. Delicate fingers traced a line across the underside of Aneka’s left breast. Her eyelids fluttered and a tiny sound, maybe a moan, broke the silence. Ella’s hands cupped and slowly lifted Aneka’s breasts, slid out to brush the sides. Her thumbs teased Aneka’s nipples, and this time the moan was louder and Aneka’s eyes slid closed.

  ‘I’d say you’re fully functional,’ Ella whispered, ‘but we should test your systems thoroughly.’ A
neka let out a gasp as she felt Ella’s lips close around her left nipple, the pressure as Ella sucked sent a tingle through her. A small, pointy tongue toyed with the engorged nub. If anything it seemed like Aneka’s new flesh was more sensitive than her old skin had been. Her breath stuttered in her throat as electricity burned in from her nipple and then down between her thighs. She felt herself dampening down there and heard herself moan, and felt a little ashamed of herself. It should not have been this easy to get between her legs, but here she was opening them for Ella like a tart. When the redhead’s fingers pressed firmly against the plastic covering Aneka’s sex she knew she was lost.

  ‘Get up,’ Ella said, her voice thick with lust, ‘I want you naked. I can’t taste you through that suit.’

  Aneka got to her feet and the suit was pulled down from her waist, over her hips, down her thighs. Ella’s hands gripped her arms turning her and pushing her down. Her back hit the bed and she felt Ella’s hands parting her legs, and then Ella’s hot tongue was snaking between Aneka’s labia. It had been a while since anything which did not need batteries had been there, even excluding a thousand years of enforced celibacy; Aneka let out a groan of sudden need and leaned forward, her right hand wrapping into Ella’s hair and pressing her mouth in hard. Ella seemed to be happy enough with this turn of events, eager even. Her tongue began lapping, circling, flicking, her lips locked over Aneka’s clitoris and she sucked.

  It did not seem to take long, maybe two or three minutes. Aneka doubted she had ever come so fast in her life, but come she did. It felt like an orgasm; the rising pressure deep inside her groin, the electric tension which seemed to burn through her clitoris and fill her, the explosion of white light which seemed to tear apart her mind and body. All of it felt just like she remembered, but more intense. She lay panting on the bed, not sure when she had fallen back down again, embarrassingly aware that she did not need to pant, or feel the afterglow of pleasure she was feeling.

  ‘You taste…’ Aneka looked down at the woman still squatting between her legs; Ella was licking her lips and looking the way someone did when they were trying to think of words to describe a fine wine, but her voice still had a huskiness to it. ‘You’re sweet and musky at the same time. Heady. I like it, and you certainly seem to be… equipped.’

  Aneka pulled herself upright in one smooth move and leaned forward, her shoulder dropping, and she brought her head down to look Ella in the eyes. Ella gave a sudden gasp, her eyes widening, as Aneka slid two fingers smoothly into her pussy. ‘I think,’ Aneka said, her voice husky, ‘that we can’t call it until I’ve got you off too.’ Her fingers curled and began to circle; apparently she had hit the right spot since Ella whimpered softly.

  ‘I’m… not your… first girl… then,’ Ella panted.

  Aneka lowered her other hand to seek out Ella’s clitoris with a finger. ‘Not the first, no.’ Finding the swollen nub, Aneka began to flick at it. It seemed more pronounced than usual for a human, and the result of playing with it was surprising; Ella’s muscles began to pulse around Aneka’s fingers. After a minute or two the pulsing had synchronised into rhythmic waves and Ella was practically humping Aneka’s hand. What this did to a man Aneka could only guess, but she suspected a porn star would have had trouble holding on with the redhead’s vagina working him like that. As it was, Ella’s back arched, thrusting her chest out at Aneka a minute or two later, and suddenly she was screaming out yelps of release as her body shook and danced at the end of Aneka’s arms.

  Ella slumped back onto the deck as Aneka let go and climbed to her feet, grinning. Aneka reached for the rail along the edge of the upper bunk and Ella said, ‘What are you doing? You don’t think you’re finished yet, do you?’

  Aneka reached down a hand, fingers still slick from Ella’s pussy. ‘Get up then. I’m not fucking you on the cabin floor.’

  ‘As long as you’re fucking me, you can do it anywhere you like.’

  14.6.523 FSC.

  Aneka lay in silence, her eyes closed, and watched text stream over the inside of her eyelids. Her various systems made themselves known as she awoke, displaying diagnostics and status reports. She figured the system ran through the same routine every morning and, from what she was seeing, there was nothing to worry about. So she lay still, Ella still spooned against her back, and watched the reports in the hope that it might tell her more about her new body.

  Radio? No sooner had she thought it than a display appeared in her vision field. The little window displayed a rapidly shifting frequency value and flashing text proclaimed “Scanning for transmissions…” It stopped after a minute or so and the message changed. “Data network detected… Negotiating…” Then, “Connected,” and another window opened giving options for systems she could connect to. Probably not a great way to gain trust. The windows vanished with that thought and she went back to watching the reports.

  Everything seemed to be “optimal,” though her fusion power cell required additional liquid for reprocessing, apparently. Did that mean “drink more water?” Her “nutrient reserve” was at twenty per cent too, so maybe food and water soon would be a good idea.

  She was considering breakfast when Ella indicated that she was now awake by running her fingers over Aneka’s breast and teasing her nipple into life. Aneka let out a soft moan. ‘Didn’t you get enough of that last night?’

  ‘No. Did I wake you?’ The fingers kept teasing and Aneka started to squirm.

  ‘No, I woke up ten minutes, thirteen seconds ago.’

  ‘So exact…’ There was that husky thickness in her voice again.

  ‘I’ve been watching my diagnostic displays, and there’s a little clock just popped up showing ship time, system up time, and recent active time, which I figure is how long I’ve been awake.’

  ‘Huh. I just have the time.’


  ‘Oh… I thought you might have noticed. My eyes are artificial. I lost them to an infection when I was twelve. I was blind for six years until they were replaced. I’m a cyborg. Not anything like you, but enough that I get some of the same looks when people know.’ The teasing fingers drifted down over Aneka’s taught stomach.

  ‘Th-that explains why you’re, oh-mmm, not bothered about…’ She drifted off as Ella found her clit.

  ‘I’m not so bothered anyway. I find differences fascinating and I love fucking.’

  ‘N-no kidding.’


  ‘Is there something around here I can actually help with?’ Aneka asked as the crew sat around the table in the mess eating breakfast. She had poured herself a cup of coffee, or what passed for coffee, before she remembered there was no point, or maybe her body was trying to insist on that fluid intake. She had tried it anyway. Her body was, it seemed, quite capable of eating and drinking, but she made a note that the coffee was not worth doing it for.

  Bashford looked up from his cereal bowl. ‘We want to take you over to the xinti ship. There are definitely some artefacts over there you can identify for us.’

  ‘And exposure to that environment may bring back some of your memories,’ Gilroy added.

  Aneka looked between them. ‘You discussed this last night after Ella dragged me off.’

  ‘Team decision,’ Drake supplied. ‘Ultimately they needed my permission since I’m in charge of safety on the ship. Bash and Monkey will be armed, just in case there is a problem.’

  ‘We would be anyway,’ Bashford said, softening the statement. ‘You never know what you’ll find on a ship like this.’

  Aneka nodded. ‘At least you won’t need to teach me how to use a vacuum suit.’

  ‘We will. You’re safe enough in a decompression accident, but we don’t think you’ll handle exposure to the environment out there for very long.’

  ‘The temperature outside is close to Absolute Zero,’ Monkey put in.

  ‘And you need to breathe,’ Ella added.

  A window appeared in Aneka’s vision field. Current oxygen reserve under
normal conditions: 2:40 hours. ‘I need to breathe most of the time,’ Aneka said.


  The suit felt as tight as it looked and the helmet, a compact model with oxygen tanks and carbon dioxide scrubbers built in, was sort of claustrophobic. They had fabricated both specifically for her and she had been a little surprised at how easy it was to operate the equipment. The suit had been very easy to get into; it had not been close-fitting until she had sealed it, then it had tightened instantly, closing around her body to press firmly against her skin. The seal was some miraculous technology called setaestrip, a nanotech version of Velcro, as far as she could tell, but giving a seal so tight air did not escape. The same material, she now realised, closed her leotard. The helmet had locked on with a similar seal, and now she was standing in the Garnet Hyde’s airlock as the air was pumped out.

  Bashford, Monkey, and Ella were in the airlock with her. The EVA suits were as form-fitting as the ship-suits, but opaque, made from some form of close-weave ballistic cloth which covered over the ship-suit, providing additional support and protection. Basically, the suits were tight enough to maintain pressure on the body without having to hold an atmosphere of air. The helmets and gloves, and a backpack environmental system, completed the outfit, providing flexible vacuum protection, and also a fair degree of resilience to damage from other sources. Bashford had told Aneka that the suits could handle light weapons fire. Aneka could have wished for body armour that good in Iraq.

  The outer door opened and the team proceeded across to the derelict. The temporary air lock on the far side was still in place, but mainly to ensure nothing escaped from the ship by accident. There was also a high-tensile line strung between the two ships, and this was what they used to cross the gap. Bashford took the lead with Aneka behind him.


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