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Wild Irish: Wild Rush (KW)

Page 9

by Rhian Cahill

“Maybe.” Caitlyn pushed to her toes. “Oh, there’s Ailis, she’ll know what to do. Gotta go. Catch you later.”

  Her friend disappeared into the crush and Reena headed back to Sunday’s Side. It was getting late but things didn’t appear to be slowing down. If anything, it was busier than when she’d first arrived. That was five hours ago. She was ready to go home. Climb into her bed with Rush.

  She needed the reassurance of his arms around her, holding her tight, to prove he hadn’t left yet. Her eyes stung and she blinked several times, swallowed down the emotion clogging her throat.

  “There you are.” Arms slipped around her waist from behind, Rush’s warmth and unique mountain scent surrounding her. “I’ve been looking for you. Needed a cuddle to get me through the next hour.”

  Reena smiled. Even in the face of all her sadness, Rush made her smile. “Better?”

  “No. How much longer?” He turned her in his arms and bent his mouth to her ear. “I want to get you alone so I can strip you naked and kiss you all over.”

  “Rush.” Reena glanced around to be sure no one overheard him.

  “Guess I’ll have to be satisfied with this for now.” He nibbled at her ear, making her giggle. “That’s better. I don’t like that frowny face you’ve got going on tonight.”

  She sighed and leaned into him. “I’m missing you already and you haven’t gone yet.”

  “We’ll make it work, Reena.” He squeezed her tight. “I promise you.”

  With everything that she was, she wanted to believe him. Except she thought the distance and time apart would work against them. Establishing a new relationship had enough hurdles without throwing in living in different states and only being together a few days a month.

  “I’ll quit my job if I have to.” Gripping her shoulders, Rush held her at arm’s length. “I’ve got some money put away. And I’m positive I could get a job easy enough.”

  “You can’t quit your job. You’ve worked at the lodge for fifteen years.” He couldn’t be serious. It had to be a line he was throwing out there. They’d barely known each other a month and he wanted to toss his life away as though all those years didn’t matter? “No. You can’t quit your job.”

  “It’s just a job. I can get another one. You’re more important. There’s nothing holding me in in the mountains. I don’t have family there. Or a house.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “No. We’ll work it out without you quitting.”

  “Reena. A little help here,” Felicity called out behind her.

  “Go. We’ll talk later.” Rush nudged her into motion. She wanted to argue but they were still slammed and it wasn’t fair for her to let Felicity or the Collinses down.

  Reluctantly she went back to work. She ended up doing an extra hour before Mrs. Wallace shooed her out the door in spite of the still-packed pub and restaurant. Meeting Rush at the door, she took his hand and they started the walk home in silence.

  Reena didn’t mind the quiet. There was nothing either of them could say to ease their minds, and right now, she was content to enjoy a late-night walk with her hand in his. There’d been plenty of nights where she’d done this trip alone and would be plenty to come in the future. For now, she’d make the most of having Rush with her.

  They didn’t speak when they reached her house. Not a word was uttered as they went inside and headed for the bedroom. And when they stripped out of their clothes and climbed into bed, it was to the sound of their pounding hearts and their swallow breaths.

  No words were needed to express what they were feeling. Coming together, they slid slowly into the passion they’d built over the week. When climax came, it was hot and sweet and unlike anything they’d done before.

  Safe in Rush’s arms, his heart beating beneath her ear, Reena lay draped across his chest and let sleep take her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Reena raced out of the staffroom and almost crashed into Caitlyn.

  “Whoa. Where’s the fire?” her friend asked.

  “I’m finished.”

  “Finished setting the staffroom on fire?”

  Reena laughed. “No. Finished work. I’m heading home.”

  “Ah, that explains the rush.” Caitlyn chuckled. “Rushing home to Rush.”

  “Funny. But yes. He’s cooking dinner.” She grinned. “I don’t want to be late.”

  “Don’t let me hold you up then.” Caitlyn held out her arm, signaling she should go first.

  “Thanks.” Reena moved past then stopped. “Oh, I wanted to thank you for last week and say how wonderful it is to have you for a friend. You changed my life when you came into it and I’ll be forever grateful.”

  Caitlyn smiled and waved her off. “It goes both ways. Now get. You’ve got a hot man waiting for you.”

  Reena grinned. Yes, she did. She had a very hot man at her house cooking her dinner. “Catch you later.”

  She waved over her shoulder as she powerwalked out of the back of Sunday’s. Nodding and waving at a few regulars and Mrs. Wallace, she was on the street and dashing home a minute later.

  Rush hadn’t told her what he’d planned, only that he’d be making them dinner tonight and needed the afternoon to get things ready. It must be some meal. Reena couldn’t wait to see what he’d prepared.

  She’d had most of the day to think about their situation—her feelings—without his eyes tracking her around the room. He’d decided to stay home instead of accompanying her to work and while she’d missed him terribly, she’d been able to think.

  Two things had become clear.

  One—she wanted to keep seeing him.

  And two—she was ninety-nine percent certain she was falling for him.

  Falling so far that she was willing to try this long-distance thing. She’d already spoken to Ewan Collins about matching her shifts to Rush’s so that she could see him every second weekend. She wanted to tell Rush her plan at dinner tonight but expected she’d be blurting it out the second she got through the front door. She was so excited she doubted she’d be able to hold it in any longer than that.

  God, she’d been tempted to text him the news the minute she’d finished talking to her boss.

  By the time she hit her street, she was running. And laughing.

  “Hey, I hope all that happiness is for me.”

  Reena skidded to a stop and turned to see Rush standing on Mrs. Abbott’s porch. “What are you doing there? I thought you were cooking us dinner.”

  “I am. Just returning something I borrowed earlier.” He came down the steps and walked toward her. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “Yes but—”

  He cut her words off with a kiss.

  She was pretty sure they would have stood on the street making out for hours if his phone hadn’t started ringing.

  He pulled back and held her face in his hands. “I missed you today.”

  Smiling, she said, “Me too. You. I missed you.”

  “I knew what you meant. Come on. I need to check on dinner.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and silenced the alarm before shoving it away again. “How was your day?”

  “Good. Oh! I spoke to my boss. He said if you can give me your schedule two weeks in advance, he can work my shifts around you so we can definitely get together every other week.”

  “What?” Rush stopped walking and stared at her.

  Was he not happy she’d worked out how they could still see each other? “I thought…”

  With a yank, he pulled her into his arms. “God. God!”

  Reena wrapped her arms around his neck. “So… That’s a good ‘god,’ right?”

  “Yes. Jesus, yes.” He leaned back. “Fuck, woman, you cut me off at the knees.”

  She frowned. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “Oh, it’s good. Very, very good.”

  Smiling again, Reena rose to her toes and pressed her mouth to his. “You promised.”

  “I did. And I meant it. Now give me another kiss then I really ne
ed to check on dinner.”

  Their lips met and, in spite of his need to check dinner, Rush kissed her and kissed her. She loved his kisses. Felt them all the way to her toes and everywhere else too. When he finally let her go, she was breathing hard and a teensy bit dizzy.

  “Wow.” She blinked up at him. “That was some kiss.”

  “There’s more where that came from.” His phone went off again. “But not until after dinner. I’ve got this whole seduction scene ready to roll and you’re not going to distract me from it any longer.”

  He grabbed her hand and tugged her towards her place. “You’re planning to seduce me? Sounds interesting.”

  “Woman, I plan to pleasure you so much you turn into a puddle of satisfaction and agree to anything I suggest.” He grinned at her over his shoulder as he led her into the house. “It’s my plan to not only have my wicked way with you, but make it impossible for you to let me go without agreeing to see me again.”

  “Well, the second part of the plan is already accomplished. You should put one hundred percent of your effort into the first part.”

  “Right you are.” Rush lifted her bag from her shoulder and placed it on the foyer table. He dropped to his knees before her and said, “Up,” as he grabbed the heel of her foot.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Pampering you. You’ve had a long day on your feet, so I’m taking your shoes off then I’m pointing you to the bathroom, where I will run you a relaxing bubble bath. Once you’re settled beneath those warm bubbles, I’ll bring you a glass of wine and give you a foot massage.” He raised his eyes to meet hers. “That’s for starters.”

  “Is this the seduction thing? Because if so, I’m all in.” Reena picked up her foot. “Hurry up.”

  He cocked an eyebrow but removed her shoe without comment then repeated the action with her other foot. Surging to his feet, he dropped a quick kiss on her mouth before turning her around and swatting her ass. “Get moving.”

  A shiver stole through her at the less than gentle love tap.

  Rush chuckled behind her. “We might have to do more exploring in that area.”

  If he’d meant it as a threat, it wasn’t one. Not even close to one. She wouldn’t have believed she’d respond to such a thing but when Rush got all commanding and dominant, she wanted to lay down and offer herself to him completely.


  “Oh my god. You didn’t need to seduce me with sex in the bath, all you had to do was feed me this.” Reena took another spoonful of the blueberry tart he’d made for dessert.

  “I’m going to assume it’s good.” Rush picked up his spoon, ready to sample his own piece.

  “Good? This is ambrosia,” she said around another mouthful.

  By the time he’d taken his second bite, she was lifting another slice out of the pan. Smiling, he leaned back in his chair and watched her.

  She slid spoonful after spoonful into her mouth. Every one was an exercise in restraint for him. She closed her mouth around each bite and closed her eyes, moaned and groaned and licked her lips to be sure she hadn’t missed a thing. It was a sensual display of indulgence and he was surprised his cock hadn’t burst through his pants.

  Sex in the bath hadn’t dulled his lust for her at all. But then, the bath had been just that. Sex. He’d wanted it to be erotic, passionately sensual, so she thought about nothing except the things he did to her body, the way he made her feel, the pleasure he could give her—would always give her. Wanted her replete with satisfaction when he kicked her over the edge and her climax released all that pent-up tension. He didn’t want that now.

  Now he wanted to make love. Slowly, with her beneath him looking up with desire-filled eyes. Not for the pleasure he could give her—for him. Desire for him.

  He wanted to spend the rest of the night worshiping every inch of her until she couldn’t do anything but love him.

  He’d been hovering on acknowledging what was in his heart for days. Today he’d opened himself up and taken a good hard look.

  He was in love with Sabreena Howe.

  His life wouldn’t be complete without her in it. He accepted it as the blessing it was and moved on to the next step.

  Seducing her into loving him.

  He didn’t think it would be hard. Thought they’d made a connection she couldn’t deny already. She wasn’t ready to hear the words from him. He knew that. It didn’t worry him that he couldn’t tell her yet. There’d be time for that. The rest of their lives.

  Pushing back his chair, he stood and held out a hand. “Come.”

  “Where are we going now?” She didn’t hesitate to take his hand. Left her third piece of tart half eaten to follow him out of the kitchen.

  “Part three of my seduction plan.”

  “Oo…there’s more?” She moved close.

  Her eagerness made him smile, made his heart thud harder, made all the doubts and concerns vanish from his mind, leaving only space for them. “There will always be more.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  So did he.

  Once in the bedroom, he positioned her beside the bed. “Don’t move.” He quickly made his way around, igniting the candles he’d set out earlier.

  “Oh,” she breathed. “This is lovely.”

  He walked back to her and gripped the hem of her shirt. “Arms up.”

  She obeyed, and he whipped the t-shirt over her head, dropped it on the floor behind him, drawing in a sharp breath at the beauty of her in the delicate peach bra. He only took a moment to admire the sexy underwear; he had other things he wanted to appreciate.

  “Now this.” With a quick snap, he unhooked the clasp at her back then encouraged the straps to slip from her shoulders with the brush of his fingers. The fine lace floated to the floor between their feet.

  God, she was gorgeous. He could stare at her for days and not get bored. He’d get horny, but never bored.

  “I can’t stop looking at you,” he murmured.

  “I like it when you look. I like it better when you touch though.” She chewed on her lip in a nervous action he found extremely erotic and irresistible.

  Bending forward, he brushed his lips on hers and whispered, “I want to make love to you.”

  Her eyelids fluttered, her gaze searching his. When she found whatever she looked for, a shy smile curved her lips against his. “I want that. I want everything with you.”

  Rush whispered a kiss over her cheek on his way to her ear. “Anything you want, Sabreena. Tell me and it’s yours.”

  She sucked in a breath, her head turning, her gaze finding his. “Rush.”

  “Shh…” He ran his fingers through her bangs, brushing them out of her eyes, off her face. “Let me love you.”

  He did it with his hands. With his mouth. He stroked and kissed and loved every inch of exposed skin from her head to her waist. When he slid his hands into the elastic of her shorts, she trembled. Lowering the material over her hips, Rush fell to his knees to start his worship all over again.

  By the time her quivering legs gave way, he’d stroked her to an orgasm that rolled over her as soft as a summer breeze.

  She gasped when he picked her up. Carefully, he laid her on the bed and kissed her, everything he felt for her bleeding into the soft caress of his mouth on hers. Hooded lids hung over dazed eyes and he could see her desire for him, sweet and lush, overflowing in gentle waves.

  Unable to wait any longer to be inside her, Rush shucked his clothes and joined her on the bed, making himself at home between her legs.

  Her arms came up to wrap around his neck, tugging him down to her. “Love me, Rush.”

  Their mouths fused as he joined their bodies in one thrust. He swallowed her gasp, his tongue plunging between her parted lips in the same steady rhythm as his cock surging into her slick heat.

  He kept his eyes open, kept them on hers, as he loved her with everything he was. He might not be able to say the words but he could show her with his body, open hi
s soul through his eyes.

  Rush gave himself completely, knowing she could reject him. He understood her enough to know he had to lay himself bare if he wanted her to trust him with her heart.

  Biting his tongue to keep from saying the words desperate to be heard, he picked up the pace and tilted his hips. She panted and shuddered, her pussy tightening around him as he drove them both toward the peak.

  Her climax took them both. It rose up and burst over her, dragging him under the wave of bliss with her. And when he’d spent the last of his seed inside her, he couldn’t stop himself from hoping her birth control failed.

  He knew it was the wrong thing to want, a manipulative way to forge a permanent connection. Except the thought of Reena carrying his child didn’t feel wrong, being with her forever felt right. More right than anything else in his life ever had.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Second Sunday in a row I’ve found you with that frowning face. What’s on your mind now?” Caitlyn squeezed into the booth opposite her.

  “Jeez. What is this? Sunday confessional?” Reena laughed but the sound came out rough, edged with hysteria.

  “Nothing better than confessing over a shot of Jameson,” Caitlyn said as Ailis put a bottle and two shot glasses on the table between them. “Thanks, Ailis.”

  They stayed quiet while Caitlyn poured and they downed the amber liquid. Reena winced. God that burned.

  Refilling their glasses, her friend waited her out. She’d always been able to do that. Get Reena to spill her secrets just by sitting quietly, ready to listen to whatever crisis had come into Reena’s life.

  Needing the courage, she knocked back the second shot and shuddered through the burn, settling when the warmth hit her belly. “He asked me to go with him.”


  “Yeah.” She nodded. “I said no.”

  “Why the hell would you do that? You’re in love with the guy.”

  Reena’s gaze snapped up, collided with the blue eyes of the woman who had been her lifeline through so much in spite of their age gap. In spite of the fact she’d started out as Reena’s babysitter, a teenager taking care of a scared, orphaned little girl barely surviving the loss of her parents.


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