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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 14

by Drew Sera

  Thursday, December 12th


  Anthony and I walked inside, and waiting for us in the perfect position was our girl. She smelled so good. I could tell that she had recently taken a shower because the vanilla scented shower gel and lotion surrounded her. The closer we got to her, the more intoxicating that vanilla stuff was to me. Anthony stood to her left and I to her right. I reached down to stroke her cheek and she instantly leaned her face into my hand. Anthony knelt down and ran his fingers over her breasts. I love the way she reacts to our touch.

  I could tell by looking in her eyes that she was glad we were home. She seems a little on edge. I thought maybe she might have had a bad dream during a nap or something, but given the trouble she had Tuesday, I took hold of her chin and held her still while I gazed in her eyes.

  “You okay, baby?” I put my other hand on her upper back and rubbed. Her back felt tight and tense and I searched her eyes some more.

  “I’m okay, Sir. You guys are home.”

  Anthony’s cell phone started ringing and he walked towards the den with it as he answered. It was someone from work in the finance department. I turned my attention back to Sydney and smiled at her. I took her upstairs with me and had her help me change into something more comfortable. Knowing how she reacted to Anthony and I when we came home, I knew she needed a little extra attention tonight. I kept her right by my side while I changed and touched her often in between pulling my clothes off and getting into clean lounge pants and a tee shirt. I went to her pajama drawer and pulled out a soft pair of pajama pants and a long sleeve tee shirt and helped her into them. I looked over her wrists again just as I did last night and the night before. Anthony and I discovered that Tuesday she had rubbed a small place on her wrist out of nervousness. Her wrists showed no further damage, so I was pleased.

  I led her over to one of the oversized chairs in our sitting area off the bedroom and pulled her down to sit on my lap. She cuddled right up to me and didn’t resist. I placed a few kisses on the top of her head and guided her head to rest against my chest. I fully understood that because of her past there would be good days and bad days and that there would be times where she just needed to be cuddled and held quietly. I thought right now was one of those times.

  I could hear Anthony downstairs on the phone trying to resolve a work issue from today. Sydney and I sat quietly together, and I rubbed on her arm and leg that wasn’t pressed against me. About fifteen minutes later Anthony came into the room and came right over to where Sydney and I were. He sat down on the ottoman and reached out to stroke her cheek. He and I really tried not bringing work home, but I know he had a bad day at work.

  “Sorry guys.” Anthony leaned over and kissed her forehead and went to change.

  Once he had changed, the three of us went downstairs for dinner. We ate dinner at home tonight because the next few days would be pretty busy for us, and I didn’t want Sydney to get run down. Tomorrow Anthony and I were picking up the necklace and collaring her. I couldn’t wait to see it on her neck.

  Anthony and I had done a little Christmas shopping this week at lunch for her. Mostly some new clothes. She needed those the most. She had only brought a sweater from her apartment and it wasn’t in very good condition. She was ours to spoil, care for, and provide for. We were going to take care of her emotional needs and see to it that she would never hunger for closeness or love again. We’d see to that.

  After dinner, Anthony went upstairs to work out for a while. His day at work was less than stellar, and he needed to get some aggression out of his system. While he did that, Sydney and I went to the great room and sat down. She handed me the remote control, but I tossed it to the side. Noise from the TV wasn’t what she needed right now. She needed my complete attention and love. When she looked questioningly at me, I simply shook my head and told her that I just wanted to sit quietly with her. I swear that I saw her eyes begin to water, and I pulled her close. I stretched out on my side on the chaise, and she stretched her body out beside mine on her back. Her head rested on the inside of my elbow, and I reached over her shoulder and placed my hand flat on her her chest. I could feel her heart pounding. My other hand found it’s way under her tee shirt to rest gently on her tummy. We stayed like that for a long while before I started talking.

  “Baby, when you’re out with Gina tomorrow I want you to find some warm pants and shoes for the cabin. It’ll probably be snowing and you’ll need the warm, waterproof shoes and pants.”

  “Yes, Sir. Where should I look for those?”

  I told her that the outdoor shopping mall they go to has a sporting goods store, and that they’d have them there.

  Sydney grew quiet again and rolled over. She looked worn out and had been holding her stomach for most of the evening while we had dinner and sat of the couch together. She was face down on the chaise as she often positions herself that way. Her hand was between herself and the cushions, which concerned me.

  “Is your stomach bothering you, baby?”

  Her blue eyes flicked up at me and she nodded. I scooted closer to cuddle her on the chaise but kept myself propped up on my left arm to rub on her back. I know it relaxes her.

  “Baby, are you nervous about anything? The Christmas parties?”

  Chances were likely that she was nervous about either of the parties and they were the culprits for the nervous tummy.

  “I don’t want to embarrass you and Anthony at the Christmas parties. I don’t want to do something wrong at either of them.”

  I kissed her shoulder and continued to rub on her back. I needed to talk to her about the work party. Even though Anthony and I are both involved with her, it’s not going to be possible for Anthony to be close with her.

  “For the Christmas party at work this Saturday, I’ll be your primary Dom. Anthony won’t be able to touch you much at that one, baby. Trust me though, it’ll drive him crazy. But it’s how it has to be for work. For the Irons party and auction, both Anthony and I will be able to touch you. We are free among the Iron’s members.”

  I wanted to relax her and get her mind off the details of the parties. She was worried about everything and she just needed to trust me that it would be okay.

  “Baby, tell me about your dress. What color is it?”

  “Mostly black, but it has some blue on it.”

  “Sounds sexy. Give me more details. How long is it?”

  “About knee length.”

  “Where is the blue at?”

  She rolled onto her back and gave me a playful smile.

  “No, Sir! I think I’ve given you enough info about the dress.”

  She was getting flirty and playful, and it calmed me down knowing that she was relaxing some. I pulled her body closer to me and kissed her.

  “Have I told you how wonderful you are, baby?”

  She smiled up at me and searched my eyes - waiting for a joke maybe or some insult. She’d wait forever for the other shoe to drop. It wasn’t going to happen. I bent and kissed her again, gathered her up in my arms and carried her upstairs.

  I could hear the weights clanging around in the workout room as I carried Sydney to our room. I knew he’d be finished soon. I set Sydney on the center of the bed and asked her if she wanted to tease Anthony a bit and make him feel good.

  Anthony had a rough day at work. Someone in the finance department fucked up a few numbers and Anthony spent most of the day correcting the issue. It put him in a bad mood. I knew he was in the other room working on the weights as a way to relieve that stress. I knew he didn’t want to bring it home with him and certainly not to our room, so he had been banging around in the gym all evening. He needed a little sunshine to lift his mood.

  “Anthony had a rough day at work, baby.”

  Sydney sat on the bed just how I told her to sit. She looked so fucking cute. I took a picture with my phone and sent it in a text to Anthony. I knew he had his phone in there.

  CE: Come get a little sunshine. It will li
ft your spirits.

  I deleted the naked picture from my phone after I sent it to Anthony and just had to wait a few moments before I heard the weights getting dropped back on the rack.


  Thursday, December 12th


  Fuck me! Colin sent me a dirty picture of our little kitten. She was naked on the bed, legs parted to give me a view of her bare pussy. I shut my eyes and shook work from my system and headed to our room.

  There she was, sitting there waiting for me. I glanced around the room but didn’t see Colin. I walked further into the bedroom and kept my eyes on hers.

  “Where did Master Colin go? Did he leave a sweetie like you all by your lonesome?” I raised my eyebrows at her.

  She laughed playfully and shook her head. Fuck. Her giggles made me hard instantly.

  “He’s outside on the balcony.”

  I smiled. He did this on purpose. He knew I had a fucked up day, and after he thought I worked off the aggression, he decided to give me some alone time with Sydney. I’d take it.

  “Would you like to come take a shower with me, sunshine?”

  She smiled and I carried her into the bathroom with me.

  “Ah, you’re getting me all sweaty, Sir.” She continued to giggle and tried to playfully get out from under my tickles. The sound of her laughter and her soft touch was the perfect thing for me.

  “Get our shower ready, sunshine.”

  I stripped down and felt the water to make sure it was good. I made a gentleman motion for her to walk into the shower first and then gave her instructions to wash me. I bent down so she could wash my hair. Her fingers massaged my scalp. She smelled good. That vanilla stuff cleared my mind of work shit and filled it with Sydney. She had washed me from head to toe and stood smiling at me, waiting for instructions. I stared into her eyes and saw devotion and her desire to make me happy. I hoped to hell she knew that she makes me happy. There was a naughty spark in her eyes as she gazed at me. I wanted to explore that a bit, but cautiously. She has had an emotional few days and with the parties coming up; I want her to relax. Could she handle me calling her “naughty?”

  “Come here, sunshine.” She came close and folded her hands together in front of her. “Sunshine, put your hands flat on the seat and bend over.”

  She batted her eyelashes at me playfully and did as I instructed. I was going to take her from behind and stick one of her shower toys in her.

  “Keep your hands on the seat. What do you say if you want me to stop?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  I entered her bare pussy from behind and gave her a few slow, deep thrusts. I lubed up a purple toy that had three bulbs in graduating size. I pushed one bulb in slowly and felt her body still and tighten. I rubbed my hand on her lower back to relax her. Soon she was ready for the next bulb and then the last one.

  She was full and I was about ready to come. I made it quick and let myself come. She started to spasm around me and as she started to come, I pulled the toy out and was greeted with a loud moan of pleasure. I wrapped my arms around her and held her while we came down. I kissed her cheek and sat down on the bench with her keeping her body pressed against mine.

  Movement caught my eye and I saw Colin standing in the doorway to the bathroom with a smirk on his face. He probably heard her from outside.

  “I had to come make sure our girl was still coherent,” he teased. He had heard her and came to check. I’ll be honest, if I heard her scream or moan, I’d go investigate too.

  We got out of the shower and she dried me off. It was sweet. I’ve never had anything like this before and I have become addicted to her. I needed this woman.

  When we got in bed, Sydney asked me if I wanted a back rub. I rolled onto my stomach and she sat her naked ass on my ass and began rubbing. Fuck, it felt wonderful. Colin climbed in bed and we started talking about the work Christmas party this Saturday, and he recited his speech for us. Sydney sounded nervous as we spoke about the party.

  Fuck the Christmas party, I was excited about tomorrow night. Colin and I have been keeping a lot of it under wraps, but we were both brimming with excitement. Colin got a call today from the jeweler confirming that the necklace would be ready tomorrow. We had vaguely talked with her about collars and I wasn’t certain if Sydney knew that we were planning on collaring her, but I knew without a doubt that it would mean a lot to her.

  “Want your front rubbed?” she asked and then quickly added to it, “I mean, your chest and arms.” She giggled that giggle that makes me think I might be in heaven.

  “I was going to say that I think you’ve already rubbed my front, sunshine.”

  I quickly rolled over and she sat over my waist. I could feel her butt cheeks on my balls. I wasn’t going to remain soft for very long. I let my eyes shut and allowed her to rub at will on my chest. Colin and I have always been open with her and encourage her to touch and explore our bodies as much as she wants. Given the sick fact that Sydney had been trapped by Howard since she was in college made Colin and I believe with certainty that Sydney has never really had at the opportunity to explore a man’s body at her own pace or without worrying about repercussions. So when her little hands start roaming, I get comfortable and let her do her thing. I think it will help give her confidence. Suddenly I felt her hands move lower down my abdomen. Her body shifted and then I felt her lips on my side. My scar. I opened my eyes to see her sad eyes.

  No, no sadness for my past. Especially from her. She’s had far more trauma than I have, and she didn’t need to live in my past. I tapped her chin with my hand gently, and she brought her eyes up to meet mine.

  “Say what’s on your mind, sunshine. No hiding anymore, remember? We are open and honest with one another.” I reached up and was rubbing on her cheek.

  Her hand continued to trace my scar and her eyes were studying it. I felt every bit of her gentle finger sliding around the scar. It nearly made me shudder but I pushed it away as best as I could.

  “How old were you?”

  “Seventeen. It was a long time ago, Sydney.”

  Her eyes moved to look at my abdomen and how tight my muscles were. She could easily see that I was tense and moved her hand to rub on my stomach.

  “How…how did it happen?”

  Fuck. We swore to be honest about everything and I made a deal with her recently that if she continued to talk with Chris and help Colin and I understand her past, that I’d share my past with her. We were at that sharing point now. I’d give her the truth but would spare her some of the gruesome details.

  “My step-dad cut me. He and his friend had been drinking and were messing around with my mom. I intervened. My step-dad and his friend were angry that I got in the way, and they held me down and cut me.” There it was out and she knew. The only people who needed to hear this story have heard it now. I felt relieved. “It was a long, long time ago.”

  She was still sitting on my waist, looking at my scar. Enough dwelling on me. I tickled her stomach lightly and saw my smile.

  “My turn, sunshine.”

  I picked her up and swung her off me, setting her flat on her back between Colin and I. Colin was propped up on his elbow now and was watching her. I kissed her lips and then let my eyes roam over her naked body looking for something that I was curious about and wanted the story behind. I let my finger trail from her nose down to a nasty scar that covered her hip area on her left side. It was about four inches in length and was a cut that was an open wound when Colin and I found her battered body.

  “This one, sunshine.” I kissed the wound and outlined it with my fingers very lightly. “Tell us about this one.”

  I looked up at her uneasy eyes. She had so much bottled up inside. Colin and I had time though to learn about each and every wound, and it was our intention to do so. It took her a minute but she finally found her voice.

  “Belt.” She barely got that out before clamping her mouth shut. A few moments pass
ed before she took a deep breath and continued. Brave little sub. “He’d have me on my hands and knees on the coffee table and would bring the belt down so hard and fast. He’d leave it at a length in his hand to where the buckle would curve around my side. It was always the same side. It never got the chance to heal and close up.”

  I had been staring at the wound as she spoke. When I looked up, I saw that Colin was wiping tears from her cheeks. I moved to take my spot on the other side of her and let my hand go back down to her wound.

  “Well sunshine, it will finally get the chance to heal now.” I bent and kissed her and thanked her for sharing with us. Colin and I don’t take anything she tells us for granted. She’s lived in terror for years and is starting to open up and tell us things. I commend her strength and trust in us.

  As I drifted off to sleep, Sydney had successfully made me forget about my shitty day at work, but all I could think about now was finding Howard and beating him until he’s an inch from death and then chaining him to a heater.


  Friday, December 13th


  I was really nervous about a lot of things. I was viewing the photos for the book of me and was afraid I’d be hideous in them. If I look horrible, I’m not going to give it to the guys. They’ve seen enough of my marks and wounds that I think they’d rather forget.

  Irons was also on my mind. At the beginning of the week, the guys talked to me about what I knew about collars and how I felt about them. It’d be huge to me, but I can’t get my hopes up for it to actually happen. I’d love it though and would work hard everyday to make them happy. It would make me so happy to wear their collar. Colin and Anthony. I’d be theirs officially and I’d be ecstatic over it, knowing that they want me. They’re unbelievably good to me. I love wearing the play collar in Irons but I hate when they take it off of me. I get emotional over it and am reminded that even though they say I’m theirs, I still haven’t earned a collar.


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