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Unspoken Heartaches: Prequel to the Limits of Love Series

Page 4

by Jade Royal

  “I was informed by the attorney that he had.” Stevie washed his face with his hands.

  “Then what happened?” Jamar asked.

  “According to the attorney, they weren’t the correct documents. When they called Brian in to sign, he decided that it was fate intervening and he withdrew his end of the partnership,” Stevie clarified.

  “How much does that make us short?” Jamar asked.

  “If we continue with our current plan, it makes us short a little less than fifty thousand,” Howard said.

  Jamar whistled. “I can’t get that kind of money. I’ve already invested more than I should have. We don’t even know how successful this is going to be.”

  “I know.” Howard seemed to grow older by the second as he pondered.

  Silence only emphasized the tension in the room. I quietly walked over to the table to see drafts of blue prints, contracts, and other documents. What was all of this?

  “Howard, what’s going on?” I asked.

  “Hey, love blossom. How was your night?” He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead. I leaned in closer and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I felt the tension there and I knew that whatever was happening was really bad.

  “It was great. I’m more worried about you, big brother. What’s all this?” I pulled back and looked at Howard, assessing his mood.

  “We’ve been working on trying to make an exclusive club back in Cincy. Brian Nightly was going to go in as a partner, but decided to back out. He took his money as well, leaving us short on the funds needed to make this happen. Since its private, we don’t want to involve the bank. It would leave us open to questions that we don’t want to answer.”

  “What kind of exclusive club?”

  “A fetish club,” Jamar answered.

  “Maybe if we rework some things, we can find ways to save money,” Stevie threw in.

  “$50,000 worth of reworking?” Howard asked. “I can see how much the restaurant has saved and add that.”

  “You’re using that collateral for the new club here,” Stevie interjected.

  “That can wait.”

  “No,” Stevie stated.

  “I’ll give it to you,” I offered.

  All three men looked at me in disbelief. I’m pretty sure that they’d forgotten I was in the room until I spoke again. The shock on their faces was priceless.

  “Love, how are you going to give it to me?” Howard asked.

  “I have money from when my parents …” My words were caught in my throat and the emotion couldn’t be denied. It was as if all my defensive walls were broken leaving me no barrier.

  Howard pulled me into his arms and I cried against his chest. I should have been bothered that I’d fallen apart in front of these three men. Embarrassed. But I wasn’t. Howard was my security blanket and big brother. Stevie was a trusted friend. And Jamar was trustworthy, too. I couldn’t have picked a safer place to fall apart.

  When I finally calmed, I tried to speak again. “You always look out for me. Please let me help you.”

  Howard kissed my forehead again. “I don’t know if I can take money from you, love.”

  “I’d be more offended if you didn’t. You can give it back to me later.”

  Howard laughed. “That’s not how this works. It’s an investment, a risk. If we fail, we lose everything.”

  “Jamar and Stevie believe in your idea. That has to mean something, right?” I searched his face but all I got was that dashing smile of his.

  “Yeah, I guess it does mean something. Investing makes you a partner, you understand that, right?”

  “Not really, but I’m positive you’ll make sure that I do,” I admitted.

  I wasn’t completely clueless, but I didn’t know many of the details.

  “We’ll sit down and talk about it over dinner. We can order food and the four of us can discuss what this will look like when it’s all finished. How does that sound?” Howard inquired.

  I frowned not liking that idea. “How about you guys go to the store and I’ll make dinner. I’m feeling creative. I’ll make whatever you guys want.”

  Jamar and Stevie chuckled behind me.

  “How can we turn down that kind of offer?” Howard asked.

  I winked and kissed his cheek. I headed into the kitchen and listened as they debated about what monstrosity of a meal I’d have to cook. As they talked, I grabbed a pen and pad to make a list of things I needed. I smiled as my mind drifted to my recent rendezvous with Jamar. I felt arms encircle me. It wasn’t a brotherly embrace, so I knew it had to be Jamar. I leaned my head back and rested it on his shoulder.

  “You alright?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir. Never better,” I assured him.

  As much as I missed my parents, the money would never replace them. I’d brought the flash drive with me that had all my account information, so I knew I could deliver the money. The amount that Howard needed was only a small fraction of what I’d been left. I hadn’t spent a dime of it up until this point and I probably wouldn’t after. Howard and his family paid for everything when my parents died. They’d handled the ceremony and even boxed up the house. The house was sold and that money was deposited in with the other funds.

  All this time that I was living with Howard, he’d paid for that too. He’d never asked me for a penny. I’d offered several times, but he wouldn’t hear of it. It was time to give back to him. His kind of generosity wasn’t something that you ignored. I loved him and his family. They were all that I had now. They’d taken me in a long time ago and family always took care of each other. It was time that Howard had someone to look out for him. He’d been the man of our family, taking on the burdens that went with it. It was time for some rewards.

  CH. 6


  Two years later …

  “Amy, what are you trying to get at?” I massaged the bridge of my nose to try to relax.

  “Master Howard, I think it would be beneficial to have a Christmas party.” Amy’s excitement was making my headache worse.

  “I don’t think kink and Christmas mesh well, pet.” Where was that fucking sub with my meds? I’d sent Sampson to bring me water and aspirin.

  “They do! Kinkster’s love role-playing. We can get the submissives to dress up as elves and reindeer.” Amy gasped. “Or like little kids and they can get lumps of coal for being naughty!”

  “I like that idea, Sis.”

  I turned around to see Sampson approaching with a bottle of pain medication and water. I groaned in annoyance. “What took you so long, boy?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. All I could find was extra strength, but Alisha said that they make you sleepy. She ran to her purse and got you something that isn’t as strong.”

  As much as I wanted to groan and growl about the situation, they were right. When Amy was finished talking to me, I still needed to drive home. The lower strength was best. I stretched my shoulders and arms trying to release the building stress, but it only made room to allow more knots to settle there.

  I took the pill bottle from Sampson’s hand and tapped three pills into my palm before giving it back and taking the water. Sampson moved behind the barstool I was sitting on and began to massage my shoulders. Again, I started to protes,t but he hit a good spot and I moaned.

  “You’re damned lucky that feels good, boy.” I spoke the words more so for me than him.

  “Yes, sir,” Sampson responded.

  “Amy, continue.” I waved in her direction, but I was too distracted by the muscles that were finally relaxing.

  “Baker’s would make sixty percent of the profit. The rest would go back into the club. I know it seems like a lot, but Sampson and I are willing to do the work. Alisha said that she’d join the committee and help out as well.”

  “Alisha? Committee?” I sighed. “Who said anything about a committee?”

  “I can’t make this happen without people to help me!” Amy’s raised voice provoked my eyebrow to question
her tone.

  “Eh … sorry, sir.” Amy lowered her eyes and sighed. “I just know this could be fun.”

  I pondered the ideas that she was presenting. I didn’t see the harm in any of it, but I didn’t want the added responsibility. With so many different things going on, I needed to focus on the things that were a priority. Baker’s, my restaurant would get sixty percent of the profit. That alone should have made me say yes. I’d probably use the other forty percent to purchase more equipment for the club anyway. Her plan seemed solid.

  “I’m never going to get these knots worked out if you don’t relax,” Sampson mumbled. I knew he wasn’t talking to me which made the situation amusing.

  “You’re pushing it, Sampson.”

  Sampson exhaled slowly. “I’d really like for you to relax to let the medication work.”

  “And I’d like for you and your sister not to be so pushy tonight. I’m not exactly in a mood to punish two willing submissives. Although, it is very tempting.”

  The shocked expression on Amy’s face was just as priceless as the frozen fingers on my shoulders. I think my point was made.

  “Amy, if you can get at least fifty people on board, I’ll let you throw the party.”

  “Really?” She shrieked and it was like salt poured into open wounds. I’d never un-hear that.

  “Keep it down, Amy.”

  She nodded. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry.”

  I laid my head on my arms which rested on the bar top for support. I closed my eyes and let Sampson work his magic.

  Cool hands stroked my arms and I moaned in enjoyment.

  “Master Howard, I need you to wake up.”

  The voice was angelic and sweet. I drifted back to sleep and away from the sound.

  “Master Howard, you need to lock up so that I can get you home.”

  Home? I jumped up and looked around to see the club completely empty and Alisha standing by my side. She was dressed and prepared to go home, no longer wearing her club attire. I wiped my eyes trying to get a better sense of time. How long had I been out?

  “What time is it?” I asked.

  Alisha looked at her cell phone and responded. “3:37 a.m. I tried to call Master Stevie, but his cell phone went straight to voicemail.”

  “He and Carmen are probably on their flight to Hawaii.” I sighed. “What was the reason that you were calling him?”

  “I’ve been trying to wake you for almost an hour. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  I groaned. I needed to take some time off. Between the club, restaurant, and other business ventures I was involved in, my time had grown limited. I averaged four hours of sleep a night and spent most of my day being cranky. If it wasn’t for Shelly making sure that my schedule ran smoothly, I didn’t know what I’d do.

  “Come here,” I commanded. My voice was still gruff and Alisha jumped.

  “Yes, sir.”

  Alisha moved closer and I pulled her close. She melted into my arms and sighed in content.

  “Thank you.” I kissed the top of her head and she nodded.

  “You’re welcome, sir.” Her hands massaged my arms and I settled into the moment.

  Alisha was under my protection and care. She was unattached but still needed the control regularly. A few of the submissives were under the protection of the club. It meant that they could play casually with anyone that they chose, but they needed to consult one of the club’s official Masters or Mistresses for permission. A lot of times, the submissive is newer to the BDSM lifestyle, or has dealt with trauma and feels that they need guidance from a trusted person. Alisha fell into the latter category.

  Alisha and I are also play partners. That shifts her to my responsibility. She still plays with others when she wants to. Eventually, I’ll help her find a dominant that she is comfortable with. The last two attempts were unsuccessful. They had unmatched needs that didn’t mesh. Until we find her someone, I’ll continue to watch over her.

  I tilted Alisha’s mouth up and teased her lips with mine. She gripped my arm but held still. I pulled her lips between mine and sucked on them gingerly. Alisha followed my lead the entire time. I lifted her, placing her on the bar top. Amused, I unzipped her jacket, slipping my fingers underneath her shirt to stroke the soft skin of her abdomen.

  I broke the kiss moving just out of reach of her lips. “Spend what’s left of the night with me.”

  The decision was hers. She didn’t have to, but I hoped that she would.

  “I can’t. I have to be somewhere in a few hours.” She looked down at her hands and then back at my face. “What about this evening?”

  “I have dinner at my sister’s house. It’ll have to wait.” I kissed her lips and pulled away. “Let me grab my things so that we can get going.”

  I headed toward my office and Alisha ran in front of me halting my tracks. I raised my eyebrow questioning her actions. With all the grace and poise of a trained submissive, Alisha kneeled in front of me. I hissed and took in a deep breath. She was glorious. There was nothing as breathtaking as she was now and she knew it. I had a weakness for submission in its rare and purest forms. Kneeling wasn’t something that should be taken lightly. It was a gift. Every inch of me was ready to receive her. The need to use her for each and every kinky thought running through my head was riding me hard.

  “Alisha …”

  “Master Howard, I’m yours if you’ll have me. I give to you the time that I have.”

  “You’ll be tired.”

  “I’ll call and get my friend to pick me up so that I won’t have to drive.”

  “I’ll drop you at her house,” I insisted.

  “Thank you.” Alisha glanced at me and I knew that she was just as affected.

  I put out my hand to her and she accepted it and rose from the floor. I pulled her into me and lifted her. Her legs wrapped around my waist at the same time that I took her lips. There wasn’t time to waste. I held onto her thighs and headed to my office. It was time to relieve some more tension from another area of my body.

  Alisha’s arms wrapped around my neck and she moved her pussy against me. I could feel the heat radiating from her and I growled in approval. Once inside my office, I slammed the door closed. I sat her on my desk and removed her shirt and bra. She stood and I removed her jeans and panties. I put her back on my desk and cleared the papers behind her with one swoop of my arm. I kissed down her body until I struck gold. She was wet and ready for more. One swipe of my tongue caused her to shiver and moan. I lifted my head and smiled teasingly.

  “Still ready for what I have in store?” I asked.

  “Please!” she pleaded.

  “Good girl,” I responded before I went back to the task at hand.

  Tasting Alisha was only one appetite that I satisfied that morning. I had no problems showing her how much I appreciated her submission. She had no issues with being the target of my affections. And that was exactly how we spent our time together.

  CH. 7


  “How many?” I asked in shock.

  “I have seventy-five people signed up and paid for,” Amy explained.

  Sampson, Amy, and Alisha sat across from me at my desk waiting for a reaction. I was more than shocked. We had 200 members and usually they were never in the club at the same time. How she managed to get seventy-five of them to sign up for the Christmas party in three days was beyond me.

  “Tell me you’re kidding?”

  “No, sir. I never play around about a party.”

  “How did you manage to get seventy-five people to agree AND pay?”

  “Well, we used our resources. We used the directory that we had and then we’re pretty close to a lot of the submissives in the club,” Sampson added.

  “We got some help from Mistress X with the people we didn’t know as well,” Alisha added, putting in her two cents.

  My party “committee” was more efficient than I ever thought they would be. I’d never underestimate the three of them
again. I sighed. We had plenty of space for people to party, so that wasn’t the issue. I was about to let several members of my restaurant into my fetish club. They wouldn’t know that I owned it, but the situation wasn’t something that I was taking lightly.

  “One hundred people is the cut off. Make sure that you get with Master Stevie to see if he wants to attend with his submissive,” I stated.

  “Master Stevie was first on the list to sign up,” Amy replied. The smile on her face told me exactly how much of a brat she was being right now.

  “Remind me later to find a very willing sadist to issue a punishment for you,” I spoke directly to Amy.

  “But!” she objected.

  “I’ll make sure to add to it for the refusal.” I waited for more protests.

  “Thank you, Master Howard,” Amy mumbled.

  The fiery blonde was a force to be reckoned with. I’m sure that once I told Master Marcus just how badly I needed her punished, he’d be more than willing to tend to the little sprite. And because it was Marcus, she’d love every moment of it. It was no secret that Amy had a huge crush on Marcus. It was common knowledge.

  “You’re very welcome,” I said while smiling. I glanced over at Sampson. “You’ll be helping Amy with the party?”

  “Yes. Alisha, Matheis, and Hope said that they’d help us, too. I wanted to ask, do we have more tables and chairs hidden somewhere?”

  “No. You’ll have to use some of the money to get some supplies. Amy, make sure you send a budget for me to approve. Decorations?”

  “They are being donated by the club members,” Alisha chimed in. She was proud of her addition to the conversation.

  I was also thrilled. Alisha was shy and reserved in a lot of ways. Her taking part in the committee would hopefully bring her out of her shell, even if just a little. Maybe this would be a good thing for everybody.

  “Aright. It seems as if you have it under control. Make sure to get me a menu so that I can get things set up for Baker’s to deliver.”

  “Yes, sir,” Amy stood beaming. “Anything else?”

  “No. I can see that you’re ecstatic to get going so I’ll let you guys get to it.”


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