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Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

Page 7

by Samantha Britt

“I’m fine.” Her voice croaked due to injured vocal cords. “Where am I?”

  The stranger hesitated. “Thane’s house. Do you know Thane?”

  She searched her muddled brain. “I met him last weekend,” Darcie replied. “I thought he was just visiting Brunswick?”

  “He is,” he replied.

  Something about his tone discouraged Darcie from asking anything else, but she couldn’t resist. “How do you know Thane?”

  “He is my brother.”

  “Really?” Darcie tried to remember her morning run a couple days ago. “I think I met his other brother, Lome.”


  Darcie turned back and did not miss the tightening of his jaw. “Last Sunday.”

  “I see.”

  Darcie closed her mouth. She didn’t know what was with the guy. One minute he rescued her and looked sincerely worried about her well-being, the next he was hard as stone.

  It might be better to keep quiet, Darcie told herself. She shifted slightly in his arms to watch as they moved past various objects in a seemingly unending hallway.

  Portrait after portrait hung on the wood-paneled walls, looking to span multiple generations of the same family. The clothing ranged from modern formal to Victorian style. They even passed an older looking image featuring a young woman wearing Grecian garb.

  It must be a costumed photo, Darcie acknowledged. Portraits from the time of Ancient Greece were practically non-existent.

  Darcie moved her eyes from the walls to the random items lining shelves and tables. She spotted a painted vase which looked pretty old, as well as small marble statues while the stranger kept moving them towards an unknown destination.

  Darcie contemplated asking him to slow down so she could better look at the objects, but she thought better of it. One quick glance told her he was still irritated from whatever upset him earlier.

  The click of heels against the floor sent a jolt of fear through Darcie. Unconsciously, she pressed closer to the stranger’s chest and closed her eyes. Her hand flew to her throat. The image of the woman and her attack flashed through her mind.

  “Hello?” The traumatic sound ceased as the new woman stopped her approach. “What is go-?”

  “Where are Thane and Lome?” The stranger cut off the woman’s question.

  “I’m not sure. Thane’s office, perhaps? Who is that?” The feminine voice drew closer, her shoes no longer causing loud clicks on the ground.

  Telling herself she had no reason to fear the newcomer, Darcie opened her eyes. The familiar stranger’s face was the first thing she saw. He raised an eyebrow at her odd reaction. She could only give him a sheepish look and a small shrug. She wasn’t about to explain that she was scared of stilettos.

  “Can you stand?” He asked.

  Feeling silly for not insisting she stand on her own earlier, Darcie nodded and worked to gain her balance once the man placed her on her own feet. She wobbled for a second, and the stranger held her elbow to steady her.

  “Thanks,” she told him as he removed his touch. Heat continued to spread through her arm in its absence.

  “Darcie?” The woman said her name, drawing both hers and the stranger’s attention. The fresh eyes scanned Darcie and the man behind her, analyzing them for some unspoken purpose.

  Darcie took the opportunity to examine her as well.

  The woman was tiny, barely five feet tall if Darcie had to guess. She was thin and dressed in a flowing sundress that reached the middle of her short calves. The outfit seemed a little out of place for winter, in Darcie’s opinion, but she couldn’t deny it looked very pretty. Light brown hair coiled into an elegant bun, further enhancing the girl’s appearance.

  As Darcie continued to observe her, she started to wonder at the girl’s age. She might dress with an older style, but the newcomer looked like she could still be in her teens.

  “Do I know you?” Darcie finally asked, wondering how people she never met could possibly know her name.

  “No,” the young woman replied kindly. “But Thane has told me about you.”

  “You know Thane?” Darcie wondered how her newly acquired acquaintance could be involved in the odd situations.

  “Bella,” the man behind Darcie interrupted before the young woman could reply. “I need to find Thane and Lome. Can you keep an eye on Darcie?”

  Darcie turned over her shoulder and frowned at the man. She didn’t want to be left with another stranger. At least he had proved himself to be trustworthy when he rescued her from the attack. Also, she resented the implication she needed to be watched like an infant.

  The man pointedly kept his gaze on the young woman he spoke to.

  “Of course,” the woman, Bella, responded. “We can take a tour of the house.”

  “No,” the man commanded, stopping Bella in her tracks. “No one else needs to see she is here. Take her to your private rooms. We will be there shortly.” The man turned and left without another word, clearly believing his order would be followed.

  “My rooms might not be as exciting as the whole house, but they are still nice,” Bella offered, drawing Darcie’s attention away from the retreating man.

  The petite girl stepped forward and extended a hand, “I am Bella.”

  At the risk of seeming rude, Darcie forced herself to shake the offered hand. “Darcie.”

  “Nice to meet you, Darcie,” Bella’s sentiment seemed genuine. “Thane has nothing but good things to say about you.” Bella gestured for Darcie to follow as she began walking down the winding hallways. Their pace was much slower, but Darcie found her interest no longer in the various artifacts placed in their surroundings.

  “How do you know Thane?”

  Bella’s lips turned into a happy smile. “I guess you could call him my husband. We’ve been together for what feels like forever.”

  “You’re married?” Darcie couldn’t hide her disbelief. “But you’re so young!”

  The woman released a charming chuckle. “I am older than I look.”

  Darcie thought back on Thane and the little she knew about him. Looking at Bella, Darcie knew Thane had to be years older than the young woman.

  To each their own, Darcie thought as she continued to follow the woman through various turns.

  “Almost there,” Bella informed her as they approached a wide staircase.

  Darcie awed at the intricate designs carved into the banister they ascended. Each detail was perfectly planned and placed in the dark wood. The care taken created a masterful work of art.

  “Pretty isn’t it?” Bella noticed Darcie’s infatuation.


  “It’s one of the better pieces of woodwork in the house. Des was very dedicated to his carpentry phase.”

  The name sounded familiar. Darcie tried to think where she heard it from when the memory hit her. The three women mentioned someone named Des in their conversation.

  Afraid of the connection between the attackers and the woman in front of her, Darcie halted her steps.

  Bella stopped and turned with curiosity. “Everything alright?”

  “Who is Des?”

  She looked confused. “You don’t know Des?”

  Darcie shook her head.

  For a moment, Bella looked like she was about to say something but thought better of it. “Forgive him. He often forgets his manners. Des is the name of the man you arrived with. He is Thane’s younger brother.”

  Surprised with the knowledge, Darcie could only nod. She never did ask her rescuer his name.

  Darcie resumed following Bella up the stairs, as a million questions swirled in her head.

  Didn’t the women in the restroom mention they were acting on Des’ behalf before attacking her? Why would Des save her from them if that were the case? Was she still in danger?

  Darcie remembered Des’ concern when he examined her in the restroom. She remembered how angry he seemed after examining the marks on her throat. His reaction was not one of someone who wis
hed her harm, despite his gruff behavior afterwards.

  Darcie convinced herself the rescuer was trustworthy. However, she would be sure to remain on guard and try to figure out what was going on as soon as possible.

  Bella stopped walking just outside of a heavy oak door. She pulled the iron handle and walked inside.

  Darcie paused at the threshold and held a hand out to the door. It looked oddly familiar.

  “This is my room,” Bella announced cheerfully. “Well, my personal room. My bedroom is attached to Thane’s suite.”

  Darcie turned and examined the space. It was massive. Wood décor continued to dominate, but there were feminine touches of fabric and knick-knacks which lessened the masculine touch the architecture created.

  Following the walls up, Darcie gaped at the intricate painting displayed on the high ceiling.

  During her travels with her father, Darcie was able to see the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican. The vibrant colors and professional artwork were well matched by the painting above her.

  “I chose this room specifically for the painting,” Bella revealed. “Is it not marvelous?”

  Darcie lowered her head and looked at the girl in front of her. “Where am I?”

  Bella tilted her head to the side. “We are at the home Thane, Des, and Lome share. Along with a few others who I am sure cannot wait to meet you.”

  Darcie shook her head. “No. I mean, where am I?” Darcie might have been gone for two years, but she knew there was no house like that one within 100 miles of Brunswick.

  Bella’s smile faltered. “Um…” The young woman twisted her hands. “I think that is a question left for the brothers.”

  “What is a question best left for the brothers?” A masculine voice entered the room.

  Darcie turned and watched as Thane and Lome walked in, but her eyes were drawn to the figure entering behind them.

  Des’ presence filled the large space. Darcie observed him and could easily tell her rescuer was angry. His posture was stiff and a frown marred his handsome face.

  Feeling silly for admiring his looks, she forced her eyes away and towards the other men.

  Darcie watched Bella’s smile grow when Thane approached and wrapped an arm around her small shoulders.

  Thane placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before turning his attention to Darcie. “Nice to see you again Darcie. Though, I wish it were under different circumstances.”

  Darcie swallowed the lump in her throat. “Where am I?” She repeated the question to the men apparently capable of answering it.

  “Well, it is actually quite a long story. We are in-”

  “No.” Des interrupted his brother, his fury rolling off him in waves.

  Thane stopped and turned to face Des. The two brothers engaged in an intense stare-down, a silent argument being exchanged.

  Finally, Thane broke the silence. “Des, be reasonable. From the information you shared, it is clear others know about her. She is at risk and deserves to know why.”

  “The only reason others know about her is because you and Lome drew attention to her with your little visit,” Des growled. “I told you she is not the one. It is your fault she is in danger.”

  “Please,” Lome joined the brothers’ debate. “We are not to blame for the attack. Evetta is an evil harlot who would do anything to keep you single.”

  “Evetta only believed Darcie was the one because you and Thane practically announced it to the world when you went to see her on Sunday.”

  The two brothers looked surprised. They did not expect him to know of their visit.

  Darcie suddenly regretted sharing the information.

  “Let’s not forget she was attacked before today,” Thane pointed out.

  “The men at the club were human,” Des shouted. “They had no association with any of us.”

  Darcie’s blood grew cold. Listening to the brothers’ words gave Darcie an odd feeling. The smell of tobacco and liquor assaulted her nose as a dark memory tickled the back of her mind.

  “Regardless, Darcie is in danger. She needs to know the truth.”

  Her heart beat increased as if she were running.

  “What truth?” Des questioned. “That she is the one? Guess what, that is not the truth. I would know.”

  “I can’t believe that, Des,” Bella’s soft voice interrupted the heated argument. Each brother stopped and looked at the petite girl with respect. “Just look at her eyes. I swear I’ve seen them before.”

  “You are only seeing what you want to see,” Des responded, but with a less harsh tone. “You all are. You want her to be the one, so you all believe her to be the one.”

  A sense of Déjà vu hit Darcie. She swore she heard those words before.

  “Perhaps the same goes for you,” Thane pointed out. “But in the opposite way.”

  Des opened his mouth to reply, but nothing came out. He had no comeback.

  A flash illuminated Darcie’s vision. She saw herself in the parking lot of the club, staring at the figures of three approaching men. She shuddered.

  “She can help us,” Bella murmured to the room, oblivious to the teenager’s reaction. “With all six of us together, no one could rise up against us.”

  Thane and Lome voiced their agreement.

  Des remained silent.

  Darcie’s head whirled as she tried to deduce the meaning behind multiple parts of the conversation. She could barely understand half of what they said.

  This has happened before.

  “Will someone tell me what is going on?” Darcie whispered, practically inaudible except to herself. Her entire body felt heavy.

  All four people looked at her.

  “Who are you?” She voiced the plaguing question. “Who are you really?”

  Everyone but Des kept their eyes on her. Darcie noticed him barely spare a glance before returning his attention to Thane.

  Thane’s expression was kind as he responded. “We are immortals, Darcie. And we believe you are one of us.”

  Chapter 10

  Darcie gaped at Thane like he’d grown horns. She must have misheard him. “What did you just say?” Her voice sounded distant. From the corner of her eye, Darcie caught the sympathetic look Bella directed her way.

  “We are immortals,” Thane repeated. “And you are one of us.”

  “She is not,” Des disagreed. He finally looked at Darcie. She feared what she must have looked like at that moment. “I am sorry you were dragged into this, but it was a mistake.”

  “Des–” Thane started but was cut off by his brother.

  “No. I will not allow you to lie to this girl. Her life is being tampered with for no purpose. She is not the one. It falls to you, Thane, to rectify this situation and ensure her safety.” With that, Des left the room, leaving behind a stunned group.

  “How can he not see she is the one?” Bella asked aloud. She smiled softly at Darcie. “I recognized you almost immediately.”

  “Me too,” Lome offered in comradery. “Des is just being stubborn.”

  “No,” Thane disagreed. “He honestly does not believe she is the one.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  Darcie had enough. Finding her voice, she cleared her throat. “Someone, please explain this to me before I lose it. What do you mean, immortal?” She knew the general definition of the word, but a part of her hoped Thane used it in a different context.

  He observed her for a moment before gesturing to the seating area of the room. “Maybe we should sit for this conversation,” he suggested. Bella and Lome agreed and immediately made themselves comfortable on separate chairs.

  Thane moved toward a stand-alone chair, leaving the room’s couch open for Darcie.

  Cautiously, she moved and sat on the edge of a cushion.

  “Better?” Thane asked.

  Darcie nodded. “So what do you mean when you say you are immortal?”

  The man sighed and ran a hand over his jawline. “I wish I handled t
his more delicately,” he admitted. “I’m afraid we are overwhelming you unnecessarily.”

  Darcie was tired of the apologies. “Just tell me. Not knowing what is happening is making it worse.”

  “Very well.” Thane leaned back in his seat and looked up in thought. “I suppose it is best to start with your question. We are immortal. Immortal, as in we do not die.” His gaze moved down to Darcie to gauge her reaction.

  She forced her face to appear unfazed. “You do not die?”

  Thane nodded. “Yes. Lome, Des, and I were created as we appear now. We do not grow old, and we do not die.”

  “We are not the only ones,” Lome added. “A number of us were created the same way, pretty much out of nowhere.”

  Growing up with a father whose life work was dedicated to ancient cultures, it was no surprise Darcie’s mind immediately traveled to the gods and goddesses of the ancient world. She looked at the three people in front of her. They looked completely normal.

  This has to be a dream.

  “Wait.” Darcie remembered Thane’s choice of words. “You only said you, Des, and Lome.” She turned hopeful eyes towards Bella. “You aren’t immortal.”

  The girl’s sympathetic expression remained. “I am immortal, but I was not born this way.”

  Disappointed and confused, Darcie leaned forward and rested her head in her hands. She willed herself to wake up from the nightmare that began in the grocery store bathroom.

  This can’t be real, she told herself. None of it made sense.

  Immortal gods?


  Darcie being immortal.


  She was an average girl from Maine. There was nothing extraordinary about her.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Bella addressed Darcie. “I know this might seem unreal,” she offered in a calm voice. “Trust me, I know exactly how you feel.”

  Still holding her head, Darcie shook it from side to side. “Doubt it.”

  Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

  “Can I tell her?” Bella asked one of the men in the room.

  “If you think it best, my love,” Thane answered.

  Fabric rustled and Darcie felt the cushion sink as Bella sat down beside her.


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