Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

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Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1) Page 15

by Samantha Britt

  “Aww!” Bella placed her hand over her heart. “You are so sweet.”

  “But back to business,” Bella opened the tin and displayed varying shades of blush. “What will it be?”

  Darcie turned to the side and glanced at herself in the vanity’s mirror. She looked sickeningly pale. Her nerves were getting the best of her.

  “Natural,” she told Bella. “I want to look like myself.” Now was not the time to try something different. She did not want to feel self-conscious about her appearance on top of everything else.

  Eshe nodded in approval. “Bella will highlight your features, but you will look like you.”

  Bella, on the other hand, frowned at the decision.

  “Is that okay?” Darcie asked her makeup artist.

  Bella released an exaggerated sigh. “Yes. I just wanted to play a little, that’s all.”

  As soon as the words were out, Bella put on a happy face. “Let’s get started. Close your eyes.”

  Darcie obliged and remained still while Bella covered her face with various textures and patterns.

  Eshe moved behind Darcie and, after a conversation regarding her hair, went to work on arranging the intricate style.

  “I’m surprised you guys don’t have people to do this for you,” Darcie commented, only moving her lips. She didn’t want to mess up their work.

  “We used to,” Bella revealed, sweeping a brush over Darcie’s cheekbones. “But we’ve had a lot of time to develop hobbies. It is fun to get ready for events by ourselves.”

  Eshe murmured her agreement.

  Not for the first time, Darcie wondered what it must be like to live forever.

  What skills would she choose to master given an unlimited amount of time? Darcie could see herself researching and studying various subjects. She already struggled with deciding on a major in college. Having an eternity would enable her to not have to choose. She could study everything!

  Almost instantly, Darcie could see how continually seeking an education might get old. She couldn’t help but suspect boredom would be a trying factor that came with immortality, no matter what diversion you chose to spend your time on.

  Do the brothers ever feel bored?

  Probably not. They were born into their never-ending life, after all.

  But what about the women beside her? Eshe and Bella each had a taste at a normal life. Did they ever feel the loss of their mortality? Darcie didn’t know if she would be happy living forever.


  Darcie opened her eyes and looked at Bella. “Can I move?” She asked Eshe. She could still feel slight pulls and prods against her skull.

  “Almost.” Eshe continued arranging Darcie’s hair. The teenager resisted the urge to fidget, eager to see the changes.

  “There.” Eshe placed one last bobby pin before lowering her hands. “Take a look.”

  Darcie turned to the side and faced the mirror. Her eyes widened as she took in her reflection.

  “Woah,” she breathed, unable to recognize the beauty in front of her.

  Darcie’s long, curly hair coiled perfectly at the crown of her head. Twisted tendrils fell down the sides of her face, gently framing her jawline. The up-do parted down the side, allowing a portion of hair to sweep across her forehead before it met back up into the intricate arrangement.

  As her eyes traveled across the image, Darcie noticed the subtle touches Bella added to her natural features. Her eyebrows formed a structured arch and were slightly darker from being filled in. Her blonde, curly lashes looked longer now that their pale ends were covered with brown mascara. The natural eye shadow brought out the flecks of green in Darcie’s royal blue eyes. The hollow of each cheek was accentuated by one sweep of peach plush, and her lips matched the pale color from the matte lipstick.

  “Do you like it?” Bella asked nervously.

  “I hardly recognize myself,” Darcie replied. “I love it.”

  Over her shoulder, Darcie watched both Eshe and Bella share a pleased glance.

  “Trust me,” Eshe offered. “Bella only highlighted some of your more distinct features. The girl in the mirror is still one hundred percent you.”

  Bella nodded. “You are lovely, Darcie.”

  The artificial blush did nothing to hide the natural color as it rose to her cheeks. “Don’t you both need to get ready?” Neither woman looked ready to attend the ball.

  Eshe and Bella nodded and both began applying their own makeup. Darcie relocated to one of the many chairs in Bella’s suite to get out of their way. She watched absentmindedly as both immortals took turns standing in front of the mirror. The pair also assisted each other when it came time to complete their hairstyles.

  The women worked together seamlessly. Often, Eshe or Bella would help the other without being asked. Centuries of practice would, no doubt, foster such efficiency.

  As Eshe put the final touches on her makeup, Darcie saw what Bella meant earlier. Eshe’s eyelids were covered with a dark blue eye shadow. The thick, black eye liner extended an inch from the corner of her tear duct. Darcie couldn’t help but compare her to the movie renditions of Cleopatra. The exotic makeup was very distinct.

  Bella continued to modify her appearance in the mirror while Eshe disappeared behind a screen. She emerged minutes later wearing a silk dress which loosely hugged her frame.

  “I love your dress,” Darcie told her as she continued to admire the ensemble. She really looked like the historic Egyptian princess. Darcie could only hope her dress looked as elegant.

  As if reading her mind, Eshe asked, “Would you like to change into your dress?”

  Ever since the fitting, Eshe finished the last alterations on Darcie’s ball gown in private. The teen was ready to see the final product.

  “Yes, please.”

  Eshe motioned for her to follow as they left Bella’s suite and walked a few doors down the carpeted hallway. The pair entered a room rich in mahogany and red decorations. Darcie could only assume they were in Eshe’s private suite.

  Her eyes roamed the unfamiliar space, taking in the distinct style of Eshe’s décor.

  Movement caught her attention as Eshe moved to her left. Darcie watched her pull down a deep green dress from a hook on the wall.

  Darcie couldn’t believe what she saw.

  The dress was gorgeous. The metal needles from the fitting were replaced with small, ivory beads. Their delicate color created a magnificent contrast with the rich, green fabric. The boning in the bodice was visible and would give her a flattering silhouette.

  Eshe’s creation was the epitome of a ball gown.

  “Do you like it?” Eshe asked, holding the dress out for inspection.

  Darcie moved forward and lightly brushed her hand against the soft satin. “It is wonderful. I love it.”

  Eshe smiled. “Come, let us put it on.”

  Darcie followed the seamstress’ instructions as she changed, careful to not damage the elegant creation. She stepped into a white petticoat and stood stiff as Eshe laced up the back of the corset.

  At first, Darcie tried to argue the restrictive body wear. She could hardly breathe in the contraption when she wore it during the second dress fitting.

  Despite Darcie’s best attempts, Eshe would not budge. She insisted the ball gown was designed so that Darcie would need the support of the specific undergarments. Bella sided with Eshe, effectively undercutting Darcie’s argument.

  Now, as Eshe slipped the gown over her head, she could feel the heaviness of the gown. Darcie realized her normal bra would never have supported the dress’ weight.

  “Hold still,” Eshe instructed as she began tightening the ribbons at the back of the bodice. Darcie resisted the urge to turn and observe herself in the nearest mirror.

  The following minutes felt like an eternity as Darcie watched the seconds tick by on the wall clock.

  “Okay,” Eshe lowered her hands from the dress and stepped back. “Turn around.”

  Darcie o
bliged and watched as Eshe’s eyes brightened, nodding in approval.

  “Can I look?” Darcie asked, itching for a glimpse.

  Eshe laughed and walked to the other end of the room. She pulled a thin blanket off an object and revealed a long mirror.

  Darcie quickly positioned herself in front of it and dropped the edges of the dress. Her breath caught in her throat.

  If Darcie didn’t recognize herself after Bella’s makeup, she certainly could not identify the ethereal beauty looking back at her.

  Her eyes trailed over the stranger’s body. The flattering dress fit the girl perfectly. The bodice gave the illusion of feminine curves, while the wide skirt added an element of regality and grace. The smooth fabric was covered with a lace overlay on the skirt, and Darcie thought the addition exquisite.

  “Do you like it?”

  Darcie’s eyes met Eshe’s through the reflection. “Oh, Eshe,” she gushed. “It is perfect! Thank you so much.”

  “You are welcome.” Eshe reached out and touched Darcie’s head. She tamed a stray hair.

  “You should return to your room,” Eshe stated. “Des will be by shortly to escort you down.”

  The reality of the situation returned. Darcie took a steadying breath. “Alright. Will I see you later?”

  Eshe smiled softly. “Of course,” she reassured. “Don’t worry. Everything will be alright.”

  The teenager lifted up a silent plea that the immortal beauty was right.

  Chapter 20

  Darcie stared out into the night as she waited for Des to arrive. She held a hand gently against her stomach and willed the butterflies to stop their movement.

  Looking out her open window, she counted the stars and wished she paid more attention to her father’s astronomy lessons. Her mind would have loved the distraction of naming the constellations.

  What was her father doing at that moment?

  Was he missing his only daughter? Did he wish whatever lie the brothers’ spun in his mind was soon to be over so she might return home?

  It struck Darcie that she never spent more than a couple of days away from the man who raised her. Whenever he went on extended trips, John Abernathy always insisted his daughter accompany him. Homesickness threatened to ruin Bella’s careful eye makeup.

  Des’ firm knock resounded against the oak door.

  Darcie faced the entrance, running her hands down the front of her ball gown to smooth the puffy material. “Come in.”

  She watched the knob turn and quickly dabbed the corners of her eye to erase the evidence of her sorrow.

  Des appeared, and he looked amazing in the expensive tuxedo, its fitted form showcasing the muscular body beneath. Darcie’s earlier emotion was replaced with awe as she watched him move into the room. Not a single hair moved despite the strong breeze coming through the window.

  There was no question about it, Des belonged on a magazine cover. His looks, his demeanor, all of him was perfection.

  Without warning, Des stopped in his tracks.

  For a moment, Darcie panicked. There was no way he could have known what she was thinking. Right?

  Des’ green eyes assessed Darcie where she stood. They moved up and down her dress. She watched as his mouth opened ever so slightly.

  A large gust moved through the room and slammed the room’s door shut, causing Darcie to jump at the loud sound.

  Feeling awkward, she clasped her hands in front of her. “You look nice,” she offered when Des remained quiet.

  The silence remained. Darcie moved her weight between feet.


  Is he really not going to say anything?

  The sound of his name snapped him out of the stupor. Des turned his attention to her face, making eye contact.

  “Forgive me,” he apologized and continued his approach.

  When he was no more than two feet away, Des stopped again. He gave her an award winning grin. “You look great.”


  Darcie couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed with his word choice. “I’ll pass your compliments on to Bella and Eshe.”

  “Please do.”

  For a moment, Des looked lost again. His attention returned to Darcie and he continued to take in her appearance. His gaze was so intense, Darcie swore she could feel it brush against her skin. Her body shivered involuntarily.

  Mistaking her reaction, Des’ expression turned to one of concern. “Are you warm enough?” He made a pointed look at her bare shoulders.

  Eshe’s elegant creation was strapless with a sweetheart neckline, but it was still modest. Darcie didn’t have the curvy figure to make the neckline scandalous.

  Darcie nodded and offered a reassuring smile. “Yes. There are enough layers under here to keep me warm in Alaska.” She fluffed out her skirt in demonstration.

  Des laughed. Darcie thought it sounded musical. “Please tell me you are at least wearing sensible shoes?”

  She poked out a foot to show the beige, ballet flats. “I can dance all night in these things.”

  “Good,” Des said in approval.

  There was a lull in the conversation. Before it could turn awkward, Des held out his arm for Darcie to take. “Shall we?”

  She slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow and tried to mask her nerves. “We shall.”

  Darcie and Des stood at the top of the stairs, just around the corner, leading down to the main entrance. No one had seen her yet, but just knowing people were anticipating her arrival was enough to almost send her into a panic attack.

  Her show of bravery hadn’t lasted long.

  “I can’t do this,” she whispered. Her heart threatened to beat itself into a heart attack.

  “That is okay,” Des assured her. “You do not have to do anything. We can think of something else. You do not need to go through with our plan.”

  Darcie shook her head. “That’s not what I mean. I don’t think I can be in a room full of immortal beings. This is too strange. Why am I just now realizing that this whole thing is bizarre? I don’t belong here.”

  Des opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by the sound of someone calling out their names. They both turned and watched Thane and his wife approach.

  “Des. Darcie.” Thane’s voice boomed as he appeared behind them.

  Bella smiled, her eyes sparkling in the light. She looked Darcie up and down before nodding. “You look wonderful.”

  “Are you alright?” She asked, quickly noticing Darcie’s stressed expression.

  Darcie’s voice stuck in her throat.

  “She’s fine,” Des responded for her. “Just a little nervous.”

  “Now, now,” Thane said with a soothing tone. “There is nothing to be nervous about. We have taken all necessary precautions. The threats against you were determined to be hoaxes.”

  “Threats?” Darcie squeaked. She didn’t hear anything about any threats. Her head swiveled between the three immortals, trying to figure out if one would offer an explanation.

  Bella and Des did not meet her eyes. Instead, both gave Thane an incredulous stare.

  “My Darling,” Bella gave Thane’s arm a squeeze. “Do not frighten Darcie.”

  “I am not.” Thane appeared confused. “I just assured Darcie she was not in any danger.”

  “What threats?” Darcie finally managed to ask. There was no way she would let the immortals leave without telling her what Thane meant.

  The leader of the brothers gave an exasperated sigh. “There are no threats. No realistic ones, anyway.”

  “Regardless,” Darcie’s tone turned to ice, tired of the evasiveness. “Tell me about them.”

  She was surprised when it was Des who offered the explanation.

  “Some of the Original Nine we believe to be loyal to us have reported findings made by lesser deities in their households,” he began while meeting her eyes.

  She appreciated the directness. “What kind of findings?”

  “Increased r
umors regarding an uprising against us.” His lips turned down with his next statement. “Many of the rumors cite your demise as the official declaration of their rebellion.”

  “They want to kill me?” Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears. She looked down, observing the dress she wore. Darcie never wore anything of its quality. Bella and Eshe made her look like them… they dressed and pampered her like they would Des’ mate.

  Her fearful gaze returned to meet Des’ steady one. “They still think I am her?”

  She could see the regret as he gave a soft nod. “They do… for now.”

  Although he couldn’t say it in their present company, Darcie knew what Des meant.

  If the plan he presented to her worked, if Darcie could successfully convince the visiting immortals she wasn’t the One, she would be able to go home.

  But could she do it?

  Darcie recalled the enthusiasm and fervor Des displayed when first informing her of his idea.

  At first, she jumped on board, eager for any chance to help her return to Maine. But that was before Des shared the nitty, gritty, details.

  Darcie finished her second lesson with Eleni, and her limbs were shaking with exhaustion when Des found her to have the discussion.

  “What do you think?” The immortal questioned. He observed her carefully, gauging her response.

  Darcie’s mouth had fallen open immediately after he made the request.

  “You want me to kiss Adir? In front of everyone?”

  Des nodded. “Yes. But it doesn’t need to be in the middle of the ballroom. Just ensure enough immortals see the act so the scandal will spread.”

  Her ears were ringing. “I can’t do that,” she shook her head. “I can’t just walk up and kiss a total stranger.” She couldn’t bring herself to reveal that the kiss would be her first one ever. And to think, she thought she would only flirt with the guy…

  “Adir knows the plan,” Des revealed. “He will assist us by arranging a dance with you. Once it is complete, he will lead you to a semi-private space in order to kiss you.”

  “Why would Adir want to help us?” Wasn’t he the snarky immortal from the day she accidently walked into an important meeting. A meeting, as it turned out, about her existence. Darcie remembered Adir being particularly vocal about the brothers’ deception regarding her presence in their home.


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