Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

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Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1) Page 16

by Samantha Britt

  “He, like all of the other Nine, do not want my brothers and me to grow in power. That being said, Adir believes me when I say you are not the One. It took him some time, but he told me I have his support.”


  “In my desire to return you safely home.”

  “I don’t understand.” Darcie grew more and more confused as they continued the conversation. “Why would he change his mind?”

  Des gave her an approving smile. “I asked him the same question.”


  “And Adir revealed he did not believe you were the One. If you were, he is convinced I would have jumped at the chance to secure me and my brothers’ positions in relation to the Original Nine.”

  “Oh.” Darcie couldn’t find a flaw with the reasoning. “I guess that makes sense.”

  “I thought so too. So when he offered his assistance at securing your safe return home, I thanked him and made a note of it.”

  “Adir isn’t the one who suggested the kiss?”

  “No. That was me,” Des grinned, clearly proud of himself. “If the immortals see you kiss Adir and I do not react to the scandal, all the guests will begin to believe me when I say you are not the One. It is a brilliant plan.”

  Darcie tried to reason her nerves away. The plan made sense. What better way to show Des and Darcie were not having a secret romance than to have her romantically involved with someone else? Their conclusions would be logical and exactly what Des and Darcie wanted.

  So why was Darcie so hesitant?

  Darcie returned her attention to the present and tried to shake the memory and nerves from her mind.

  Once she was able to consider the proposal in more depth, she knew it was the best option she had to get home.

  Darcie could not wait to return to Maine and her normal life. She was eager to no longer be caught up in the dramatic immortal struggle for power. She could share an awkward first kiss with a complete stranger if it meant freedom. She could put on a brave face and trust the immortals around her would ensure her safety at the event.

  Darcie straightened her spine and returned her gaze to Des. He had as much riding on their plan as she did. Their future happiness depended on whether or not Darcie could convince the ball’s guests their ruse was real. She resolved herself to do everything in her power to pull it off.

  “Let’s go.” Her words surprised the small group around her. “We shouldn’t keep your guests waiting.”

  Chapter 21

  “You are doing great,” Lome spoke quietly as he turned Darcie in a complicated spin. “Just keep smiling.” Darcie appreciated his attempts at reassurance. She hoped no one else could see just how nervous she was.

  “I’ve been smiling so much my cheeks are twitching,” she returned through closed teeth. “I look like a spaz.”

  “You look marvelous,” Lome countered, forever the flirt. “No man can keep their eyes off of you.”

  “Ah hem,” Darcie pointedly threw her head in the direction of Thane and Bella. The couple danced, gazing into each other’s eyes as if there was no one else in the room.

  “Thane?” Lome asked, following her gaze. “He doesn’t count. My brother has been hopeless since the day he met that girl.”

  Darcie smiled and continued to observe the adorable couple out of the corner of her eye. They really were precious. She could only hope to have that kind of relationship one day.

  “I am being serious,” Lome said, referencing his previous statement. “You are the star of this show.” His head swiveled and Darcie followed his lead. She made eye contact with almost everyone in her direct line of sight. While most glanced away the moment their eyes met, some held her gaze until she turned away.

  Dark brown eyes snagged her attention. Darcie examined the Original immortal staring at her from across the room. Charmian did not attempt to hide her assessing gaze or her contemplative expression.

  The teenager’s mind quickly went through the information she knew regarding the immortal. Bella said she gained strength through nature. In honor of her source, Charmian wore a gown resembling the textures and colors one might find in a garden. The green skirt with blooms placed throughout was lovely.

  Lome skirted around another couple, removing the immortal from sight, but not before Darcie remembered Charmian’s other ability. Apparently, she was some sort of psychic. What did Bella call her? A clairvoyant? That fact alone, despite Charmian’s welcoming appearance, would keep Darcie far away from the immortal.

  Lome led her in another turn which ended with her facing his chest again. He raised an eyebrow, his lips turning up into a smirk. “See how they stare?” he asked, referencing his earlier comment.

  “They’re just curious,” she muttered while trying her best to keep the embarrassment from her face. She decided to avoid looking at anyone else.

  “That is true,” Lome allowed. “Everyone is curious about the young beauty who is the center of the controversy of the century.”

  His eyes grew serious before he added, “The beauty who my brother would be lucky to have.”

  Darcie thought Lome was joking. She opened her mouth to offer a sassy reply but stopped when she finally processed his sincere expression. Did Lome really mean what he said? It might have been one of the sweetest things she ever heard come out of the flirtatious immortal’s mouth.

  “Thank you,” Darcie gave the arm underneath her hand a slight squeeze.

  “I only speak the truth.”

  The pair finished their dance and Lome gave Darcie an elegant bow before leading her off the dance floor.

  “Should we go find that pesky brother of mine?” Lome’s eyes already scanned the room.

  It only took Darcie two seconds to find Des.

  “There he is.” She stood on her tiptoes and lightly held on to his arm for balance. She pointed in the direction of the balcony doors. “Over there.”

  Lome proceeded to escort Darcie across the room. They approached Des while he was in the middle of a conversation with a very pretty woman. The woman’s long blonde hair glowed in the candle light as she flirtatiously flicked it over her shoulder.

  Give me a break. Darcie rolled her eyes at the pathetic gesture. She was about to suggest they not bother Des when he looked over his shoulder and spotted them.

  “Lome. Darcie.” Des waved them over. “There you are.”

  “Yes.” Lome led the last few steps until they were standing in a small circle with Des and his friend. “Here we are.”

  “You remember Liana.” Des glanced at the pretty woman. She beamed and giggled under his attention. It took everything Darcie had in her to not frown.

  Judging by her otherworldly beauty and the general population attending the ball, Darcie knew Des’ companion was immortal. However, despite her advanced years on Earth, Liana’s behavior was just like Marie’s when she was trying to get a guy to notice her. So much for time leading to maturity.

  “Cannot say I do,” Lome replied, causing the smile to fall from Liana’s face. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Yes,” Liana recovered. “It is a pleasure.”

  “And of course you know of Darcie,” Lome turned to face Darcie as he spoke to Liana, slipping her hand out of his elbow and into his palm. “The highlight of this event and the newest charming addition to our household.”

  The reckless brother bowed at the waist and pressed a delicate kiss against her knuckles. Darcie watched the mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he completed the intentionally intimate gesture. Darcie maintained eye contact with him as he straightened his spine. The pair shared an amused gaze. Both knew how ridiculous his action was.

  Liana cleared her throat. “Indeed,” she tilted her head towards Darcie. “It is nice to make your acquaintance.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Darcie’s voice was bland. It was not overly friendly, but neither was it cold. She’d only known Lome for a short period of time, but Darcie knew he was not prone to being unkind. If he felt th
e need to be rude to Liana, the immortal female must be a piece of work.

  Liana’s eyes narrowed in response.

  Des seemed oblivious. “How are you enjoying the ball?” He asked Darcie, finally turning those deep green eyes toward her.

  “It’s nice.” She wasn’t lying. Despite her nervousness, she realized her time at the event was not unpleasant.

  “Yes,” Lome stepped in. “I have taken Darcie under my wing in light of your negligence.”

  Darcie’s jaw fell open. She looked at Des and saw that, he too, was surprised by his brother’s statement. The normally poised immortal did not know what to say.

  After their grand entrance, Des managed to extricate himself from her side almost immediately. The abandonment stung a bit, but was forgotten once Lome swooped in and proceeded to ensure she had an enjoyable time at the ball with its intimidating guests.

  “I’m afraid that may be my doing,” Liana’s smooth voice intruded. Darcie watched as she placed a delicate hand on Des’ arm. She batted her eyes at both men, ignoring Darcie completely. “I don’t know many immortals here tonight. Des was kind enough to keep me company.”

  The fake adoration on the woman’s face nearly made Darcie gag. She could see through that act a mile away.

  “Perhaps it is time Des directs his attention elsewhere,” Lome told the immortal. “Darcie is, after all, his date.”

  Darcie’s face turned red, mortified to be caught in the middle of the conversation.

  Liana’s expression cooled as she observed Darcie.

  “You are right, Lome,” Des surprised the group. “I have been neglectful.”

  “Darcie, would you like to dance?” Des’ sincerity showed in the set of his eyes.

  Incapable of processing speech, Darcie could only nod and accept Des’ outstretched hand. The pair left Lome and Liana standing behind them. No doubt, the beauty would feel put out after losing Des’ attention. The thought made Darcie grin.

  Thoughts of the individuals behind them quickly faded as Darcie took note of her new situation.

  While initially distracted, she couldn’t help but realize almost every single pair of eyes focused on Des and Darcie as they moved to the dance floor. The orchestra already played music for the dancers, but all couples ceased their movements to watch the pair advance towards them. Darcie’s heart pounded.

  “It’s alright,” Des murmured. He gently squeezed the hand on the inside of his arm. Darcie realized she was grasping his flesh with all her strength. Her fingers were white.

  She loosened her grip. “Why are they all staring?” The room’s attention went beyond the initial curiosity.

  “It will pass.” Des offered no other comfort.

  The crowd parted for them. Des lightly grabbed Darcie’s hand and spun her in a pretty circle before gathering her in his arms. Without missing a beat, Des picked up the movements of the dance and moved them gracefully across the dance floor. Darcie raised her eyebrows, impressed by her partner’s skill.

  He saw her expression and one corner of his lips lifted in response. “Did you think I could not dance?”

  She raised her shoulders. “Let’s just say you don’t really look the dancing type.” Not entirely true, but she enjoyed baiting him.

  Des showed off with another eloquent maneuver. She couldn’t keep the smile from her cheeks as he lowered her into a quick dip before quickly standing her back up.

  “Alright,” she chuckled, enjoying Des’ joking behavior. “Clearly, you are a very skilled dancer.”

  “Bella’s doing,” he provided, keeping time with the music. “She insisted the family keep up with modern dancing styles.”

  “It seems to me Bella runs the show around here.” Darcie wondered if the fact had something to do with her husband’s position.

  Des nodded. “My brothers and I learned early on it is easier to give in to Bella than argue.”

  Darcie could relate. She often had the same thought regarding her best friend, Marie.

  “How are you handling all of this?” Darcie questioned, her mind moving to more serious topics. She couldn’t help but think his joking nature was a cover.

  “I am alright.” He avoided meeting her gaze.

  “It seems too easy,” she said, feeling the need to share her thought. Moments before entering the ball, Darcie realized things were more serious than anyone led on. That being said, it seemed she was on guard for nothing. Other than curious looks and lingering stares, Darcie did not think anything of significance was going on behind the scenes.

  “Maybe the threats were empty?” She offered.

  She watched his cheek tighten. He wasn’t telling her something.

  “Out of everyone here, you are the only one being completely honest with me.” Darcie let her eyes pierce the side of his face.

  Feeling the intensity of the stare, Des finally turned back to her. His expression remained guarded.

  “Please,” she said, fighting to keep her voice down. “Don’t stop now.”

  Des continued to lead them in the dance. Both ignored everyone outside of their conversation. Darcie could feel the stares, but was too focused on her partner and his next words. She held her breath and waited for a response.

  “This is the way it always is,” Des stated.

  “The way what is?”

  “Disagreements within The Council,” Des referenced the top nine immortals. “Accusations and threats are made outside the group, but when we are reunited all involved act as if the issues do not exist. It makes resolutions much harder to arrange.”

  “In the beginning,” Des continued. “My brothers and I were hopeful. We all strived to guide The Council to work in complete collaboration. We believed it was a common goal. After millennia, it became clear we were wrong in our assumption.”

  Darcie had questions, but she refused to interrupt the immortal now that she finally got him to talk.

  “While we might be the strongest of the immortals, I cannot recall a time we used our power against the wishes of group. Understanding the motivation behind the discontent is frustrating to say the least.”

  Des paused and glided them past a slower couple. The immortal man lowered his head in Des’ direction as they passed.

  “While no attempt has breached the security Thane and I set up, our team tells us they have neutralized three viable threats.”

  Darcie’s pulse pounded in her ears. “Three?” her voice croaked. “Tonight?”

  He nodded. “I do not want you to worry. We have taken every precaution we could think of to ensure your safety, but I didn’t want to lie to you after your specific question.”

  “Thank you,” Darcie swallowed the lump in her throat. “I appreciate you telling me the truth.”

  Des gave the hand in his palm a gently squeeze. “Everything will be fine. Soon, we will put our plan into action, and you will be one step closer to returning home.”

  She let out a shaky breath. Without thinking, Darcie laid her head on Des’ broad shoulder. The weight she carried was just too much to bear at the moment. Resting on his strength while they moved to the beat of the music seemed to calm the turmoil within her. Des’ muscles were tense beneath her cheek. He had not seen her action coming, nor did he know how to react to it.

  After a few moments, Darcie felt the tension ease. Des continued to move them around the dance floor. Not wanting to see the immortals’ stares, Darcie closed her eyes and worked to maintain even breathing from her relaxed position, completely trusting Des would not let her fall.

  There was a light brushing sensation against her lower back. Darcie’s eyes opened, and she registered the feeling came from Des’ hand. It moved from her hip to the small of her back. His fingers trailed against the silk strands lacing the bodice of the gown together. The movement caused a subtle shiver to race up her spine.

  Darcie picked up her head and brushed a loose strand of hair away from her cheek. With hesitation, she slowly lifted her eyes to look at Des. Her sto
mach tightened.

  Des’ green eyes stared intently at Darcie. For the life of her, she could not read anything in his expression, but she knew there was something going on beneath the surface. His fingers continued to move across the ties across her back, eliciting a myriad of sensations throughout Darcie’s body.

  “You know…” Des began to speak but trailed off. His eyebrows furrowed slightly in the middle of his forehead.

  Darcie couldn’t resist. “What?” She prompted in a murmur. Her heart fluttered under his gaze.

  Des shook his head slightly, but his eyes continued to hold hers.

  Darcie’s shoulders lowered. She suspected whatever he was about to say passed. She lowered her chin and looked at the base of his throat.

  A gentle pressure was applied to her back, causing her to inch forward until there was barely a breath of space between their bodies. Surprised, Darcie glanced back up. She inhaled sharply as she took in the man before her.

  Des’ eyes smoldered as he held her practically pressed up against him.

  The body contact made Darcie’s skin feel like it was being licked by flames. The hand he held grew warm and clammy. She fought the urge to pull it away.

  “Des?” Her voice sounded husky.

  His eyes flashed brightly in response, causing the breath to hitch in Darcie’s chest.

  The pair ceased dancing in the middle of the dance floor and stood pressed against each other, staring into the other’s face.

  Days later, when she looked back on the memory, Darcie realized they must have made quite a scene in that moment.

  Anyone observing might have thought they were sharing a loving moment. After all, the event was intended to introduce Darcie to the immortal community. Almost everyone believed she was Des’ lifemate. Their behavior could easily be construed as verification.

  For the sake of their plan, Darcie was glad Des’ next words shook them out of their unusual state.


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