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Marrying Her Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Marriage Of Convenience Romance

Page 16

by Tiana Cole

  “Someone recorded Jessica and I on our honeymoon and leaked the video online,” I winced as anger surged through me.

  “I'm on it,” Stanley assured me. I nodded, though he couldn't see me.

  “I need you to get me the names of everyone involved. I have to know who leaked this,” I growled.

  “Shoot me over the website and I'll look into it,” Stanley replied calmly. “Could be expensive to find out who submitted the video, though.”

  “I don't care how much it costs. Just make it happen,” I snapped.

  “Consider it done.”

  “Thanks, Stanley,” I sighed. “I'm sorry, I'm just—”

  “No need to apologize,” he said with sincerity. “I'd be pissed too if I were you. I'll call you when I find something. Send me that URL.”

  We exchanged quick goodbyes and I texted him the address of the website the video was on. I'd have to put my legal prowess to work to stop the video from spreading, but knew it would be an uphill battle. Most of these celebrity smut sites were hosted on overseas servers, making it a nightmare to issue a subpoena.

  I could hire a hacker to bring the entire website down, but even that would likely be futile. I was smart enough to realize that as soon as a video this scandalous hit the net, it spread like wildfire and was nearly impossible to remove.

  I felt my anger and frustration mounting. Of course Jessica was going to blame me for this mess considering the stunt I pulled a few weeks earlier. The photos I leaked were nothing compared to this graphic video, however, and the consequences of it would be devastating. The career Jessica had worked so hard to build would be ruined, and my firm's solid reputation would be tarnished as well. When she came to her senses, I hoped Jessica would understand how badly I'd be hurting the both of us by releasing this video and realize that I had nothing to do with it.

  After taking several deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself, I heard the faint sound of running water and remembered that Jessica and I had left the bathtub's faucet on. I rushed upstairs to the bathroom and shut the water off before unplugging the drain. Thankfully the water hadn't spilled over onto the floor, and I regained my composure as I watched the almost hypnotizing effect of the water slowly draining.

  I couldn't go after Jessica without proof, so I was left to wait on Stanley. Despite my vast wealth, I was still completely helpless and at the mercy of my private investigator's talent. I got dressed and paced my penthouse, wondering who could have possibly planted the camera in our room. I was somewhat of a celebrity, but not high-profile enough to be targeted because of it. No, this felt somehow personal, and…

  Anna, the concierge at the resort. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. We'd split over a year ago, but by the look on her face when she saw me, she was clearly still pissed that I'd ended things with her. I grabbed my phone and hurriedly dialed Stanley Cooper.

  “Stanley, do me a favor and look into a woman named Anna Santos. She could be connected to the video.”

  “Will do,” he replied after making sure he'd jotted her name down correctly.

  When the call ended, I continued to pace around my penthouse. The more I thought about it, the more I knew it had to be her. I collapsed onto the bed with a groan and thought about Jessica. She'd left without her phone, and I wasn't sure of the best way to reach her.

  I could e-mail her through my firm's mail server, but I doubted she'd check that while she was off the clock. I could also ask Jeannie to keep an eye out for her, but didn't want to get her involved in this mess. I didn't do social media since I was far too busy for that, so contacting her through Facebook wasn't an option, either. I decided to wait a few hours and call the landline at her apartment, but when I did it went straight to her machine.

  “Jessica, I just need to know if you're safe. I think I have a lead on who's responsible for this. Please call me,” I practically begged. Her brother was still in town for a few more days, so I gave him a ring as well.

  “Bastian, how are you?” Jay answered cautiously. I wondered how much he knew, or if Jessica had even spoken to him yet.

  “I'm worried about Jessica. Have you heard from her?” I asked bluntly, opting to get straight to the point.

  “I just got off of the phone with her, actually,” Jay replied. “She sounded a bit stressed, but told me she was on the way to her apartment.” I rubbed my eyes and breathed a silent sigh of relief. “Can I ask you something, Bastian?” he continued hesitantly. I braced myself for whatever unkind words he might spew at me.

  “Of course,” I sighed, and there was a momentary pause on the other line.

  “Did you have anything to do with the leak?” he questioned. I took two deep breaths before answering him as calmly as I could.

  “I had nothing to do with it, Jay, I promise you that. I'm having my private investigator look into it as we speak. I wouldn't betray Jessica like that,” I said solemnly.

  “I believe you, but Jessica seems a bit more emotional than normal. Usually she's fairly level headed, but not when it comes to this…” Jay told me, his tone surprisingly understanding and compassionate. I'd expected him to chew my ear off, and greatly appreciated his kindness. “I'd just give her time. Let her cool down a bit. At least until you have a lead on whoever did this.”

  “Thank you, Jay,” I replied, feeling a bit more relaxed now that I'd spoken to him. “I actually have a lead already. My guy's following up on it.”

  I assured him I'd keep him posted, and we exchanged pleasant goodbyes. Jay had many reasons to let me have it, but he gave me the benefit of the doubt over his sister. It humbled me to think that he respected me that much already. I took yet another deep breath and sat down just as my phone rang. The caller ID informed me that it was Nick.

  “Bastian, please tell me you're doing something about this video,” was the first thing he said, and I pinched the bridge of my nose in a mixture of frustration and humiliation.

  “Of course I am,” I grumbled. “Stanley's looking into it and we'll go from there.”

  “Good, because this could be a disaster for the firm. How's Jessica taking it?” he asked, and I sighed for what felt like the millionth time.

  “She's…Well, she's pissed,” was all I could say. The last thing I wanted to do was explain to Nick how and why Jessica was blaming me for the debacle. “Look, I have to go. I'll talk to you about this more soon. I'm going to try issuing a subpoena to the server company and have the site shut down. I'll be in touch,” I told him and hung up. All that was left to do was wait, and I hated waiting.

  * * *

  I knocked on Jessica's door and anxiously waited for her answer. When two minutes passed by, I knocked again and kept knocking until she finally opened the door. She was wearing sweat pants, a light jacket, and her hair was pulled up into a bun.

  “You look beautiful,” I greeted with a nervous smile. She looked tired, and her eyes were slightly puffy as well.

  “What do you want?” she asked me with a roll of her eyes, her voice small, but her posture rigid. She hadn't stepped aside to let me in, and didn't look like she was about to anytime soon.

  “It was the concierge at the resort,” I blurted. “Remember? My ex-girlfriend? She's the one who had our room bugged,” I explained and handed her Stanley's report. “She was arrested an hour ago. I also managed to get the video removed from that site. I haven't been able to find it on any other sites, either. I think we're in the clear now,” I said, and her hands trembled slightly as she scanned the papers I'd given her.

  “It's only been a day and a half…how did you get all of this done so quickly?” she asked in disbelief.

  “I have reach, and certain people owed me favors,” I shrugged. She looked up at me with a fine sheen of tears in her eyes. “Jessica, what's wrong? Please talk to me,” I begged, and took a step towards her. She didn't flinch, so I took another step closer and pulled her into my arms. “Talk to me, please,” I pleaded as she clung to me tightly.

  “I'm s
orry I blamed you…” she murmured, breaking our embrace and motioning me inside. “I've just been a bit emotional, I guess…” she confided as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “There's nothing to be sorry for. I totally understand why you thought I was behind this,” I replied with earnest sympathy. “I'm forgiven, right?”

  “Of course you are,” she nodded with a sniffle. “You didn't do anything wrong,” she spoke softly and averted her gaze.

  “What is it, Jessica?” I asked in concern. “You look like you're holding something back…”

  “Well, um, uh…” she stammered, then took a deep breath. “Lately I've been really moody and nauseous…” she trailed off, still refusing to meet my stare. I gently moved her chin so she'd look in my eyes.

  “What are you trying to tell me?”

  She paused for a long moment, looking at me nervously, and I could tell she was trying to muster the courage to drop a bombshell.

  “I took a pregnancy test,” she finally sighed, her shoulders dropping noticeably.

  “You're…you're pregnant?” I asked her in stunned disbelief.

  “I took, like, three different ones and they all came back positive,” she whispered with a nod. I stood frozen, my jaw agape, but my shock was quickly replaced by awe.

  “You're pregnant?” I repeated. She looked at me with wariness and faint confusion. All I could imagine was a beautiful, curly-haired baby with Jessica's big, brown eyes. A wide grin stretched across my face, and Jessica seemed surprised by my expression. “We're having a baby!” I shouted, overwhelmed with joy. It took her a moment to realize that I was truly happy about it. She smiled slowly, then laughed a bit.

  “You're…excited about it?” she asked, still slightly incredulous.

  “Of course! How far along are you?” I burst in excitement. “Did you go to the doctor yet?”

  “It's Sunday, Bastian, my doctor's office is closed.”

  “For us it can be open,” I snorted with a smirk and reached for my phone. She put her hand on my arm to stop me.

  “It's alright. We can wait until tomorrow,” she replied.

  I took a deep breath and knelt in front of her, placing my hands on her belly delicately. I looked up at her and found her studying me closely. I couldn't read her gaze, and was unsure how she felt about the baby.

  “Aren't you happy about the baby?” I asked bluntly. She nodded and tried to smile, though it looked like she wanted to cry again.

  “I am. I always saw myself having one or two kids. It's just…the timing and our situation isn't exactly ideal, you know?” she answered, and sniffled again meekly.

  “No, Jessica,” I shook my head, “our situation is just fine. We're married, and we're more than okay financially. The baby will be loved and cared for,” I assured her.

  “But the job…” she began lowly. “I've just been promoted. I have more responsibilities now. Not to mention the whole sex tape scandal…”

  “Stop, Jessica, it will all be fine,” I comforted her with a smile while rubbing my hands up and down her arms soothingly. “I know you love your job, but you don't have to work if it's going to stress you out. And the sex tape thing will blow over soon enough, trust me. I'll take care of you, you know that. Your job isn't going anywhere,” I added. She chewed on her bottom lip worriedly while processing my words. “Look at me,” I said, and her eyebrows furrowed.

  “I am looking at you,” she replied. Not satisfied, I gestured to my eyes until she met my gaze.

  “Everything will be fine,” I assured once more, her eyes locked on mine intently. “Having a baby is a good thing.” I grinned wide, and she smiled back faintly.

  “You think so?” she asked as she continued to search my face for any signs of insincerity. There was none to give, as I meant every word of what I was saying. I was genuinely thrilled by the unexpected, life-changing news.

  “Yes! I know so,” I fired back, my eyes alit with joy. “My mother can finally stop pestering me about giving her grandchildren before she dies,” I smirked, to which Jessica giggled.

  “I think my brother suspects,” she sighed, her shoulders loosing some as she began to relax. “I know he'll be happy.”

  “He will,” I nodded with a smile still plastered to my face. I was beaming uncontrollably with a combination of pride and delight. “We'll all be a family.”

  “We kind of already are family,” she pointed out, and I leaned forward to kiss her deeply.

  “Will you come home now, please?” I asked, and when she nodded I helped her up off of the couch.

  “I'm not made of glass, you know,” she said sarcastically.

  “I know…” I smiled sheepishly. “I just don’t want you to exert yourself.”

  “You're allowed to spoil me and bring me bacon flavored ice cream at three in the morning,” she laughed, “but, please, Bastian…I can do things like walk and sit down on my own.”

  “Bacon flavored ice cream?” I chuckled, my brow raised in curiosity.

  “Yep! It's an actual thing at the dairy shop on Ninety-Seventh Street and Lexington,” she grinned, and I chuckled again.

  “I'm guessing you want some on the way home, then?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” she smiled at me innocently.

  “Anything you want,” I replied, then gave her another kiss. “Just don't get too fat,” I joked, and her jaw dropped as she looked at me.

  “Bastian!” she giggled as she playfully punched my arm. I grinned at her boyishly. “That's not nice,” she giggled again. She quickly collected her things and we headed back to the penthouse together. When we arrived with our ice cream, Jessica curled up on the couch in the family room and began scouring Netflix for a movie to watch on the enormous LCD television.

  “Jess, I'm going to make an appointment for tomorrow at lunch with an OBGYN,” I told her as I searched for the best in the city using my iPad.

  “How are you going to do that?” she scoffed. “No place will take an appointment that soon, Bastian.”

  “I have my ways,” I grinned, and she gave in with a chuckle. The best physicians typically had private services they offered for patients willing to pay big bucks, and money was no issue where Jessica and the baby were concerned.

  “The bacon ice cream is good, right?” she asked after I'd finished setting up her appointment and joined her on the couch with my bowl.

  “It is, surprisingly,” I smiled as I took another spoonful.

  “Don't worry, I won't gain, like, fifty pounds and blame it on baby weight,” she laughed.

  “Babe, you can gain as much weight as you want and I'll still love you,” I replied without skipping a beat. Jessica's head lifted abruptly. Her eyes were wide as she stared at me, and I slowly realized what I had said. “What?” I asked with forced indignation.

  I wasn't sure I was ready for the whole 'love' conversation yet. Of course I had feelings for Jessica, but I wasn't sure if she felt the same way for me. I smiled jokingly to lighten the moment, and she studied my expression before shaking her head with a smirk. I saw a flash of something in her eyes that I couldn't quite decipher.

  “Yeah, say that when I have a double chin,” she quipped. I slowly exhaled, relieved she hadn't questioned my declaration of love, and leaned in to give her a quick peck on the lips. She rested her head on my shoulder and decided on some low-budget horror movie.

  We made fun of it throughout its duration, laughing together as we cuddled on the sofa. When it was over, Jessica headed to bed early and I didn't blame her since it was apparent by the bags under her eyes that she hadn't slept much over the weekend. I was glad to have her back in my bed; it felt odd sleeping without her for those two nights. Come morning, she looked considerably better and wasn't as reticent to go to work.

  “Are you looking forward to the doctor's appointment today?” I asked as she was slipping on her shoes next to the bed.

  “Yes, actually,” she replied. “I want to know how far along I am…” she trailed
off, sitting up straight and letting out a low sigh. After a moment she confessed with a look of worry, “I went for drinks with Jeannie the other day. If I'm more than a week pregnant…”

  “Everything is going to be alright, Jessica, don't worry.” I rolled over and rubbed her back comfortingly. “We'll see what the doctor says.”

  “Can we not tell anyone about the baby yet until we know everything is fine?” she turned to ask.

  “Of course,” I nodded. “But, seriously, don't worry. I think the baby is okay,” I smiled. “It's not like you're an alcoholic.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she smirked. “Anyhow, we'll be talking about this forever, so let's head to work,” she added after stealing a glance at the time.

  I could tell she was anxious for the appointment, and knew she wouldn't be able to relax until the doctor assured her that everything was fine. Worked dragged for me as I was preoccupied with thoughts of Jessica and the baby. Of course the pregnancy would look great for our marriage, but I was becoming less concerned with how things appeared and more concerned with how they actually were.

  Jessica and I were married, and if all went well, we were having a baby. That had to mean there were at least some feelings present, right? I was thrilled for the baby, and Jessica also seemed genuinely happy. What if our marriage lasted more than the prerequisite two years? A knock on my door interrupted my reverie.

  “Hey, it's time to go,” Jessica informed me as she poked her head into my office. I stood, straightened my suit and tie, and followed her out to the street where my car was waiting for us. She was quiet, and kept tapping her fingers on her knee.

  “Everything's going to be fine. Don't be nervous,” I told her, reaching over to take her hand in mine. She took a deep breath and forced herself to relax.

  The doctor's office wasn't far from Bates Tower, and we managed to just beat the lunchtime traffic. The clinic was relatively quiet with only a few women in the waiting room. The space looked quite modern, and was decorated in a calming pastel color scheme.


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