Book Read Free


Page 7

by Jamie Salisbury

  Scrolling through, I noted the only other person to text me had been my father. He was short, sweet, and to the point. No mention of my mother, or if she was returning with him to Ireland. Only that he hated that we couldn’t have had more time, but that his job required his attention. I made a note to call him tomorrow, as it was rather late now.

  Noting the sudden silence in the car, I turned toward Apolo, who was pouring himself a whiskey. “Apolo?”

  “Hmmmm? Oh, everything’s fine. Jacob was just bringing me up to speed on all our guests. My parents left on a cruise yesterday. They’ll be gone ten days. Your father got off for Ireland quite all right.”

  “Yes, he sent me a text to that effect. Izzie sent one welcoming us back.” I hedged, but decided I’d ask since it was hanging there like an ugly Christmas sweater, “And my mother?”

  “It seems,” he replied, sitting back against the leather seat, “that your mother is nowhere to be found. She and my brother seem to be two peas in a pod, as Anthony thinks he’s disappeared as well.”


  “Oh, he’s just being Anthony. He’s in Spain on vacation. He just enjoys being dramatic, like your mother. Nothing for you to worry yourself with.”

  “Wait a minute, what do you mean my mother’s nowhere to be found?”

  “Just that, no one has seen or heard from her. It seems she knew she was overstepping by taking those photos of the ceremony and releasing everything to that tabloid. She gave Jacob and his boys the slip. Disguised herself, walked out of her place, and disappeared.”

  I threw my head back against the seat and groaned. “That explains the lack of a text or a message from her.”

  “Don’t worry about your mother, darling. She’s just wanting to be the center of attention. When we get home, why don’t you give your father a call and let him know we’re back in the real world?”

  Somehow, I didn’t quite buy into Apolo’s excuse or theory for my mother’s behavior and her sudden going into hiding. It wasn’t like her. On the other hand, her doing so showed she knew she’d pushed Apolo to the limits.

  “I’ll send Daddy a text. I’ll tell him to call if he’s up. That way I won’t wake him if he’s asleep. I’ll send Izzie one as well, in case she’s working.”

  “Mmmm, oh yes. Good idea, darling.” He was looking out the window, glass in hand. I’d lost him. He was a million miles away now. Welcome home, Caiti girl.

  The house was quiet. Secretly, I hoped it would stay that way. I decided I would change clothes first, get comfortable. No need not to. I headed toward the staircase as Apolo was deep in conversation with Jacob. I wondered if my mother was the center of their conversation.


  I was foolish thinking I could get away so easy. “I thought since you’re busy, I’d go change and text my father and Izzie.”

  “Oh, yes. Good idea,” he replied, before turning back to Jacob.

  Shaking my head, I continued up the stairs and to the master bedroom. I walked into the closet and found myself a pair of well-worn jeans and a favorite shirt. After changing, I grabbed my phone and lay across the bed to send my texts.

  The first to my father was short and simple.

  In Atlanta for a few days. Call me when you have a free minute. Miss you. Love, C

  The next was to Izzie and was even simpler.

  You at work? We’re back. Call when you can. Love, C

  I sighed and turned over, contemplating what I should do next. Perhaps a walk of the grounds. Not only would it get me some exercise, I could get to know the property a little better. Besides, autumn was upon us, and it was beginning to show it’s splendor. Once we hit Washington, I was sure I wouldn’t be getting out to enjoy the scenery much.

  Going downstairs, I decided to see if Apolo wanted to join me. I knew the answer to that would be a big, fat “no.” He was too caught up in trying to finish things here to be bothered with taking a walk. But I’d let him know, anyway.

  I found him in his office, he and Jacob sitting across from each other going over something. Perhaps my mother or his brother. When I entered, he looked up over a sheath of papers he was holding.

  “I’m going for a walk. I’m staying on the property, but just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to join me.”

  I turned around, not waiting to hear what he had to say. I wasn’t mad, but perhaps a little disappointed. I had known this would happen the moment we arrived, but I wasn’t prepared for the depth of his involvement.

  “Caiti,” I heard from behind. I stopped in the doorway. “Why don’t you stop by the kitchen before you head out? Have some lunch readied? Say, in an hour?”

  “Of course. Jacob, would you like to join us?”

  “No, ma’am, but thank you. Your husband’s got enough for me to do. I’ll just grab something later.”

  “I’ll make sure something is sent to your office. No need for you to make do with potato chips. Anyway, I’m off. Enjoy your meeting, gentlemen.”

  “Enjoy your walk,” Apolo countered.

  After swinging by the kitchen, I headed outside. Fall was definitely in the air. It was a little cooler, but the big thing, of course, was the change in the sun. I decided to walk to the bottom of the driveway to start with. That in itself was good exercise.

  I was startled by the sound of my phone. I reached in my pocket and, grabbing it, looked down at who was calling. “Hi, Iz.”

  “Hi, yourself, Mrs. Choice.” She giggled. “Have you gotten used to that yet?”

  “No, but we haven’t been around a great deal of people, if you know what I mean.”

  She giggled again. “So, where did your husband take you?”

  “His private island in the Caribbean. It’s beautiful, Iz. Still unspoiled in many ways, but the house… Well, the house is…”

  “Overkill, like Apolo? But I trust you had a wonderful time?”

  “Yes, and yes, the house was big, luxurious. Then, we went up to Washington. He just wanted to spend some time settling in to the new place. But we made good use of it. Lots of day trips.”

  “So, you were around civilization?”

  “Yes, and yes, we saw the article. You can imagine how furious Apolo was. Frankly, Izzie, I don’t blame him.”

  “Have you spoken with her? What excuse does she have this time?”

  “Oh, get this—she’s disappeared. At least, Apolo’s fella’s haven’t been able to find her yet. She disguised herself and snuck right by them.”

  “What does Apolo plan for her this time?”

  I had made it to the bottom of the driveway and leaned against the massive, steel gates that kept unwanted guests away. I noted a young man sitting across the street in a sedan. He had a camera positioned. He looked familiar, so I did a double take. Bob Secrest, the so-called nice, young, up-and-coming reporter. I’d met him at the country club-fundraiser where Apolo had announced my promotion. I thought of a few choice things I’d like to do, but instead, turned my back to him.

  “Sorry, Iz. There’s paparazzi staked out. As for Mother, I have no idea what he has planned. He and Jacob were probably in the middle of discussing it when I left.”

  “Well, nothing seems to deter her. She’ll back down once the newness wears off. You know that, right?”

  “You really believe that, Iz? Because I don’t. And if she slipped away from Apolo’s guys, that means she didn’t return to Ireland with my father.”

  Silence. Izzie knew something I didn’t know. “What? What is it?”

  “Well, she and your father had a huge falling out the night of your wedding.”


  “That’s really all I know. Oh, and guess who asked me to dance after you two left?”

  “Hard telling,” I replied, trying to appear interested in what my best friend was saying, but focused on this new development. An argument, between my parents.

  “Bo!” You remember Bo? That cute guy Jacob had take us around right before the wedding

  “That’s great, Iz. He seemed very nice.”

  “Yeah, and his head is made of cheese. Okay, I get it. Your mind is on a gazillion other things right now. Your parents, your mother’s bad behavior, and who knows what else. Why don’t you call me when you’re not so distracted?”

  “I’m sorry, Izzie. You just threw me for a loop. This is the first I’ve heard about my parents arguing at the reception. It must have been something, if you heard it.”

  “Oh, everyone heard it, Caitlyn. You know your mother. She’s a drama queen.”

  I groaned. Great. Now, I was sure that Apolo must know about it. “Unfortunately, we leave for Washington late tomorrow. Are you free this evening?”

  Silence. “I can be. I mean, I don’t have to work or anything.”

  “Don’t tell me. Bo?”

  “Yeah, he asked me out. Again. But if you can arrange it, and Apolo’s cool with it, I’ll give him a rain check and come see you.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you know as soon as I can. Love you, Iz.”

  “Love you too, girlfriend. Stop worrying. You’re about to embark on a life that most of us only dream of.”

  “I know. Okay, I’ll call you after I speak with my husband.” I giggled and hung up. I needed to find Apolo and find out what was going on.

  * * * *

  Apolo must have been watching me from a window because he was waiting at the door for me when I finished hiking back up to the house. He’d changed his clothes as well, wearing worn jeans and a T-shirt. “Enjoy your walk?” he asked, kissing me on the cheek and playfully spanking me.

  “Yes, but that hill is steeper than I thought. You might want to inform Jacob that there’s a photographer with a telephoto parked at the bottom. Across the street, but he’s there. His name is Bob Secrest, by the way. I met him when you announced my promotion.”

  “Really? Interesting. Well, Mr. Secrest is on public property, so not much we can do. I’ll let Jacob know, anyway.”

  He took me by the hand and led me to the terrace where we’d had our reception. A table was set up near the house with our lunch. He pulled a chair out, and I sat. The food was not at all what I’d asked for—something simple and light, erring on the side of caution in case we might have to go out this evening. Instead, it was heavy—sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad. Way too much.

  Apolo was unfolding his napkin. Time to nip stuff in the bud, so to speak. “This isn’t what I asked to be served. I specifically asked for a light lunch, as I didn’t know what sort of plans you may have for us this evening.”

  “Lunch was probably already made, Caitlyn. Or at least planned. I can tell by the tone of your voice that you have a problem with it.” I saw a sly smile cross his lips.

  “Yes, I do have a problem with it. She should have told me it was already made. I suppose I need to have a chat with her and find out how things have been done.”

  “That might be an excellent idea, darling.” He picked up a spoon and got himself a good serving of the potato salad.

  I pushed my plate away. I’d weigh five hundred pounds if I ate like this twice a day. I needed to get the staff at both places on the same page. My page.

  “You’re not hungry?”

  “Not for this.” I stood up, putting my napkin down. “I’m going to go to the kitchen to find what I want.”

  “Caitlyn, please. They’re just doing their jobs.” He set his napkin back on the table and rose. “Come on, I think I know just the thing to get you out of this mood.” Circling the table, he grabbed my hand. “Come on. Go get your purse, and meet me in the foyer.”

  I sighed and looked at him. Fortunately for me, the cook came out to check on us like she usually did when she was working. I noted Apolo’s face. He wanted me to keep the peace. No way.

  “Just thought I’d see if you needed anything else,” the older woman, Mildred, said to Apolo. She was greying and obviously enjoyed working in the kitchen.

  “Something unexpected just came up, Mildred. We must leave. You and Caitlyn might want to get together before she and I leave for Washington. You can discuss the menu planning in more detail.” He was looking across the table at me, waiting.

  “That would be fine, Mr. Choice. A good idea, actually.”

  “Yes, perhaps we could do it this afternoon. Oh, and by the way, what happened to the lunch I asked for? If this had already been prepared, that’s all you needed to say,” I inquired.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry. It was already prepared. But you just tell me when you want to meet.”

  “I shall when we return.” I disappeared to grab my bag.

  When I came back downstairs, Apolo was standing there waiting, swinging a set of car keys in one hand, a devilish smile on his face.

  We climbed into the BMW, and he headed back into Atlanta. I knew exactly where he was going. The place of a gazillion calories. “Trying to appease the house staff?”

  “No, that’ll be your job. I thought this more fun. Something we won’t be able to do too often.”

  I settled into the black leather seat, eyeing him from my side of the car. No time like the present to share what little I knew. “By the way, I understand my parents had a huge blow up after we left. That explains why Daddy left, and she stayed and escaped your observation.”

  “I was just told the same myself. I’m trying not to get in the middle of it. It’s their private business.”

  “When has my mother ever thought of anything as private? Everything is fair game where she’s concerned. She probably deliberately picked the fight. Made her the center of attention.”

  “Perhaps. Have you spoken with your father yet?”

  “No, I left a text. I didn’t want to disturb him.”

  I heard him chuckle. That laugh when he knew I was tired and overwhelmed, and this was definitely one of those times. “And Izzie? Did you speak with her?”

  “Briefly. Would you mind terribly if I invited her to dinner tonight? That is, unless you have something else in mind.”

  “I don’t have anything planned for this evening. Since we’ll be leaving tomorrow afternoon for Washington, go ahead and invite her. I know it’ll be the last time the two of you will have together for a while.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Of course not. I can’t wait to hear about some of the goings-on at the reception after we left, and I’m not speaking of your parent’s row.”

  “Yes, but knowing your mind, I’m sure you’d like her perspective on it,” I teased, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.

  “I can’t hide anything from you, can I?”

  “No, not really.” I grinned at him.

  “Having second thoughts?”

  “No, not at all. I’m sorry. It’s just all that’s going on all at once. The move, your new job, making sure everything is organized for two households. It’s a little daunting. Plus add the family dynamics of my mother and your brother, and yeah. Overwhelming. But never, ever second thoughts.”

  Apolo pulled in and found his usual spot open. As always, Marvin came rushing out the door after seeing the black BMW. Made me wonder if Marvin kept Apolo’s parking spot empty when he knew Apolo was in town. Better yet, Apolo had probably texted Marvin with our order.

  Marvin had a tray loaded down with food, which he placed on the window of Apolo’s side of the car. Apolo paid the older gentleman and started passing items my way.

  “So much for calories,” I quipped.

  “You enjoy it as much as I do, so don’t try to tell me otherwise.”

  “I won’t. I’m happy to take whatever time I can get with you, sweetie.”

  “That’s my girl. While we’re eating, why don’t you see what time Izzie can make it for dinner? That way I’ll know how much of a workout I’ll need to do beforehand.”

  I reached over and retrieved my phone from my purse, finding Izzie’s number. It went straight to voicemail, so I left a brief message. “Anything else, or can I eat my lunch in pea
ce?” I kidded.

  “Please, eat. I like it when you eat.”

  I shot him what I hoped was a good go-to-hell look. Especially after our earlier food conversation.

  “Would you mind if we shot by the office for a second? Jacob is there, and I wanted to check and see if he’s found out anything about either my brother or your mother.”

  “I thought you knew where Tony was?”

  “We do, or did. I wanted to know more specific facts. Like who he met, that sort of thing. As for your mother… Well, she’s certainly outfoxed old Jacob.”

  “I hardly believe that. She might have slipped past him for now, but trust me, he’ll find her.”

  “I know he will.”

  “Okay, we’ll go, but on one condition. You have one hour. And then we leave.”

  He gave me a lopsided grin. Which meant I’d better keep an eye on him, or he’d have us there for hours. He was good at extending time limits when it came to work.

  We finished up our lunch and headed toward his office building. Being the weekend, Apolo had the facility locked. He’d let the lobby security know we were coming so they’d opened the garage.

  He pulled in. Very few cars. The weather was far too beautiful to be sitting inside an office if you could be doing otherwise. As we entered the lobby, Apolo texted Jacob and let him know we were there.

  “He’ll meet us in a few minutes,” Apolo murmured, looking at the screen of his phone.


  We arrived at the executive floor, and Apolo unlocked the door to his office. I walked over to the window and peered out at the Atlanta skyline. Then, I felt him behind me.

  “I’m going to miss this, but it’s not forever,” he said.

  “I know. Besides, we’ve got a pretty breathtaking view of Washington at our new place.”

  “That we do.”

  All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the alarm sounded. Apolo’s phone went off, and he immediately answered it. I could tell it was Jacob, but I was unsure what was going on. All I heard were grunts and the word “lockdown.”


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