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Beauty and the Beach

Page 20

by Diane Darcy

  “I sold the necklace for $150,000.”

  Her mouth parted and she put the hand holding the check to her chest. “I thought it was a $100,000 necklace?”

  He straightened. Now that she was off balance, he felt steadier. “The thing about jewelry is that, the better the story behind it, the more it’s worth. So, without mentioning names, I wrote up the story of the dad who borrowed it for his beloved daughter’s prom. Its loss and eventual discovery at the top of a tree around a cat’s neck. And how, in order to get it back, the owner had to make a replica of the necklace for the cat named Queenie. It didn’t hurt that I have a friend in the jewelry business who knew a lady who’d be interested.”

  “And you got $50,000 more for that story?” Her tone was incredulous. “I am so going into the wrong field. So, basically without me losing it, you wouldn’t have made this extra money?” She waved the check.

  He shook his head. “Nope.”

  She blew out a breath and opened the check again. “Hmm. I could really use this for college. I mean, I’ve got a scholarship, and some savings, but this would really set me up for the next four years and I wouldn’t have to ask Dad and Izzy for any help.” She looked up. “Okay, so what exactly do you want in return?” She was smiling, her eyes shining, and Adam felt hopeful.

  “I want help getting Izzy back.”

  She laughed. “Okay, I’ll think about it.” She folded and pocketed the check in her short apron, then patted it. “And don’t worry, I won’t be cashing this check unless the two of you end up married or something. If I did, my sister would kill me.” She paused. “Actually, she might, anyway. So we’ll just keep this between the two of us, okay?”

  He nodded. “We have a deal? You’ll help me?”

  She pulled a cell phone out of her back pocket. “Give me your phone number.”

  He did and watched as she input the numbers. “I should totally put your number under Sucker, but I’ll be nice, so Adam Wilder it is.” She finished and slid the phone back in her pocket.

  “We have a deal?” he asked again.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  His face slackened. “You’ll just think about it?”

  “You’ll be the first to know when I’ve made my decision. But it’s definitely in your favor that you’d be such a soft touch as a brother-in-law.” Her eyes narrowed. “But remember this. It’s not my fault if she would have eventually got back together with you. Are we clear? You can’t come back later and be like, well, I didn’t need to pay you because we probably would have gotten together. You guys get married, I get to cash this.” She patted her pocket. “Deal?”

  Relieved and hopeful, he nodded. “And you’ll tell Izzy that the necklace sold for $150,000? That I made money off the deal and it’s all good?”

  “I’ll tell her. It will actually mean a lot to her. And to tell you the truth, I’m pretty relieved, too.”

  He nodded. “Okay.” He rubbed his hands together and blew out a breath. “Okay, this is good.” He was well aware of how much Izzy loved her sister, and after everything the girls had been through together, no one would know better how to approach her. “I’ll be waiting to hear from you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  ISABELLE PICKED UP ANOTHER SHIRT, looked it over, and decided it was a keeper so she folded it and put it neatly in the top drawer. She’d been sorting through her clothes for the last hour, throwing some away, filling a bag to take to the thrift store, and hanging up or folding the items she’d decided to keep.

  She had an appointment in the morning to walk through an apartment for rent and, from the pictures posted on the Internet, it looked small, but nice. She had some money saved, so she could afford a few pieces of gently used furniture, and the rent was affordable enough to allow her to save for more. For the first time in a long while, she was feeling excited.

  She thought about her room at Adam’s place, and how nice it had been, but quickly shut off that line of thought. It hurt to think of him. She missed him so much. She kept thinking it would get better, not worse, and again she was tempted to return his calls, or answer the next time he called, but she just couldn’t. It almost seemed the longer she was away from him, the more embarrassing and ridiculous her family must seem to him. She just couldn’t face him, not yet.

  She heard the front door open in the living room, and, a few minutes later, Courtney came in. “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself.” Isabelle looked at the clock on her nightstand. “What are you doing home? It’s only eight o’clock and I thought you were closing tonight.”

  Courtney shrugged. “I was having a hard time focusing and when it slowed down, the manager asked if anyone wanted to leave early. I volunteered and, since I hardly ever ask to leave early, he picked me.”

  Noticing the way Courtney was watching her, Isabelle asked, “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Mmm hmm. Fine.”

  “You ought to join me. You need to sort through your clothes to figure out what you’re taking to school. We can chat while we do it.” It would have the added benefit of helping Isabelle get her mind off of Adam.

  Still looking at Isabelle, Courtney halfheartedly opened her dresser drawer. “So, I saw Adam Wilder today. He came into the restaurant.”

  Isabelle dropped the shirt she’d been folding. “What?”

  “Adam Wilder. In the restaurant. Today.”


  A smile touched Courtney’s mouth as she continued to study Isabelle. “My guess would be he was hungry.” She shrugged. “I asked him about the necklace. Did he already tell you he sold it?”

  “What? No, I haven’t talked to him. It’s sold?”

  “Yup. And guess what?”

  Isabelle couldn’t look away from her sister’s face. “What?”

  “He sold it for $150,000! Can you believe that? Apparently when jewelry has a story attached it’s worth more money. So he made a killing on it because I lost it and it ended up around a cat’s neck. Can you believe that? He should pay me a commission, don’t you think?”

  Isabelle slowly sank onto the bed. “That’s amazing.”

  “I know, right? Do you want that shirt? If it’s going into the thrift bag, then I want it.”

  Without even glancing at it, Isabelle handed the shirt over.

  “Anyway,” said Courtney. “I’m just relieved, if you want to know the truth. Knowing the necklace is out of here is the best news ever. Apparently he sold it to some lady across the country so I never have to see it again. Oh, wait. That’s not exactly true.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Adam said he made a costume jewelry replica of the necklace and gave it to Rosie for her cat.” Courtney shrugged. “What does it matter? I’ll be out of here soon enough and you will be, too, living in your apartment all by yourself. All alone.”

  Isabelle barely heard her as hope and relief seemed to blossom and grow within her. The necklace was sold. He’d made even more money off it than he’d originally considered. He wouldn’t hate her and her family. She could maybe meet up with him again without any awkwardness. On equal terms. Maybe she could call him and ask him to lunch? She could call him and ask him to go look at apartments with her tomorrow.

  “You look happy all of a sudden.”

  “I am. Maybe now Adam and I can…”

  “You and Adam can what?”

  Dad appeared in the doorway looking disheveled and wild-eyed.

  “Dad,” said Courtney and she lifted a hand. “Wait a minute. I think—”

  “This can’t wait!”

  Courtney groaned. “Dad, wait—”

  “Girls! Do you remember Adam Wilder? The man who used to be my boss?”

  Isabelle’s brows pulled together. “Of course we do.” She looked over at Courtney, who was swiping her fingers across her throat in a cut-off gesture, her lips pressed together. “You may recall that I lived with the man for weeks.”

  “Oh. Right. Well, he’s been taken to the VA hos
pital where you work, Izzy! He’s been in some sort of accident. They’re not sure he’s going to make it.”

  Isabelle sucked in a breath and felt the blood drain from her face. “What?! How do you know?” Isabelle was already moving, looking for her purse, her keys, as her hands started to shake.

  “It was on the news just now.”

  Tears tightened her throat “What happened?”

  Dad looked at Courtney.

  Courtney stepped forward. “He obviously doesn’t know,” said Courtney, her voice impatient. “Come on, Dad, you drive.”

  Isabelle rushed past her father into the hall. “Let’s go. We have to go. Why on earth would they take him to the VA hospital? Why didn’t they take him to the emergency room closer to home?”

  Her sister sighed, long and loud. “How would we know? Maybe that’s where he insisted on going. On account of that’s where he usually goes. Maybe he’s not even hurt that bad.”

  Isabelle was digging in her purse for her phone. “I can’t find my phone. Let’s go, let’s go.”

  Erin looked disapproving as Isabelle rushed past her. “I hope you know what you’re doing?”

  Isabelle gulped in a breath. “We’re going to the hospital. We need to see if Adam is okay.”

  Courtney sighed. “Yes. We’re going to the hospital, that’s what we’re doing.”

  “Dad.” Tears were blurring Isabelle’s vision and she swiped them away. “I can’t find my phone. Do you have Adam’s phone number? I don’t have it memorized.”

  Dad pulled out his phone.

  “He doesn’t have it,” said Courtney. “I deleted it off his phone after he got fired.”

  “Call my phone. No, wait. Let’s just go.” Isabelle looked back and saw Courtney, standing still, texting into her phone. “Courtney, forget about the phone!”

  Erin cleared her throat.

  “Sorry, Erin,” Isabelle rushed to the door. “We don’t have time to talk. Come on, Dad! Let’s go!”


  Adam’s phone beeped that he had a text message. He stood up and stretched, glad to have the chance to take a break. The wild pearl bracelet he was working on was coming together. The bracelet would look beautiful gracing Isabelle’s dainty wrist. He wondered if she’d accept it when he told her the inspiration was The Mythical Lost Ship of the Mojave. If she’d remember the fun they’d had that night.

  It was taking everything he had not to call her, or to show up on her doorstep. For the moment, he was determined to place his trust in her sister, with the hope that her need for college funds would outweigh any hard feelings she had against him.

  He picked up the phone to see that the message was from an unknown number and he pressed the “Receive” button.

  Adam. This is Courtney Kenna. Izzy has been hurt and is at the VA hospital. You need to come quick. Are you coming?

  Adam’s mouth dried and his heart started to pound. He immediately called the number listed on the text message but there was no answer.

  He ran down to the kitchen, grabbed his car keys, and was opening the door when another text message beeped.

  I can’t talk. Are you coming? If you are, you need to drive safely. No speeding. I mean it. We don’t need you hurt, too.

  He stopped long enough to text back: On my way.

  And so he was, running out to his car, jumping in, backing out, and pressing his foot on the accelerator.

  Ten minutes later, when a police cruiser pulled up behind him with its lights flashing, he didn’t even consider stopping.


  “Please, Paulette.” Isabelle wiped at a tear that ran down her face. She tapped her fingers against the tall desk as she looked at the computer screen the nurse had turned toward her. “Check again. My father saw it on the news. They said they were bringing him here.”

  Paulette shrugged. “I already checked. I don’t know what to tell you, hon. He’s not here. He hasn’t been admitted. Are you sure you’ve got the right hospital?”

  “My dad said it was this one.” She looked around, but her father and her sister were nowhere to be seen.

  Paulette was looking at the screen again. “Have you tried calling Adam’s number?”

  “I couldn’t find my phone. I don’t know his number.”

  “That, I can get for you.” Paulette typed on the keyboard as she concentrated on the screen. “If he doesn’t answer, then we can try the South Coast Medical Center, or the Mission Hospital. Don’t worry, we’ll find him.”

  Isabelle plucked a couple of tissues out of a nearby box and pressed them to her face. She turned and slumped against the counter. What if he were dying somewhere, right this moment, and he was alone? Why had she let pride and embarrassment keep them apart? She didn’t want to be on her own! She wanted to be with Adam! Tears started to overflow again. She had to see him again so she could tell him.


  She lifted her head to see Adam rushing down the hall toward her, his limp more pronounced than usual.

  “Adam!” She surged forward to meet him and threw herself into his arms. Relief, the solid feel of him, his strong arms closing around her, had her sobbing.

  He petted her hair, rubbed circles onto her back, and whispered endearments. She finally got hold of herself and leaned back to search his body for wounds. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? Your sister texted me that you were hurt.”

  He ran his big hands over her body, down her waist, finally holding onto her hips. “What happened?”

  “My sister? What?” She looked around only to see her sister and father at the far end of the hall, slinking out the hospital doors.

  He looked down at her for a long moment. "So, you're not hurt?"

  "No, I'm fine." Isabelle turned to see Paulette grinning at them.

  "Someone's going to be in trouble tonight," Paulette sing-songed.

  Isabelle felt heat rush to her face and she glanced up at Adam. He was going to think her whole family consisted of thieves and liars. "Maybe we should take this outside."

  Without a word, Adam wrapped one arm around her and pulled her tight against him and hurried her toward the front doors, and straight outside.

  Her sister and father were conspicuously absent.

  When they were alone on the grass, Adam turned Isabelle toward him. "Why would she do that? My heart just about stopped a thousand times on the way out here, thinking you were hurt or dead.”

  Heat rushed to Isabelle’s face and she pressed her forehead against his chest. She could have died of mortification right there on the spot. "Adam, I'm sorry. The only thing I can think is that this is some sort of convoluted plan on her part to get us together. I'm so embarrassed. You must think we’re all idiots. First the necklace, and now this." She finally gathered up enough courage to look up at him, only to find him smiling. "What?"

  “I guess I’m just realizing how much I like your sister.”

  He wasn’t disgusted? Furious? Relief swamped her. “And I’m ready to kill her.”

  Adam cupped her face, his big hands gentle and warm. “Izzy. You mean so much to me. I’ve missed you so much. I don’t even have the words to say how much.”

  Adam was wrenched away from her as two police officers tripped him to the ground, hauled his hands behind his back, and handcuffed him.

  “What?” Isabelle’s eyes widened as her hands reached for Adam.

  “Okay, buddy,” said one of the officers. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’ll tell you what, you’re going to be spending the night in jail.”

  “Stop!” Isabelle didn’t even think as she dived in and tried to push their hands away from Adam. “What are you doing? Get away from him!” She tried to shove one of the officers away, but was brushed aside herself, barely retaining her balance. She threw herself at the officer.

  “You, too?” the burly office captured both her hands in one of his. “Do you want to spend the night in county lockup?”

  “Why are you doin
g this?” She tugged. “Stop it.”

  He jerked his thumb at Adam. “Your boyfriend here was speeding. Endangering the public.”

  Isabelle knew she shouldn’t feel this way, but she was flattered. Hands still captured, she looked down at Adam. “To get to me?”

  He rolled on his side so he could see her. “Yes. I thought you were hurt. Maybe dying. I had to see you. Had to be with you.”

  She wrenched her arms away from the officer and threw herself down on top of Adam and kissed him.

  He kissed her back, his lips clinging to hers.

  “Adam! I love you, I really do. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Izzy.” Flat on his back now, leaning up toward her, he tried to rub his cheek against hers. “You mean more to me than life itself. I love you so much.”

  “Yeesh,” said one of the officers as shoved her back and hauled Adam up. “Come on, Romeo,” he said as they hauled him away.

  She ran beside them. “I missed you so much. I was just so embarrassed by what had happened. Oh, my gosh. And now this,” she raised her hands to encompass the hospital, the officers, the police cruiser.

  Adam grinned at her. “This? This is nothing.” Adam wrenched away from the officers and kissed her once again. Isabelle clung to him before they managed to pull them apart and wrestle Adam into the car.

  One officer wiped at his brow, then turned to the other. “What do you think? Do we grab her, too?”

  “Adam!” she yelled through the open driver’s door. “I really love you! I do.”

  “Izzy, will you marry me? I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life proving it to you!”

  Tears rushed to her eyes. “Yes. Yes! I will.” She turned to the officers. “Please don’t take him. I’m begging you.”

  The officer ignored her and looked at his partner. “Naw. Let’s leave her. We got him on speeding and resisting arrest, but we can’t arrest them for kissing. Besides, if we take her, they’ll just make out in the backseat. Come on.” They got in the car, shut the door, started it up and pulled away. Running on the sidewalk, she raced after the cruiser and Adam twisted around, watching her until he was out of sight.


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