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The Lost Souls Dating Agency

Page 10

by Suneeti Rekhari

  I hung up. In hindsight perhaps I should have mentioned Mr Singh instead of Jaya. But surely this Steven Gilmore would know who I was talking about? I hoped the operator had connected me to the right person.

  I heard Roxanne walk into the warehouse and I emerged out of my office to greet her. Roxanne carried a canister of tea and I could have hugged her. The day was starting to get better already.


  Later that afternoon, the red phone rang. I answered it eagerly.

  ‘Hello, this is Shalini at Lost Souls,’ I said cheerily.

  ‘This is Steven Gilmore. I believe you left a message for me earlier today?’

  Oh goodie. ‘Thanks for calling me back, Mr Gilmore!’

  ‘Please call me Steven.’ He sounded very suave. ‘You left me no choice but to call you back, Ms Gupta, with that intriguing message. Lost Souls! I’ve heard about your agency. It has caused some excitement in our circles.’

  I was unsure how to react to my new found fame.

  ‘So you know Jaya Singh?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes, I know her well.’ He offered no further information.

  I was curious about him. ‘Would you mind me asking, what role you play in the were-community?’ I added quickly, ‘Forgive my ignorance, I’m quite new to all this.’

  ‘Not at all, I am treasurer for our organisation. I’m afraid I cannot provide you with any more details. But I’ve known the Singh family for many years.’

  ‘Mr Singh came to see me last week, Steven, and I was hoping you could help me to assist him with something.’

  ‘What might that be?’ Was that a knowing smile I detected?

  ‘Can you tell me how I can get in touch with young male weres in Melbourne?’

  There was silence over the phone. Awkward! I persisted. ‘I know it sounds like a weird request, but I need to meet some members of the community to familiarise myself with,’ I paused, ‘its particular elements. I’m not sure if you know about Lost Souls, but we are a dating agency, so it’s nothing sinister I promise!’

  I heard him chuckle. ‘Well isn’t love the most sinister thing of all?’ He continued in a more businesslike tone, ‘You can come to a meeting of the organisation tomorrow night.’ I wrote down the address he gave me. ‘There will be some people you can introduce yourself to. If they agree, they might be able to assist. We can take it from there.’

  I knew that was code for we will help you if we can trust you. ‘Thanks!’ I said. ‘I’ll make sure I’m there.’ As an afterthought I added, ‘It was lucky that I was able to get in touch with you!’

  ‘You have either been exceedingly lucky to get as far as you have, or exceedingly unlucky. Only time will tell. Goodbye.’ The phone clicked dead.

  Dramatic! But I was getting used to that by now.

  Chapter 25

  The next night, I pulled the hand brake on my red Barina and peered through the windscreen at South Melbourne town hall. The Roman columns of the Victorian classical style building stood imposingly before me. I walked through these columns and waited at a door under the clock tower. I bit my lower lip nervously. The corridors were dark and quiet. At least it wasn’t a full moon night. I gave an inadvertent start as a loud clang echoed across the columns. The large wooden door creaked open and a tall man strode out. White streaks in his hair gleamed like silver in the dim light. This must be Steven Gilmore.

  ‘Hello, Shalini. Come with me.’ He didn’t pause for niceties, nor extend a handshake. He turned and retreated through the door.

  ‘Hello, Steven. Thanks for allowing me to attend your meeting.’ I followed him quickly.

  He nodded. ‘The council has already conducted its general meeting, and we are now moving to other business. This is a good time for you to come in. It shouldn’t take too long and then you can meet with our members.’

  We walked upstairs silently. Steven exuded a general aloofness. He seemed more genial over the phone. We walked down yet another corridor, past an endless series of dull brown doors until we reached a door that didn’t look like it should be there. It was incongruously bright and painted electric blue. Steven opened the door and motioned for me to walk in. I steeled myself for the big entry, and was immediately deflated by how normal everything looked. I had no idea what to expect through the blue door, but Alice, this was no wonderland. About twenty bored looking people were seated around a table, listening to a pudgy man at its far end.

  Steven pointed to a chair against the wall and I sat down mutely. A few other men and women sat in chairs lined up against the wall. They looked like they were waiting outside a dentist’s surgery, with expressions to match. Steven joined the group at the table. I felt a few eyes fall discreetly on me. Some were not so discreet. One woman in particular was glowering at me severely. I began to feel hot under her glare. They don’t have lasers on their eyes do they? Shush, silly! I sat up straighter and listened.

  A young man sitting opposite gave me a cheeky grin. I grinned back. He had chocolate coloured hair that nested untidily on his head and warm, friendly eyes. He seemed nice, despite his goofy smile.

  I turned my attention to the pudgy man at the centre of the large table. He was about sixty with golden hair that looked super glued to his head. His forehead was encased by a golden fringe, cut dead straight, and measured right down to the millimetre. His sideburns ran with military precision down the sides of his face to his jowls, growing straight out the sides of his head like flapping sails on a Chinese junk. His chin rolls must create the flapping momentum.

  ‘…now that it is the third quarter of this year, fines from non-compliant pack members will be sought,’ pudgy said.

  I saw the friendly young man look at him and scowl. Pudgy turned and addressed him. ‘Mr Finnegan, that means you.’

  The young man’s scowl grew deeper and he sprung from his seat as he said, ‘But it’s unfair. I’ve been friends with him my entire life. He’s like a brother to me. He’s known about me all these years. If he wanted to do anything about it, he would have by now. He’s not going to wake up one day wanting to suddenly attack weres.’

  ‘Nonetheless, you are not allowed to disclose any aspect of our lives to anyone outside the pack. We’ve taken the unusual nature of your friendship into account. You were a pup when you told him so we cannot blame you too much. You’re lucky we’re only fining you, and not banishing you completely.’ Pudgy looked stern.

  The young man huffed and looked at me. ‘Well what is she doing here? She’s an outsider allowed into our pack.’

  Hey don’t drag me into this! I looked at him alarmed. Steven spoke before I had a chance to. ‘I would like to introduce Shalini Gupta to the group,’ Steven said rising slowly from his chair. ‘She is visiting from the Lost Souls Dating Agency.’ I noticed a few bored faces in the room light up. ‘She is the lady I mentioned to you yesterday, Jim.’ He looked at pudgy face, who nodded gravely.

  The young man’s mouth dropped open. ‘Shaleeeneee Goooopta?’ he drawled slowly with eyes widening.

  I nodded. Yes that’s me, moron. Why was he staring like that?

  He mumbled, ‘The Lost Souls Dating Agency?’ He shook his head, looking very startled and confused. What was his problem?

  Steven looked quizzically at him as well. ‘She would like to meet with our members. I thought she could stay for drinks and nibbles after the meeting.’

  Jim considered me at great length. ‘I don’t see why not,’ he said at last. ‘After we conclude with Finnegan’s business, she is free to talk to our members.’ A few murmurs drifted across the room.

  ‘Oh man, this is not good.’ The young man sat down heavily.

  Jim looked at him. ‘You may call your associate in now, Mr Finnegan, so we can see exactly how much damage you have caused with your friendship.’

  ‘I’d really rather not at this moment.’ He looked pleadingly at Jim, whose jowls flapped angrily at the insubordination.

  ‘Why not?’ he growled. ‘You assured us he would be here
tonight for us to question.’

  ‘He’s here, waiting in the meeting room…’ the young man started and then quickly glanced at me.

  Jim saw his glance and his expression softened. ‘I’m sure Ms Gupta will not interfere in any way,’ he said.

  I shook my head mutely in agreement. Why was this guy so worried about me?

  The young man just shrugged and stood up. ‘Well I tried,’ he said, opening a door on the wall close to where he was sitting.

  A tall young man walked through that door and I gasped so loudly that everyone, including Jim and Steven, turned to stare at me.

  ‘Will?’ My mouth went completely dry.

  Chapter 26

  Will’s face turned ashen when he saw me. ‘Shalini, what are you doing here?’ he asked hoarsely.

  ‘You both know each other?’ Jim looked at Will and then at me.

  I was too shocked to say anything. My mind spun out of control.

  ‘They both study at the same university,’ the young man, Will’s friend, said quickly, before either of us composed ourselves to speak.

  Jim’s eyes narrowed and Steven frowned.

  ‘Well I suppose that can’t be helped,’ Jim said finally. He turned to me. ‘Since you know the young man, I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Ms Gupta, for this part of the proceedings.’

  Steven walked towards me and waited for me to follow him out of the room. My legs felt like lead. I could not stop looking at Will, who seemed not to notice me anymore. His face was stonily turned away from mine.

  I marched out of the room behind Steven. He left me in the meeting room, where Will had been. Steven closed the door as he left. The room was sparse, with a few chairs and a table. It was not cold but I started to tremble. Will was Finnegan’s friend? Could Will be a were? It didn’t sound like he was, from what Jim had said. They had disapproved of Will’s friendship with Finnegan…oh my head ached.

  About an hour later, Steven opened the door and led me back into the room. It looked like the formal part of the evening was over and people were mingling. He didn’t say anything as he led me to where Will and Finnegan were standing. They were deep in conversation and stopped when we reached them.

  ‘Well I’ll take your leave now, Shalini,’ Steven said looking at both young men. ‘I’m sure you have a lot of catching up to do.’

  As soon as he walked away, I turned quickly to Will. ‘What —’

  ‘Shalini, I couldn’t tell you about my friendship with Finn. He was in enough trouble already because of me and I couldn’t add to that…’ he pleaded.

  I started to say something, but words failed me and I let out a large sigh instead. ‘So you’re not a were?’

  Will looked confused for a minute and then laughed. ‘No I’m not! I just have the unfortunate pleasure of being Finn’s friend.’

  I turned to Finn, whose goofy smile was back. He spoke in a friendly tone. ‘I think we need to start again. I apologise for my behaviour earlier. I was just so shocked to see the girl Will had told me so much about, here at a were meeting of all places, that I sort of lost my senses for a bit.’

  Will talked about me a lot? Well now…

  ‘So is it true that you run a matchmaking agency?’ Will asked me seriously, though I saw a sparkle in his eyes.

  ‘Yes,’ I felt my cheeks become hot, ‘it’s for supernaturals…’

  ‘Like me.’ Finn gave us a toothy grin. ‘By the way, we weren’t introduced properly, I’m Finn Finnegan. I’ve known this chap since we were wee little things.’ He pointed to Will, who smiled amicably at him. ‘We were neighbours and he caught me transforming one day at the beach. But he didn’t swim away like everyone else did…’

  ‘I thought it was the coolest trick I had ever seen,’ Will added laughing. ‘Having a shark for a best friend is pretty great in my book.’

  A shark? I looked at him questioningly.

  Finn hesitated. ‘I’m a were-shark. True to my name and true to my nature.’ He shrugged. Will looked at him closely.

  ‘Wow! Do you grow gills and everything?’ I eagerly asked. It was my first time talking to a shark. Now there’s a sentence I never imagined I would say!

  ‘Pretty much every full moon.’ He paused awkwardly. ‘Everything is anatomically correct.’ Friendly Finn seemed a little uncomfortable with this discussion.

  Will noticed it too and spoke. ‘In any case, you’re one for keeping secrets, Shalini. A supernatural matchmaking agency! I don’t know whether to be impressed or concerned.’ He smiled.

  Finn smiled cheekily. ‘No need for any concern, unless you want to apply of course,’ he teased.

  ‘Oh I’m pretty happy with my current situation,’ Will said, looking directly at me.

  My cheeks felt warm for the hundredth time tonight. I tried to remember what I was there for. What was I here for? Focus!

  I turned to Finn. ‘So what about you? Do you have a partner or significant other?’ I asked, hoping the answer would be in the negative.

  He gave me a mischievous grin. ‘Well I can’t say that I do.’

  ‘Would you like to register at the agency?’ I asked hopefully. ‘There is no charge of course, and I’ll keep you on the books so to speak, in case someone of interest comes along.’ Or was already known!

  ‘Why? Do you have a list of female were-sharks I could look at?’ he teased.

  ‘Not were-sharks, but I may know some other potential candidates,’ I replied meaningfully.

  He sighed. ‘Well my shark status makes me less than eligible in the were-community. For some reason girls, even weres, don’t really understand my jumping into the ocean every month or so and disappearing for a while. I don’t get to share my were-experience like the others can. It can get a bit,’ he paused, ‘tiresome.’

  ‘I think that’s a pity.’ I meant it. I glanced at Will, who was looking sombrely at his friend.

  We stood in silence for a while.

  ‘So, if you don’t mind me asking, how does arranged dating actually work?’ Finn finally asked.

  ‘Well it’s similar to the Indian arranged marriage scenario, only with less pressure to get married and more dating. I arrange meetings with potentials for my clients, and most take it from there on their own. They decide the next steps, if they want marriage or whatever.’

  ‘Fascinating.’ Finn considered what I said. ‘Okay, I’d like to try it as an experiment. I’ve had little luck with women so far. Maybe you’ll have better luck than I do.’

  Will let out a smooth laugh. ‘I’m sure she would.’

  ‘Okay then. It’s settled, I’ll officially go on your books.’

  Whoop! I knew just the person I could arrange for him to meet.

  Chapter 27

  Will and I talked outside the town hall for a while as we waited for Finn to emerge. He was saying goodbye to some of the other pack members. While we chatted I told Will everything about Lost Souls and even a little about Victor. It felt so good to be honest with him. His own experiences with the supernatural world via Finn helped him understand. I was so grateful not to have to start from scratch. I think he was grateful in return.

  ‘You know, Shalini,’ he took my hand and I felt my pulse quicken, ‘I was dreading the day I’d have to explain my friendship with Finn to you. I’ve never been able to tell anyone else about him. He is my closest friend, and I didn’t want it to get in the way…’

  I smiled. ‘I’m glad we can share this.’

  ‘I knew there was something special about you the minute we met in that horrible library. You’re the only reason I go there!’ he exclaimed.

  I smiled shyly at his honesty.

  He inched closer to me and I looked up at him. ‘Gosh you have the most beautiful black eyes,’ he breathed.

  My heart slowed as I looked into his own eyes. Their intensity was mesmerising. He was standing so close I could hear his heart pounding. Or was that the sound of mine? Neither of us moved, afraid to break the silence that descended on us
. Nothing else existed.

  Our spell was fractured by loud voices approaching down the corridor. Will let go of me reluctantly.

  Finn emerged from the columns at the front of the hall with a frown. Before he could speak, the lady who had given me the laser eyes earlier in the meeting slithered next to him. She looked at me and started angrily, ‘I don’t know why the council has allowed you to meddle in our business, but as far as I’m concerned you and your kind are not welcome in our community.’

  Finn rolled his eyes. ‘Calm down, will you, Mia? She’s not doing any harm.’

  ‘You think telling humans about us and letting her,’ she pointed a stubby finger at me, ‘snoop around in our affairs is not going to be harmful?’ Mia spat.

  ‘I’m not snooping.’ I was annoyed.

  Mia ignored me. She looked instead at Finn. ‘And you shouldn’t be encouraging her!’

  ‘I think it’s great, she’s bringing people together,’ Finn said politely.

  I felt Will put his arm protectively across my shoulder.

  ‘We don’t need her to arrange our lives for us.’ Mia folded her arms across her chest and shot eye daggers at me.

  ‘I’m not in the business of arranging lives,’ I huffed.

  ‘What do you call arranging marriages then? Or dates, or whatever it is you arrange. You’re nothing more than a glorified pimp.’

  I was too shocked to reply.

  I felt Will tense. ‘Lady, you really need to shut your mouth,’ he said through gritted teeth. Finn and Will glowered at her. I felt trouble brewing and that was the last thing I wanted!

  ‘Agreed.’ Steven Gilmore joined us. Mia looked at him and quietened down with a scowl. He looked at me. ‘Sorry about Mia, sometimes she needs to be put back in her box.’

  ‘I understand everyone’s concerns,’ I said calmly, trying not to look at Mia, ‘and all I’d like to say is that you don’t have to worry. All our cases are confidential and I do not disclose any information to anyone.’ I thought about my conversations with Megan and Neha guiltily.


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