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Special Agent: Austin

Page 2

by Joni Hahn

  Austin stood by and let them.

  He’d come to San Diego to change things, to change himself. No more would he be the pathetic, cowardly younger brother that wouldn’t stand up for Jaydan. He would have Jaydan’s back from here on out. Joining D.I.R.E. was the best way to do that. He had five days to convince Mitchell Jacobs to give him a shot before the D.I.R.E. chief left town after the wedding.

  “Did you talk to him about your case?” Austin said.

  Jaydan turned the corner, one hand on the steering wheel. “We’re supposed to talk after the wedding. He said making contact with me was worth getting his ass kicked.”

  Austin shared a grin with him before lowering his gaze. “I know you have a lot going on this week since you’re the best man, but I need to talk to you at some point.”

  Pulling up to what had to be a ten-star hotel, Jaydan opened the door to the valet and handed him the keys. Walking around the truck, he grabbed Austin’s bag out of the back and handed it to the bell boy. “I figured that.”

  Hope rushed out the front door and into Jaydan’s embrace. Lifting her into his arms, he kissed her like he hadn’t seen her in years.

  Austin grinned. It was good to see his brother happy. He deserved it.

  Pulling away, Hope gave Austin a hug before stepping back against Jaydan’s side. “Sorry, I missed you at the airport.” She stared at him with lowered brows. “What happened?”

  His shoulders slumped. Hell. He’d hoped to get his future sister-in-law on his side before he saw Jaydan. He shot that all to hell, too.

  His brother’s eyes widened. “You called Hope?”

  He’d wanted to at least see the California coastline before his brother sent him home packing. “I, uh, wanted to surprise you.”

  “You surprised me, all right.” With a playful backhand on his chest, Jaydan said, “You owe me bail and a talk, Tyson.”

  Austin frowned as he rubbed the area where Jaydan had just tapped him. “I need to find an ATM.”

  Hooking an arm around Hope’s shoulders, Jaydan turned her toward the entrance. “You owe me more than you can get out of an ATM.”

  Austin stared through the glass door at the massive chandeliers and contemporary, cherry wood furnishings that were so not Texas. “So, do you guys have a place where I can bunk down while you’re busy this week?”

  Jaydan spoke over his shoulder as they walked through the front door. “You’re staying here at the hotel.”

  Hope’s voice carried in the spacious lobby. “Yes, I have a tuxedo waiting for you in your room.”

  He glanced at the scores of security agents crowded in the foyer. Every security agent on the West Coast had to be there. “Tuxedo?” He rushed to catch up to them. “I’m going to the wedding?”

  Hope grinned back at him over her shoulder. “Yes, and every party leading up to it.”

  Score. He was sure to meet Mitchell Jacobs at some point during the week. Maybe he didn’t need Jaydan to get into the agency, after all.


  Austin felt like he’d stepped into a James Bond film. Wearing a tuxedo, and surrounded by security agents and influential party guests, all he needed was a fancy car and a beautiful woman, and he was set.

  Humming the movie theme, Austin straightened the cuffs of his jacket as he waited for the bartender to fill his drink order. His future sister-in-law had not only scored him a last minute hotel room, but an appointment with her father’s tailor - and got it on the house.

  Money certainly did talk. So did a room full of politicians and businesspeople.

  The hotel ballroom was a sea of sequins and tuxedos, the buzz of conversation boisterous. Security agents lined the perimeter of the room, with more stationed outside in the hallway. As the bride-to-be, Natalie Meeks practically glowed with happiness, while D.I.R.E. agent Riordan St. James beamed at her side. From what Jaydan had told him, the couple had been through more grief and tragedy than any two people deserved, and had more than earned this week of celebration. Austin felt honored to be there, albeit uninvited.

  He handed Hope a glass of Merlot. “Sure is a lot of hot air in this room.”

  Chuckling, she lifted the glass to her lips. “Yes, they should set up lie detectors after everyone’s had a few drinks. That would prove for lively entertainment.”

  Austin gave her a lopsided grin. “Or, clear out the room.”

  She hiked an arched brow. “More likely.”

  A round of applause broke out. The two of them turned to the doorway. A striking, strawberry blonde stood beside Senator Meeks, a graceful vision of poise. Exotic and beautiful, she held herself with regal decorum - and edgy moxie. Several guests approached them, shaking hands and offering hugs.

  “Who’s that?” he said, giving the woman a toe-to-head glance over the rim of his glass.

  Hope leaned in close and lowered her voice. “Natalie’s sister, Keegan. The woman Jaydan rescued a few months ago - on the day of Gunner’s wedding.” She gave him a sly look. “Interested?”

  He’d never been more proud of his brother than when he learned Jaydan had rescued a woman from a twenty-year captivity. He wanted to do that. To save people, make a difference, rid the world of people that manipulated it for their own gain.

  His parents, her captor, it was all the same mentality: whatever they wanted, regardless of how it affected others.

  “You couldn’t do better, Austin. She’s beautiful, inside and out.”

  He gave a half-laugh. Getting involved with a woman was the last thing he needed right now. D.I.R.E. had to be his number one focus.

  “Yes, she is, Hope,” he said, with an uh-yeah chuckle. “But, then again, every woman I met today was hot. The word’s taken on a whole new meaning since I met the D.I.R.E. women.”

  Before the party, Austin had the pleasure of meeting four of the super agents and their significant others. Surrounded by copper and gold armbands and a shitload of confidence, he’d never felt so insignificant in his life. To know his brother was a part of the elite squad made him proud. The idea of working with them made him want to join D.I.R.E. more than ever.

  Looking out over the crowd, a flash of sky blue caught his eye. He did a double take.

  It was her.

  Wearing a long, flimsy dress that hugged her ample breasts and flowed to the floor in a pool of fluff, she stole the spotlight. The green tips had vanished from the the blonde ringlets now piled high on her head, her nails painted a soft pink. Her face looked pale and ethereal, her skin glowing in the dim, chandelier lights. The diamond stud at her nose twinkled, but not nearly as much as her round eyes which seemed to fade into the dress. She looked nothing like the tough, leather-bound smart-ass at the airport, but an exquisite, delicate woman.

  A chameleon.

  Who was she? Security was tight, with invitation-only admittance. Now was his chance to find out why she skipped out on him and possibly get more information for Jaydan and Grayson Donner.

  He squeezed Hope’s elbow. “Excuse me a minute. I see someone I know.”

  Making his way through the ocean of body heat and free-flowing drinks, he found her standing at a bar height table with two couples, a plate of food in front of her. The others ignored her while she dug into her extravagant fare.

  “Sweetpea, fancy meeting you here.” He nodded at the others, a false smile pasted on his face.

  A model of composure, she straightened her napkin on the table before turning to look at him. “Well, Honey Dump-”

  She gave him a slow perusal, her eyes shining brighter the longer she looked. Heat climbed in his face and filtered through his body. That’s the second time he’d gotten hot and bothered around her. She was so…obvious about her attraction to him. It made him uncomfortable.

  But, horny as hell.

  Her voice barely carried over the buzz of conversation. “You take my breath away, Dumpling.”

  Stick to business, Rose. Don’t let her distract you.

  “What are you doing here?” />
  Picking up a cracker, she said, “Free food.” She scooped some caviar onto the cracker and took a bite.

  God, the woman was a complete smart-ass. So, why in hell was he standing beside her, aroused, knowing she skipped out on him and could have information on a missing woman?

  Dumb-ass, Rose.

  “Who are you?”

  She bit a cheese square off a toothpick and set it down on her plate. “Tinkerbelle Mason. My…friends call me Belle.” She held out her hand. “And, you?”

  Her soft, sweet smile left him dumbfounded. In that moment, with a name like that, she appeared innocent, with those big, blue eyes and smooth, rosy cheeks. Belle Mason didn’t look like trouble at all.

  Don’t fall for her charade, Rose. She’s a master.

  “Austin. Where did you go today?”

  Dropping her hand, she turned back to her food. “You mean after the cops hauled you off?”

  Looking around, he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. Her arms were muscular and toned, yet her skin felt like butter. “You know damned well that’s what I’m talking about.”

  “I came here.” Pointing at the floor, she said, “I had to get ready for the party.”

  He’d bet his new Ropers her name was not on that guest list. “Do you know them?”

  “Who?” Her eyes searched his, her brows raised in question.

  He pointed at Natalie and Riordan dancing in the middle of the room. “The bride and groom?”

  Her gaze went to the happy couple. “No, can’t say that I do. At least, not personally.”

  Why had they allowed her inside? He knew without a doubt that D.I.R.E. would not allow her in the party uninvited without a good reason. “They must want you here to keep an eye on you.”

  She stiffened, her smile wavering. “Why do you say that?”

  A chink in her armor? The thought amused him. He couldn’t keep the smug smile from his face.

  “Trust me, if they didn’t want you here, you wouldn’t be here.”

  Laying a palm against his chest, she looked up at him through heavy-lidded eyes. His body hardened to her soft touch, his heart picking up speed.

  Damn, he wanted to take her up to his room for a quickie.

  “Maybe I came here to see you…”

  His hand covered hers on his chest. She felt so damned soft. “Yeah, sure.”

  “I said you could make it up to me at the hotel.” She sidled closer, the scent of apricots floating up his nose. “What do you know? We’re here.”

  His body thought she had a great idea. His mind told him he had to stay on his toes – not his back.

  He shoved away her hand. “You’re seriously starting to piss me off, Belle.”

  The scowl on her face made her diamond stud dance in the overhead lights. “What are you? The attendance Nazi?”

  “Tinkerbelle, I swear...”

  “It’s Belle.”

  “Well, Belle, you shouldn’t be here.”

  Her stern voice contradicted her delicate beauty. “Why are you giving me such a hard time? I’m over here minding my own business, eating great food, not bothering a soul.”

  “Because you’re not an invited guest.”

  She placed her hands on hips. “For your information, I’m representing Congresswoman Norton. She couldn’t make it.”

  Yeah, sure. Something told him Congresswoman Norton wouldn’t hire someone a Special Forces soldier suspected of withholding information. The more he thought about it, he needed to stick close to her. After what Jaydan had told him, someone needed to keep an eye on her.

  “How do you know Hope Powers?” She offered him a shrimp from her plate.

  So, she had been there long enough to see him talking to Hope...

  “She’s my brother’s fiancée.” He popped it in his mouth and washed it down with his whiskey.

  Her mouth dropped open. “Jaydan Rose is your brother?”

  Narrowing his eyes, his mind whirled. This woman definitely knew more than she should - or let on. In what capacity did she work for the Congresswoman? From what Jaydan had told him, not even government officials had access to D.I.R.E. information.

  He needed to take a different approach. If he made her unsuspicious, perhaps she’d open up or let something slip. It could be a good way to make an impression on Mitchell Jacobs.

  “How do you know my brother?”

  A red blush stole over her cheeks. She swallowed hard. “I don’t know him. I know of him.”

  As if on queue, the band started up a slow ballad. He reached for her hand. Her skin felt like silk inside his palm, her grip loose before tightening with his.

  She glanced up, her blue eyes wide beneath high, arched brows. A shiver ran through her to quake in his hand.

  “Dance with me, Belle.”

  With a slight nod, she gave him a small smile. The shy, timid gesture seemed so un-Belle-like and drew him to her like a snake charmer. She was an arrogant, pain in the ass with secrets. Yet, it wouldn’t be a hardship to keep her close, as long as he remembered why he was doing it.

  Pulling her into his arms, he held her away from his body, sensing she posed a danger much deeper than showed on the surface. Inhaling deep, she moved closer, her breasts pressed against him, causing a groan to rise in his throat. Her palm skimmed up his back.

  So much for not losing focus.

  “You smell good, Austin.”

  He stared down at her, unhappy with the way she molded against him like spandex. “So do you.”

  “You feel even better.” She purred more than spoke under the music.

  He chuckled at her boldness while his hand pushed against her lower back, pressing her against the length of his arousal. Her breath caught, her eyes sparkling like deep blue sapphires.

  “Obviously, you’re a woman that believes in the direct approach.”

  Her breath came in small puffs against his chin. “I’ve been manipulated too many times to believe in anything else. I’ve had to fight for everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  Studying her, Austin realized the confidence he thought he saw in her eyes wasn’t confidence at all, but determination. Almost a hardness, an acceptance that nothing would ever come easy for her.

  She’d certainly made quick work of wrapping him tight.

  “What if I said I surrender?”

  A frown marred her flawless brow as she examined his shirt. “I’ve also learned that anything too easy is usually a form of manipulation.”


  Lifting her chin with his forefinger, he was surprised to see her eyes shimmering a watery blue. Damn, he’d been a victim of manipulation and hated his parents for it. Here he was, trying to get close to her for his own gain.

  He didn’t want to be that man, didn’t want to be that man with her.

  Then again, could she be manipulating him?

  “So, you want me to play hard to get?” He gave her a crooked smile.

  Her hand fisted against his back. “I don’t want you, of all people, to play anything. I just want you to be straight with me.”

  His heart hummed a hard, steady beat. How had the conversation gotten so heavy when it had started out so playful? She wanted him to be straight with her, but she’d played him from square one. Did he confront her and risk losing any intel he might gain? Or, did he continue to play her?

  “That’s too much to ask, isn’t it, Austin?”

  God, she really didn’t hold back. Yet, he found her boldness refreshing, her honesty… questionable.

  “If you’re asking whether I want you, Belle, the answer is yes.”


  Irritation zigzagged through him at the sound of Jaydan’s voice. His brother stood beside him on the dance floor, dressed to the nines, staring at Belle with nonchalance.

  Austin knew better. Jaydan’s mind had to be whirling like a damned propeller.

  Belle tried to sneak away. He held her hand in a tight grip. “Jaydan, this is Belle Mason.�

  Smiling, Jaydan shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure.”

  Her arm stiffened, the grip on Jaydan’s hand white-knuckled. “Mr. Rose.” The rigid tone of her voice told him the smart-ass was back.

  Jaydan shot him a glance, his mouth pinched tight. “I need to talk to you. Find me when you’re done.”

  “He’s done.” Belle stepped away, her frosty tone washing through him like a winter breeze.

  Frowning at her, he said, “I’ll find you when I’m through.”

  She gave a one-shouldered shrug. “You can try.” She walked away without a backward glance.

  Try, his ass.

  Jaydan stared after her. “Who is that?”

  Austin slid his hands into his pockets. “Would you believe the woman from the airport?”

  Jaydan turned to stare at him. “Are you serious?”

  Nodding his head, Austin told him almost everything that had transpired. Maybe if he told Jaydan what he knew, he’d win his brother’s support in joining D.I.R.E.

  “Good call. Keep an eye on her. I’m sure Mitchell knows she’s here.” Turning to him, Jaydan spoke in a teasing manner. “Maybe you should apply at the agency.”

  That was a segue if he ever heard one...

  Clearing his throat, Austin said, “Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  The smile vanished from Jaydan’s face before he shook his head. “No way in hell...”

  Damn, why did he have to be right about Jaydan’s reaction? “Why not? I have a college degree, you know I’m good with a gun, and you saw Donner today. I can fight.”

  He could see Jaydan’s muscles grow beneath his tuxedo jacket. He did not want to piss off the strongest man in the world.

  “You have no freaking experience, Austin. You’d get yourself killed.”

  “I have a criminal justice degree.”

  His brother harrumphed. “That’s like going from elementary school to graduate school.”

  Would he ever be a man in Jaydan’s eyes? Why couldn’t he see that Austin had changed, had grown as a man?


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