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Smith Dynasty (Trilogy Bundle) (BBW Romance)

Page 5

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Ms. Smith, I am sorry to hear about the passing of your father, he was a very honorable and forthright man.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Lee, he was, and you can rest assured that those same values have been instilled in me and I carry them on to ensure all that my father built continues to grow in the manner in which he envisioned it. We have our largest and strongest ship in port right now, the best crew in all of our fleet and the best captain the industry has to offer. This captain has never had one incidence of loss or late arrival of any cargo, nor has there been any claims made by any exporter or importer whose cargo has been placed in his hands. I have taken all precautions to insure a timely and safe delivery of your goods.”

  Mr. Lee sat back a moment before speaking. “I could not help but notice that you, Mr. Logan, are the one who is listed here as the captain, I thought you were part-owner of the company, can you please explain this paradox to me?”

  “Of course,” Jake replied. “I have been with Smith Shipping since my early twenties. I started by working on the deck and was groomed by Mr. Smith himself for this business. I graduated from the best maritime college that money could buy and have worked in all areas of this business, from mopping the deck to working on engines. I am skilled in the best technology that this business has to offer. I have spent twenty years of my life ensuring I was the best in every position, and I am.” Jake thought a moment before going on. “I am taking command of this shipment personally not only because I know my ability is the best our fleet has to offer, but as part-owner I am taking your shipment into my hands and taking personal responsibility for it. I am also staking my part of the business in this. Mr. Smith trusted me fully in life, and I will continue to honor his trust in me in his death.”

  “I see that you also have lowered your bid price as well as you have a ship ready to go. You have also forwarded to me the engineering report from your in-port inspection, which shows the ship to be in top shape and ready to go.” Mr. Lee looked over the bids again before he spoke. “If I needed to move this shipment date up, when would you be ready to load and leave port?”

  This question was directed at Lucy who, without hesitation, answered him. “Immediately, sir, we are ready to start loading as soon as we have clearance.”

  Mr. Lee smiled at them and told everyone they would have his decision by 4:00 p.m.

  They left the office and proceeded to the car, and Lucy hummed with excitement.

  “I think we may have done it, Jake. Thank you for bringing the ship to port, I do believe this will be the factor that weighs this in our favor.”

  Jake looked at the sparkle in her eye. “No, not just that, it was the reputation built over the years by your family as well as our proposal and negotiating skills that will win it.” he said with a laugh as he pulled away and headed toward the wharf.

  “Well, it looks like we make a good team, Jake!”

  Jake couldn’t agree more with her, in more ways than one. He dropped her off at her hotel to change and told her he would be back in an hour to pick her up. He was going to change and get ready for their evening, as he had a feeling a celebration would be in order.

  They were sitting at a small outdoor restaurant when the call came in at exactly 4:00 p.m. They had won, the contract was theirs. Lucy hung up the phone and started whooping with joy as she told Jake the news.

  He could hardly contain himself and gloried in her happiness. He felt like he won the lottery, twice. He was going to show her a night of celebration she would never forget.

  Lucy got back in the car, elated from their win in the bidding war and asked where they were headed, even though at this point she could care less. Nothing could dim her joy right now, only add to it.

  Jake stared at her for a moment. She looked so carefree and at ease, he realized this was exactly how he wanted to make her feel for the rest of their lives. “For starters, we are going to Dialogue in the Dark. Have you heard of it?”

  “Yes, I have actually been wanting to experience this. It should be wonderful,” Lucy enthused.

  Dialogue in the Dark was everything she thought it would be and she was surprised at how easy it was to be with Jake and talk to him. She had to remind herself several times not to fall for this man. She did not have time and with the companies soon-to-be status as the second largest in the shipping business, she realized her plans were all falling into place and she had no time for a second project at this point. She needed to keep with her plans and a man or relationship did not fall into them at all.

  Jake pulled into Lucy’s hotel and escorted her up. He wanted to come in and ravish her till they both collapsed from exhaustion, but he was trying to be a gentleman. He wanted to woo her slowly, a touch here, a look there. He wanted to haunt her dreams as she haunted him. So far she had not pulled away from any of his touches, from brushing her hair out of her eyes, to holding her hand to guide her through the darkened tour, and he was elated. He hoped to be hearing wedding bells by Christmas.


  The weekend went by in a whirlwind. Lucy could not believe how much this country had to offer and the sheer beauty of it. They had taken the ferry from Kowloon to Macau in mainland China on Saturday and had spent the day at Universal Studios Singapore. She was a kid at heart and could never get enough of that place and could hardly wait to take her kids there.

  Kids? Goodness where had that come from? If a man was not in her plans, kids could hardly be anywhere in her near future. She had to separate herself from Jake after she went back. It was obvious he was becoming dangerous to her and her future. She had a goal and come hell or high water, she would reach that goal, but in the back of her mind, she knew she could not even remember the reason she had made that goal, or why it was important to her.


  Jake rode the elevator up to Lucy’s room. Today was his last day and he was going to fill every minute up with her and hopefully tonight would be the night. He knocked on her door and a moment later Lucy opened it.

  “Wow, you look radiant and beautiful!” Jake could not take his eyes off her for a second. She was dressed in faded blue jeans with comfortable tennis shoes and a light pullover sweater. Her hair was up in a ponytail with only a light dusting of rouge on her cheeks. She was the gorgeous, and she was his. After tonight, he hoped she realized it too.

  Lucy blushed. “Thank you, you look quit handsome yourself. Let me grab my bag and we will be off! Where are we going for breakfast?” Lucy grabbed her purse and locked the door behind them.

  “We are going to have a picnic on Lantau Island, then we are going to tour the Big Buddha. I thought from there we would go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery. Then dinner at the Happy Valley Racecourse as we watch the races; all to end with a late night cocktail in my suite overlooking Hong Kong.”

  Lucy was floored. He had a whole day planned out and every bit of it were things she had on her own to-do list. It was almost like he was in her head. She hoped her excitement was not showing too much, but from the look on Jake’s face, she was not hiding it well at all.

  They arrived back at Jake’s suite at 10:00 p.m. and Lucy sat staring down at the city from the balcony. Amazing! This was the most beautiful skyline she had ever seen.

  Jake could see the exuberance on her face when he came out and handed her a glass of champagne. “Hong Kong has one of the top ten skylines of anywhere in the world!”

  “I can see why,” Lucy said. “This is definitely my favorite one so far, so enchanting and mesmerizing, I could stare at this all day.”

  They went back in as there was a knock on the door and Jake went over to answer it. “Room service for my beautiful lady.”

  Lucy looked at the layout before her and gave a chuckle, surprised he would think of this. There was fresh fruit and juice and whipped cream, and it looked delicious.

  Jake heard her giggle and decided to give her a little kiss; he had waited all week and could wait no more. Jake reached down and tilted her head up. He saw the questi
on in her eyes, yet he could not stop. He touched his lips to hers and felt her lips part in response. She drew him in with her taste, and he wanted more, he knew he always would. She tasted like sunshine and an ocean breeze. He was becoming addicted as he reached around and drew her closer. She arched up and met his kiss and parted her lips for more. He was going to take all she would give and make her want more.

  Lucy knew he was going to kiss her, and she wanted him to. She wanted to taste him and feel his heat more than she wanted anything right now. She felt his lips touch hers and she knew in that moment she had been branded. No other man would do; no other man could make her feel like she would die if his lips left hers.

  She wrapped her arms around him, inviting him to give her what her body wanted and her mind fought; a release only he could give. This man embodied everything she had ever wanted, he had just come at the wrong time. But it was only tonight. She would take what he offered and go home tomorrow and forget about him, wouldn’t she?

  Jake kissed her neck and heard her groan. He moved down and unbuttoned her blouse, kissing where each button had been and letting it fall to the floor. He removed her bra slowly and ran his tongue around one nipple and then went to the other breast as he felt her shiver and put her hands in his hair and pull him forward. He pulled her pants off as he continued ravishing her breast and as he laid her on the blanket in front of the fire, he parted her legs, touching her most feminine parts as he went back to ravishing her mouth. Their tongues danced the dance of lovers; he gently rubbed her rose bud and felt her arch into his hand. He heard his name as she cried out in ecstasy.

  Lucy thought she was going to die, but wanted to make him feel as much as she did and make it go on forever. She surprised him by moving his hand away as she reached down between them. She could feel the bulge in his pants, aching for release. She could feel the pulsing as she unzipped his pants and wrapped her hand around his manhood. He moaned and arched toward her and she felt emboldened. She removed his pants and shirt and stared at him. He was the most magnificent specimen of a male she had ever seen. And for this one moment, he was hers. She ran her tongue down his stomach and felt him quiver, heard the sharp intake of breath and continued down as she rubbed his throbbing member. She took the tip of his manhood and ran her tongue over it, as Jake cried out her name.

  Jake was dying, he had to regain control or it was going to be over before it began. She made him feel like no other woman had and he wanted more and he could wait no longer. He pulled Lucy up to him and pulled her under him. He looked in her eyes, all smoky and glazed over, and knew she was as ready as he was. He could feel the heat coming from her and he could not wait for that heat to wrap around him, bringing him as close to heaven as he could get. He entered her slowly. He did not know if it was to tease her or him, either way, he was about to lose it.

  Lucy felt him enter her and realized this was what she had waited for her whole life, this completion, this soul-searing claim this man was staking on her with every thrust. She arched upward, meeting him with every movement, trying to get him deeper in her body and soul. She felt the heat rise and knew she was reaching the point. She started to moan aloud, yelling his name as she shattered, free and flying through the clouds, every muscle in her body shivering as she wrapped tighter on his member, draining every bit of life from him.

  He felt Lucy start to shiver, heard her call his name. He tried to call her name but it was lost on his lips as he soared through the clouds, every ounce of being flooded into her and he was spent. He knew it would never be like that with anyone else. His heart was lost to her. He moved to the side and drew her to him and wrapped her in his arms as he felt tears slide down her cheek.

  He did not ask, he knew; he felt it too.


  Jake awoke to find Lucy gone and a note on the table. He read it and could not believe it, not after what they had been through this last week.

  Jake, thank you for the wonderful week, but we knew this day would come. I have no room in my life for a relationship. I am sorry but I will not be able to continue this once I get back to Los Angeles. I wish you well and hope you find someone worthy of you, Lucy.

  Jake ran to the bedroom and got dressed. He loved her, would give up all for her and he had to tell her. He was racing against time; her plane would be leaving shortly.


  Lucy boarded the plane with a heavy heart. Why was fate so cruel to her? She was getting all she wanted in her business and fate had given her the man of her dreams, but the timing was all wrong; she could not have both, not now. Not when she was so close to seeing her personal hopes and dreams come true. She sat down in her seat and buckled her seatbelt as the plane took off.

  She did not see the man at the window in the terminal calling her name, feeling as if he was dying on the inside as he watched the plane pull out on the runway and take off.





  Jake watched as Lucy’s plane lifted up toward the heavens. This was not what he had planned for a sendoff, that’s for sure. He knew in his heart that Lucy loved him as much as he loved her. He had hoped after last night she would finally admit it to herself. She was so focused on her career she could not see anything else, least of all him. But she would not be rid of him that easy. When he got back to Las Angeles he was going to move back into his old office; right across from hers. He was bound and determined to make Lucy see she could have it all.


  Lucy couldn’t concentrate on the work in front of her during the flight. All she could think of was Jake and the amazing night they had. She wished things were different. But she was too close to seeing her goal come to light and she had no room for any distractions right now, especially a distraction as good looking as sexy as Jake Logan. He made her heart melt and her knees go weak, and she had no time for that right now. She had to admit this last week with him had been amazing, but she had a promise to keep, not just to herself, but her father as well; love would have to wait.

  Love! Now where had that come from, she wondered as she reached up to turn the overhead light off. It was going to be a long flight, and she was feeling the jet lag already.


  Jake spent all day Wednesday onboard the ship, making sure everything was ready. They would begin loading on Thursday and should be done sometime Sunday afternoon. He planned on leaving port on Monday. He sent the plans to the main office and to the client as well. Late that evening, he was double checking the weather radar and what to expect in the next two weeks while at sea. It appeared they would have smooth sailing, except for one small storm; the rest of the trip was looking to be rather uneventful. It was shaping up to be his easiest shipment to date.

  By Sunday night, Jake was exhausted. They had been loading the ship for 24 hours straight since noon on Thursday. They were checking to make sure everything was buttoned down and he was signing off on all paperwork and taking possession of all cargo on board. Jake sent notice and copies of all paperwork to the client and head office, as was his usual routine. They would be departing first thing in the morning. It was going to be a long two weeks knowing Lucy was waiting for him at the end of it.


  Lucy noted Jake’s departure time and his charted course. She filed all the paperwork and noted all shipments were received in dock and loaded on time without incident. She was grateful and hoped the rest of the trip went just as well; they had a lot riding on this contract.

  Lucy had ignored all personal emails from Jake and only opened the ones related to business. She couldn’t bring herself to read them, not yet. What if he was mad at her? Or worse, what if he told her she was right all along and they were better not seeing each other! What if he told her he loved her? She just did not think she could handle any of those probabilities, not now.

  Over the last three days she had picked up the phone several times to call him, to say she was
sorry for the way she had left; that she was sorry for thinking the way she did; that she had been wrong and she would be at home waiting with open arms; that somehow her goals just did not seem that important to her anymore. When she thought of her plans and how close she was seeing them unfold, she no longer felt the excitement that she used to. The thrill was gone. It had been replaced by visions of Jake. Damn him! With this new knowledge of herself, she set off for her best friend Brandy’s and a much needed cry, she may even do that before the pizza and wine.


  “All hands on deck!” Jake gave instructions to the crew as he guided the cargo ship out of port and into open waters. Even now, Jake could think of nothing but Lucy. He had been sending her emails and had gotten none in return, not even an acknowledgement she had seen them.

  It looked like she was digging in her heels for the long fight. He had to give her credit, even if she was going to lose in the end. Lucy was not the only one who got what she wanted! And he had too much to lose to give up on her, not now. He would show her that he was just as stubborn as she was. “We have cleared port, pull hard starboard, full steam ahead.” And with that, Jake went below for a bite to eat.


  “Lucy, you are a grown woman; you can have it all if you choose to. Why do you think you can only have either a personal life or a business life? You can have both and the sooner you realize this, the happier you are going to be, you will see,” Brandy said as they waited for the pizza later that night.


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