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Dazzle (Delaney's Gift #1) (Delaney's Gift Series)

Page 18

by Amber Garza

  Sam drapes his arm around my shoulder. “Oh, he likes you. It’s me he’s not very fond of.”

  “How can that be? He’s your dad.”

  “I’m sure he loves me. I’m just not what he hoped for in a son, I guess. I think he wishes I was different.”

  I rest my head against him. “Well, I’m glad you are exactly like you are.”

  He stiffens. “Do you really mean that?”

  “Of course. Why would I say it if it wasn’t the truth?”

  “Are you saying that you’re always honest?”

  Something about his tone unnerves me, and I shake my head. “Nobody’s entirely honest all the time.” I look at him. “But Sam, you do realize that you’re my first boyfriend.” The words are out before I can stop them. We’ve never really defined our relationship before, and I wonder if I just jumped the gun.

  Sam raises his eyebrows. “Boyfriend, huh? I like the sound of that.”

  My heart skips a beat at his words. “Me too. You have to know that I never would’ve let you in if I didn’t really like you, and I certainly wouldn’t go to so much trouble to be with you.”

  He gives me a funny look. “Why do you like me, Delaney?”

  I’m surprised by his question. I bite my lip wondering how much I want to share. I mean, he’s asking me to expose a lot of my feelings. “Well, to be completely honest, what first drew me to you was how hot you are.” My face heats up at the admission. “You know you’ve got this whole bad boy thing going on and it’s very sexy. But once I got to know you, I realized you’re a lot like me. You’re not at all like you seem, Sam.”

  His brows knit together. “I’m not?”

  “No. You’re kind and good-hearted but you keep people at arm’s length because you’re scared. I do the same thing. I think that’s why we connect.”

  Sam brushes my hair away from my face. “You’re not at all what I expected either, Delaney. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  “Oh, I think I have some idea.” I smile.

  His hand cups my chin and he covers my lips with his. When we part, he lets out a long breath and presses his forehead to mine. “How do you do that?”

  My heart is pounding and I’m breathless. “Do what?”

  “Make me feel this way.”

  I giggle, glad I’m not the only one feeling things.

  He sits up. “Want something to drink? There’s soda in the fridge.”

  I nod. “Sure.” While he goes into the kitchen, I glance around the room. I can’t help but notice that there are no pictures or personal touches at all. Even when I first entered the house I didn’t notice any family or school pictures. I think about how the walls at my house are filled with family portraits. It makes my heart ache for Sam living in this lonely house with a dad who doesn’t treat him right. I think back to the words his dad mumbled at the shop last time I was there.

  Sam returns and hands me a soda. I pop the top and take a long sip. Once I gather up my courage I ask, “Sam, who’s Lauren?”

  His face pales and he starts to choke on his drink.

  I feel bad for saying anything.

  “Are you okay?”

  He coughs, and his face turns bright red. Then he takes a deep breath and nods his head. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “I-I’m sorry. It’s just your dad mentioned her. Forget it. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  He sets his soda down by his feet and grabs my hand. “No, it’s fine. I’ll tell you. It will probably feel good if someone else knows. I’ve been keeping it a secret for so long.” With our fingers threaded together, he traces circles in my palm with his thumb. “When my mom first left I went with her. I wanted to get as far away from my dad as possible. I was hoping for a fresh start. But right after we moved I met Lauren. She invited me to a party and I went.” He looks up at me. “Are you sure you want to hear this?”

  I’m not sure at all now, but I force my head to bob up and down in agreement.

  “Okay. We were drinking, and pretty soon we started making out. The next thing I knew I blacked out.”

  “Like you were drugged or something?”

  He nods his head. His fingers are sweaty in my palm. I squeeze them to offer encouragement.

  “I think so. Anyway, when I came to, Lauren was all upset. She had been crying and her clothes were torn. She swore I took advantage of her.”

  It’s not what I expected him to say. The room spins around me.

  “But I know I didn’t do it.” Sam releases my hand and runs his palm over his face. “I just can’t imagine doing that, even if I was drugged.”

  I find my voice and reach for him. “Of course you didn’t. I’m sure of it.”

  His arm falls to his side and he looks at me as if he’s seeing me for the first time. “What?”

  I touch his cheek. “I know you, Sam. I believe that you didn’t do this.”

  “Well, you’re the only one.” Darkness fills his eyes. “My parents believed Lauren. Mom struck a deal with Lauren’s family that if I left, Lauren wouldn’t press charges. So that’s how I ended up back here. Mom said she was doing it to protect me. I just wanted her to support for me once.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Sam studies me. “Why aren’t you running away?”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” I place my hand over his.

  “It sure would make things a lot easier if you did.”

  I’m confused by his words. “Make what easier?”

  “Nothing.” He sighs. “I just don’t know what to make of you. I’ve never had anyone believe in me like you do. It’s weird.”

  I smile at his choice of words. “I never thought I’d be happy to hear someone call me weird.”

  His face grows serious and sad.


  “I was just thinking how much it will hurt when you stop believing in me.”

  “That won’t happen.”

  “Promise?” He leans in close.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. His kiss is more desperate this time, and before I know it we fall to the bed. He pushes me off and takes a deep breath. “We better get outta here.”

  “I agree.”

  “Wanna get something to eat? There’s a pizza place just down the road.”


  The pizza place is located in a run-down strip mall in a shady area of town. I have never eaten here before, but that’s probably a good thing because that means we most likely won’t run into anyone we know. I hold Sam’s hand tightly in mine as we make our way inside. The restaurant looks a little less scary inside than it did from the outside. It’s filled with little tables with red and white-checkered tablecloths. Only a few other patrons are scattered throughout. A family sits in the corner, and a couple snuggles at a booth. Sam guides me to one of the other booths and we slide into it. I’m glad when Sam sits on the same side as me. It feels good to have him next to me.

  “It may not look like much, but trust me. This is the best pizza in town.” He winks.

  My shoulders relax with his words. When the pizza comes I have to admit that he’s right. It’s perfect. I take a huge bite of gooey cheese and lick sauce off my fingers.

  Sam laughs. “You eat like a dude.”

  I jab him in the ribs. “Shut up.”

  “No, I like it. It’s cute.” He smiles, while wiping cheese from my chin.

  Just as I open my mouth to take another bite a surge jolts me and waves of shock crash through me. Not now. Please, not now.

  “Delaney? Are you okay?” I hear Sam say just before everything goes black and the static noise fills my ears.

  When the fuzzy picture emerges I see the dark parking lot of the pizza place. A young lady walks toward a car as she fishes in her purse for her keys. At first I don’t recognize her, but as her face comes into view I realize it’s our waitress. She’s almost to her car when she drops her keys and bends to pick them up. At
that moment a man who appears to be in his late forties with long hair and stubble covering his chin walks in her direction. He grabs her from behind. She fights him off, kicking with her legs and pounding him with her fists.

  She opens her mouth to scream, but his hand covers it. I will the vision to end, wishing I didn’t have to watch anymore. The man is whispering in her ear, so I can’t hear what he’s saying. It appears from the look on the waitress’ face, though, that she knows him and is terrified by him. He shoves her against her car and hits her square in the jaw. I stiffen and squeeze my eyes shut. Please stop. I don’t want to see anymore.

  Thankfully, the vision fades and the restaurant comes back.

  “Delaney?” Worry etches Sam’s face.

  I look down to see that I’m squeezing the slice of pizza in my hands. Sauce and cheese oozes out of every finger. Embarrassed, I release it and grab a napkin.

  “Sorry,” I mumble. “I’m just not feeling very good. I’ll be right back.”

  Eyes crinkling in concern, Sam watches me go.

  Once inside the restroom, I hover over the sink forcing myself to take deep, cleansing breaths. I wash my hands and then splash cold water on my face. I think of calling Micah, which is what I normally do in these situations. Only I know I can’t. There’s no way he can find out where I am. He’s already angry enough with me. I’ll just have to save the waitress on my own. But how will I do it without Sam catching on? Although I suppose his head is already filled with questions after my display out there. How will I explain any of this?

  My mind is spinning, but I know I’m running out of time. I exit the bathroom and race back to my table.

  “Feeling better?” Sam asks as I slide into the booth.

  “Not really. Where is the waitress?”

  “I’m not sure,” Sam says. “Do you need something?”

  “Yeah. The bill.”

  “We’re leaving?”

  “I need to get outta here.” I clutch my stomach.

  “Okay.” He raises his arm and a different waitress appears.

  “Where is the other waitress?” I ask, attempting to keep my panic in check.

  “Oh, sorry. Her shift is over. She just left.”

  I gasp. So much for keeping my panic in check.

  “You okay?” Sam asks.

  “Yeah.” I face the waitress. “Can we please just get the bill?”

  The waitress furrows her brows while she nods. Then she quickly scurries away. Clearly she thinks I’m rude. Some of the other patrons are looking over at me as well. I’m probably acting like a crazy person, but I can’t think about that right now. I suddenly realize why my parents are always warning me against hanging out with people who aren’t like me. This is excruciating. I’ve never been so out of control during a rescue before.

  Trying to stay focused on the gravity of the situation at hand, I turn to Sam. “Can you please just pay the bill? I need to get some fresh air.”

  “Wow, you’re really not looking so hot.”

  “I know. It’s odd. It came on so suddenly.” I feel bad about continuing to lie to him. The irony of the fact that I’m being so deceitful after he was so honest with me earlier is not lost on me.

  Sam moves out of the way to let me pass. I hurry outside. Cool air circles me, kicking up my skirt. I call the police quickly and then race toward the parking lot, scanning it for any sign of the waitress. I don’t exactly have a plan if the guy shows up so I’m hoping to just warn the waitress and get her back inside. I finally see a flash of her blonde hair as she walks out of the back room. Her car is parked in a secluded spot and she’s making a beeline for it. I try to remember where the guy jumped out at in my vision. When I think back over it, I’m pretty sure he was hiding behind her car.

  I’m just about to race after her when Sam steps up behind me. “Feeling any better?”

  My stomach drops. Not now.

  I glance back at the waitress and see that she is almost to her car. If I don’t move now, it’ll be too late.

  “I’m sorry, Sam, but I have to do something.” I turn around, and the minute I do the man steps out of the shadows and grabs the woman.

  “No!” I scream and race in their direction.

  “Delaney!” Sam calls after me. “What are you doing?”

  I don’t answer him. I just run. All the training Micah’s given me plays in my mind. I know how to fight, and right now I’ve got to do it. The waitress is kicking and flailing just like in my vision.

  “Stop. Now.”

  “Get outta here little girl.” The man says. He’s slurring his words. “This has nothing to do with you.”

  “Let me go, Kenny!” The waitress bites his hand and he shrieks.

  “You little—”

  I race straight into him, knocking him down. For being drunk he holds his own. He barely falls backward before regaining his balance. I get into the fighting stance that Micah taught me, and put my fists up.

  “Lookie, here, she’s so cute. Thinks she can take on a grown man.” The man walks toward me, unsteady on his feet.

  “Kenny, c’mon, leave the kid alone. This isn’t about her.” The waitress says, but he ignores her and keeps coming toward me. The fire behind his eyes is a little frightening. He looks like he’d take pleasure in inflicting pain.

  “Fine, I’ll go with you,” the waitress says, and this finally stops him.

  “Thought you’d see it my way sooner or later.” The man grins, but it doesn’t look pleasant. “Told you that you could never stay away from me.”

  “No.” I hold my arm out. The thought of letting her go with him makes me sick. Who knows what horrible things he’s done to her? “Don’t go with him.” Before either of them can answer me, I bring my arm backward, and then with all my might I swing it forward and strike him in the jaw. I feel the bone crack under my knuckles and he falls to the ground. For a moment I’m so proud of myself I almost smile. I wish Micah could see me. He would be so proud. I totally knocked the guy out in one punch.

  Sam comes up behind me. “You okay?”

  I nod, ignoring the insistent stinging of my knuckles.

  “That was crazy.” Sam stares at the man on the ground. The expression on his face makes my stomach knot. He’s never going to look at me the same again.

  I hear the sirens as they near us.

  “You saved me.” The waitress approaches and wraps me in a perfumed hug. “Thank you.”

  I choke from her floral scent. Behind us, I hear the sound of tires rolling over the gravel and car doors opening and closing.

  I’m not at all surprised when I hear Officer Thomas’ voice. “Delaney?”

  The waitress releases me, and I turn around. “Hey Officer Thomas.”

  He glances over at Sam and then back at me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  Officer Thomas nods and heads over to the waitress.

  When the officer is out of earshot, Sam says, “I think it’s time you told me your story. The truth this time.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  Chapter 25


  “YOU SURE YOU’RE okay?” I reach over and grab Delaney’s cold hand that lies in her lap, keeping my other hand on the steering wheel as I drive. Her knuckles appear a little swollen. Not that I’m surprised. She did clock that guy pretty good.

  “Yeah.” Her voice is soft.

  I glance at her. She is staring out the window and blue light flickers over her face. She bites down on her lower lip and the gesture makes me want to kiss her. I know she’s nervous about telling me the truth. If only I could reassure her that everything will be okay. Squeezing her hand, I think about how this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. Only now it means something completely different. Before I planned to use the knowledge to destroy her. Now I’m hoping it will be the beginning of us.

  I turn down the road that wraps around the lake.

  Delaney turns to me. “Where are we going?”

  I wink at her. “You’ll see.”

  I drive a little further. When we come upon a clearing, I pull over into the dirt. My tires skid and dust kicks up around us. After cutting the engine, I turn to Delaney. The lake stretches out behind us, blue and shimmery.

  “You don’t have to be afraid. You can tell me anything.” I smile and take both of her hands in mine. “I can take it.”

  She gives me a crooked smile.

  “I told you my secret, right?”

  “I know, and I’ll tell you mine.” She sounds scared, desperate. The turmoil written all over her face makes me feel sorry for her. Her skin has turned green like she’s getting ready to puke, her lips are a thin squiggly line and her eyes droop.

  I gently rub her fingers between mine. “Please don’t look so scared. I just want to know you, that’s all.”

  “This is really hard for me,” she starts in a shaky voice. “I do trust you, but you have to understand something. I promised my parents I would never tell anyone this.”

  I nod sympathetically.

  “Sam, it’s very important that you promise you will never tell a single soul what I’m about to tell you. It could be dangerous for me if it gets out. In fact, it’s the reason that my parents traveled into the center of town to meet with Zerach’s advisors today. There’s a possibility that the Sarafites are after me because of what I’m about to tell you.”

  I feel sick from her words. If she ever found out about my part in all this she’d never forgive me. I vow to make it up to her. “You can trust me.”

  She nods, swallowing hard. “I was born with the gift of prophecy. I can see things before they happen. I know it sounds completely crazy.”

  “No, it doesn’t. Not after what I’ve seen.” I squeeze her hand, but partly to steady myself. If she can see into the future, does she know what I planned to do to her? “Can you see everything that’s going to happen?”

  She smiles blandly. “Can you imagine? I’d be having visions all day long. No, I can’t control it, and I can’t see everything. The visions come sporadically and usually I can only see something that’s going to happen relatively soon, like within the hour.”


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