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Unreal City: Las Vegas, Black Mesa, and the Fate of the West

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by Nies, Judith

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  Abourezk, James (senator), 29

  About a Mountain (D’Agata), 174

  Adelson, Sheldon (casino owner), 190

  Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 216–218

  Alcatraz, occupation of, 28, 220–222

  Alcohol, in Las Vegas, 150–151

  Alkali soil, 95–96, 140

  Allotment Acts, 121

  Alta California, 1–7, 96–97, 108

  Amax Metals, 202

  Ambler, Marjane (writer), 53, 192

  American Gaming Association, 241

  Anasazi, 58, 166–167, 211, 213, 231

  Annals of the Former World (McPhee), 198

  Anthracite, 76

  Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO), 192

  Area 2, 7, 194

  Area 51, 7, 194, 197–200

  Area 52, 7

  Arthur, Chester (US president), 61–67

  Ashke, Violet (Navajo activist), 28–30, 36–37

  Atawovi (Hopi village), 35

  Atkinson, Hawley (Relocation Commission chairman), 204

  Atomic blasts, viewing of, 6

  Atomic Energy Commission, 193, 195–196, 216

  Atomic Test Site, 160, 19
3, 195

  Atomic Testing Museum, 142, 160, 195, 200

  Baker, Dean (rancher), 185

  Baker, Kenny (Las Vegas resident), 190

  Bally’s, 52, 189

  Batista, Fulgencio (Cuban president), 10

  Bechtel, Steven, Jr. (company president), 200–201, 204, 206, 208

  Bechtel, Steven, Sr. (company president), 155, 200

  Bechtel, Warren (company president), 143, 144, 146, 153, 155–156, 191

  Bechtel China, 42

  Bechtel Corporation. See also specific projects

  Central Arizona Project, 177–179, 187, 203

  coal-slurry pipeline, 42, 48–50, 56

  founding of, 147

  generation station construction, 42, 48, 50–52

  George Shultz and, 202–204

  Hoover Dam project, 143, 209

  labor issues, 192

  military construction projects, 159–160, 192–194, 200

  nuclear power division, 196–197, 200–201

  political influence of, 203–204, 208, 240

  power plant construction, 203, 207

  Yucca Mountain Project, 160–161, 201

  Bechtel-McCone, 191

  Bechtel-Nevada, 195–196, 201

  Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus (Perlstein), 19

  Belgian Congo, 62–63

  Bellagio, 163

  Benally, Leonard (Navajo activist), 233

  BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs

  Big Mountain, Arizona, 32, 38–40, 211

  Big Water, Utah, 94–95

  Bimson, Walter (bank president), 116

  Bin Laden, Mohammed (contractor), 193

  Binion, Benny (casino owner), 6

  Bituminous coal, 76

  Black Hills of South Dakota, 64

  Black Mesa, Arizona, 27–42

  coal, 27–29, 37, 40–42, 49, 51, 78, 84, 114–115, 126, 177, 224

  coal-slurry pipeline, 34–35, 37, 42, 49–50, 53–56, 203, 207

  maps of (1879), 63, 65

  topography of, 32, 34, 79

  Black Mesa Environmental Impact Statement, 53

  Black Mesa Water Coalition, 54

  Black Mesa Water Trust, 54

  Black Mesa Weavers for Life and Land, 32, 233

  Blackgoat, Roberta (Navajo activist)

  author’s visits with, 37–38, 211–216, 222–225

  awards, 235

  at boarding school, 123, 222–223

  children of, 214–215

  death of, 233–234

  at Goldwater’s visit to Big Mountain, 40

  at Hanson Ltd meeting (1996), 231–233

  at Harvard, 235

  hauling of drinking water, 54

  hogan of, 213

  influence of Alcatraz occupation on, 221

  meeting with Goldwater, 28–30, 36–38

  personal attributes of, 211, 219, 234

  sheepherding camp, 33, 34, 211–214, 218, 224

  weaving by, 37–38

  welfare case and hearing, 217–219

  Blackgoat, Vicky (Navajo), 31–34, 54, 211–215, 217, 223–224

  Blackjack, 237–238, 239–240, 242

  Blair, James (trading post owner), 31–32

  Block 16, 152–153

  Blood and Power: Organized Crime in Twentieth Century America (Fox), 13

  Blue, Martha (lawyer), 35, 216–219

  Blue Lake, 222

  Boarding school, 22, 120–124, 222–223

  Boats, gambling, 10

  Boeing Corporation, 202

  Bolles, Don (investigative reporter), 229

  Bonanno, Joe (gangster), 15

  Book of Mormon, 96, 100–102, 104–105, 112

  Bosque Redondo, 64, 130–131, 133

  Boulder Dam (Grey), 156

  Boulder Dam Project Act, 171

  Bowman Dam, 148

  Boyden, John (lawyer), 78–92

  ambition of, 84–85

  Barry Goldwater and, 88–91

  as coal-company attorney, 125–126

  as cowboy lawyer, 59

  early life of, 85–87

  Hopi and, 42, 69, 79–84, 88–91, 119–120

  Hopi Land Settlement Act, 126

  Mormon faith, 84, 92

  Navajo Tribal Council and, 78–79

  oral contract with Hopi, 81

  Ute Indians and, 78, 82–83, 89–90

  Boyle, Danny (producer), 71

  Brackenridge, Henry (attorney), 101, 102

  Breaking the Iron Bonds: Indian Control of Energy Development (Ambler), 53, 192

  Brigham Young University, 111–112

  Bringing Down the House (movie), 240

  British Petroleum (BP), 70

  Brodie, Fawn (historian/author), 100

  Brook, Edward (senator), 24

  Brower, David (Sierra Club head), 176

  Brown, Denise Scott (architect/author), 243

  Brown and Root (Texas construction company), 200

  Bullhead City, 46–47, 51, 56

  Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

  accountability of, 220

  attorney approval by, 83

  dealings with Hopi, 79–80

  lease approval, 226

  licensing of Indian traders, 21

  Navajo Tribal Council and, 33

  Bureau of Land Management, 184, 186–187, 193

  Bureau of Reclamation, 95, 240

  Bushman, Virgil and Ruth (missionaries), 111–112

  Cadillac Desert (Reisner), 165, 209

  Caesars Palace (casino), 3

  Cafe Trocadero, 10, 11

  Cahlan, John (Las Vegas resident), 151–153

  Cahokia, 102–103

  Cal-Neva Lodge, 13

  California Institute of Technology, 194

  Canyon de Chelly, 130, 132–133

  CAP. See Central Arizona Project

  Carbon monoxide poisoning, 155

  Carlton, James (general), 129–132

  Carpet joints, 9

  Carson, Kit (frontiersman), 28, 64, 129–132

  Carter, Jimmy, 71

  Casinos, of Laughlin, Nevada, 52

  Catholic Church, 72

  Central Arizona Project, 126, 177–179, 187, 203–204

  Central Artery Project, 187

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 7, 193, 194, 197–198

  CERT (Council of Energy Resource Tribes), 225–226

  Chandler, Harry (publisher), 165

  Chasinghorse, Joseph (Sioux activist), 233

  Cheney, Dick, 200

  Cherokee, 97, 221

  Chicago Edison, 77

  Chickasaw, 97

  Chinatown (movie), 164–165

  Choctaw, 97

  Chillicothe, 101

  Church of England, 72

  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. See Mormons

  CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

  Circus Circus (casino), 190

  Ciro’s, 10, 11

  Cirque de Soleil, 163, 188

  City Center, 189

  Civilization and Assimilation policy, 121

  Clark, Wilbur (casino owner), 12, 15–16

  Clark, William (senator), 137, 139–142

  Clean Air Act, 57

  Clemmer, Richard (anthropologist), 120

  Cleveland Mob, 10, 12

  Climate change, 73, 175–176, 180, 209, 216, 232, 235


  bituminous, 76

  Black Mesa and, 27–29, 37, 40–42, 49, 51, 84, 114–115, 126, 177, 224

  “clean coal,” 50, 58

  in Coalville, Utah, 86

  current use in United States, 69–70

  electricity from, 47, 66–67, 70, 76–77, 202

  for generating stations, 47–51

  history of, 71–76

  industry relationship with workers, 77

  railroad delivery of, 48–49

  reserves, 70, 76, 84, 202

  for steam engine, 73–74

  strip mining, 2
9, 40–41, 49, 51, 58, 119, 204, 229, 231–232

  Coal: A Human History (Freese), 71

  Coal leases, 114–115, 119, 125

  Coal mining

  in England, 71–73

  Peabody Coal and, 76–78

  strip mining, 29, 40–41, 49, 51, 58, 119, 204, 229, 231–232

  Coal-slurry pipeline, 34–35, 37, 42, 47–50, 53–56, 203, 207, 231, 234

  Coalville, Utah, 84–87

  Cohen, Felix (solicitor), 21, 87–88, 90

  Collier, John (Native American advocate), 39, 79, 80

  Colorado Belle, 51

  Colorado Compact, 170

  Colorado River. See also Lake Mead

  apportionment of waters, 169–171, 175

  decrease flow of, 175, 176, 179–180, 240

  delta, 46

  flooding by, 168–169

  Glen Canyon Dam, 93

  sediment carried by, 79

  water from, 46

  Colorado River Compact, 143

  Colton, Harold (museum director), 79–80

  Comanche Indians, 131

  Command and Control (Schlosser), 195

  Commission on Indigenous People, 210, 234

  Competency commissions, 221

  The Condition of the Working Class in England (Engels), 75

  Conkling, Roscoe (senator), 61–62

  Connelly, Henry (territorial governor), 129

  Coosa kingdom, 102–103

  Cornero, Tony (bootlegger and casino operator), 147, 150–153, 191

  Coronado Generating Station, 52, 203, 207

  Cotton, 96–97

  Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT), 225–226

  Counting cards, 239, 242

  Cowboy lawyers, 59

  Cowdray, Oliver (school teacher), 105

  Cranston, Alan (senator), 206

  Creech Air Force Base, 7

  Creek Indians, 63, 97

  Crime Commission. See Senate Special Commitee

  Crowe, Frank (dam builder), 144, 146, 148, 154–155, 158

  Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto (Deloria), 222

  D’Agata, John (author), 174

  Dalitz, Moe (casino owner), 12, 14–17, 45, 191

  Davis, Arthur Powell (head of Reclamation Bureau), 149, 170

  Davis, Ken (Atomic Energy Commission director), 196, 204

  Dawes, Henry (senator), 121

  Deal, Percy (member Navajo Land Dispute Commission), 39–40

  DeBuys, William (author), 180

  DeConcini, Dennis (senator), 205–206, 214, 228

  Deffeyes, Ken (geologist), 197–198

  Deloria, Vine (activist/author), 37, 222

  Denton, Sally (author), 8, 16

  Department of Energy, US, 6

  Desalinization, 46, 179


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