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Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing (Hautboy Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Anne Berkeley

  “I have to pee.” Jake looked down at me doubtfully. In response to which, I rolled my eyes. “I was drinking mimosas all morning with Coop and Em. I have to pee.”

  Crouching over the duffle on the floor, he unzipped it, rummaged through the contents and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. He lifted his gaze, dangling them from his fingers.

  “You have to be kidding,” I objected.

  “Not in the slightest.”

  “I need my hands to use the bathroom.”

  Scowling unhappily, Jake eyes slivered. “Fine. You try anything, though, and there will be consequences.”

  “Where am I possibly going to go?”

  “It doesn't matter.” Untying my wrists, he leaned in close to my ear. “We both know I'm faster than you.”

  Jerking my wrists from his grasp, I stomped into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Before taking note of the décor, I spotted a door for an adjoining bedroom. It was slightly ajar, and I could see the pink glow of sunset filtering through the window treatments.

  Quickly, I used the toilet and washed my hands. The faucet, I left running. The running water would conceal the sound of my footsteps.

  Pushing the door open, I stepped into the adjoining bedroom. Must have been his sister's room. The walls were neutral, but the décor was decidedly feminine.

  Jake was leaning against the dresser with his feet crossed at the ankles. From under the ridge of his brows, he looked up at me, his eyes glinting with satisfaction. “I was really hoping you'd try it.”

  Without as much as a word, I bolted back into the bathroom and through the bedroom. Jake was pounding down the hall, but I was a second faster. I glided down the stairs like a skate, my feet moving swifter than my brain could even process. I couldn’t believe I didn’t trip and fall. But then, I had a lot of practice running from my brothers.

  Reaching the last step, I careened toward the kitchen. I had to place my hands out and push off the wall as I rounded the corner. By the time I reached the door, my hands were shaking with adrenaline. I grabbed the knob and turned. My fingers slipped over the brass. I turned it again. The same thing. Out of desperation, I yanked the knob and kicked the door.

  “Goddamn it! Open, you stupid fucking thing!”

  “It’s broken. Has been for as long as I can remember.”

  I fell still, ripe with defeat. “You’re freaking rich, and you can’t get a door fixed?”

  “I’m on the road a lot. Besides, my gram never let us use it. She didn’t want us tracking mud in her kitchen. So it was never a priority.”

  “It’s a fire hazard.”

  “The mud room is five feet over.” Lifting his hand, he rattled the handcuffs. “Are you going to come quietly?”

  “Never.” The corner of my lips curved over the double entendre. I corrected my gaffe, but not quickly enough. Jake’s mouth curled likewise.

  “If you obey me right now, Shaw, I might not be as hard on you.”

  “What're you going to do?”

  “I’m going to bend you over the kitchen table and fuck the shit out of you.”

  “What a charming proposition.”

  “It’s not a proposition. It’s a warning.”

  I couldn’t resist asking, “or what?”

  “I'm going to fuck you either way. The question is whether or not I'll let you come.”

  “You’re truly sadistic.” He was the thing of nightmares. My nightmares.

  “I think you’ll enjoy it.” Taking a step toward me, he dropped his head. Carefully, he brushed his lips against mine, as if I might bolt. Or bite him. It was a draw. While I liked his sadism, withholding orgasms was particularly cruel.

  “You have no idea how wrong you are.”

  Smirking, he closed the distance, pressing his lips to mine. My heart stuttered in my chest, aching over the desires he evoked in me. God damn if I didn’t have it bad for him. He would be the undoing of me. I swore it.

  Deepening the kiss, his hands slid down to my wrists. Slowly, he drew them behind my back. He was gentle as he pressed the first cuff closed around my wrist. Still, the clicking of metal caused my belly to quiver with apprehension. A small complaint escaped me.

  “Can you take it, Shaw?”

  “Jake, you’ve been in my dreams every night the past few weeks—”

  “You dream about me?” His eyes lit up, a complacent grin spreading across his face.

  “Don’t get all smug on me. They’re nightmares, really.”

  “Nightmares! You’re just saying that.”

  “Oh please. Get over yourself. You’re not exactly the portrait of innocence.”

  The smirk melted from Jake’s face. “Nightmares?” He repeated himself, sounding the word out as he tried to make sense of it.

  “Nightmares,” I reiterated, fighting a smile. Let him chew on that.

  His expression shifted, growing honestly concerned. It surprised me, took me off guard, wiping the smile from my face. “What’re they about?”

  “You, obviously.”

  “You know I’d never hurt you, Paisley, don’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t exactly say you hurt me.”

  “Then what?” His hands tightened around my wrists, listening intently. “What the hell do I do to you in these nightmares?”

  “You leave me hanging.”

  “I leave you hanging.”

  “Every night.” Bastard.

  “For the past several weeks.” He was finally getting the point.

  “So, as I was saying, as long as you make me come, I can take pretty much anything you dish out.”

  “Suddenly, I don’t wanna do anything but make you come.” He looked surprisingly remorseful for someone who hadn’t truly committed the crime. I’d barely smiled when he lowered his head and kissed me. Releasing my wrists, he tugged at the button on my jeans.

  The button of my jeans gave with a pop. His hands slid beneath the hem along my hips and began shucking them down over my ass. Growling with impatience, he circled my waist, lifted me off the floor and sat me on the table. Only then did he break the kiss.

  “Lose the shirt for me.” Grasping the waist of my jeans, he yanked them from my legs with one smooth draw. Dropping them to the floor, he stared, his gaze steely. I was wearing my lime green thong underwear; the ones I wore the day I fell in the yard.


  “I hate those fucking underwear.” Reaching down, he grabbed them in both hands. I opened my mouth to protest, but with a swift tug, he tore them in two. “Oops.”

  I glared testily. “That was no accident.”

  “Nope.” Grasping the other side, he tore them again. They fell to the floor between his feet. “Neither was that.”


  “You have the bra on too?”

  Tugging my shirt over my head, I arched my back, sticking my breasts out. “Have at it since you’re in the panty tearing mood. It’s not the same without the matching set.”

  And he did. He tore the thing in two. Then stood there shaking it at me. “You want to talk about nightmares? My entire fucking band saw you naked.”

  “I wasn't naked.”

  “You might as well have been for all this covered. You can see your fucking tits right through the lace. You're lucky Carter didn't whip out his phone for a picture.”

  “It wasn't my fault. I slipped in dog shit. Besides, the bus had left. How was I supposed to know it was gonna turn around and come back?”

  “Because of that little show you put on with Carter!”

  “Carter kissed me, not the other way around.”

  “Your fingers went into his hair.”

  Ingeniously, I looked up from under my lashes. “Well, you were acting so unaffected by everything. I wanted to get a reaction out of you.”

  My bra fell from Jake’s hand. He leaned toward me, forcing me to fall back on my elbows. “You’re playing with fire, little girl.”

  “And you’re picking a fight so that you have
an excuse to do dirty things to me.”

  A smile spread across his face, causing the blood to rise in my cheeks. “I don’t need an excuse to do dirty things to you, Shaw.”

  “Then maybe you need a little spurring? You're still dressed and I'm—”

  “Unfailingly impatient as usual.” Sliding his hands beneath my legs, he grasped my knees and pulled me snugly against his hips.

  “Just saying—it works much better without the pants.”

  “In due time.” Lifting my calves over his shoulders, he dropped his head between my thighs, and flicked his tongue at my core. My head fell back, reveling in the sensation.

  “Holy fuck.” It wasn't the most delicate of exclamations, but what we were doing wasn’t exactly chaste either. Jake Whalen…I wanted to pinch myself to make sure he was real. It could’ve been another nightmare.

  Lifting my head, I opened my eyes. Steel gray eyes stared back at me, unwavering. He flicked his tongue against me, harder. I gasped and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth.

  Still, I refused to close my eyes, lest he disappear and Mr. Hyde take his place. Not that Mr. Hyde didn’t have his own lecherous talents. I just preferred Jake’s form of wicked. He usually let me finish, and first at that. I’d scored a pure fucking gentlemen.

  Without breaking our gaze, he lifted his hand and pushed two fingers into me. My mouth popped open, releasing my lip. It felt swollen and ripe, mirroring my aching clit.

  My climax came quickly. Weeks of mounting sexual frustration released with a rush of spasms that had me flat on my back, my body a pool of quivering flesh.

  Before I could recover, Jake grasped my hips and flipped me on the table. I wasn’t in any condition to resist. My body felt loose and unhinged. So when he gathered my arms behind my back and fastened the second cuff, I was caught off guard. “Jake?”

  “Do you trust me, Shaw?”

  I snorted. “No, you beat my ass earlier.”

  “That doesn’t count. Besides, my intention isn’t to hurt you. Now open wide.” I did open my mouth—to protest. Jake shoved something between my teeth. A fucking ball gag with a leather strap on either side. These, he pulled taut, causing my neck to arch off the table. At the same time, he forced my arms and wrists upward, and fastened the gag strap to the cuffs.

  Mother fucker.

  If I tried to move my arms, I’d only pull the gag tighter.

  Skimming his hands down my waist, he traced the curve of my ass, and then cupped it in his hands. “You’ve got the best ass I’ve ever seen, Shaw.” Sliding his leg between my thighs, he parted them, pushing my feet apart with the toe of his boot. “One of these days I'm gonna fuck it. Not today, though,” he amended when I tensed under him. “Today, I'm going to show you how good it’ll feel when I do. Call it a prelude.”

  Sliding his fingers along my entrance, he parted my lips. And then the satiny head of his cock was there, nudging into me. With a sharp thrust forward, he entered me fully. I moaned around the gag in my mouth, gasping over the fullness. The feeling was a welcome progression of our foreplay.

  “Holy Mary mother of God.” Withdrawing, he thrust forward again with excruciating patience. “How did I ever think I could resist this? Jesus. I was fucking deluding myself.”

  Fucking ditto.

  This was worth every ounce of frustration and aggravation I suffered over the past several weeks. It was good enough to do it all over again. Lord, I was a glutton for punishment.

  Drawing me from my musings, Jake slipped his fingers against my clit, circling the sensitive flesh until I was wriggling beneath him, on the verge a second peak. Little did I know this was all foreplay to seedier plans. Recalling his intent, I shook my head as much as my restraints allowed.

  Slowly, his thumb entered my anus. Oh fuck. I forced myself to relax, grasping onto the orgasm skirting my reach. Panting, I bit into the rubber ball between my teeth.

  “Good girl,” Jake praised, pushing in a little farther. Every few thrusts of his cock, he teased me with his thumb until I grew accustomed to his touch. Then, his strokes grew progressively harder, deeper. “So fucking good.”

  Surprising me, he withdrew his thumb. Ok. That wasn’t bad. A prelude. He’d kept to his word. Piece of cake. Painless. Not altogether uncomfortable. I survived.

  Something smooth and slightly cool circled me. Definitely not a thumb. Jake started to push it into me. I sucked a sharp breath through my nose. He backed it out, then slowly began to push it in again. This time, he didn’t stop. While thrusting hard into me with his cock, the pressure grew against my ass. With a soft recoil, it entered me completely. I gasped over the odd intrusion. It wasn’t completely unwelcome, creating a forbidden pleasure.

  “Holy fuck, Shaw,” Jake panted, thrusting furiously now. “My God, I’m gonna come.” Reaching between my thighs, his fingers found my clit and began circling it in a bid to meet him at the end. “Come for me! Now! Fucking come for me!”

  I moaned against my gag, all but biting the thing in two.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Completely lost, Jake’s cock grew harder, longer. Suddenly, I could feel the wave cresting inside me. Each clap of his hips jostled the plug in my ass. The sensation began to grow welcome. I found myself angling my hips to enhance it.

  My cries were cut off by my orgasm, which rendered me momentarily silent. My body seized, racked with pleasure. I was in heaven. I was in hell. I wanted it to last forever. I needed it to end. Tears leaked from my eyes as he stroked me past orgasm, drawing it out. He was killing me softly.

  Behind me, Jake’s hips clapped my ass with one final thrust, roaring through his teeth as he came. I could feel every thunderous pulse of his cock, expelling his pleasure. Only then did his hand fall still, releasing me from the torture of my orgasm. Still, my clit continued to spasm, mirroring his climax.

  For several long moments, we stood quietly, catching our breath. I was ruined. There was no question about it. The night at the club together was no fluke. Jake was divine in bed, and I mean unearthly. He was a fucking god, pun intended. How did you settle for a mortal man after flirting with heaven?

  Exhaling heavily, Jake reached up and removed the gag from my mouth. It fell onto the table and rolled in a circle, leaving behind a small trail of saliva. I found it somewhat embarrassing despite having a sexual toy down below.

  “Fuck,” I said, resting my chin on the table. I was sure I was going to have permanent laugh lines. My mouth felt unhinged, and I was pretty sure I had drool on my chin.

  “You ok?”

  “I'm not sure, honestly. I can't feel anything except my asshole.” I managed to smile. Jake's laughter did some unpleasant things in the aftermath of our exertions, and I made a noise of displeasure. Slowly, he withdrew from both the main entrance and the backdoor. “Dear God, that's a serious downside.”

  “It's all good from my perspective.” As if he'd just finished with some mundane house chore, he walked to the utility sink and began rinsing off his tools of the trade.

  “You think you could uncuff me now?" I inquired, though enjoying the view. He had a fine ass, and his cock was still half-mast. His jeans were unbuttoned, and the head was peeking above the zipper, his prince albert nestled snugly along the underside.

  I tried not to think of what this meant for us. If there was an us. Staring at him, I felt a familiar sense of despondency. He was a rock star, after all. It was in his nature to sweet talk a girl to get what he wanted, and then leave her behind.

  There was no sense in dreaming about a future when, in the past, it always ended in a nightmare. But it was so hard not to. He was funny at times, and yet downright serious in bed. Then there was the obvious. He was fucking hot. I mean, heartbreakingly sexy hot.

  “I wasn’t planning to.” Coming in from the laundry room, he finished drying his toys and then tended to me as well.

  “You can’t leave me cuffed forever.”

  “You’re easier to deal with this way.” With long, leisure strokes, he
ran the damp towel up and down my legs and ass, leaving a trail of goosebumps across my skin.

  “I can do that myself if you let me go.”

  “I take care of what’s mine, Shaw.” Lifting me from the table, he turned me around. I stuck my chin up defiantly, meeting his gaze. “You just shut down on me again. What did I do wrong?”


  “That’s a bullshit answer.” I’d expected a reprimand for that, but he surprised me and took a gentler approach by cupping my cheek. “Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?”

  Damnit. Fuck. I turned my head, blinking away my frustration. God, I hated this…this one sided conversation. “No.”

  “Paisley…” He paused, searching, “What’s your middle name?”

  “What does that matter?”

  Jake shrugged. “Chastening kind of loses the effect without the middle name.”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “That’s two lies," he warned. "I won’t let a third go.”

  “Fine. I have one. I’m just not telling you what it is.”

  “Oh no no no.” Shaking his head, he stared down at me. “You have to give me one or the other.”

  “You have no right to make demands of me that you don’t intend to return!”

  “My middle name is Grady.”

  “I don’t care!”

  “It’s Irish, derived from Ó Grádaigh. It means noble in Gaelic.”


  “You know, I’m sharing myself with you and you’re being inconsiderate.”

  “I’m not telling you my middle name.” Ever.

  “Then tell me what the real issue is here.”

  “I want to know where I stand!” I exclaimed. “I want to know that this relationship isn't one sided, and that you’re not going to treat me like a pariah tomorrow. Even if we have an agreement."

  “I wouldn't say pariah. A temptation, perhaps.”

  That was it. He didn't care. I was just sex to him. A toy. A living, fuckable toy. The one he wasn’t supposed to touch. I was his temptation. “Take these cuffs off, please.” I turned and lifted my wrists as high as I could manage. “Just so there’s no misunderstanding, please was a civility, not a request.”

  “It’s not one sided, Shaw. Not at all.” He did as I asked and removed the cuffs, at least one of them. Groaning, I rolled my shoulders, working out the kinks. As I leaned on the table, stretching my arms, Jake began working out the knots in my back. “Ok?”


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