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Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing (Hautboy Series Book 3)

Page 31

by Anne Berkeley

  “You’re embarrassing me.”

  “I’m treating you like I should’ve from the beginning.”

  A flash of light illuminated the cab, gathering our attention. I turned my head, found Carter wielding his phone like a camera. “Sorry,” he said, lowering the device. “Had to document this historic event with a few pictures.”

  “What historical event?” I inquired. I shouldn’t have. I was only feeding into his egotism. Carter’s comments were never without a barb.

  “You know—the day Jake fell from his high horse.”

  Jake tensed, ready to retort, but I was quicker to the draw. “Jake might’ve fallen from his horse,” I countered, “but someday, you’re going to get knocked from yours.”

  “I only have one leg, Violet, and I could still kick Jake’s ass.”

  “Who said anything about Jake?”

  Sitting forward in his seat, Carter looked enthused over the prospect. “Who then—you?” he taunted. “If you wear those green panties again, I’ll go round for round with you. Anytime.”

  Jake shifted beneath me, itching to strike him.

  “Me? No, not me,” I parried. “I’m talking about your fated one as foretold by one Cooper Hale-Watkins. Tate and Shane have their significant others, and now Jake and I are together. You’re the only single one left.”

  Carter’s smile soured. “Fuck you.”

  “I think I’ll buy me a new camera so I can document the event.”

  “Fuck off,” he repeated. Scowling, he rested his heels on the seat beside us and lounged back in his seat. “Fuckwads.”

  Shaking with laughter, Jake shifted me on his lap and nuzzled my ear. “You really shouldn’t push his buttons, you know. You’re playing with fire.”

  “It’s not like you believe for one second that you and Jake belong together for some higher purpose,” Carter jabbed at me, unable to restrain himself. Sitting up, he propped his elbows on his knees, intent on taking me down.

  Higher purpose. I didn’t believe in fate or any of the hokey pokey crap, but I wasn’t going to admit it to him. My dig would be empty without it. I’d look like an ass.

  “You hesitated!” Carter accused with satisfaction.

  “I did not!”

  “The hell you didn’t!” Insistently, he elbowed Marshall in the ribs, demanding a second opinion. “She totally hesitated, didn’t she?”

  Marshall, the traitor, shrugged in resignation. “You hesitated.”

  “Whatever,” I scoffed. “I don’t see what the big deal is. Nobody actually believes that destiny crap. My point—” I was cut off by an abundance of oaths in response to my gainsaying fate’s far and powerful reach. You’d think I’d cussed in the house of God.

  “You don’t question fate,” Carter explained. “As Shane. He’ll tell you.”

  I glanced at Shane, who shrugged in passive confirmation.

  “Before you go spotlighting fate’s plans for my mother fuckin’ future,” Carter continued. “Better wait until the curtain’s closed on your own.” Well-feted on satisfaction, Carter kicked back in his seat, crossing his legs at his ankles.


  As we pulled to a stop, I was silenced with shock. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know whether I wanted to throw up or whoop with excitement. “You said a small event.”

  “I lied.”

  “Breathe, Violet. You look like you might pass out.”

  “This isn’t a small event.” Afraid to look again, I peeked out the window, catching another glimpse of the red carpet.

  “I think we ascertained that.” Fucking Carter.

  “Shut the fuck up, Carter.” Jake squeezed my hand, which was clammy and shaking with nervousness. “She’s already anxious enough. No reason to make it worse.”

  “I’m ok.” Some small fundraiser. He brought me to the Grammys. The fucking Grammys. “I’m just trying to wrap my mind around it.”

  “Wrap it quick and forget the bow. We’re up.” Shoving the door open, Carter climbed out of the limo. He was supposed to wait for security to go first, but true to form, he did things his own way. Tugging the lapels on his tux, he flashed a suave smile and struck a pose.

  Outside, the cameras went wild. Flashes burst like strobe lights, sending me reeling. “Oh my God.” This was really happening. I was going to walk the red carpet. Unfuckingbelievable.

  Following Carter, Marshall threw a sideways glance in my direction, an amused grin toying at the corners of his mouth. Derek climbed out behind him, followed by Taylor, Matthew and Shane.

  “Are you ready?” Jake asked.

  “You didn’t have to do all of this.” Solemnly, I looked him in the eye. “You could’ve taken me to a private dinner with a table for two. I would’ve been happy.”

  “This is just the start, Shaw.”

  “It’s over the top.”

  “You said the right guy would treat you as if you were the Queen of England.” Teasingly, he winked. “I called her royal assistant and asked for a few pointers.”

  Stretching my neck, I reached for a kiss. “Thank you.”

  “The pleasure’s all fuckin’ mine.” Cupping the back of my neck, he deepened the kiss, taking my breath away with his intensity. When he moaned into my mouth, pinning me against the back of my seat, it nearly unraveled me. I burned for him, nearly weeping with desire.

  “Do I need to get a damn squirt bottle to keep you two apart?” Carter complained. “You’re like fuckin’ rabbits the way you go at it.”

  Breaking the kiss, albeit reluctantly, Jake shook his head. “God give me the strength to keep from hitting him today.”

  A smile spread across my face as Carter extended his hand toward me. “Come on, Violet, before Jake-off gets brain damage from lack of oxygen. Blood flow usually helps, but if it’s always circling to his dick and back…”

  Taking a deep breath, Jake closed his eyes and tugged the collar of his shirt. “For once, Carter might have a point.”

  Giggling, I grasped Carter’s hand and stepped from the limo. The cameras had died down, but as Carter placed his hand at the small of my back, they resumed with renewed vigor.

  “Find your own girl.” Shoving Carter aside, Jake stepped beside me, taking his place. “Look it, there’s Spence Haney. I think she’s sixteen now. Just your age, Carter.”

  “They. Were. Eighteen.” Scowling, Carter stalked off to the next reporter. “Fucking douchebags, every one of you.”

  “Smile, Shaw. They’re taking our picture.” Wrapping his hand around my waist, he tugged me snug against his side.

  “Sweetheart,” said the photographer, coming toward me, “I’m going to give you a few tips. The camera will love you anyhow, but I’ll make you look like a star. Jake you look good.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Approaching me, he placed his hands on my arms, shuffled me a few steps to the left, until I stood on Jake’s left side. “There,” he said, appraising his positioning. “Much better. Now, turn toward one another, a little bit more. There. Bring your left leg out, sweetheart. Put your shoulder back. Place your hand on your hip. No. Keep your shoulder back.”

  “Sorry. I’m right handed. It’s awkward.”

  “Unfortunately so is Jake’s semi. That’s why I’m using you to block it from the shot.”

  Blinking away my shock, a wide smile spread across my face.

  “Perfect!” Lifting the camera, he snapped a series of shots. “What’s your girl’s name, Jake? Should I know her?”

  “Paisley Shaw. She’s upcoming.”


  I snorted under my breath, but Jake didn’t hesitate. “Pianist.”

  The reporter scribbled something down on a notepad and glanced at the next car stopping along the curb. “Thanks guys. Good luck tonight, Jake. Give Tate and his wife my regards.”

  Jake gestured his assent and guided me toward the next press person. “Pianist?” I asked. “I don’t remember agreeing to that.”

“You’re wasting your talent, Shaw.”

  “I’m being realistic.”

  “Did you ever think you’d be walking the red carpet with Hautboy?”

  He had me there. “No.”

  “Yet here you are.”

  “I haven’t played in years, Jake.”

  “You could be great. You might really enjoy it. But you’ll never know until you try. What’ve you got to lose?”

  My job, but I didn’t argue. He would fix that too.

  “You don’t have to quit your job. Jesus, Shaw, you’ve got a terrible attitude. You go into things expecting to fail, and you’re going to fail. Seriously—what happened to the power of positive thinking?”

  “Positive thinking was the footing that got me through nursing school,” I argued. “It was the encouragement I needed to move out on my own. They’re no small accomplishments.”

  “I’m not trying to insult you.” Stopping, he turned me to face him. “You’ve never had anyone there to catch you if you fall, but now you do. I’m only trying to offer your whatever support you need to do something that you want to do, and not just survive. Think of me as your safety net.”

  “I’m not taking your money.”

  “I’m not shelling out endless amounts of cash here. You keep your job. We practice. Work on Coop’s music. Take it slow. It’s going to take months for her to recover. Maybe eighteen years. She’s having twins. You have plenty of time to feel things out and decide if it’s something you want to do. I’m just offering to toss you a few bucks when you need it. If I have my way, I’ll be spending a lot of time at your place anyhow.”

  Hiding my amusement, I dropped my head. “Ok, I’ll think about it.”

  “Christ, you’re a tough nut to crack.”

  “I’m trying, Jake.” I loved him, but putting my trust in him wasn’t easy, not when I’d been stung by him in the past. I’d forgiven him, but I was far from forgetting.

  “I know.” Dropping his head, he pressed his lips to my forehead. His breath fanned over my face in a sigh of remorse.

  “I love you.” I could at least give him that. I didn’t want to dwell on the past. Bringing it up time and again wasn’t going to repair the damage we’d both caused. To move forward, we needed to focus on the here and now.

  Lifting his head, Jake’s eyes roamed over my face. “Damn,” he swore, digging in his pocket. “Almost forgot. I wanted to give you something.” His hand came out, something wrapped within his long fingers. Just as he uncurled them, Carter—who was walking past—slapped his hand, sending it flying beneath the curtain of a folding table. “Carter, you asshole!”

  Cackling in laughter, Carter moved on to the next reporter.

  Swearing under his breath, Jake dropped to his knees and began rooting under the table. A few seconds later, he came back out with a small, black velvet box. With a loud snap, he cracked it open. A silver ring with a rather large stone tumbled onto the ground.

  “Shit!” Quickly, he lunged for the thing as it wobbled to a stop on the red carpet, covering it with his hand.

  I looked on with horror and astonishment. Speechless.

  Lifting the ring into the air, he quickly surveyed it for damage. Slowly, he glanced at me, and then at the ring, and back at me again. Something registered. “Ah…”

  “Uh...” It was all I could manage.

  “Fuck.” Again, his gaze wavered between me and the ring. “Earrings, Shaw. I bought you a pair of earrings. I grabbed the wrong fuckin’ box.”

  “Oh. My. God,” someone in near vicinity exclaimed. “Is he proposing? He is! Jake Whalen proposing! Quick—get a picture!”

  Flashes went off left and right.

  I stared at Jake, in shock.

  Recovering, Jake’s expression shifted. A slow smile spread across his face. He hadn’t planned this, but he wasn’t above taking advantage of the opportunity. What better way to prove his devotion? Besides, he knew I wouldn’t say no, not with half the world watching. He had me right where he wanted me.

  A louder cackle resounded from Carter. “Holy shit—this’s fuckin’ priceless!”

  “Shaw.” I looked down at Jake, still holding the ring in the air. “Marry me.”

  My face was burning, straight to the tips of my ears. National fucking television. I felt like dying.

  “Shaw,” said Jake, calmly, “look at me.”

  I did. Tears sprang from my eyes, blurring my vision.


  I forced a shallow breath into my lungs.

  Jake grasped my left hand gently in his, gathering my sole attention. “Marry me,” he repeated, in earnest. He wanted this. I could see it in his eyes. He was every bit serious.

  Unable to find my voice, I nodded. Jake sighed in relief and slipped the ring onto my finger. Rising to his feet, he took me in his arms. His grip was firm. Confident. Gently, he tucked a finger under my chin and raised my head, while lowering his lips to mine.

  Shutters sounded all around us like a swarm of bees.


  “Hmm?” I murmured against his lips.

  “Your ass is all mine now.”

  Note from the Author

  I want to thank you for taking the time to read Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing. If you enjoyed Paisley and Jake’s story, please consider leaving some positive feedback on Amazon, Goodreads or any other blogs you visit.

  Feel free to visit me on my website, on Facebook, on Twitter or on Goodreads.

  Drop me a line. I love to hear from my readers.

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  Thanks again for your interest in my books,

  Anne Berkeley

  Other books by Anne Berkeley

  The Wild Hunt Series:




  Once Bitten Twice Shy Series:


  Hautboy Series:

  Someone to Watch Over Me

  Breaking the Habit

  Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing


  I want to send a big thanks to all my beta readers for invaluable feedback and encouragement!

  Anita Terrill, Kathleen Burcham, Lorna Atkins, Trish Sutherland, Danielle Renee, Billy Helms, & Jodie Wilkins.

  And thanks to everybody who has helped make this book a reality.




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