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Survival Games

Page 6

by J. E. Taylor

  He grabbed both her wrists in one hand, kneeled on her thighs, pushing them open with sheer force.

  “Are you finished?” he growled down at her.

  She spit at him.

  He wiped the spit from his face, glaring at her. “You have entirely too much energy today.”

  “You’re hurting me,” Jessica said.

  “That’s the point.” He moved his hand under her dress and pinched her nipple.

  “Get off me,” Jessica said.

  He leaned down, biting her other breast through the dress, still glancing sideways at her. She winced and renewed her efforts.

  “I just came in to bring you food,” he explained, his hand trailing down between her legs, his stroke soft and sensual.

  Jessica stopped struggling. “Then stop,” she finally said.

  Being this close to her, even with her struggling and fighting was as intoxicating to him as a gram of heroin is to an addict. He couldn’t stop; even with the silent plea in her eyes, even if he was presented with the choice of stop or die, he couldn’t stop. His hand continued gently probing, massaging, teasing and she didn’t look away.

  “Stop,” she commanded softly.

  He stopped but remained on top of her, pushing her legs wider and settling between them, his jeans tight and constraining against his hard member. He studied her face, the flush in her cheeks, her wonderfully dark eyes and he hesitated, tracing the outline of her jaw with the fingers of his free hand. God you are beautiful. The thought never voiced, only a deep sigh passed his lips and he went to kiss her but she turned her head away.

  Sudden overwhelming anger engulfed him. Anger at his stupidity, anger for her insolence and anger because more than anything, he wanted this woman to admit she felt the same heat, the same wanting, the same need throbbing in his veins.

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. She cried out and he took the opportunity, covering her mouth with a powerful unwanted kiss. Her teeth clamped down on the soft tissue of his tongue and he yelped, yanking away. A hot coppery taste filled his mouth and he swiped his finger on his tongue only to find red tinged saliva. She had bit hard enough to draw blood. He narrowed his eyes.

  “Goddamnit! I just came in here to bring you something to eat.”

  She looked up at him defiantly. “Then get off me.”

  “You’re the one who started this,” he said looking down at her.

  “You cornered me,” she shot back.

  Ty closed his eyes for a moment. She was right. He did corner her. Inhaling, he opened his eyes. “Maybe,” he said, conceding with a half grin, letting the simmering anger cool.

  “Let me go,” she said.

  “I’m not sure I can do that now,” he said and the smile disappeared, he released the handful of hair and put his hand on her cheek, running his thumb over her lips. “And I don’t think you really want me to.”

  “Please don’t.”

  He shrugged an apology. “Sorry, babe.” But being this close to you, I couldn’t stop if I tried. The silent admission troubled him and he studied her face, moving his hips gently, circling, teasing, grinding, throbbing against the fabric of his jeans.

  “Jessie, what am I going to do with you?” He scanned her face, the flush in her cheeks, the alternating heat and plea in her eyes. Gaining control, he laid his forehead on the concrete next to her, closing his eyes.

  “Goddamnit,” he whispered tasting his own blood. He lay on top of her until his heart rate slowed to a normal pace.

  “Damn it,” he said and rolled his head so he could see her face. She was looking away from him but he could still see the curve of her neck and the smooth skin of her cheek and for a second, he understood completely why Mike was so in love with her.

  This cannot happen.

  It just can’t.

  He shot to his feet and left the room.

  * * * *

  Jessica rolled, getting to her hands and knees and glanced at the tray. A bountiful breakfast of fruit decorated the plate and a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice sat next to it. Her head dropped and she blinked back tears blurring her vision.

  Damn him!

  The way he looked at her was different, like she was no longer a possession, and God help her, when he said her name, it melted her to the core and that worried her. Worried her a great deal, but the fact he stopped gave her a sliver of hope.

  She needed to work this, to milk it for all it was worth and maybe, just maybe, she could walk out of here alive. Maybe Bedroom Eyes was her ticket out of this hellhole.

  She crawled into the bathroom and instead of a shower; she filled the tub and slid into the hot water, leaning her head back against the ceramic lip. A quick glance toward the hiding spot of the key and she closed her eyes, mulling over how she could manipulate him into helping her.

  He stopped and he didn’t ask her to beg. Both significant if the videos he played for her were a real representation of his attitude. Today he didn’t follow that path; today he softened and tried to kiss her.

  Her brow creased.

  In none of the sultry film scenes did he give any indication of warmth. Passion and sexual prowess, oh yeah, but warmth and depth, no, no sign of that in the videos he took part in. She sighed, opening her eyes, reaching for the soap and froze.

  He stood in the doorway, his arms crossed; his head held low, glaring through those long dark lashes. His biceps straining in the gray t-shirt he wore.

  If she didn’t think he was dangerous before, she sure did now. She shrunk back in the tub, curling her legs. Her heart jumped in her chest and sweat broke out under her damp hair, tickling her scalp.

  “Get out,” he commanded.

  “I’m not ready to,” she challenged, ignoring the metal taste of fear in her mouth.

  His hands curled into fists. “Get out,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “I don’t think so,” Jessica said and braced herself against the back of the tub.

  In one stride, he was next to the tub and knelt down, grabbing a handful of her hair.

  Suddenly, her head was under water and she flailed, her hands slipped off the smooth lip of the tub and she reached for the hand holding her under, panic filling her and her lungs burned for air. Just as suddenly, she was yanked back out of the depths of the tub. Water spewed from her lips with the power of her cough.

  “Get out,” he said letting go of her hair and standing.

  Jessica met his crazed glare and decided the most prudent route would be to do as he said. She reached for a towel and he stopped her.

  “Just like you are.” He pointed toward the room.

  She crossed her arms over her breasts and walked into the main room dripping wet.

  He followed her.

  “Sit down and eat.”

  Jessica obeyed, kneeling down and eating, shivering from the cold concrete under her knees. She refused to look at him. His agitation scared her; he was just as pissed off with himself as she had been with herself yesterday. She stopped mid-bite at that thought, hesitated and then continued. She finished the food and drank the juice.

  He reached down to grab the tray.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He hesitated but wouldn’t look at her either. He scooped up the tray and left the room.

  Chapter 14

  Ty walked into the control room and stared at her monitor. She clutched the bathrobe, her arms wrapped around her legs and her cheek resting on her knees. Her hair hid her face and he inhaled.

  “Shit.” Today was the second time he wanted to kiss her. He never kissed them, ever. It was just too personal. But this, this was different from anything he encountered before. She took his breath away every time their eyes met. Her defiance, the stubborn set of her jaw completely frustrated him, especially with the heat burning in her eyes. It was a contradiction he didn’t understand. A contradiction he wondered would change if someone else’s life rode in the balance. If he had that leverage, would h
e ever have the luxury of hearing her cry his name in ecstasy?

  “I need some fresh air.” He turned away from the monitors and headed out of the complex.

  He stuck his head in Frank’s office a few minutes later. “I’ll be back in a few,” he said ignoring Frank’s shocked stare.

  He hopped into his little Nissan, undid the convertible top and drove out of the private garage. Speeding down the access road, he skidded onto the street moments later trying to outrun the feelings coursing through his veins.

  The sun shone down, melting the remaining traces of snow and Ty tilted his face feeling the renewing warmth. It took twenty minutes to get to his studio apartment and another ten minutes to grab a couple shirts and a couple pair of jeans from his closet.

  He hadn’t bothered with much in the way of decorating and he sighed as he took a second to look around the near empty apartment.

  Empty, just like my fucking life.

  He wanted a life of his own, not this horrific crap Frank had him doing. Closing his eyes, he hung his head and drew a deep breath before turning back the way he came.

  He didn’t drive as fast on the way back, taking his time and enjoying the sun on his face and the wind in his hair for a change.

  Chapter 15

  Jessica looked up as the door opened. Frank walked in, leering at her as if she was his next meal. He tossed a garment to her and she caught it.

  “Put that on,” he said.

  Jessica looked at the exercise top in her hand and back at him, swallowing. “Where’s the rest?” Her voice cracked, betraying her unease.

  He held the shorts on his finger and twirled them around, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “Where is he?” Jessica asked holding the bathrobe tighter.

  “Out and you need to work out today.” He continued twirling the shorts around. “Come on, let’s go.” He pointed to the treadmill.

  She turned her back and slipped the sports bra on before crossing self-consciously to the treadmill.

  Frank watched, still twirling the shorts on his index finger.

  “My shorts.”

  “Snap your wrist in first.”

  She pulled her wrists to her chest, the shorts stopped spinning, and the peculiar smile on his lips disappeared. The flash in his eyes was enough to trigger the memory of his hands squeezing her throat and she trembled. She shook her head no.

  The shorts dropped from his hands and he stalked across the room, grabbing her as she tried to scoot away. She struggled but once he shackled one wrist, her other arm was easily overpowered and the iron clasped painfully around it. Her heart drummed like a hummingbird’s wings, and fear tainted her veins, stinging with the force of the adrenaline.

  “You really think I’d pass up an opportunity like this?” His sinister voice whispered in her ear. He crowded her forward, yanking her top high enough for him to pinch her nipples.

  “Son of a bitch.” The air hissed out of her chest, tendrils of pain shot through her breasts, his hands painfully twisting, waiting for her to wince. She clamped her teeth against the cry begging to be released.

  He moved one hand away, offering her right breast a moment of relief but the sound that followed turned her blood cold. The descent of a zipper.

  Oh God, not again!

  “Let’s get this party started,” he said, hoisting her up onto the console.

  Her wrists screamed in pain at the odd angle, threatening to snap from her weight. Her breath locked in her chest when his weight crushed her forward and the sickening crack of her wrists muted her cry.

  He laughed in her ear.

  Harsh gasps accompanied each exhale because she couldn’t gather enough oxygen to produce a scream. Tears streaked her face and she prayed. Prayed for this vile rape to end, prayed she wouldn’t pass out, and prayed for Bedroom Eyes to save her.

  Thankfully, he was quicker today than the prior evening and he set her on the tread and started the machine.

  Waves of dizziness accosted her and she stumbled, the shackles tearing at her already mangled wrists and she cried out, catching herself. Wetness drizzled down her legs and the thought of his semen crawling on her skin caused her stomach to roll. She forced the vomit back down her throat.

  He stood, staring at her, biting the side of his lip, inspecting her like a mean kid inspected bugs.

  After a while, he glanced at his watch and stopped the treadmill. He slid on her shorts, pulled her top back to cover her breasts and whispered in her ear. “You tell him, you die.”

  Chapter 16

  Ty walked into the control room to find Frank and Chris watching the monitors. Jessica was crying and his gaze snapped to the video.

  The video they made of her. “What the hell!”

  Both Frank and Chris jumped in their seats.

  He reached over and shut off the video feed to her room.

  “Are you out of your fucking minds?” He grabbed both of them by the scruff of their necks, hauling them out of the room and throwing them to the floor in the hallway.

  “Chill,” Chris said looking up at his brother.

  Ty glared at him and went back into the control room. He popped in a Metropolis DVD and pressed play, piping it into Jessica’s room. Then he turned his attention back to his brothers.

  “You don’t get it!” He stormed to the door. “You don’t fucking get it,” he said again.

  “Do tell,” Frank said sarcastically.

  “She’s different,” Ty began. “She’s not going to fall apart like the others. It’s about timing and you just screwed it up.” He took a deep breath. “No more for a while with her. She works out, eats and that is it until I say so. She only watches this as long as she is on the treadmill, otherwise, nothing, especially the videos we make. Understand?”

  Frank and Chris exchanged a look.

  “Ty, dude, this isn’t the way we operate. We use, abuse, break them down and make them perform; otherwise, we get rid of them,” Chris said.

  “She doesn’t have a reason to give us what we want,” Ty said.

  “She certainly worked out the other night,” Chris countered.

  “We drugged her and she didn’t know we were brothers then. I bet even if we drugged her again, she wouldn’t repeat that mistake,” Ty said.

  Frank shifted uncomfortably and said nothing.

  “I disagree. If we doped her up again, I bet she would be just as good,” Chris challenged.

  Ty looked over his shoulder at the screen. He didn’t like betting on her and took a deep breath. “Okay,” he said. “If she doesn’t, then we do things my way, and if she does, you two get to do whatever you want and we do things your way.”

  Frank looked at Ty. “Maybe it should just be Chris,” he said.

  “Two on one sells better than one on one,” Ty stated. He sensed his brother’s discomfort, but didn’t know why. “Go set things up and I’ll bring her in.”

  Ty grabbed a red dress and walked into the room. Her bloodshot eyes locked with his and her eyebrows rose in surprise. He turned off the treadmill and undid her wrists, pausing and staring at the bruises and cuts from the shackles. He raised his eyes to hers, silently questioning her.

  “I fell,” she answered, pulling her throbbing wrists to her chest and avoiding his gaze.

  “Are you okay?” He stepped closer and she winced, stepping away. Her reaction sent threads of fear through him. What did they do to her while I was gone?

  “I’m fine.”

  He handed her the dress. “Go clean up.”

  She took it and did as he asked. He heard the shower go on and turned toward the treadmill, inspecting it. Something definitely was not right and he looked back at the bathroom when the shower turned off and then his gaze traveled to the mirror.


  He was the only one capable of putting the fear of God into the prisoners and that’s what he saw in her eyes. Anger simmered and he started across the room.

  She stepped into his field of view
and he sucked in his breath. The dress clung to her sensuous curves instantly lighting his fire and when she ran her fingers through her wet hair, he didn’t dare move a muscle for fear he’d grab her and bolt, taking her out of this place and disappear into obscurity.

  Neither of them moved right away. With an almost imperceptible shake of his head, he dismissed the initial shock of seeing her and said, “Come with me.”

  He wrapped his hand around her upper arm, staring at the barely visible bruises around her wrists. He met her gaze before leading her out of the room and down the barren concrete hall. She didn’t resist and she didn’t speak, her bare feet making the lightest of swishes in comparison to his squeaky sneakers. It wasn’t until he opened the door to the room that she tried to pull away.

  “Uh-uh.” She shook her head, her eyes wide at the sight of the two men.

  Ty clenched his teeth and yanked her into the room. He wanted her here about as much as she wanted to be here and his mood darkened. He threw her toward them. “Hold her!”

  Ty filled the syringe and walked to Jessica. She trembled, staring at the needle with wide scared eyes. It didn’t take long for the drug to take effect and she sank to the couch, her eyes glossy as she traded hostile glances with the three of them, crossing her legs and arms.

  Ty stepped back and took a seat at the table, watching the dynamics between Jessica and Frank in particular. The way her body tensed when her gaze landed on Frank set off his internal alarms and he felt his body react in a similar fashion. Muscles clenched and his heart thundered in his chest, the anger that started in her room bloomed, threatening to explode.

  Chris sat down next to Jessica on the couch and ran his hand up her leg.

  She slapped it away. “I don’t think so,” she snapped and looked from Chris to Frank and back. “Not goin’ ta happen,” she slurred with attitude. She looked at Frank. “You already got some today, last night too. Did you know about that?” She looked at Chris then beyond him at Ty. “He told me he’d kill me if I told you.”

  The volcano erupted.


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